A capricious guest from distant countries: indoor eucalyptus

Eucalyptus has won the title of one of the largest and largest trees in the world. This culture has about seven hundred species, most of which grow in Australia. Flower growers in different countries give preference to the plant because they believe (and in this they are right) that it perfectly purifies the air in the room. They began to grow it in houses and apartments relatively recently, but over the years, owners have been able to make sure that their green pets are not afraid of diseases or pests, but it is difficult to care for. The plant looks luxurious, has an original crown, gives an amazing aroma, and is distinguished by phytoncidal properties.


Under natural conditions, eucalyptus trees grow up to 80 meters, and the royal eucalyptus is even higher. However, in indoor conditions such trees do not exceed three meters. In rooms with low ceilings, growth can be regulated by pruning, which the plant tolerates well. If you plant eucalyptus in a small pot, it will not grow tall either. You can get not only a tree, but also a bush.

The flowers of this crop appear on short petioles or collected in inflorescences of five to seven units. True, they do not have petals: instead there are stamens of white, golden, pink, red, orange and cream shades, depending on the species.

In the garden, such plants bloom profusely, producing flowers of large diameter. Eucalyptus leaves are formed in three phases, so it is difficult to recognize eucalyptus in a young plant - its leaves have an uncharacteristic shape. They change over time, but in some plants they remain unchanged.

Eucalyptus belongs to the Myrtaceae family, and, like its relatives, produces essential oil. It begins to bloom several years after planting.

Side effects and contraindications

Side effects occur only with uncontrolled use of the plant. Strict adherence to the instructions reduces the risk of complications to a minimum. In addition, the treatment must be constantly monitored by a doctor or other health care professional.

You should avoid the therapeutic effects of eucalyptus if:

  • individual intolerance to the product and its constituent components;
  • the manifestation of an allergic reaction in the first few hours/days after the start of therapy;
  • hypersensitivity to the product;
  • severe kidney and liver diseases;
  • whooping cough;
  • spasm of the respiratory tract;
  • epilepsy;
  • carrying out chemotherapy;
  • minimum age threshold (eucalyptus is allowed for children from 2 years old) [13].

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should take special care.

A woman should coordinate any action (especially of a therapeutic nature) with her doctor. If a specialist gives permission and is ready to monitor the mother’s health at each stage, then feel free to use eucalyptus according to the instructions and therapeutic course. Do not self-medicate so as not to endanger your health and the life of your child.

Popular types

Only a few species are suitable for growing indoors. Sellers rarely provide complete information about these flowers, but buyers who are plant lovers can easily distinguish one species from another.

  • Ash eucalyptus is also called dollar eucalyptus for its silvery, ovate leaves that do not change shape throughout its life.
  • The globular eucalyptus has yellow bark and blooms thickly.
  • Gunni gives off almost no aroma. It can be recognized by its bluish tint, which eventually turns green. There are varieties with small leaves and more pronounced shades.
  • Parvifolia is a spreading bush, surprising with a huge number of shoots. Its leaves are lanceolate and small, their color is dark green.

The vagaries of eucalyptus

Eucalyptus is rarely found in houses and apartments, and all because indoor conditions are not very suitable for it. The plant loves coolness, bright light, and long daylight hours. It is much easier to adhere to such requirements in a greenhouse, however, some manage to grow eucalyptus trees in their houses and apartments. Culture is not only not afraid of direct sunlight, but also cannot live without it. On the windowsills of windows facing east, this plant will begin to wither. You should not plant eucalyptus if your apartment does not have south-facing windows.

With the onset of autumn and until the second half of spring, eucalyptus needs lighting, but it will not solve the problem with the lack of natural light. Such a flower needs direct sunlight for at least six hours a day.

Finding a place in your home that is both sunny and cool for eucalyptus is a difficult task. The culture does not tolerate heat, which applies not only to young but also to mature plants. The air temperature in the room where the eucalyptus stands, even in summer, should not exceed +18 degrees. If the thermometer shows a higher temperature, measures such as ventilation must be taken. In winter, optimal values ​​range from seven to 15 degrees. According to experienced gardeners, exceeding these indicators even by one degree can destroy the plant.

Another difficulty is that rare ventilation is not enough for eucalyptus. In the room where this green pet lives, the window should always be slightly open in summer. If you live in a private house, it is better to place the flower on the balcony or veranda, but only on the condition that temperatures that are comfortable for it are maintained there. But be careful: the culture does not tolerate cold drafts, but it needs warm ones.

