Herbal preparation "Cat's claw" - what is it and why is it eaten?

Friends, I greet you!

Let's continue today to get acquainted with those plants that exist on our Planet and that have unique, sometimes even incredible properties in their strength, okay? ☺

In this article, I am proud to present to you another creation of Nature - this plant called “cat’s claw”.

An amazingly powerful plant with an original name and amazing healing and healing properties, which certainly deserves to be known about it and to be used!

So, to continue further ☺

Cat's claw: plant

Because of its tiny distribution area, the plant for a long time was known only to local residents: the Indians (who, by the way, used it for almost all diseases). But in the 18th century, the plant became known to French scientists, who, however, did not discover the medicinal properties of Uncaria Tomentosa . Only in 1974, Australian K. Kleppinger began large-scale research into the medicinal properties of Cat's Claw , becoming more and more amazed at the capabilities of the rare plant (along with such well-known medicines as ant tree bark, Rhodiola rosea and horse chestnut).

Raw materials from the liana have a fairly high price not only because of the rarity of the plant, but also because of its relatively slow growth: for Unkaria to fully mature, it takes twenty years (the plant can live about thirty in total).

National grass

By the 18th century, Europeans had already begun to take a scientific interest in native plants of South America, as there was evidence of their effectiveness in alleviating various diseases.

As a result, scientists collected a number of samples for more detailed study, as La Condamine did with quinine, and later Antonio Raimondi did with other exotic plants.

The story began when Oskar Schuler, a German anthropologist working in Peru, was diagnosed with an incurable disease. In 1976, the scientist went to Rome, where he was treated with a cat's claw.

Thus, the Department of Pharmacology at the University of San Marcos began studying this unusual plant. A new era in alternative medicine has begun.

Cat's claw: dietary supplement

Dietary supplements from Cat's Claw can differ not only in the types of packaging (tablets, capsules, liquids), but also in the content of the medicinal substance.

When buying dietary supplements, you need to carefully look at the Latin name, since there are several plants called “ Cat's claw ” and “Cat's claw” in Russian and English, but costing much less (the average price for a month's supply Uncaria is 30-40 USD. That is, there are places that are much cheaper - read below), in addition, you need to pay attention to the amount of Uncaria in the preparation - if it is very small, it makes sense to buy Cat's Claw , which costs a little less.

Often microelements such as zinc, selenium, manganese and magnesium are added Cat's Claw

Current status

Recent research on cat's claw has led to several US patents for its immune-boosting effects and even a cat's claw symposium sponsored by the World Health Organization. This increased acceptance has led to widespread availability of the grass, but also to overharvesting of the root, which has compromised the viability of the species in its natural habitat. Research shows that the bark of the stem contains as many important compounds as the root and can be safely harvested without destroying the plant itself, which is now protected in some countries, especially Peru.

Cat's claw: properties

The properties of Cat's Claw are amazing and rich. The bark of Uncaria is very rich in alkaloids (rhynchophylline, pteropodin, isopteropodin, mitraphylline), which activate lymphocytes, normalize immunoglobulins, and reduce the likelihood of blood clots. In addition, it contains sterols, polyphenols and terpenes, due to which the plant has anti-inflammatory properties.

In total, seven properties of the vine stand out:

  1. immune protection;
  2. fight inflammation;
  3. fight against tumors (both benign and malignant);
  4. protection of the cardiovascular system;
  5. fight against ulcers;
  6. pest control;
  7. removal of harmful substances.

Functional Action of Cat's Claw

The most important functional effect of Cat's Claw preparations is the activation of phagocytes (immune cells), which neutralize the active effect of cancer cells, stop their division and “put control” of the immune system. Cat's claw normalizes the level of immunoglobulins in the body - antibodies that neutralize the activity of foreign agents. This means that Cat’s Claw preparations normalize the phagocytic component of our immunity - the basis of the immune system. Among other things, these drugs activate the production of immune mediators, which provide “communication” or the transfer of information between immune cells. Thus, Cat's Claw ensures the coordinated work of the immune system to protect the body. And this is a complex job: the system “receives” a signal that a foreign element has invaded the body, it identifies it, “determines” methods for neutralizing this element, “transmits a command” to the appropriate immune cells and they do the work, after which the immune system “commands” others cells to remove foreign agents from the body. Cat's claw contains proanthocyanidin, which neutralizes the harmful effects of free radicals on the body, which slows down the processes of cellular aging. Thanks to the alkaloid rhincofilin (part of the vine bark), Cat's Claw preparations help improve the rheological properties of blood, which prevents thrombus formation. Improving the rheological properties of blood “relieves” the load from the heart muscle, which makes it easier to work. Triterpenes, polyphenols and plant styrene, which are part of Cat's Claw, slow down or completely suppress the division of cancer cells, and also inhibit inflammatory processes. Glycyretic acid and glycosidic glycyrrhizin in this vine stop the division of viruses in cells by destroying their genetic material.

