Buy Lavasept concentrate for solution 200 mg/ml vial. 5ml No. 1 in pharmacies

Lavasept solution for external use 5ml No. 1


Active ingredients: polyhexanide hydrochloride 200 mg, macrogol 4000 (PEG) 10 mg, water for injection.


Lavasept is antiseptic.

It has a broad spectrum antibacterial effect and antifungal (fungicidal) effect. Active against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, etc. In the presence of blood and purulent discharge, the bactericidal and fungicidal effect is slightly weakened.

Indications for use

  • Prevention and treatment of infected wounds and superficial injuries of soft tissues,
  • washing cavities using active drainage,
  • prevention of infection during surgical reconstructive operations (irrigation of the surgical field), antiseptic treatment of postoperative wounds (using napkins),
  • treatment of burn surfaces,
  • disinfection of surgical instruments, washing of implants.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, surgery on the brain, eyes, middle and inner ear, intraperitoneal lavage, childhood, pregnancy, lactation.

Directions for use and doses

Locally. The concentrate should first be diluted to 0.1 or 0.2% concentration by adding 1.0 or 2.0 ml of concentrated Lavasept solution to 1000 ml of lactated Ringer's solution or 0.9% sodium chloride solution, respectively.

For washing and active drainage of wounds, use a 0.1% solution; in case of wound infection with gram-negative flora, a 0.2% solution.

Storage conditions

In a place protected from light, at a temperature of 15-25 C (do not freeze)

Best before date

3 years

special instructions

When mixing with other solutions, avoid turbidity and precipitation. Polyhexanide, which precipitates at low temperatures, can be dissolved by heating the solution to 60 C.


Colorless, transparent, odorless solution.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Available with prescription

Dosage form

concentrate for the preparation of a solution for external and local use

Manufacturer and organization accepting consumer complaints


Side effects

A hypersensitivity reaction to the components of the drug (urticaria, skin rash) may occur.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Contraindicated during pregnancy. Breastfeeding should be stopped during treatment.


Currently, there are no known cases of drug interactions.


Cases of overdose have not been described.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

