Citral medicine. To whom was it prescribed and why?

Our grandmothers attributed sleep disturbances in children to colic in the intestinal area. Poor health could also be explained by an increase in body temperature. Poor environmental conditions may have been created for the baby. Medical research has found solutions to many problems. However, even today the cause of the disorder in children cannot be determined with 100% accuracy. Scientists, using ultrasound of the brain, were able to establish that intracranial pressure can negatively affect the general well-being of the baby. Against this background, sleep disorders often occur.

A detailed study of any baby after birth can reveal several microtraumas. For example, a cyst could form in the brain. It is a small nodule containing a certain amount of liquid inside. The formation can put pressure on the vessel and interfere with natural blood circulation. Cysts do not require special treatment and resolve on their own over time.

For infants, this process is not painless. They may suffer from sleep disturbances and cry constantly. In this case, parents want to choose the safest remedy to solve this problem. A mixture with Citral for infants is prescribed only if this diagnosis is confirmed.

Release form of Citral

Citral is available in the form of a 1% alcohol solution in dark glass bottles of 10.0 ml.
Description of the drug

The mixture with citral (the instructions pay special attention to this) is made on the basis of a special fragrant substance, which has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and calming effect. Thanks to this effect, which also begins to appear after a very short time, this remedy has become very popular among Russian doctors

In this case, a medicine with citral (the instructions also confirm this) can be prescribed as a sedative for both adult patients and children. This remedy can also be safely given to infants.

Features of the active substance

Separately, it should be said about the main active component of this medicine - citral, which is the main part of the essential oils of plants such as coriander and lemon balm. This truly unique natural substance has a large number of beneficial properties known to medicine and a very pleasant smell. A mixture with citral (instructions must be included) is prepared, as a rule, in the production department of a specialized medical institution or pharmacy using double-purified water. Moreover, if necessary and if the patient does not have diabetes mellitus, this product can also be prepared using a glucose solution. The latter is especially relevant if the drug is prescribed for oral administration to a child, since grape sugar significantly improves the taste characteristics.

Composition of the drug

It is immediately necessary to point out that there is no single generally accepted technology by which the mixture with citral is made. The composition of each product is individual. In addition to the main component - citral, the drug may contain potassium and sodium bromides, magnesia, valerian extract or motherwort tincture. Also, as mentioned above, this anti-inflammatory agent may contain distilled water or a glucose solution. The entire complex of these substances that the mixture with citral contains (the instructions also indicate this) provides a pronounced calming effect.

Area of ​​use of the product

This drug is usually prescribed for the treatment of arterial hypertension, that is, high blood pressure. In addition, this remedy is good for children suffering from increased irritability.

In the form of eye drops, which have a characteristic anti-inflammatory effect, a mixture with citral can also be used. Reviews from patients also note the overall positive effect of this drug in cases of stress or fatigue.

Main adverse reactions

Taking this sedative in most cases does not cause any unwanted side effects, but very rarely it may cause increased drowsiness. This becomes especially noticeable in the daytime and may be primarily due to the fact that the drug contains magnesium or bromides. For this reason, medicines containing these types of components should be prescribed exclusively by the attending physician.

Citral is an antiseptic and disinfectant drug that has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. This medication is also used as a trichomonacid and anthelmintic drug. Available in the form of a 1% alcohol solution for external and local use, which has a pronounced aroma.

pharmachologic effect

Citral is a mixture of trans isomers and cis isomers of linolenic and terpinolenic forms. This substance is obtained from coriander fruits, and is also produced industrially, isolated from lemongrass essential oil, and synthetically (by processing acetone, isoprene and acetylene). Chemically, citral is a fragment of the vitamin A molecule.

Citral has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, and also has activity against a number of harmful microorganisms. The drug stimulates the healing processes of the skin, conjunctiva and cornea.

The drug destroys roundworm eggs.

The mixture with citral has a mild calming effect, as well as a weakly expressed ability to reduce intracranial and blood pressure.

Directions for use and doses

Citral 1% (alcohol solution) is used to treat affected areas of the skin.