Cat's claw: application

The use of Cat's Claw is carried out for diseases such as:

  1. allergy;
  2. various infections of viral origin;
  3. infections of bacterial origin;
  4. inflammatory processes;
  5. oncological diseases (it is a strong immunostimulant; in 1988, a report was presented on the successful fight against oncology with the help of four years of use of Uncaria );
  6. peptic ulcers;
  7. unstable hormonal levels;
  8. arthritis;
  9. diabetes;
  10. problems with the genitals;
  11. various skin diseases;
  12. muscle pain;
  13. diseases of the circulatory system;
  14. intoxication of the body;
  15. mental and nervous system disorders.

Reviews about the drug Unkarin

Tatyana Vasilievna E., 43 years old, Moscow “I bought this drug at the height of seasonal infectious diseases, when my whole family - husband, daughter and son - got sick at the same time. My husband’s sister advised me to buy Unkarin; she is a doctor and said that the drug would help. But I had no idea how effective it was. I gave my daughters 2 capsules a day (one capsule in the morning and one in the evening), after a week all of mine were healthy and until the end of winter none of them even sneezed once. Now, before the cold weather, I buy 2 jars of Unkarin and sing it to the whole family and there are no problems with seasonal diseases today...” Vladimir Ivanovich T., 42 years old, Kazan “I decided to share my experience of taking Unkarin. I have been using this drug for three years now. And not only do I drink it, but so does my son and wife. What did I notice? The drug definitely increases the body’s immunity, removes toxins, and is especially effective against viruses. Advice: when you drink Unkarin, drink more water - it removes “killed” bacteria and viruses from the body...” Elena Aleksandrovna S., 46 years old, Omsk “My conclusion from the experience of using this drug: if you have a weak immune system, then There is no better way to strengthen it than Unkarin. I took it for 2 months, 2-4 capsules per day, and the result exceeded all my expectations. I used to get sick 5-6 times during the year, over the past year I only had a runny nose...”

Cat's claw: instructions for use

Instructions for use of Cat's Claw are 2 capsules of 500 mg/day. If you purchase a ready-made drug in the form of capsules, you need to consult with a specialist or strictly follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

In case of purchasing raw materials (bark) of Cat's Claw , the following application options are available:

  1. brewing strong tea (if desired, you can add green tea, or additives to it: citrus fruits, hibiscus). It is recommended to drink no more than four cups of this tea per day;
  2. alcohol tincture (about 40 grams of the plant are needed per liter of vodka);
  3. adding grated bark to food.

Side effects

While taking the drug, dizziness and weakness may occur. To the point of fainting. Weakness is often combined with nausea and diarrhea.

Therefore, all instructions for taking cat's claw say that the supplement should not be taken with alcohol, as well as medications, which can cause similar side effects. Also, special care should be taken in hot weather and during intense physical activity.

If after taking a dietary supplement you begin to feel dizzy and weak, accustom yourself to the fact that you need to slowly move from a horizontal position to a vertical one. When getting out of bed, first sit down, wait a little and only then get to your feet.

Cat's claw: capsules

The capsule has long been considered one of the best ways to prepare Cat's Claw , since the bark must be well crushed to be packaged in a capsule, and the capsule also prevents the medicine from interacting with air.

There are 2 types of capsules: animal and vegetable fat. Of course, it is better to choose the latter because they will dissolve better and in most cases are not capable of causing allergies.

When using capsules, it is recommended to follow the instructions for the drug.

Cat's claw: tea

A very effective remedy is Cat's Claw , often with the addition of ingredients such as: Ginkgo biloba, Acai berries, Goji berries, Chia seeds, chlorella, ginger.

Typically, teas from Unkaria are used to combat mental illnesses, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and skin diseases.

Cat's claw: bark

Cat's Claw bark is the main ingredient in medicines and dietary supplements due to its unique properties: it is in the inner bark of the vine that the main beneficial substances are concentrated (however, the entire composition of the plant and all its beneficial properties have not yet been studied), in addition, other parts of the plant (for example , roots) are very inconvenient and unprofitable to use - they are used for subsequent propagation of the vine.

