Can valerian be considered a safe and effective remedy for insomnia?

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

herbal medicine . Depending on the dosage, the drug is characterized by a weak or moderate sedative effect on the human body, due to the effects of the essential oil , a significant part of which is an ester of isovaleric acid and borneol . The alkaloids of the tincture - hotenine and valerine and its compounds valepotriate - also have a calming and relaxing effect .

The sedative effectiveness of the drug develops slowly, depends on the dose and is stable. Valerian drops facilitate the process of entering natural sleep , stabilize its course and have virtually no effect on awakening.

In addition to the sedative effects, the drug exhibits a mild antispasmodic effect and a mild choleretic effect. Taking this drug has a beneficial effect on the secretory functionality of the gastrointestinal tract, dilates the vessels of the coronary system and reduces pathologically rapid heart rate. Stabilization of the activity of the heart muscle is determined by the influence of the active ingredient of the drug on the mechanisms of neuroregulation and its direct effect on the cardiac conduction system and heart automatism. Therapeutic effectiveness is formed with prolonged and systematic use.

Valerian tincture

Registration number: R No. LSR-002591/09

Trade name: Valerian tincture.

Dosage form: Tincture.


  • Rhizomes with crushed valerian roots - 200 g
  • Ethyl alcohol 70% (ethanol) - sufficient amount to obtain 1 liter of tincture

Description: Transparent liquid from light brown to dark brown in color with a reddish tint, with a characteristic aromatic odor. Pharmacological group. Sedative of plant origin.

ATX code: N05CM09

Pharmacological properties. Valerian tincture exhibits a moderate sedative effect. The active principle of the drug is the ester of borneol and isovaleric acid, free valeric acid. The sedative effect occurs slowly, but quite steadily. In addition, the drug has an antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract.

Indications for use:

  • Increased nervous excitability, insomnia
  • Combination therapy includes functional disorders of the cardiovascular system
  • Gastrointestinal spasms


  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug
  • Pregnancy
  • Lactation period
  • Children's age up to 1 year

With caution: Chronic enterocolitis.

Directions for use and dosage: Take orally, before meals, diluted in a small amount of water. Adults: 20-30 drops per dose, 3-4 times a day; children: as many drops per dose as a child, 3-4 times a day.

Side effects: Possible lethargy, weakness, drowsiness, depression, decreased performance (especially when used in high doses), and with long-term use - constipation. In some cases, allergic reactions may develop.

Interaction with other drugs: The drug enhances the effect of hypnotics and other drugs that depress the central nervous system, as well as antispasmodics.

Special instructions: With long-term use in large doses, a decrease in psychomotor reactions is possible, which should be taken into account when driving, working with machinery, etc.

Release form: Tincture. 15, 25 ml in orange glass dropper bottles, 25 ml in orange glass bottles. Each bottle or dropper bottle, along with instructions for use, is placed in a cardboard pack.

Storage conditions : Protected from light at a temperature of +12° to +20°C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life: 2 years. Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies: Without a prescription.


Level 4 ATC code matches:

Motherwort extract







Persen Forte




Motherwort Forte Evalar




Peony tincture



Valerian rhizomes with roots

The most famous substitutes for this drug are herbal drip preparations, similar in their main action to Valerian Tincture: Corvalol , Motherwort , Hawthorn , Peony , Corvaldin , Valocordin , Barboval , Valecard .

Also very popular is a mixture of tinctures of valerian , motherwort , hawthorn , and peony . You can combine these drugs yourself in equal proportions by purchasing all the tinctures separately at the pharmacy and mixing them in a larger glass bottle. You should start taking the prepared tincture of valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, peony with 10-15 drops and, if tolerated, increase the dose to a teaspoon.


In the post-Soviet countries, Valerian Tincture has long and consistently received only positive reviews. The only relative disadvantage for some people is the alcohol included in the drug, as a result of which pregnant and lactating women are careful not to drink it.

Also, children do not like the taste of alcohol, as well as the smell of valerian, which is why the use of this tincture in children is limited. Otherwise, valerian drops have been characterized on the positive side for a long time, are included in almost every home medicine cabinet and have no equal in popularity on the pharmaceutical market.

What is valerian?

Valerian has been used since ancient times as a sedative and to improve sleep.
Valerian is a herbaceous plant that grows in Asia, Europe, and for some time now in the USA, China and other countries. Several centuries ago, valerian flowers were used to make perfume. Valerian roots have been used in medicine for at least 2000 years. Valerian roots contain powerfully aromatic essential oils and other compounds that provide a sedative (calming) effect. Interestingly, the name “valerian” comes from the Latin verb “valer”, which means “to be strong” or “to be healthy”. There are many studies showing the effectiveness of valerian for treating certain conditions. Some of the studies show good effects in humans. Some effects have so far been achieved only in animals. For example, a study published in 2015 by Indian scientists found that valerian in mice with Parkinson's disease led to improved behavior and reduced inflammation. Link to the study:


Price, where to buy

As a rule, the price of Valerian tincture does not differ much depending on the manufacturer, that is, as much as valerian drops cost from one manufacturer, it will cost the same from another. At this time, the price of 25 ml of tincture fluctuates around 10-20 rubles.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine


  • Valerian tincture fl.
    25ml No. 1Kirovskaya f.f. 72 RUR order
  • Valerian tincture fl. 25ml No. 1 Tula Pharmaceutical Factory LLC

    35 rub. order

Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Valerian tincture (25ml bottle) Camellia

    29 RUR order

  • Valerian tincture (flask 25ml)Update PFC JSC

    100 rub. order

  • Valerian tincture (25ml bottle) Ivanovskaya farm. f-ka.

    24 RUR order

  • Valerian tincture (flask 25ml) Hippocrates

    28 RUR order

  • Valerian tincture (25ml bottle) MFF

    27 RUR order

show more

A decoction of valerian reduces the symptoms of “restless legs” and reduces daytime sleepiness.

“Restless legs syndrome” is a condition characterized by unpleasant sensations in the lower extremities that appear at rest (usually in the evening and at night), force the patient to make movements that relieve them and often lead to sleep disturbances.

A triple, randomized, blind, placebo-controlled study published by the University of Pennsylvania in 2009 examined the effects of an 8-week course of valerian on restless legs syndrome in 37 patients. Conclusions: Treatment with valerian reduced the symptoms of restless legs syndrome and improved the quality of life of patients.

Link to the study:

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