Acute bronchitis advice from a pulmonologist

Medications for bronchitis are medications that are prescribed for inflammation of the airways (bronchial tubes). It is usually caused by a viral infection (rhinoviruses, adenoviruses, influenza, etc.). There are cases where the inflammatory process developed during prolonged exposure to dust, smoking, and air pollution. Transmission of viruses occurs through airborne droplets or through direct contact of a patient with another person.

The child has obvious inflammation of the bronchi

How to treat bronchitis?

August 6, 2021



  • Symptoms of bronchitis
  • Symptoms of acute bronchitis
  • Symptoms of chronic bronchitis
  • Why does bronchitis occur?
  • Top 6 best medicines for bronchitis
  • Bromhexine
  • Dr. MOM
  • ACC
  • Ascoril
  • Atrovent
  • Salbutamol

With bronchitis, the inner lining of the bronchi becomes inflamed, causing a person to have a cough and breathing problems. Bronchitis is treated by a pulmonologist or otolaryngologist.

In what cases does bronchitis in a child require special attention?

If cough and wheezing occur in a child with a serious heart defect or in a premature child under 2 years of age, if life has forced you to “without Google” understand the meaning of the terms “bronchopulmonary dysplasia”, “acute respiratory distress syndrome”, if your child initially has serious lung diseases.

If a child’s intense cough lasts more than 4 weeks, if the child regularly suffers from severe bronchitis, if wheezing in the lungs is a regular companion to his colds, or wheezing occurs regardless of whether the child has ARVI or not, if ordinary colds regularly require justified antibacterial therapy - in all these cases, bronchitis can pose a serious danger and requires increased attention and, most likely, consultation with a pulmonologist.

Symptoms of bronchitis

The main sign of bronchitis is a cough, and at first it is dry, unproductive, and later it becomes wet and sputum begins to come out. The bronchial mucosa is swollen, the lumen of the respiratory tract narrows - hence the cough and difficulty breathing. The swollen mucous membrane begins to secrete more secretions - a cough with sputum appears. Bronchitis in adults and children can be acute or chronic, with symptoms varying in different cases.

Read also How to treat dry cough: top 5 drugs The best drugs for dry cough in adults.


The main role in the development of the inflammatory process in the bronchi is played by viruses or bacteria. Among the viral pathogens of this respiratory infection, the predominant ones are:

  • Adenoviruses;
  • Coxsackie virus;
  • Parainfluenza viruses;
  • Influenza viruses;
  • Coronaviruses;
  • Respiratory syncytial virus;
  • Rhinoviruses and others3.

Bacterial infection is detected in less than 10% of cases1, which must be taken into account when choosing treatment tactics. There are a number of factors that contribute to the occurrence of bronchitis in adults:

  • Smoking;
  • Work in hazardous industries;
  • The presence of frequent recurrent diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • Deficiency of vitamins and microelements;
  • Congenital or acquired diseases of the immune system1.

Outbreaks of incidence occur during the cold season - late autumn, winter and early spring. Often a common cold turns into bronchitis if the local immune system cannot cope with the infection.

Symptoms of acute bronchitis

The doctor makes the diagnosis of “acute bronchitis” based on the following symptoms:

  • severe coughing attacks;
  • chest pain when breathing;
  • wheezing;
  • shortness of breath during physical activity, and sometimes even at rest;
  • fatigue, apathy and weakness;
  • increased sweating;
  • chills and increased body temperature (within 38-38.5 degrees).

    Symptoms of bronchitis
    Photos from open sources

Acute bronchitis is usually easy to catch in winter, when the immune system is weakened. Often acute bronchitis at the onset of the disease is similar to a cold. When a dry cough turns into a wet one, with the release of a large amount of sputum, bronchitis can be suspected. If bronchitis is catarrhal, the sputum is usually yellowish or whitish. If purulent inflammation actively develops in the bronchi, the sputum will be green.

Sometimes acute bronchitis also affects the upper respiratory tract: the mucous membranes of the trachea, pharynx or nose - an inflammatory process also develops here. Typically, the peak of acute bronchitis occurs on the 3-4th day of illness and over time the symptoms of bronchitis subside. If adequate treatment for uncomplicated acute bronchitis is started in time, the patient will fully recover within 7-10 days.

Symptoms of chronic bronchitis

Chronic bronchitis is a long-term disease, with exacerbations occurring from time to time. Chronic bronchitis can be provoked by the same factors as acute bronchitis. The clinical manifestations of chronic bronchitis are similar to those of acute bronchitis. During remission, a person may experience shortness of breath, even if he exerts little physical activity. Such shortness of breath during bronchitis is caused by the fact that the bronchial mucosa is constantly inflamed - they allow less air to pass through than healthy ones. This condition is called chronic obstructive bronchitis (COB).

