L-Tyrosine: what is it, why and how to take it? Properties, benefits, indications for use

Our body is made up of billions of building blocks that work together to ensure the efficient functioning of the entire body. One such block is the amino acid N-acetyl-L-tyrosine. Taking extra amounts of this amino acid may benefit the body, but there are also some factors to consider before you start taking L-tyrosine. So, should you take L-tyrosine? Let's find out!

This article will cover the following questions:

  • What is L-tyrosine?
  • Advantages
  • Why take it
  • Side effects
  • Dosage

What is the amino acid L-Tyrosine?

L-tyrosine is a substance that our body can produce on its own, but its synthesis requires phenylalanine obtained from the outside. When it is not enough, disruptions occur in the production of L-tyrosine and, as a result, protein production decreases. The whole body suffers from this.

By the way, the term L-tyrosine is often used without the prefix. Therefore, it is worth noting that this substance acts as a stereoisomer - a kind of mirror image of the aromatic amino acid tyrosine. You can also find its other name - 4-hydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA).

Tyrosine: characteristics and applications

Today, it is increasingly difficult for a person who is keen or professionally involved in sports to ensure a balance of nutrients after strength training. This phenomenon is associated with a whole list of factors: a lot of work, a decrease in the quality and nutritional value of food, lack of rest for full recovery, etc. It is quite obvious that for any athlete who goes to the gym, special nutrition and supplements should become an important part daily diet. A balanced menu makes physical activity and muscle recovery easier and more effective. The role of amino acids for the functioning of the body is global. They act as the foundation for a number of physiological processes at the cellular level. Next, we will analyze the amino acid L-tyrosine and its role for the athlete’s body.

Characteristics and functions Tyrosine is one of the nonessential amino acids. In the body of any person, it is synthesized from phenylalanine - and the reverse direction of such synthesis is impossible. Due to its high value for the body, this substance is sometimes classified as a conditionally essential amino acid.

1. L-tyrosine is vital for the complete synthesis of the following hormones: • catecholamines, • dopamine, • dioxyphenylalanine, • norepinephrine, • pinephrine, • thyroxine. These hormones are produced by the adrenal glands and the thyroid gland. Low concentrations of these substances can cause a variety of psychological and physiological disorders (memory problems, depression). With the help of various natural enzymes, L-tyrosine promotes the synthesis of the pigment melanin, which accumulates in the hair and skin.

2. Accelerates metabolic processes L-tyrosine affects tissues and cells both directly and indirectly through the work of the thyroid gland, the pituitary region in the brain and the adrenal cortex. This speeds up metabolic processes, maintains normal physical condition and protects muscles from destruction.

3. Increases concentration L-tyrosine is often called the “anti-stress amino acid.” According to research, with prolonged stress, a person experiences a strong need for additional doses of L-tyrosine. Most athletes feel increased motivation and concentration when consuming this amino acid.

Use in sports For people who lead an active lifestyle, for athletes and fitness enthusiasts, L-tyrosine is vital as a means to improve the synthesis of muscle fibers and to preserve muscles during heavy physical activity. It is also recommended for use during the drying period, since a low-carbohydrate diet reduces blood glucose levels. Based on manufacturers' advertising slogans, tyrosine can enhance the processes of thermogenesis and lipolysis, as well as reduce appetite. The listed properties make it quite useful in the process of losing excess weight.

Dosages Adults can consume L-tyrosine without concern. Manufacturers recommend taking 1 serving (500 mg) per day. In this case, it is permissible to increase the daily dose to 1000-1500 mg. The duration of treatment is approximately 3 months.

Special supplements with L-tyrosine: • Twinlab L-Tyrosine; • NOW L-Tyrosine; • Scitec Nutrition Tyrosine.

The effect of the amino acid L-Tyrosine on the human body. Main functions

Often the human body has to work under conditions of excessive demand for increased cognitive resources. Under such circumstances, he experiences extreme stress, which is why systems malfunction. The use of L-tyrosine can increase cognitive flexibility. Thanks to this, the brain switches faster from one task to another. This effect is observed due to the fact that L-tyrosine promotes the active synthesis of dopamine ().