To treat nipples (to treat cracks), Citral must first be diluted: add 33–40 drops of a 1% solution to 100 ml of boiled water.

To rinse the mouth (to treat inflammatory processes), the alcohol solution of Citral is diluted as follows: add 15–20 drops of a 1% solution to 200 ml of boiled water. It is recommended to rinse your mouth with Citral 2-3 times a day.

Eye drops (0.01% solution) are prepared with a 1% alcohol solution of Citral by diluting it. Apply 1-2 drops to each eye (or only the affected eye) 2-3 times a day.

The duration of treatment, the concentration of the solution and the frequency of its use must be prescribed by the doctor.

Description of the drug

Citral is a drug that is sold in liquid form. Receipt is carried out directly at the pharmacy itself. To do this, the pharmacist will need to mix a number of the following components in addition to citral:

  • Magnesia.
  • Valerian.
  • Bromide.
  • Glucose.

In some special cases, it is allowed to add diphenhydramine or any other antihistamines to the drug. Parents should not forget that the ingredients can provoke the development of an allergic reaction in the child. To prevent this negative situation, diphenhydramine is used.

Citral is a completely safe and natural component of the medicine

Citral is a special component that is obtained through the synthesis of essential oils. With its help, it is possible to achieve analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Additionally, there are antihypertensive properties that help newborns feel much better by lowering blood pressure. The blood vessels in the brain stop suffering from excessive stress.

Magnesia is used to reduce the intensity of pressure and spasms. Additionally, it is characterized by diuretic and choleretic properties. Thanks to this, excess fluid is removed from the body. Due to this component, pressure always increases and significant damage to blood vessels is caused.

To relax and calm, bromine or valerian is added to the drug. In some cases, it is advisable to use both of these drugs. Today, mash is prepared without citral. Any of the components can be completely excluded from the overall composition. Most often, this situation arises if it is not available at the moment.

Possible side effects

When taking medicine with citral, side effects are rare.

  • Allergic reactions - most often a skin rash. The reaction can be to any component of the medicine (except glucose and water).
  • Diarrhea - magnesia has a laxative effect.
  • Lethargy, drowsiness.
  • Phenomena of bromism (caused by sodium bromide): conjunctivitis, cough, rhinitis, lethargy, rash.

If the child develops the above symptoms, the citral mixture is discontinued..

Parents' opinion

This drug is actively discussed, so it has both positive and negative reviews. It should only be used if this need has been confirmed by diagnostics.

Some mothers note the following disadvantages:

  • The drug does not help the baby calm down.
  • Manifestation of allergies on the skin.
  • As a side effect, the child develops diarrhea.

After taking the medicine, the child does not necessarily have to fall asleep. Its action is aimed at relieving irritation. We should not forget that valerian extract also has a stimulating effect.

If such a negative reaction is observed in a child, it is recommended to inform the attending physician about this. He will be able to write a new prescription that contains less valerian. You can also completely replace this component with bromide. With its help, you are guaranteed to calm the baby.

During use, the characteristics of the child’s body should be taken into account:

  • There are cases when children began to go hysterical immediately after taking it. This situation occurs when colic in the intestines increases due to magnesium. Further use is strictly prohibited.
  • If there is an allergy to certain components, the child develops a rash or rhinitis. If such a manifestation is present, it is recommended to additionally include antihistamines in the course of treatment.
  • Diarrhea in a child most often occurs due to the effect of magnesium on the intestines. Pediatricians do not believe that such a manifestation is enough to completely stop the drug. However, the medicine cannot be taken by those small patients who have previously been diagnosed with dysbiosis.

The composition with citral is recommended for patients with sleep and rest disorders. However, only a neurologist or pediatrician can prescribe it. A series of tests should be carried out first. The medicine does not cure, but only stabilizes the condition of the little patient. Thanks to this, he has the strength to fight the disease.

The drug is prescribed to children who have previously been diagnosed with abnormalities in brain development. It is part of the course of treatment for hemorrhage and other pathologies. Zirtal is a medicine that is prescribed to an infant according to his age and weight. Only a doctor can do this correctly based on test results.