Not found

Buy Lavasept concentrate for solution 200 mg/ml vial. 5ml No. 1 in pharmacies

Instructions for use Lavasept conc. dosage solution 200 mg/ml vial. 5ml No.1

Dosage forms 100 ml solution 5 ml solution Group Antiseptics International nonproprietary name Polyhexanide Composition 1 ml of concentrated solution contains Polyhexanide - 200 mg, Macrogol 4000 (polyethylene glycol 4000) - 10 mg. Manufacturers Fresenius AG (Germany) Pharmacological action Lavasept is a local antiseptic containing an aqueous solution of biguanide polyhexanide as an active component. The drug does not contain iodine, mercury, polyvinylpyrrolidone and aldehyde. Macrogol 4000 reduces surface tension and significantly improves wound wetting. Lavasept has a broad-spectrum bactericidal effect against bacteria and fungi that complicate wound treatment, especially against staphylococci, enterococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and intestinal bacteria such as E. coli. The broad antibacterial and fungicidal effect of Lavasept is preserved both with the addition of albumin (0.2%) and in the presence of whole human blood. Under these conditions, a pronounced bactericidal effect is observed with an exposure time of 15-30 minutes. Thanks to the combination of its two properties - high bactericidal activity and good tissue compatibility, Lavasept optimizes the wound's ability to heal. That is why, with prolonged use of dressings with Lavasept, effective tissue regeneration becomes possible (the wound remains completely aseptic, or there are only colonies of saprophytic bacteria in it). This was observed in the postoperative period, when cancellous bone autografts that were left partially or completely open were integrated without sequestration phenomena, and the exposed bone was covered with granulation tissue without any complications. Lavasept does not cause local irritation or burning sensation either in the wound or in the surrounding tissues. After topical application of Lavasept, systemic absorption of the antiseptic was not detected. It was also not found in cases of washing or continuous irrigation of large surgical wounds during operations that lasted more than 2 hours without the use of a tourniquet, as well as when using antiseptic dressings to dress wounds for several weeks. Side effect There is a danger of cartilage damage and the appearance of exanthema in case of individual intolerance to the components of Lavasept. Indications for use The drug is used to treat acute and chronic infections of soft tissues and bones; for the prevention of infections during surgical interventions. Osteitis and osteomyelitis: E Preparatory rinsing of the lesion with an antiseptic solution (active or passive lavage drainage). Ё Irrigation of the surgical field with an antiseptic solution during reconstructive surgery (during secondary treatment and immediately before plastic surgery with soft tissues and bone), as well as during operations during which there is a real risk of infection (for example: hip replacement). E Repeated subcutaneous rinsing with an antiseptic solution for infection of total hip joint endoprostheses (according to Schneider). E Dressing of wounds left partially or completely open after surgery. E Washing of foci of infection in dentistry and maxillofacial surgery. Soft tissue wounds: Dressing of superficial and deep wounds with bandages soaked in Lavasept is indicated: E For the treatment of soft tissue wounds that are at risk of infection, as well as those resulting from an accident or open fractures. E For infected soft tissue wounds that are already open or just need to be opened or further expanded. E For soft tissue tumors with ulceration and infection. E For the treatment of opened abscesses and phlegmons. Contraindications Lavasept cannot be used: if you are hypersensitive to the components of the drug; during operations on uninfected joints (danger of cartilage damage!), in any area of ​​the central nervous system, meninges, spinal cord; during operations on the middle and inner ear, on the eyes; for intraperitoneal lavage; in case of retention of the drug in the tissues of the body; in the first 4 months of pregnancy. The use of the drug in later stages of pregnancy should be justified by the expected benefits. During lactation, Lavasept can be used only under the strictest indications. Directions for use and dosage Lavacept is for topical use only and only in concentrations of 0.1% and 0.2%. The working solution is prepared by adding 1 ml or 2 ml of Lavasept concentrate to 1000 ml of Ringer's solution (lactate-free!) or saline. For gram-negative pathogenic flora, it is recommended to use a 0.2% solution; in pediatric practice - 0.1% solution. Ё Active flush drainage is highly efficient. It is based on drip irrigation of the wound with Ringer's solution, which 1-2 times a day is interspersed with drip irrigation with Lavasept solution for 1-2 (4) hours. If the solution accumulates in the tissues, rinsing should be stopped. Ё Preparatory rinsing of the osteitis lesion using a blunt needle or through drainage. E Washing of opened abscesses and phlegmons. E Dressing of wounds with an antiseptic is carried out using bandages soaked in 0.1% or 0.2% Lavasept solution. The dressings are moistened with the drug 2-4 times a day. The wound remains closed and constantly moist for several weeks, which promotes faster healing. Overdose Only one case has been reported in which, after washing the infected hip joint with an insufficiently diluted solution of Lavasept (in a ratio of 1:100), a generalized exanthema appeared, which was accompanied by chills. These symptoms quickly disappeared without any consequences. In case of accidental ingestion of the drug, gastric lavage should be performed. Interaction The simultaneous use of Lavasept with iodine preparations is undesirable to avoid the development of dermatitis. No other cases of interaction have been identified to date. Special instructions Prolonged use of Lavasept in humans can lead to damage to intact cartilage. In cases of acute purulent arthritis, intra-articular lavages with Lavasept should be carried out with caution, since there is not enough experience in their implementation. Experience with rinsing joints affected by a chronic infectious process is also limited, but there are no general objections to the use of Lavasept for these indications. It is necessary to prevent the retention of Lavasept in tissues (as well as any solution used for drip rinsing). There is not enough experience with the use of Lavasept in newborns and children. The decision to use the drug in this group should be made only if absolutely necessary. Storage conditions Lavasept concentrate should be stored in a dark place at a temperature of 15-250C, in a closed bottle. The diluted and ready-to-use working solution should be used within several days.