Use of the plant in cooking

Eucalyptus is known not only for its medicinal properties, but also for its taste. The plant is used to prepare tonic energy drinks. The mixture of eucalyptus, honey and water is very reminiscent of the “vitamin bomb” made from ginger, honey and lemon, familiar from childhood. Both remedies strengthen the immune system, help the body fight infections, instantly tone up and put a sick person back on his feet. It is best to prepare such drinks in the cold season in order to further protect the body from all kinds of viruses.

Eucalyptus is a traditional element of the Asian culinary tradition. The plant organically “fits” into spicy soups, sweet meat marinades and specific national dishes. Ground eucalyptus is one of the most common spices. Asians use it as often as we use ground black pepper.

Almost every type of eucalyptus produces a burning juice of a rich red hue. Locals call this juice “Australian cinema” and use it for soups, spicy meat and fish dishes.


As you have already understood from the above, eucalyptus does not forgive mistakes. The slightest deviation from the requirements could cause him to die. This plant belongs to the category of the most difficult and demanding to care for. But, if you want your room to be filled with a pleasant aroma and the indoor air to become cleaner, try growing this green beauty.


It is better to water eucalyptus with melted or settled rainwater, the temperature of which should be approximately the same as the air temperature in the room. By the way, air humidity does not matter for this plant, and it does not tolerate spraying; wiping the leaves will also not do it any good. During the warm season, water abundantly. Barely dry soil in a pot is a signal that the flower is ready to receive another portion of moisture. Water cannot be left in the trays. With the arrival of autumn, the amount of watering must be reduced so that the soil dries out a little more. Drying out the substrate until the middle of the coma can lead to death, since the upper shoots in this case will begin to dry out and the leaves will fall off.


On sale you can find fertilizers designed specifically for eucalyptus, but if you were unable to purchase them, use formulations for decorative deciduous crops. Choose fertilizers that are low in nitrogen and phosphorus. In spring and summer, feed the flower once every two weeks. In autumn and winter, the amount of fertilizing should be reduced to once a month, and the dosage should be halved.

Formation of a flower

Due to the fact that eucalyptus trees grow slowly, not only indoors, but also in nature, there is no need to restrain their growth. The plant looks great in its natural form, but if you want to give it a specific shape, prune it. You can act by exposing the trunk or pinching it. This plant produces trunks, bonsai, and topiary. Pruning should be done exclusively in the spring, and pinching in the summer. Eucalyptus is not afraid of pruning by half the length of the shoots or even more.

Pests and diseases

Despite their whimsicality and capriciousness, eucalyptus trees remain invulnerable to diseases and pests. However, spider mites may appear on it, which spread from nearby plants affected. In such cases, immediately treat with insecticides.

If there is excess moisture, the roots of the eucalyptus may begin to rot. The disease can be easily identified by leaves that become pale. In advanced cases, the flower completely sheds its foliage. Yellowing of the leaves indicates that you are using hard or too cold water for irrigation.

Beneficial features

Eucalyptus is an excellent antiseptic [4]. It cleanses the human body of staphylococci, streptococci and dysentery bacillus [5]. The plant serves as a kind of prevention of the growth of trichomonas, which can penetrate the genital tract and destroy the human genitourinary system. Eucalyptus is able to prevent the development of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and completely remove them from the body at the initial stage of infection.

The medicinal properties of eucalyptus are successfully used in both alternative and conservative medicine. If a fever caused by malaria is suspected, the patient is prescribed eucalyptus, in addition to a whole range of additional substances. Tinctures based on the plant relieve redness, heal the wound, eliminate itching and irritation, and start the process of rapid regeneration of the skin [6]. This is what you should have applied to the wound in childhood instead of plantain!

Eucalyptus is prescribed for:

  • burns;
  • flu;
  • catarrhal/putrefactive bronchitis;
  • pathologies of the respiratory system [7];
  • pharyngitis;
  • chronic runny nose;
  • sinusitis;
  • pathologies of the genitourinary system;
  • kidney diseases [8][9].

In medicine, decoction, tincture, alcohol tincture and eucalyptus oil are used. Each remedy has a special composition, healing properties and scope of application [10].


The drug is taken for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, most often the intestines. The decoction relieves swelling, minimizes inflammation and disinfects not only the infected area, but also the cavity around it. Eucalyptus decoction can be used for mouth rinsing or inhalation [11].