Citral is an acyclic aldehyde

monoterpene series.
Has two isomers. In nature, it occurs in natural oils as a mixture of isomers, with a predominance of geranial
and a lower content
of neral
. In appearance it is a yellowish or colorless viscous liquid with a characteristic lemon odor.

The compound is chemically active, easily oxidizes in air, undergoes hydrogenation ( citronellal

), reduction reactions of the aldehyde group (
Molecular mass = 152.3 grams per mole. The product is contained in high concentrations with some essential oils, lemongrass oil (lemongrass), lemon oil, eucalyptus oil, etc. The pure substance is obtained from essential oils, by treatment with sodium bisulfite
, using oxidation,
the Sommlet reaction

In addition to medicine, the product is used as a fragrance in perfumery, a flavoring agent in the food industry, and as a raw material for synthesis. In pediatric practice, medicine with Citral is widely used. The composition of the mixture with Citral also additionally includes:, or, glucose, a solvent (most often distilled water), sometimes - and.

Features of use

The instructions contain information that citral can be used as part of a complex course of treatment for a period of 2 to 4 weeks. In this case, the dosage is calculated based on the weight and age of the child. The nature and extent of the disorder is also taken into account.

We recommend reading: Allergy cream for infants

If the baby is not yet 90 days old, then it is allowed to give him 0.5 tsp. composition twice a day. Over time, this volume can be increased as prescribed by the doctor. You can also take citral three times a day.

However, there are cases when one course of treatment is not enough to completely eliminate symptoms. In this case, it is allowed to repeat it only after prior agreement with the attending physician.

In infancy, citral should be added to the baby's food. If he burps after a meal, then it is quite possible that the necessary component has not had time to be absorbed by the body.

The medicine has a sweet taste because it contains glucose. That is why many children drink it with joy. However, adding a component to an artificial mixture is strictly prohibited.

During treatment, you should not forget that the medicine can be stored for a maximum of 10 days. This information is always contained on the bottle. That is why you will have to go for a new medicine quite often.

If the expiration date has already expired, then the drug is strictly not recommended for children. It will completely lose its properties and will not have a positive effect.

The drug helps the baby normalize sleep and rest patterns

Review: Medicine Pharmacy “Citral medicine” - For restless children!

Citral mixture is a sedative that puts the nervous system in order and slightly reduces intracranial pressure.

The active substance is citral. Of course, you cannot buy this mixture in any pharmacy, since it must be prepared. We order citral from a special compounding pharmacy. Shelf life after production is 10 days. Also, it is necessary to store this mixture only in the refrigerator.

In addition to the citral medicine, the composition also includes sodium bromide, magnesium and distilled water. The mixture tastes pleasant, with a hint of lemon.

Before giving this mixture to the child, I dip a spoon in boiling water, heat it and pour the required amount of cold mixture into the hot spoon. So, the mixture becomes warm and the baby drinks it with pleasure. The dosage and course of treatment are prescribed by the doctor himself. This drug can also be taken with other medications.

Of course, you won’t see the effect right away, but gradually, my baby is recovering. After the course of treatment, the child became calmer and slept more soundly.

In general, I recommend this drug. Great! It's a pity there are some nuances.

http://medside. ru/tsitral

http://fb. ru/article/43090/preparat-mikstura-s-tsitralyu-instruktsiya

http://otzovik. com/review_1910163.html


  • Citral medicine is a medicine that is prescribed by a doctor. It is prepared in the prescription department of the pharmacy in accordance with it. There is no ready-made standard form of medicine with citral.
  • The shelf life of the finished mixture is 10 days; after 10 days you need to order a new mixture from the pharmacy. It needs to be stored in the refrigerator.
  • The composition of the mixture may vary depending on the age of the child, the symptoms observed in him, whether the child is allergic to certain components, the doctor’s preferences, and the availability of the components of the mixture in the pharmacy. The number of individual components in the mixture can also vary significantly.

Therefore, many doctors currently prefer ready-made sedatives with a standard dosage to citral mixture


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Citral – Polismed

Citral is a medicinal multicomponent drug that has a wide spectrum of action - anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, analgesic. To treat various diseases, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the recommended dosage.