Lavasept concentrate for the preparation of solution 20% 5ml


Pharmachologic effect:

LAVASEPT is an antiseptic drug. Polyhexanide has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial action. Active against: Gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria (including Pseudomonas aeruginosa). Gribov. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) reduces surface tension, which enhances the effect of polyhexanide. In the presence of protein (0.2% albumin), the effect of the drug is weakened only slightly, and quantitative tests reveal a good fungicidal and bactericidal effect. The drug does not contain substances that have an irritating effect: halogen- and mercury-containing antiseptics, iodine, heavy metals, polyvinylpyrrolidone and aldehydes. Polyhexanide is chemically stable, non-volatile, odorless, soluble in water, ethanol, glycerin, propylene glycol and other solvents. Polyhexanide has low toxicity, and the content of polyethylene glycol in Lavasept concentrate is small to increase the toxicity of polyhexanide.


— antiseptic treatment for surgical treatment of infected wounds and superficial injuries of soft tissues; —washing cavities through drainage tubes using active drainage; —irrigation of the surgical field during surgical intervention during reconstructive operations, immediately before bone and soft tissue transplantation; —irrigation of the surgical field during operations with an existing threat of infection; — treatment of infected wounds during hip replacement surgery (according to Schneider); —antiseptic protection of open wounds; — treatment of burn surfaces; —antiseptic treatment during maxillofacial operations; —processing of surgical instruments, dressings and patient care items.


— operations on uninfected joints; — operations on the brain and spinal cord (neurosurgery); — operations on the middle and inner ear; —operations on the eyes (ophthalmological operations); — intraperitoneal lavage; - hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


Polyhexanide Excipients: water for injection, macrogol 400 (PEG) 10 mg

Mode of application:

Lavasept concentrate is used externally only. Before use, Lavasept concentrate should be diluted to a concentration of 0.1% or 0.2%. To wash and drain wounds, use a 0.1% solution of Lavasept concentrate. In case of wound infection with gram-negative flora, use a 0.2% solution of the drug.

Rules for preparing the solution:

To prepare a 0.1% or 0.2% Lavasept solution, 1 ml or 2 ml of Lavasept concentrate should be added to 1000 ml of Ringer's solution, respectively. When mixing with other solutions, avoid turbidity and precipitation. Polyhexanide, which precipitates at low temperatures, can be dissolved by heating the solution to 60°C.

Lavasept fl. (concentrated external solution) 200 mg/ml 5 ml No. 1 (Solupharm Pharmazeutische Erzeugnisse/Germany)

Dosage forms



Fresenius AG (Germany)



International nonproprietary name


Leave procedure

Available with prescription




1 ml of concentrated solution contains Polyhexanide - 200 mg, Macrogol 4000 (polyethylene glycol 4000) - 10 mg.

pharmachologic effect

Lavasept is a local antiseptic containing an aqueous solution of biguanide polyhexanide as an active component. The drug does not contain iodine, mercury, polyvinylpyrrolidone and aldehyde. Macrogol 4000 reduces surface tension and significantly improves wound wetting. Lavasept has a broad-spectrum bactericidal effect against bacteria and fungi that complicate wound treatment, especially against staphylococci, enterococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and intestinal bacteria such as E. coli. The broad antibacterial and fungicidal effect of Lavasept is preserved both with the addition of albumin (0.2%) and in the presence of whole human blood. Under these conditions, a pronounced bactericidal effect is observed with an exposure time of 15-30 minutes. Thanks to the combination of its two properties - high bactericidal activity and good tissue compatibility, Lavasept optimizes the wound's ability to heal. That is why, with prolonged use of dressings with Lavasept, effective tissue regeneration becomes possible (the wound remains completely aseptic, or there are only colonies of saprophytic bacteria in it). This was observed in the postoperative period, when cancellous bone autografts that were left partially or completely open were integrated without sequestration phenomena, and the exposed bone was covered with granulation tissue without any complications. Lavasept does not cause local irritation or burning sensation either in the wound or in the surrounding tissues. After topical application of Lavasept, systemic absorption of the antiseptic was not detected. It was also not found in cases of washing or continuous irrigation of large surgical wounds during operations that lasted more than 2 hours without the use of a tourniquet, as well as when using antiseptic dressings to dress wounds for several weeks.