Alcohol and “pure” classic tinctures are intended for inhalation and oral administration. The product disinfects and prevents the development of inflammation. Alcohol tinctures are prescribed for inflammatory pathologies of the respiratory system, oral cavity and nasopharynx.

Do not self-medicate or take tinctures without a doctor's recommendation. A self-prepared product can harm the body, cause burns and mechanical damage.

Properly prepared and prescribed by a specialist, the tincture instantly relieves pain, stimulates expectoration and fights pathogenic microflora. The substance is used for:

  • inhalations;
  • douching;
  • rubbing;
  • ingestion;
  • wiping problem areas.


Eucalyptus oil is used for phlegmon, carbuncles and osteomyelitis. The substance acts as a painkiller and can minimize the symptoms of rheumatism, neuralgic pathologies, and radiculitis. In addition to its medicinal properties, eucalyptus oil performs a purely household function - it repels mosquitoes, midges and other insects [12].


When the roots of the eucalyptus are visible in the drainage holes, that is, they fill the entire volume of the substrate, the plant must be replanted. Until this moment, he cannot be disturbed. Transplantation should be carried out together with a lump of earth. Designers and florists recommend choosing fancy pots for these flowers, for example, irregularly shaped or decorated with painting, decoupage and decorative elements. Choose containers made from natural materials. Initially, eucalyptus trees should be grown in small pots, increasing their diameter and depth by a couple of centimeters over time.

Place young plants in containers only two to three centimeters in volume larger than the earthen ball. If you make the wrong choice, the flower may grow too quickly. Replanting into a smaller pot or cutting off the roots will help here.

Take a universal growing substrate containing peat and raising agents. Vermiculite, perlite or sphagnum will help protect against soil compaction. A good choice would be coarse sand. High drainage must be installed at the bottom of the container. Eucalyptus should be replanted carefully; after the procedure, stop watering for five days. Resume moisture gradually. When you realize that the plant has adapted, restore the usual watering pattern.

Eucalyptus can be propagated by seeds, which remain viable for a long time. At the very beginning, seedlings are especially capricious. To get a good result, sow in universal soil, mixed with sand in equal parts on the surface. Keep the seedlings at a temperature of +18 degrees, maintaining 95 percent substrate humidity.

Application in cosmetology

Due to its properties, the plant is used in all branches of medicine, including dermatology. Experts advise making a eucalyptus mask at least once a week. This way, women will be able to smooth out the first wrinkles, nourish the skin with vitamins/minerals, and give their face a radiant and healthy look. Eucalyptus is suitable for dehydrated, lacking vitality skin that needs to be nourished and toned [14].

Home care with eucalyptus

Tonic cubes

Cut the plant into pieces and boil until soft. Pour the water in which the eucalyptus was boiled into ice trays and freeze. Every day after waking up, take a piece of frozen eucalyptus decoction and rub it along the massage lines of your face for about 5 minutes. Do not wipe your face after the ice massage: let the skin absorb the tincture on its own and be saturated with the necessary moisture. This procedure will instantly invigorate your skin, help you wake up faster and prepare for a productive day. In just a week, the pores will become narrower, the complexion will even out, redness will disappear, and the skin will look tightened and fresh.

Mask for the face

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Boil small pieces of the plant and grind them into a thick paste. Mix with those food ingredients that suit your skin type and apply to your face. 10-20 minutes will be enough for the skin to receive a vitamin charge, but not dry out under the influence of the active ingredients.

Body lotion

The recipe is similar to a face mask made from ground boiled eucalyptus. Apply pure or enriched gruel to the skin of the body, but do not rub, but leave for 30-60 minutes. The skin will independently absorb the necessary components in the required quantity. After an hour, take a warm shower, rinse off the oily lotion and apply your usual care products. Eucalyptus will relieve irritation after depilation, visually tighten the skin, even out its color and structure.

Enrich basic care

Every woman has at least one jar of cosmetic product for one area of ​​the body in her arsenal. You can add 2-10 drops of eucalyptus oil to one of these jars (the amount depends on the size of the container). You can enrich everything: from foot cream to serum for sensitive skin around the eyes. The oil will prevent the appearance of the first wrinkles, stretch marks, protect the skin from ultraviolet rays or heal traces of their effects.

Anti-inflammatory spot treatment

Apply essential oil directly to inflammation to dry out the pimple, disinfect the infected area of ​​skin and prevent the formation of scar tissue.

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