COB is dangerous for young children whose lung capacity is physiologically small. Problems with air flow in a child provoke a deterioration in gas exchange throughout the body. This provokes a lack of oxygen in organs and tissues, resulting in organ malformations, cardiopulmonary failure and disability. The body tries to establish normal gas exchange in the lungs by expanding the end sections of the respiratory tree - emphysema develops. Therefore, if a child has a similar pathology, it is necessary to urgently begin treatment.

Cough syrups and bronchitis. How do syrups affect the symptoms of bronchitis in a child?

In general, all cough medications can be divided into three main groups:

  • A – centrally acting drugs, that is, those that suppress the cough reflex in the brain. They don't solve problems, but they create the appearance of improvement. Although in some rare cases it is difficult to do without them, for example, when a child has whooping cough;
  • B – herbal preparations (mucaltin, pertussin, sinupret, and many others) mainly stimulate the secretion of secretions by the goblet glands of the respiratory tract, that is, they, on the contrary, increase the cough. The older the child, the higher the effectiveness of these drugs, but not earlier than 3 years! And in life there are, excuse the jargon, “nerds” who cannot cough themselves up even at 14–15 years old;
  • B – drugs that dilute sputum. These are basically all synthetic mucolytics: ACC, carbocisteine, ambroxol, erespal. Although a lot of things are written in the instructions for these drugs, in the end, when a small child has bronchitis, and the doctor prescribes any syrup from group B or C, the result is always the same: the cough gets worse, but the result of this cough worsens. A small child does not have enough strength to cough up large amounts of mucus. This is especially noticeable in infants: while he is lying on his back, he screams until he is “blue,” he is picked up, begins to cough little by little and calm down, and may fall asleep in his arms “in a column”;

It should be clarified that an experienced pediatrician prescribes an antihistamine (Zyrtec or Fenistil) together with cough syrups, since their flavorings often cause allergies in a child, especially if he already had dermatitis on the skin.

Why does bronchitis occur?

There are three main groups of causes for the development of bronchitis



  • viruses (influenza, adenovirus);
  • bacteria (streptococci, pneumococci, staphylococci);
  • atypical microorganisms (chlamydia or mycoplasma);
  • fungal infections.

Chemical irritants:

  • polluted air of industrial cities;
  • smoke or dust in the air;
  • fumes hazardous to health;
  • smoking.

Internal reasons

First of all, these are allergic reactions to various substances, which cause inflammation of the bronchial mucosa. Cardiovascular diseases and lung diseases, infections of the nasopharynx, oral cavity and tonsillitis can also cause the development of bronchitis.

Causes of acute bronchitis

Photos from open sources


The main advantages of this remedy for bronchitis are its affordable price, complex effects and the absence of side effects. "Bromhexine" copes well with a productive, wet cough. The drug for bronchitis can be bought at the pharmacy in the form of tablets and syrup. "Bromhexine" reduces the viscosity of sputum and improves its discharge. But do not expect an immediate effect from the drug - the therapeutic effect occurs on the second to fifth day from the start of treatment with Bromhexine. This medicine for bronchitis is prescribed to adults and children over six years of age. Contraindications include pregnancy and breastfeeding. The maximum course of treatment with Bromhexine is 28 days. The drug acts comprehensively for acute and chronic bronchitis and other bronchopulmonary diseases. "Bromhexine" has a strong expectorant effect and a minimal list of contraindications. But you should remember that this medicine should not be taken together with drugs that contain codeine.

OJSC Pharmstandard-Leksredstva, Russia

Diseases of the respiratory tract accompanied by the formation of difficult-to-discharge viscous secretions: tracheobronchitis, chronic bronchitis with a broncho-obstructive component, bronchial asthma, cystic fibrosis, chronic pneumonia.
from 9


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Disease Information

Medications for bronchitis are medications that are prescribed for inflammation of the airways (bronchial tubes). It is usually caused by a viral infection (rhinoviruses, adenoviruses, influenza, etc.). There are cases where the inflammatory process developed during prolonged exposure to dust, smoking, and air pollution. Transmission of viruses occurs through airborne droplets or through direct contact of a patient with another person.

Sometimes inflammation of the bronchi can be caused by exposure to bacteria. Accordingly, the treatment strategy for such bronchitis will differ from the treatment of a disease with a viral etiology.

Typically, the human body copes with the viral form of the disease on its own. Treatment is aimed at relieving symptoms of the disease.

However, untreated bronchitis can lead to unpleasant and sometimes serious consequences: the acute form can develop into chronic inflammation of the bronchi, especially if additional risk factors remain, and the development of obstructive pulmonary disease, pneumonia, and asthma is possible.

