Belladonna in homeopathy

Synonyms: Belladonna

The homeopathic medicine “Belladonna” is obtained from a plant of the nightshade family with the same name. Belladonna is also called henbane, belladonna, wolfberry, witch's grass, devil's berries, devil's cherry, naughty cherry, black buds. It contains strong poisons. They can lead to a painful death, but when used correctly they can be a good medicine that saves you from many ailments. The areas of application are varied: nervous system, respiratory tract, digestive system, rheumatism.

All parts of the plant are used: leaves, stems, roots, flowers. Our ancestors learned to make medicinal tinctures from belladonna more than 1500 years ago, and to this day the plant is widely used both in folk medicine and homeopathy, and in pharmacology. The description of the homeopathic drug “Belladonna” first appeared in the work of the founder of homeopathy “Pure Medicine” S. Hahnemann. Here he devoted 53 pages to this plant, where he described its properties and effects on humans. All these random and planned experiments led him to the conclusion that the medicine had a very strong effect on the nervous system.

However, there are plenty of other descriptions of the consequences of taking this plant in old books. Here is one of them: “For those who carelessly ate berries, one can predict the sequence of further events - complete loss of voice, constant restless movements, inability to swallow, in addition to a strong feeling of thirst, visual impairment when the patient catches imaginary objects with his hands, delirium turning into insensibility, and ultimately death.”

Despite the severity of its effects, the word "Belladonna" means something beautiful. It is believed that it came from the combination “bella donna”, which in Russian sounds like “beautiful woman”. In the 16th century, Italian women used the juice of the plant to drop into their eyes to dilate their pupils. Then it was believed that this way the gaze becomes more expressive, and, therefore, the woman herself becomes more attractive to the opposite sex.


In general, we can say that Belladonna

excites nerve centers and paralyzes peripheral nerves.

Belladonna poisoning

characterized first by a period of excitement, then depression.
In the first period, depending on the effect of Belladonna
on the psychomotor sphere, headache is observed.

At small doses close to therapeutic ones, mental symptoms simulate something like intoxication, and during depression, drowsiness and coma occur. Delirium due to Belladonna

usually cheerful and talkative, but easily becomes angry. Visual hallucinations include seeing strange and terrible animals, objects appearing red.

At small doses close to therapeutic ones, mental symptoms usually do not appear and the first signs of poisoning are dry mouth, followed by thirst and dilated pupils, which already indicates poisoning.

Dry throat is accompanied by constriction and often the inability to swallow.

The pupils are greatly dilated; sometimes the iris almost completely disappears; vision is impaired almost to the point of complete blindness due to paralysis of accommodation. The eyes are red and shiny, the face is usually purple. Belladonna

It also affects other parts of the brain. You can be convinced of a disorder of the motor centers: the striatum and, perhaps, the cerebellum - by impaired stability and gait, the medulla oblongata - by abnormal functions; the patient seems drunk. One can find further evidence of this in the restlessness and choreiform movements with perversion of muscle activity observed in various parts of the body. Finally, the extent to which the functions of the medulla oblongata are excited and perverted can be judged by the abnormal outputs of the bulbar nerves: spasm of the larynx - difficulty speaking and swallowing, spasmodic cough, convulsive breathing. Autopsy almost invariably reveals significant congestion of the cerebellum and medulla oblongata.

Let us now consider the action of Belladonna

to the spinal cord.
With poisonous doses, sensitivity is significantly reduced, as evidenced by the soldier mentioned by Rambuteau, who, after eating Belladonna
, mistook his own finger for a pipe and tried to light it without experiencing any pain. Changes in the motor sphere are initially expressed by the desire to move, haste and abruptness of all movements; trembling, swaying and, finally, paralysis appear.

Action of Belladonna

on the brain can be expressed in three words: excitement, weakening, adynamia. Increased excitability is only apparent and quickly passing, it is a consequence of a very slight disconnection of reflexes in a weakened brain (Pouchet); it is immediately followed by paralysis.


, depending on the dose and the observed phases of poisoning, gives different pictures of the effect on the blood circulation.

Under the influence of small doses and at the beginning of the action of higher doses, a slight slowdown in blood circulation is observed, followed by an acceleration of heart activity, and blood pressure rises (Bordier). This acceleration is exactly similar to that observed when the vagus nerve is cut in its cervical part; by most authors it is attributed to paralysis of the cardiac endings of this nerve. The increase in blood pressure depends on the excitation of the vasomotor centers and the subsequent contraction of the peripheral small arteries.

