Marsh grass is a widespread wild herbaceous plant belonging to the genus Gnaphálium of the Asteraceae family.
Alcoholic hepatitis is part of a group of liver lesions not associated with infection. This kind
Arthritis, arthrosis and other joint diseases require diet. The patient should avoid salty foods
Male menopause - menopause in men - is also called andropause. At this age state
Medical editor: Strokina O.A. - therapist, functional diagnostics doctor. September, 2021. ICD-10 code: I35.0
Historical information The first experimental studies, which later led to the discovery of vitamin A, belong to
Short stature and disproportion of the skull, incorrect body proportions, a very rounded face, pronounced mental retardation
01/29/2021 Myositis is an inflammation of the muscles, accompanied by local pain during movement or palpation. Trying
The product is registered as a dietary supplement, but contains components that are also used in official
Miropriston is an antigestagenic drug that is widely used in gynecological practice to artificially increase contractility.