If the condition of a patient with bronchitis does not improve within 5-7 days, you should visit a doctor to prescribe medications and, if necessary, conduct research.

The main symptom of bronchitis is a wet (productive) cough that does not stop for ten days to several weeks. With its help, the body removes phlegm that collects on the surface of the inflamed bronchi. Signs of the disease also include a feeling of “stuffiness” in the chest, shortness of breath, sometimes rapid breathing and chills (fever).

It is important to remember that these symptoms may indicate the development of other diseases, so the patient’s condition is assessed comprehensively. Such an examination can only be carried out by a doctor, who also prescribes treatment.

Types of bronchitis

There are two types of bronchitis: acute, which is commonly called a cold, and chronic.


This drug for bronchitis has a unique composition: it contains extracts from 10 medicinal plants that help remove mucus from the lungs and are excellent mucolytics. "Doctor MOM" is available in the form of syrup, lozenges and ointment. The basis of the drug is not alcohol, but water, so the medicine for bronchitis is prescribed to children from three years of age. “Doctor MOM” not only soothes the bronchial mucosa, but also reduces inflammation well. The drug makes sputum less viscous and helps it pass more easily, while it is not so painful for a person to cough. Prohibitions include pregnancy and breastfeeding. The composition contains sugar, so patients with diabetes should take this into account. This remedy for bronchitis has almost no contraindications, it tastes good, can be taken for a long time, and is even prescribed as a preventive measure for colds.

Doctor Mom syrup
Unique Pharmaceutical Laboratories, India

Doctor Mom is a bronchodilator (dilates the lumen of the bronchi), expectorant, anti-inflammatory, decongestant.
from 161

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How to prevent the disease?

Bronchitis is often a complication of acute respiratory viral infection, so it is important to promptly treat an acute respiratory infection in order to prevent complications in the form of bronchitis. Lifestyle modification is one of the main ways to prevent bronchitis. To prevent illness, you need to:

  • Stop smoking;
  • Apply preventive measures during seasonal outbreaks of morbidity;
  • Eat nutritiously and properly;
  • Correctly treat a cold;
  • Use means to increase local immunity2.

Local immunity can and should be helped!

To increase the resilience of your body, you need to take into account all the recommendations and adhere to them in your daily life.


Of all expectorants in the treatment of bronchitis, ACC is considered the best. This drug quickly removes phlegm and at the same time has an antioxidant effect. "ACC" is prescribed not only for bronchitis, but also for other diseases of the respiratory system: bronchiectasis, cystic fibrosis, etc. You can buy "ACC" at a pharmacy in tablets (100 and 200 mg), as well as in the form of syrup. There are also granules and “ACC” powder with orange flavor (the powder is used to prepare a hot cough drink). "ACC" is prescribed for bronchitis in adults and children over two years of age. Contraindications include pregnancy and breastfeeding. This drug for bronchitis perfectly thins thick sputum (even purulent) and eases coughing attacks.

Hermes Pharma, Germany; Wernigerode Pharma, Germany; Lindopharm, Germany

Respiratory diseases accompanied by the formation of viscous, difficult to separate sputum (acute and chronic bronchitis, obstructive bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngotracheitis, pneumonia, lung abscess, bronchiectasis, bronchial asthma, COPD, bronchiolitis, cystic fibrosis);
acute and chronic sinusitis; Otitis media from 124

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"Ascoril" is prescribed for both dry and wet coughs - this drug for bronchitis reduces coughing attacks and helps you breathe easier. Ascoril is usually taken in the complex treatment of bronchitis. The remedy helps with chronic obstructive bronchitis, asthma and even some forms of tuberculosis. "Ascoril" relieves attacks of suffocation and restores normal breathing. You can buy Ascoril in the form of tablets, which are taken three times a day, one at a time. There is also “Ascoril” syrup in the pharmacy, but it is not as popular as tablets because it does not taste very pleasant. The course of treatment for bronchitis with Ascoril is determined by the doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of each patient. Do not take the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as in children under 6 years of age. The only disadvantage of Ascoril is that it contains flavorings and dyes.

Glenmark Pharmaceuticals, India

As part of combination therapy for acute and chronic bronchopulmonary diseases, accompanied by the formation of difficult-to-separate viscous secretions: bronchial asthma;
tracheobronchitis; obstructive bronchitis; pneumonia; emphysema; whooping cough; pneumoconiosis; pulmonary tuberculosis. from 113

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Treatment of bronchitis

Bronchitis, like other forms of ARVI, is a typical self-limiting disease. In most cases, no drug treatment is required. It is important to create favorable conditions for the child to recover: sufficient drinking, maintaining an optimal microclimate (temperature and humidity) in the room, using antipyretic drugs if necessary. And of course, it is worth protecting your child from tobacco smoke.