Composition and release form

The composition of the drug in question includes:

  • citral is the main active ingredient;
  • ethanol.

Pharmacies sell an alcohol solution (1%), powder and mixture with citral (it is used in pediatric practice).

Indications for use

Citral, according to the official instructions, is prescribed for:

  • keratonitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • ascariasis;
  • colpitis (inflammation of the vagina) due to trichomoniasis;
  • hypolacrimia.

The drug is also effective in the treatment of acne, acne in adolescence, and dermatoses characterized by severe itching.

A mixture with citral is prescribed to children from the first days of life and serves as a means to reduce intracranial pressure and as a sedative.


There are no strict contraindications to the use of the presented medicinal product in the instructions.

But caution should be exercised in prescribing citral to patients with a history of hypersensitivity and/or individual intolerance - it is quite possible that the active substance will cause an allergic reaction

Citral - instructions for use and dosage

Before using this medicine, you should carefully read the instructions:

  • for the treatment of dermatoses, eczema and other skin diseases, a ready-made alcohol solution is used - it is used to treat the affected areas of the skin;
  • for diagnosed conjunctivitis and keratitis, the alcohol solution should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10,000 and 1 drop should be instilled into each eye (directly into the conjunctival sac);
  • inflammation of the vagina (colpitis) against the background of trichomoniasis requires the preparation of a solution or thick substance from citral powder - external use only;
  • hypertension - take 15 drops of alcohol solution daily 2 times a day;
  • helminthiasis (in particular, ascariasis) - 10 drops of 5% citral solution 2-3 times a day.

A mixture with citral is prescribed to children in the amount of 2 dessert spoons 2-3 times a day.

Please note: dosage may vary and depend on the patient's age and weight

The duration of taking the drug in question is determined by the doctor on an individual basis.

Pharmacological action Citral

The presented medicine is obtained from coriander (fruit), but in industrial quantities the active substance is extracted from essential oil (lemongrass). It is generally accepted that citral is part of the vitamin A molecule.

The drug in question has analgesic (analgesic), anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antimicrobial effects.

The property that is most highly valued, anthelmintic, is most effective against roundworms.

Side effects

Citral is well tolerated by patients, regardless of age, but with prolonged use or hypersensitivity, the following side effects may occur:

  • diarrhea (diarrhea);
  • symptoms of a cold - rhinitis (runny nose) and cough;
  • increased drowsiness;
  • general weakness.

If the patient has not been identified as having an individual intolerance to the components of citral, then doctors record allergic reactions - skin rashes, itching and redness of certain parts of the body.

Interaction of Citral with other drugs

The simultaneous use of the drug in question and drugs with anti-constipation effects is strictly prohibited - disruption of intestinal function may occur.

It is not advisable to prescribe Citral to people with low blood pressure - hypotension may develop.

Interaction with alcohol

There is no data indicating that the consumption of alcoholic beverages is contraindicated when using citral for therapeutic purposes.

Citral overdose

No cases of overdose have been recorded; theoretically, a clear manifestation of the above-described side effects is possible.

Citral during pregnancy and lactation

This medicine can also be used by pregnant women. And breastfeeding women. The only condition is that you need to check your blood pressure and rule out its persistent decrease.

For newborns and children

In pediatrics, citral is used from the first days of life - it has a mild calming effect and also reduces intracranial pressure.

Citral - instructions for use and dosage

Before using this medicine, you should carefully read the instructions:

  • for the treatment of dermatoses, eczema and other skin diseases, a ready-made alcohol solution is used - it is used to treat the affected areas of the skin;
  • for diagnosed conjunctivitis and keratitis, the alcohol solution should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10,000 and 1 drop should be instilled into each eye (directly into the conjunctival sac);
  • inflammation of the vagina (colpitis) against the background of trichomoniasis requires the preparation of a solution or thick substance from citral powder - external use only;
  • hypertension - take 15 drops of alcohol solution daily 2 times a day;
  • helminthiasis (in particular, ascariasis) - 10 drops of 5% citral solution 2-3 times a day.