The effect of atropine on blood vessels consists primarily of contraction of small arteries, which is accompanied by acceleration of blood circulation; then, if the dose is sufficient, there is a congestion, beginning in the capillaries, continuing in the veins, and secondarily found in the small arteries, so that ultimately all the small arteries are congested. These vascular phenomena explain erythema Belladonna

and the scarlet-like redness seen with high doses
of Belladonna

On mucous membranes and glands Belladonna

has an effect that can be summarized as stopping secretory activity. Atropine suppresses sweating even in small doses, but if the doses are very large, sweating suddenly begins along with a slowing of the pulse and dilation of the capillaries.

In humans Belladonna

in toxic doses can cause diarrhea, often very severe. This diarrhea is a consequence of increased intestinal motility.

In large doses Belladonna

produces contraction of sphincters, as well as muscle fibers of blood vessels, relaxing them in therapeutic doses, according to the law of similarity.


Medicines containing belladonna are contraindicated in cases of hypersensitivity to their components, prostatic hypertrophy accompanied by impaired urine outflow, and angle-closure glaucoma. During treatment, care should be taken when driving vehicles and engaging in other activities that require good vision, speed of psychomotor reactions and increased concentration.

Due to its toxic properties, belladonna is taken with extreme caution and in strictly recommended dosages. The following side effects may occur when using belladonna:

  • Psychomotor agitation;
  • Mydriasis;
  • Intestinal atony;
  • Paresis of accommodation;
  • Tachycardia;
  • Dizziness;
  • Dry mouth;
  • Photophobia;
  • Hyperemia of the skin of the eyelids;
  • Urinary retention.



corresponds especially to persons with increased nervousness, extremely impressionable, with a quick but short-lived, although deep and strong, reaction.
Intellectuals, artists, persons with subtle and tender sensitivity, whose emotions quickly rise to the point of paroxysm, are especially suitable for Belladonna
the Belladonna
subject is often a woman or child with blue eyes, a clear face, fair hair, soft skin, prone to convulsions.
Often it also corresponds to precocious children with large heads and fragile bodies, sometimes scrofulous, with a tendency to swollen lips and hypertrophy of the glands. Belladonna
also corresponds to people who are full-blooded, fat and phlegmatic, somewhat similar to the
, only without the pallor of this remedy.

The test established the following law: “ Belladonna

in each case and in each individual is directly proportional to the degree of development and functional activity of the organ on which it primarily acts.”
It is interesting to compare this law with Hufeland's remark: “ Belladonna
never works on idiots.”
Let us remember, therefore, that Belladonna
is primarily a cerebral remedy.


Worsening: from the slightest external irritation: noise, light, shock, touch, even shock, from a stream of air, from cold. At 15 o'clock, at 23 o'clock, after midnight.

Improvement: from heat, in a warm room, at rest. As for the influence of body position, different authors have conflicting instructions: Nash says that everything that changes the vertical position of the patient worsens his condition; on the other hand, Kent indicates an improvement in colic when bending forward; other authors have noted a general improvement from leaning back. This question should be clarified.

Predominant side: right.

Homemade Belladonna Remedies

  • Belladonna tincture. You need to take 10 g of plant leaves and pour 1/2 cup of alcohol (96%) into them. Infuse for one week in a dark place, then strain. Take 5-10 drops as a pain reliever for calculous cholecystitis and kidney stones;
  • Belladonna decoction. Take 10 g of crushed roots and pour one glass of boiled water. Place on the fire for 30 minutes, then cool for 10 minutes and strain. Use the decoction for joint pain in the form of compresses, or simply by rubbing problem areas of the body;
  • Tincture of belladonna leaves. Pour 10 g of plant leaves with 100 ml of alcohol of 40% concentration and leave. Take 5-10 drops for diarrhea, colic and insomnia. Use externally for breast tumors and infiltrate;
  • Belladonna decoction. Take 30 g of dried roots, chop, mix with 100 g of activated carbon, pour in 750 ml of dry white wine and put on fire. Keep on fire for 10 minutes, then strain. To treat Parkinson's disease, take one teaspoon 3 times a day before meals. 3 hours after taking the medicine, take a little nutmeg (on the tip of a knife) or chew calamus root. Duration of therapy is three days.


Rush of blood to the head with redness and puffiness of the face, bloodshot eyes, pulsation of the carotid arteries. It should be noted that the patient often throws his head back, since the slightest bending forward increases his pain, increasing the flow of blood.