It is worth noting that coughing in children, especially young children, is much less effective in coughing up mucus; they simply have not yet learned to cough “correctly.” Fortunately, not only coughing removes phlegm, people have a special mucociliary clearance system - tiny microcilia that rhythmically move and push mucus higher and higher through the respiratory tract. Adequate fluid intake into the body and a normal microclimate help the child quickly remove all the mucus formed due to inflammation and facilitate recovery.

There is no effective treatment against the viruses that cause ARVI and bronchitis. Drugs that in our country are called “antiviral” or “immunomodulatory” in the context of the treatment of ARVI have no proven effectiveness and are not used in developed countries. Doctors at the Rassvet clinic do not recommend taking them for bronchitis. The same can be said about “mucolytics” and “expectorants” used for wet coughs. They have been tested many times in independent studies and have not been shown to be effective for coughs in children (the group receiving the placebo recovered on average in the same time frame as the group receiving the drug). It is even believed that up to the age of 5 years, such drugs can worsen the course of a cough, since they increase the volume of sputum, and young children cough it up extremely ineffectively. Antitussives (used against dry coughs) have more than modest evidence of effectiveness, but can still be prescribed for a hacking cough if parents see at least some relief from them.

That is, we cannot eradicate the very cause of bronchitis or influence the pathogenesis of the disease; we have to wait until the immune system does its job. But there is good news: the child’s body is quite capable of coping with respiratory viruses, this is inherent in nature. Bronchitis is an unpleasant but not dangerous disease.

Cough is a very worrying symptom for parents; it is constantly heard and reminds that the child is sick, but the child much less than his parents (if it bothers him at all).

Separately, it should be said about bronchitis, accompanied by broncho-obstructive syndrome - excessive narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi, caused not only by inflammatory edema of the bronchial wall and accumulation of sputum in its lumen, but also by spasm of smooth muscles in the bronchi. In Russia it is usually called “obstructive bronchitis”, in the West virus-induced wheezing, virus-induced asthma, or simply wheezing (“wheezing”). With this type of bronchitis, special wheezing occurs, they are called “wheezing” or “musical”, and in some cases they are so loud that you can hear them even without a stethoscope, just from the child’s mouth in a quiet room, or you can feel the vibration of the child’s chest with your palms. Obstructive bronchitis can lead to respiratory failure and this is the only bronchitis for which we can effectively treat with medications (bronchodilators, inhaled steroids and some others). If bronchial obstruction leads to severe respiratory failure, the child may need to be hospitalized for active treatment.

In some cases, antibiotics may be required. Antibiotics have no effect on a viral infection, but bronchial obstruction can develop due to certain bacterial pathogens, and viral bronchitis can be accompanied by bacterial complications. The need for antibiotics may be indicated by a “second wave” of fever, lack of improvement over a long period of time, deterioration of the condition, the appearance of additional symptoms (for example, ear pain), and inflammatory changes in blood tests. In such situations, it is always worth showing the child to the doctor and deciding on the need for antibiotic therapy.


This drug helps well with chronic bronchitis, especially if attacks of suffocation and bronchospasms occur suddenly (for example, when a person is in the cold). You can buy Atrovent in the form of an aerosol or solution for inhalation. Aerosol is a more convenient option, especially if you do not know how to use an inhaler. Judging by patient reviews, Atrovent is well tolerated and is not absorbed into the blood. This eliminates side effects such as increased blood pressure and tachycardia. Very rarely, allergic reactions may occur when using Atrovent. Contraindications include individual intolerance. This remedy for bronchitis is prescribed to adults and children over 6 years of age. The effect of taking Atrovent lasts 6-7 hours, but this drug cannot be used constantly.

Boehringer Ingelheim, Germany

— COPD (including chronic obstructive bronchitis, pulmonary emphysema);
- bronchial asthma of mild to moderate severity. from 184


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"Salbutamol" is an "emergency" remedy for bronchitis. This drug relaxes the smooth muscles of the bronchi. The positive effect of the drug occurs literally in five minutes, and the effect lasts five hours. “Salbutamol” is an aerosol for inhalation, therefore, before using this remedy for bronchitis, you must consult a doctor and then strictly follow the instructions. One of the disadvantages of Salbutamol is the possible development of a “ricochet effect”, in which each subsequent attack can become more intense. That is why “Salbutamol” is exclusively an “ambulance” for an attack of suffocation: the drug quickly relieves the spasm. The medicine has many contraindications and side effects, so it is prescribed only by a doctor.

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