Indications for use Lavasept concentrate

The drug is used to treat acute and chronic infections of soft tissues and bones, and to prevent infections during surgical interventions. Osteitis and osteomyelitis: Preparatory rinsing of the lesion with an antiseptic solution (active or passive lavage drainage). Irrigation of the surgical field with an antiseptic solution during reconstructive surgery (during secondary treatment and immediately before plastic surgery with soft tissues and bone), as well as during operations during which there is a real risk of infection (for example: hip replacement). Repeated subcutaneous rinsing with an antiseptic solution for infection of total hip joint endoprostheses (according to Schneider). Dressing wounds left partially or completely open after surgery. Rinsing foci of infection in dentistry and maxillofacial surgery. Soft tissue wounds: Dressing of superficial and deep wounds with bandages soaked in Lavasept is indicated: For the treatment of soft tissue wounds that are at risk of infection, as well as open fractures resulting from an accident. For infected soft tissue wounds that are already open or just need to be opened or further expanded. For soft tissue tumors with ulceration and infection. For the treatment of opened abscesses and phlegmons.

Contraindications Lavasept concentrate

Lavasept should not be used: in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, during operations on non-infected joints (danger of cartilage damage!), in any area of ​​the central nervous system, meninges, spinal cord, during operations on the middle and inner ear, on the eyes, for intraperitoneal lavage, in case of retention of the drug in the body tissues, in the first 4 months of pregnancy. The use of the drug in later stages of pregnancy should be justified by the expected benefits. During lactation, Lavasept can be used only under the strictest indications.

Side effect

There is a risk of cartilage damage and the appearance of exanthema in case of individual intolerance to the components of Lavasept.


The simultaneous use of Lavasept with iodine preparations is undesirable to avoid the development of dermatitis. No other cases of interaction have been identified to date.


Only one case has been reported in which, after washing the infected hip joint with an insufficiently diluted solution of Lavasept (in a ratio of 1:100), a generalized exanthema appeared, which was accompanied by chills. These symptoms quickly disappeared without any consequences. In case of accidental ingestion of the drug, gastric lavage should be performed.

Directions for use and dosage

Lavacept is for topical use only and only in concentrations of 0.1% and 0.2%. The working solution is prepared by adding 1 ml or 2 ml of Lavasept concentrate to 1000 ml of Ringer's solution (lactate-free!) or saline. For gram-negative pathogenic flora it is recommended to use a 0.2% solution, in pediatric practice - a 0.1% solution. Active flush drainage is highly efficient. It is based on drip irrigation of the wound with Ringer's solution, which 1-2 times a day is interspersed with drip irrigation with Lavasept solution for 1-2 (4) hours. If the solution accumulates in the tissues, rinsing should be stopped. Preparatory rinsing of the osteitis lesion using a blunt needle or through drainage. Washing of opened abscesses and phlegmons. Dressing wounds with an antiseptic is carried out using bandages soaked in 0.1% or 0.2% Lavasept solution. The dressings are moistened with the drug 2-4 times a day. The wound remains closed and constantly moist for several weeks, which promotes faster healing.

special instructions

Prolonged use of Lavasept in humans may result in damage to intact cartilage. In cases of acute purulent arthritis, intra-articular lavages with Lavasept should be carried out with caution, since there is not enough experience in their implementation. Experience with rinsing joints affected by a chronic infectious process is also limited, but there are no general objections to the use of Lavasept for these indications. It is necessary to prevent the retention of Lavasept in tissues (as well as any solution used for drip rinsing). There is not enough experience with the use of Lavasept in newborns and children. The decision to use the drug in this group should be made only if absolutely necessary.

Storage conditions

Lavasept concentrate should be stored in a dark place at a temperature of 15-250C, in a closed bottle. The diluted and ready-to-use working solution should be used within several days.

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