Hyperesthesia and aggravation of all senses at the slightest irritation - from wind, noise, touch, shock. Sick Belladonna

requires complete peace, silence and darkness. In particular, he is terribly afraid of the slightest movement, touch, the slightest shaking of the bed. “Don’t touch the bed, doctor,” the patient says as you approach.

Exceptional strength of manifestation of all symptoms. The subject falls ill suddenly, and immediately, with extraordinary speed, all painful phenomena are detected, always together with an active rush of blood or acute inflammation.

of Belladonna symptoms, always active and never passive.


Cramps. With Belladonna

everything is spasmodic in nature. General and local spasms of small vessels, circular muscle fibers of tubular organs - larynx, esophagus.

The dryness of the mucous membranes can be so severe that it is difficult for the patient to speak and swallow. There is no remedy with a greater selective affinity for the throat: burning, dryness, constriction without or with swelling of the soft palate and tonsils, sometimes very enlarged.

The skin is uniformly red, smooth, shiny, so hot that it gives a burning sensation when touched.

Sensitivity of the abdomen, increasing from the slightest movement, from every step, from the slightest shaking of the bed.

Sharp pain in the right ilium, the patient cannot tolerate the lightest touch, even the pressure of a blanket.

Pressure on the bottom, as if the contents of the abdomen would come out through the vagina; worse in the morning.

Trembling, twitching and spasms during sleep or when falling asleep. Drowsiness without being able to fall asleep.

Pain. Violent, sudden, quickly passing, shooting or drilling; usually forcing the patient to bend towards the pain in order to press the sore spot. Neuralgic pain usually forces the patient to bend towards the pain in order to press the sore spot. Neuralgic pain is accompanied by convulsive contractions of neighboring muscles, giving the impression of a real tic. Sudden appearance and equally sudden disappearance of pain. Inflammatory pain is always accompanied by general or local fever with or without febrile symptoms. The diseased parts of the body are usually red, hot and burning; the heat is not only subjective, it is real and can be felt by the examining hand. Despite this fever, the patient requires that he be warmly covered, since the cold worsens his condition.

Chair. Constipation and diarrhea; Tenesmus accompanying both is characteristic of this remedy. (The intestines are spasmodic; often in a Belladonna

the transverse intestine is palpated, compressed in the form of a roller - spastic colitis.)

Menses. Too abundant and premature; sometimes bright red, sometimes with black clots. Hot blood is an important sign for prescribing Belladonna

in large cases of bleeding.


ARE COMMON. Sudden illnesses with an acute, violent onset, usually accompanied by a rush of blood to the head and face and delirium. Red face, bloodshot eyes, strong pulsation of the carotid arteries. Painful feeling of fullness.

Limited inflammatory processes. Wherever they appear - head, throat, chest, skin, etc. - the onset is always sudden, the development is rapid, the following characteristic symptoms are observed: intense heat, felt by the hand, more pronounced than with any other medicine; sharp redness; severe burning sensation; rapid swelling; sharp voluntary pain; extreme sensitivity to touch; severe shooting pain and throbbing. The inflammatory process often spreads in a circular pattern.

In childhood diseases Belladonna

. Diseases occur quickly, almost without warning; Brain phenomena are always observed, often convulsions.


very useful for many scrofulous diseases, especially for acute inflammation of the glands in the first stage of the disease.

Diseases of brain origin, i.e., due to cold, dampness or overheating of the head, can, like rheumatism, affect the knees or feet. In other words, they Descent, while Aconitum

, caused by cooling of the legs, for example, can move to the head, i.e., RISE.
With Rhus
, the disease is found in those places that have been wet.

NERVOUS: Acute manic delirium, infectious fevers. Extreme agitation, red face, dilated pupils, visible pulsation of the carotid arteries. The patient goes berserk, tries to bite, hit, tear to shreds. He is extremely talkative. Since he sees monsters, ghosts, dogs, wolves, he always tries to jump out of bed and run away from the room. He has a "fear of liquid"; the sight of water makes him furious ( Hyoscyamus


The greater the rush of blood with Belladonna

, the stronger the excitability;
with Opium
, the greater the flush, the less excitability.
Let us add that with Belladonna
the pupil is dilated, with
it is constricted.

Convulsions in mentally developed and nervous children; during teething; they are usually accompanied by a rush of blood to the brain and can be epileptiform or choreiform in nature.

CHOREA is “muscular insanity”, has the same relation to the motor centers as delirium has to the mental, and homeopathic chorea Belladonna

may occur during its treatment.