Reduced performance at high ambient temperatures is another problem that a person may encounter. Stimulating the production of dopamine helps solve it, which is why the use of L-tyrosine () in hot weather is recommended. Since the substance in question is present in the chain of communication between the formation of dopamine, norepinephrine and adrenaline, we can talk about its performance of the following functions:

  • ensuring the body's preparedness for various dangers;
  • maintaining metabolic processes;
  • regulation of human biological rhythms;
  • strengthening the heart muscle;
  • prevention of increased pressure in the arteries;
  • improvement of cerebral circulation;
  • stabilization of hormonal levels;
  • weight loss by burning fat reserves.

Speaking about why the body needs L-tyrosine, it is worth paying attention to its active use in the treatment of dopamine-dependent depression. From the first day of using the drug, patients' mood normalizes. Sleep gradually returns to normal. Researchers note that the use of L-tyrosine for other types of depression does not lead to improvement ().


1. May improve your mood

Because L-tyrosine is a precursor to dopamine, the “feel-good” hormone, it has been suggested that L-tyrosine may have beneficial effects on low mood.

Research has shown that in healthy people under stressful conditions, such as exposure to extreme cold for several hours, tyrosine can prevent mood from deteriorating too much.3

However, it remains unclear whether these results can be applied to everyday life. Still, if you're stressed, L-tyrosine can help prevent catecholamine depletion, which in turn can help prevent your mood from getting too low.1

2. May improve performance in hot climates

Research has shown that the presence of increased amounts of dopamine helps improve heat tolerance when exercising in high temperatures.

In a study examining the effects of tyrosine on cyclists in 30-degree heat, it was found that those who took tyrosine were, on average, able to continue cycling 15% longer.4 However, these results were obtained from only one study, so the results generally cannot be considered convincing.2

Based on the results of these studies, it appears that taking L-tyrosine during training or competition in hot climates may improve an athlete's performance. However, you shouldn't expect any noticeable performance improvements.

3. May Improve Cognitive Functions in Stressful Situations

There is evidence that during acute stress, such as temperature extremes and sleep deprivation, L-tyrosine may prevent the depletion of anti-stress catecholamines such as dopamine.1

However, the effect will depend on the degree of stress and whether the stress is severe enough to deplete catecholamines. This may mean that L-tyrosine is not as effective in everyday situations.

How to take L-Tyrosine?

The daily intake of L-tyrosine is 25 mg of active substance per 1 kg of weight. The body produces the bulk of the amino acid itself and receives it from food. Therefore, if you need an additional source of the substance, you can consume no more than 12 mg of tyrosine per 1 kg of weight. This dosage will help improve memory and overcome stress. For the purpose of complex treatment of depressive disorders, 0.5 to 1 g of the drug is prescribed. You need to drink it 3 times a day. You can normalize biological rhythms and ensure healthy sleep using 1.5 g of the substance per day.

Why take it?

L-tyrosine can be used to improve attention and concentration.

This amino acid has been proven to be effective in helping the body cope with the harmful effects of stress in extreme stressful situations. Given L-tyrosine's role in dopamine production, researchers have been studying it to see if it can improve mood.

As stated above, the results showed improvements that appeared to only occur under stressful conditions, such as exposure to cold temperatures. For example, there is evidence that taking tyrosine helped prevent worsening mood among those who lived in Antarctica for a long time.5

Based on this, if your mood suffers during the cold winter months, tyrosine may be worth considering.

As a sports nutrition product, L-tyrosine may help an athlete continue training even in extreme heat.4 However, again, research results are mixed.

Because L-tyrosine is a precursor to epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dopamine, which can help speed up metabolism, it has been suggested that it could be used for weight loss and calorie burning. Unfortunately, research to support this claim is very limited.

Interaction with other drugs

The drug tyrosine taken together with monoamine oxidase inhibitors can cause an increase in blood pressure. In rare cases, the combination of these components leads to a stroke or heart attack. The use of amino acids together with hormonal drugs entails the development of hyperthyroidism. A positive effect is observed from the interaction of L-tyrosine with chlorine, niacin, as well as vitamins B and.