A mixture with citral is prescribed to children in the amount of 2 dessert spoons 2-3 times a day.

Please note: dosage may vary and depend on the patient's age and weight

The duration of taking the drug in question is determined by the doctor on an individual basis.

Citral medicine. To whom was it prescribed and why?

We're 2 months old today and it's been a shitty day this morning.

We went to the therapist for a scheduled appointment. she is on vacation, instead of her sits some kind of hairy and old toad already covered in pigment spots, in short, a nasty woman. I didn't like her right away!

asks, have you seen a neurologist? We were there, prescribed lingonberry leaf, we have some water in our head. This fool says that there are not enough lingonberry leaves (diuretic), she prescribed Citral mixture 1 tsp * 3 r per day. Question: what kind of miracle medicine is it if it is not available in any pharmacy in the city (I looked on the pharmacy website)? On the same site I found instructions for Citral: used for the treatment of conjunctivitis and other eye diseases, buried in some kind of eye bag. Not a word about urine!!!! Insanity, in my opinion!!!!!

She also scolded me like a schoolgirl for my tight socks, saying there shouldn’t be rubber bands! Damn, but they will fall!

She also yelled, she even started tugging at my arm, she almost hit me on the forehead! For what? And because I asked her why she needed a strong diuretic and couldn’t understand what white iris she was talking about on her daughter’s eyelid. Some kind of fucked up!!!!!

She also prescribed actiferrin for hemoglobin 1 tsp * 3 r per day. I read the instructions: for newborn children, 10-15 drops 3 times a day. She prescribed us a huge dose! In my opinion, she prescribes all medications like this: 1 tsp * 3 r per day!!!! DUUUURAAAAAA!!!!!

I'm furious!!!!

She also told us to have a finger blood test at 3 months. We stood there for an hour in line among screaming children.

then my daughter cried soooo much, her whole palm was covered in blood, I rocked her in my arms for another hour at home until she calmed down (((

Further - worse! We went for an ultrasound of the pelvic joints. There was a line, there was no Uzist woman, she went to drink tea. We sat and waited, then the goat climbed alone without a queue, and her husband was such a cattle!!! FUCK!!! She took us to the surgeon, I got a coupon, there was a queue at the reception desk, took the coupon, went upstairs again (the clinic has 5 floors, jump along them!!!) there is “quartz treatment” written on the door...... and the queue is of unprecedented length!!! and my bunny is hungry, she has already fallen asleep for the 5th time. I'm like a gypsy with a jacket, overalls, bag and doll, and a card with a coupon in my teeth!!!! turned around and went home

When are we supposed to gain weight if they keep sending us to doctors?! But we are so healthy! We’re not sick, we have no vices, ugh ugh ugh. Underweight, 130 grams missing from the lower limit of normal. weight 4300, height 57 cm. They gave me a coupon for milk for formula (for me). Bellakt mom, I have one like this - a parasha, it makes me sick ((((((((

It's even worse!!!! My husband called, I told him everything, he categorically forbade going to the clinic and said to send everyone to F!!!!

We approached the entrance - Anyutka woke up and cried from hunger - she had not eaten for 3.5 hours. We go into the entrance - the elevator is not working AGAIN. we live on the 9th husband is at work far away, in the suburbs. I called my brother, he arrived. I pick up my daughter and run to the 9th floor. I’m running because we’re doing renovations at the entrance and they painted the walls with very smelly paint - even I can’t breathe, poor little thing!!!

Somehow I wrote everything in one pile)))

Help g; to survive all this.....maybe I really should forget about the doctors?

and regarding the medicine Citral - have you ever met it?

Chemical properties

Citral is an acyclic aldehyde of the monoterpene series. Has two isomers. In nature, it occurs in natural oils as a mixture of isomers, with a predominance of Geranial and a lower content of Neral. In appearance it is a yellowish or colorless viscous liquid with a characteristic lemon odor.