EPILEPSY when the attack begins with a crawling sensation in the limbs or heat rising from the stomach, or when the attack presents with musical or visual hallucinations.

RESPIRATORY ORGANS. Acute sore throat and inflammation of the tonsils, for which Belladonna

as specific as a medicine can be. It is especially indicated in cases of high fever, pain when swallowing, shiny redness of the affected parts, red face and headache.

Onset of catarrh of the respiratory tract and inflammation of the pharynx, due to the cooling of the sweaty body.

Whooping cough at the beginning of the spasmodic period. The cough is more common at night, the patient feels the onset of a seizure, which causes the slightest movement, the face is red.

INFECTIONS. Scarlet fever. Belladonna

so obviously covers all the symptoms of scarlet fever - rash, sore throat, delirium, crimson tongue, that it is the main medicine for this disease.

RHEUMATISM - shooting pains along the limbs. The joints are swollen, shiny, red; Red streaks spread from the inflamed joint.

SKIN: erysipelas, normal, not blistering (for the latter - Rhus

, with large swelling -
). Erythema, especially after exposure to sunlight.

GASTROINTESTINAL: gastralgia, aggravated by the slightest touch, causing the patient to hold his breath and tilt his body back.

APPENDICITIS: Pain in the region of the cecum with swelling, with inability to bear the weight of the blanket or the slightest touch. A symptom often observed among experimenters.

Hepatic colic with exceptional sensitivity to the slightest touch, to the slightest movement.

GENITAL ORGANS. Patients experience a strong and painful sensation of pressure on the bottom, as if the genitals are about to fall out of the vagina. This symptom is pronounced even in Sepia

Lilium tigrinum

Intermittent swelling of the right ovary, with stitching pains that come and go. Breast glands are heavy, hard, red, hot; lymphangitis.

URINARY: onset of kidney inflammation; lower back pain, bloody urine. Urinary incontinence, when at the same time there is also daytime incontinence, frequent and abundant discharge of light-colored urine.


corresponds to an acceleration of the pulse, beating of the arteries of the neck and head, strong heartbeats, dilation of the pupil, protrusion of the eyeballs and a rush of blood to the face (it should be prescribed for a long time, periodically for 6-8 days, at the same intervals).

HEADACHE. Belladonna

can be called a head remedy, since in all diseases where it is indicated, the symptoms of a rush of blood to the head predominate.

Congestive headache: throbbing pain and heat, feeling of fullness, especially in the forehead. Tearing, shooting pains due to rush of blood to the brain. Painful pulsation. Worse from slightest noise and movement. Severe pain often makes the patient delirious. Belladonna

also a remedy for nervous headaches. Unilateral pain, especially in the right half, worsening from 16 to 3 hours.

FEVER. Chill with general coldness and pallor of the face, followed by intense, burning heat with redness and swelling of the face, pulsation of the temporal arteries, frequent strong and hard pulse. The general hot sweat is unusually profuse, especially on the face.

COUGH is dry, intermittent, convulsive, barking, in attacks, worsens around midnight. Signs of cerebral hyperemia: fever, thirst, nosebleeds and hyperemia of the connective membranes. Constrictive pain in the throat when swallowing, shiny redness of the pharynx and uvula.

Expectoration of mucus more or less mixed with saliva.

In children, the cough is short, continuous, and in attacks. Bright red swollen face. Threatening suffocation. Coughing attacks end in sneezing.

When listening, harsh bronchial breathing or, later, dry rales: a strong rush of blood to the lungs.

Indications for the use of belladonna

Homeopathic medicine from belladonna helps in case of a number of diseases. Let's start looking at them with the category of nervous ailments. These include delirium and fever caused by infection. The drug also helps with convulsions, chorea (so-called muscle insanity) and epilepsy.

Indications for use of the drug are respiratory diseases. Homeopathic remedies for belladonna cure acute sore throat, inflammation of the tonsils, inflammation of the pharynx, dry cough and whooping cough. In addition, belladonna helps with infectious diseases such as scarlet fever. Let us add that in the treatment of this disease, belladonna is a fundamental drug in homeopathy.

Homeopathic medicines from belladonna will help in case of rheumatism, a number of skin diseases, and some gastrointestinal ailments. The latter include appendicitis and hepatic colic.

Another group of diseases that belladonna helps with are ailments of the genitourinary system: inflammation of the right ovary, inflammation of the kidneys, urinary incontinence. Finally, the preparations of this plant heal headaches and fever.

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