Side effects when taking tyrosine

When taking tyrosine supplements, you need to be aware of the possibility of side effects. Tyrosine is a fairly powerful stimulant of the nervous system; its side effects can manifest as causeless panic, anxiety, feelings of fear, and unjustified nervousness. It is also possible that your heart rate may increase and become more frequent.

Side effects may also affect the digestive system, possibly causing heartburn and stomach pain. If you notice blood impurities when going to the toilet, you should stop taking the supplement and consult a doctor.

With long-term use of tyrosine preparations, migraine pain may occur.


L-tyrosine has a number of analogues, for example:

  1. Vita - Tyrosine. Contains amino acid, iodine and potassium iodide. Used to normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland, as well as for obesity or decreased performance. Available in the form of capsules, which need to be taken 1 piece at a time. in a day. The drug is intended for adults.
  2. Aminoven. Contains a number of amino acids and phenylalanine (tyrosine precursor). The drug is used for nutritional deficiencies caused by the patient's serious condition and metabolic disorders. The supplement is produced in the form of a solution for intravenous infusion. Available in concentrations of 5, 10 and 15%, not for use in children under 2 years of age.
  3. Aminoped. Contains essential amino acids, as well as tyrosine in the form of an acetyl compound. Used for disorders of protein metabolism, intravenous nutrition or through a tube, as well as decreased cognitive function, prematurity, menopause, and mental disorders. Available in the form of a solution for infusion in a concentration of 5 or 10%.

Attention! Replacement of tyrosine with analogues should be agreed upon with an endocrinologist.

L-tyrosine powder: TOP-5

The product rating was compiled based on the price for 1 serving.

№5 Protein.Company, Tyrosine

from 433 ₽

Price for 1 serving – 6 rubles. 56 kopecks

A brief description of:

  • country of origin - Sweden;
  • net weight – 100 g;
  • daily dosage – 1.5-4.5 g.

The additive is used in sports nutrition to suppress catabolism and prevent overtraining. It also increases performance and improves cognitive function.

There are no reviews for this product yet.

#4 Now Foods, Pure L-Tyrosine Powder

Now Foods, L-Tyrosine, Pure Powder, 4 oz. (113 g)


RUB 1,129

More details

The cost of 1 serving is 2 rubles. 37 kopecks

General information:

  • Country: USA;
  • powder weight – 113 g;
  • daily dosage – 400 mg (¼ teaspoon).

The drug undergoes pharmaceutical quality control. Does not contain GMOs and allergens. Can be used both in sports and in recovery from alcohol or drug addiction.


  • Dietary supplement normalizes sleep;
  • has a mild taste.


  • poorly soluble in water.

#3 Source Naturals, Free Form L-Tyrosine Powder

Source Naturals, L-Tyrosine, Free Form Powder, 3.53 oz (100 g)


976 rub.

More details

Price for 1 serving – 6 rubles. 35 kopecks

General description:

  • country of origin – USA;
  • net weight – 100 g;
  • The daily norm is ¼ teaspoon.

The drug contains a free form of the active substance, which easily crosses the blood-brain barrier. The effect of using the supplement is observed within a few minutes after administration. To achieve quick results, it is better to dissolve the powder in the mouth.

This drug can also be taken when preparing for exams to improve concentration.


  • The dietary supplement normalizes the level of thyroid hormones;
  • works quickly.


  • No

№2 WATT-N, L-tyrosine

from 415 ₽

The cost of 1 serving is 2 rubles. 29 kop.

General characteristics:

  • country of origin – China;
  • powder weight – 100 g;
  • daily portion – 0.55 g.

The powder is used in sports nutrition to speed up recovery after training. It increases endurance and also neutralizes the effects of free radicals on the body.


  • Dietary supplement normalizes sleep;
  • produces a pronounced effect immediately after the start of the course.


  • No

№1 MyProtein, Amino acid 100% L-tyrosine

from 1100 ₽

The price of 1 serving is 2 rubles. 20 kopecks

Brief information:

  • country of origin - England;
  • net weight – 250 and 500 g;
  • daily dosage – 0.5 g.

The drug contains tyrosine in its natural form. Used in professional sports to gain muscle mass.


  • Dietary supplement increases performance;
  • normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • improves cognitive functions.


  • No
( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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