The compound is chemically active, easily oxidizes in air, undergoes hydrogenation (Citronellal), and reduction reactions of the aldehyde group (Citronellol). Molecular mass = 152.3 grams per mole. The product is contained in high concentrations with some essential oils, lemongrass oil (lemongrass), lemon oil, eucalyptus oil, etc. The pure substance is obtained from essential oils by treatment with Sodium Bisulfite or Sulfite, using oxidation, the Sommlet Reaction.

In addition to medicine, the product is used as a fragrance in perfumery, a flavoring agent in the food industry, and as a raw material for the synthesis of Vitamin A. In pediatric practice, medicine with Citral is widely used. The composition of the mixture with Citral also additionally includes: Magnesia, Valerian or Motherwort extract, glucose, solvent (most often distilled water), sometimes Diphenhydramine and Sodium Bromide.

Additional Information

The regenerating effect of Citral in the treatment of ophthalmic diseases is enhanced by riboflavin (vitamin B2), resulting in accelerated epithelization of the cornea and conjunctiva.

Immediately after instilling the solution into the eyes, a temporary deterioration in vision is possible, which does not require discontinuation of the drug.

It should be borne in mind that the product affects a person’s ability to drive vehicles and work with potentially dangerous mechanisms, since it contains 96% alcohol.

The drug can be stored for 36 months in a well-closed container out of the reach of children and protected from direct sunlight.

Dispensed from pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.

Half a century ago, poor sleep in newborns and frequent crying were explained by intestinal colic and temperature disturbances in the room.

This is still one of the most common causes of restless behavior in infants. At the same time, the fashion for neurosonography (ultrasound of the brain) has brought into use another circumstance that allegedly affects the state of sleep.

We are talking about increased intracranial pressure. In fact, almost any baby can have birth microtraumas. The most common is a cyst.

This is a vascular nodule with fluid inside, which puts pressure on the vessel and impedes blood flow. Over time, the cyst resolves on its own.

But while the process is going on, the baby may have a headache. Hence - bad sleep and crying. Parents are looking.

When something like this is diagnosed, an experienced pediatrician prescribes a mixture with citral.


Yesenia, 19 years old Immediately after giving birth, my daughter was sent for an ultrasound. As a result of the procedure, cysts were discovered in the brain. To relieve intracranial pressure, the doctor prescribed citral. The course of treatment was designed for three weeks. After it ended, we had to undergo an ultrasound again. The cysts were no longer visible on it. My daughter took the drug with joy because of the sweet taste.

Eva, 25 years old My Nazar was prescribed citral at 6 months. This was necessary due to poor sleep. The doctor recommended taking one teaspoon of the medicine three times a day. Thanks to this, the baby began to sleep well every night. I gave the mixture before meals. This made it possible to minimize drug rejection through regurgitation.

Maria, 21 years old I had a very difficult and protracted labor. The son was born healthy, but was very restless. At 4 months we were prescribed citral. A positive effect was noticed only after a two-week course. My son slept soundly at night. Additionally, normalization of stool was found.

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Additional Information

The regenerating effect of Citral in the treatment of ophthalmic diseases is enhanced by riboflavin (vitamin B2), resulting in accelerated epithelization of the cornea and conjunctiva.

Immediately after instilling the solution into the eyes, a temporary deterioration in vision is possible, which does not require discontinuation of the drug.

It should be borne in mind that the product affects a person’s ability to drive vehicles and work with potentially dangerous mechanisms, since it contains 96% alcohol.

The drug can be stored for 36 months in a well-closed container out of the reach of children and protected from direct sunlight.

Dispensed from pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.

What is citral mixture? Citral mixture is one of the most popular medicines prescribed to children from the first months of life. Most often it is prescribed by a neurologist, but sometimes it is prescribed by a pediatrician. A mixture with citral is prescribed as a mild sedative and slightly reduces increased intracranial pressure. Composition Main components Citral The constant component of the mixture is citral. This substance is found in lemons, lemon balm, eucalyptus and other plants. In medicine, citral solution is used as an antiseptic (antimicrobial), anti-inflammatory and analgesic. But it also has a mild calming effect. Citral can also slightly reduce blood and intracranial pressure - these are precisely its properties that are used in the mixture with citral. Magnesia Magnesium sulfate (magnesia) is a well-known remedy for lowering blood pressure, also has a calming effect and reduces intracranial pressure. Currently, these properties of magnesium preparations are very widely used by pediatric neurologists. In addition to the medicine with citral, the drug MagneB6 is often prescribed in combination with other medications. Magnesia also has a laxative effect, which is not always useful. Valerian and/or motherwort Infusion (tincture) of motherwort or valerian - reduces the increased excitability of the nervous system, calms, lowers blood pressure, has an antispasmodic effect, and enhances the effect of other components of the mixture. The effects of these plants are similar, so one of them is usually added to the mixture (they are interchangeable). Other components Diphenhydramine - the mixture uses not its main effect - anti-allergic, but its sedative, calming effect. Diphenhydramine is added to the mixture in a much lower dose than it is usually prescribed separately as an antihistamine (anti-allergic) agent. Sodium bromide – enhances inhibition processes in the nervous system. Restores the balance between the processes of excitation and inhibition during increased excitability. Glucose – can be added to improve taste. Distilled water as solvent. Diphenhydramine and sodium bromide are not always added to the mixture. How to use? A mixture with citral is prescribed, depending on the age of the child, from 1/2 tsp. up to 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is usually from 2 weeks to 1 month, but you can take it longer or repeat the courses several times. Side effects are rare. Allergic reactions – most often a skin rash. The reaction can be to any component of the medicine (except glucose and water). Diarrhea – magnesia has a laxative effect. Lethargy, drowsiness. Phenomena of bromism (caused by sodium bromide): conjunctivitis, cough, rhinitis, lethargy, rash. If the child develops the above symptoms, the citral mixture is discontinued. Disadvantages Citral mixture is a medicine that is prescribed by a doctor. It is prepared in the prescription department of the pharmacy in accordance with it. There is no ready-made standard form of medicine with citral. The shelf life of the finished mixture is 10 days; after 10 days you need to order a new mixture from the pharmacy. It needs to be stored in the refrigerator. The composition of the mixture may vary depending on the age of the child, the symptoms observed in him, whether the child is allergic to certain components, the doctor’s preferences, and the availability of the components of the mixture in the pharmacy. The number of individual components in the mixture can also vary significantly. Therefore, many doctors currently prefer ready-made sedatives with a standard dosage to citral mixture.

Citral is an oily yellowish liquid.

, insoluble in water and having a characteristic lemon odor.

Potion with citral Composition

Main components


An invariable component of the mixture is citral. This substance is found in lemons, lemon balm, eucalyptus and other plants. In medicine, citral solution is used as an antiseptic (antimicrobial), anti-inflammatory and analgesic.

But it also has a mild calming effect . Citral can also slightly reduce blood and intracranial pressure - these are precisely its properties that are used in the mixture with citral.


Magnesium sulfate (magnesia) is a well-known remedy for lowering blood pressure, also has a calming effect and reduces intracranial pressure . Currently, these properties of magnesium preparations are very widely used by pediatric neurologists. In addition to the medicine with citral, the drug MagneB6 is often prescribed in combination with other medications.

Magnesia also has a laxative effect, which is not always useful.

Valerian and/or motherwort

Infusion (tincture) of motherwort or valerian - reduces increased excitability of the nervous system , calms, lowers blood pressure, has an antispasmodic effect, and enhances the effect of other components of the mixture. The effects of these plants are similar, so one of them is usually added to the mixture (they are interchangeable).

Other components

  • Diphenhydramine - the mixture uses not its main effect - anti-allergic, but its sedative, calming effect . Diphenhydramine is added to the mixture in a much lower dose than it is usually prescribed separately as an antihistamine (anti-allergic) agent.
  • Sodium bromide - enhances inhibition processes in the nervous system . Restores the balance between the processes of excitation and inhibition during increased excitability.
  • Glucose - may be added to improve taste.
  • Distilled water as solvent.

Diphenhydramine and sodium bromide are not always added to the mixture.

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