Dry cat's claw (you can buy it at markets for raw materials for medicinal products) can be used in the form of decoctions, food additives, or simply chewed (as the indigenous people of Peru often did).

Cat's claw: extract

Cat's claw extract is sold in the form of tablets or capsules and is used mainly to increase immunity (since in such a medicine the bark is usually diluted in a ratio of 1:10 or even more).

Capsules are considered preferable to tablets (especially for people with a weak gastrointestinal tract), since they are easier to digest, and the bark is better crushed.

In addition, extracts can mix Uncaria with oils such as black cumin oil, flaxseed oil, grape seed oil, Shea butter, cocoa butter, tea tree oil, argan oil, coconut oil, almond oil.

When using Cat's Claw , follow the directions on the package.

Cat's claw: contraindications

Despite the many beneficial properties, there are contraindications for Cat's Claw :

  • tuberculosis,
  • autoimmune diseases,
  • pregnancy and lactation (since the drug has a contraceptive effect),
  • childhood,
  • persons who have had organ transplants (there is a risk of rejection due to the fact that cat's claw increases the body's immune properties).

In any case, before using the drug, consultation with a specialist is necessary who will help the patient choose the right dose to increase the effect of taking Uncaria .

Possible interactions

If you are currently taking any of the following medications, you should not use cat's claw without first talking to your doctor. Because cat's claw may stimulate the immune system, it should not be used with medications that suppress the immune system. These include cyclosporine or other medications prescribed after an organ transplant or to treat an autoimmune disease.

Cat's claw may increase your risk of bleeding, especially if you are also taking anticoagulants such as aspirin, warfarin (Coumadin), or clopidogrel (Plavix).

Cat's claw can act as a diuretic, helping the body eliminate excess fluid. If you are also taking diuretics, which have similar effects, you may be at risk of developing an electrolyte imbalance. Cat's claw may lower blood pressure. If you are taking medications for high blood pressure, cat's claw may cause your blood pressure to become too low.

Cat's claw may interfere with the working of some medications that are absorbed by the liver. If you are taking any medications, consult your doctor before taking cat's claw.

Cat's claw: buy, price

Here is such a large assortment of forms, dosages and manufacturers of Cat's Claw :

Buy capsules, extract and tea from Cat's Claw!

1. You can buy Cat's Claw at a low price and with guaranteed quality in the famous American online store of organic products, iHerb. 2. Step-by-step instructions for placing an order: How to place an order on iHerb! 3. When ordering using the IHerb promotional code, you have access to a $5 discount for new customers and 5% for “old” customers (without ADDITIONAL DISCOUNTS), as well as profitable Promotions up to 60%! We recommend using it because... on the second order, there may no longer be such a discount, and even cashback services will not always be able to return interest on the purchase, because prices are already as low as possible! Be sure to pay attention to promotions and sales, for example, using the Letual promo code you can buy branded perfumes and cosmetics with a discount of up to 50%, the Beauty Pro coupon will help you reduce the price of varnishes and nail care, the Ozone promo code will reduce the cost of electronics, the Korablik promo code will be useful for purchases of children's goods. 4. All about payment and delivery: iHerb payment and iHerb delivery!

Photo source: iHerb.com

Sources[edit | edit code]

  1. ↑ 1.01.1 Erowele GI, Kalejaiye AO. Pharmacology and therapeutic uses of cat's claw. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy. 2009; 66:992-995.
  2. Carvalho MV, Penido C, Siani AC, Valente LMM, Henriques MGMO. Investigations on the antiinflammatory and antiallergic activities of the leaves of Uncaria guianensis (Aublet) JF Gmelin. Inflammopharmacology. 2006; 14: 48-56.
  3. Piscoya J, Rodriguez Z, Bustamante SA, Okuhama NN, Miller MJS, Sandoval M. Efficacy and safety of freeze-dried cat's claw in osteoarthritis of the knee: Mechanisms of action of the species Uncaria guianesis. Inflammation Research. 2001; 50: 442-448.
  4. Miller MJS, Mehta K, Kunte S, Raut V, Gala J, Dhumale R, Shukla A, Tupallli H, Parikh H, Bobrowski P, Chaudhary J. Early relief of osteoarthritis symptoms with a natural mineral supplement and a herbomineral combination: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Inflammation. 2005; 2(11): 1-14.
  5. Miller MJS, Ahmed S, Bobrowski P, Haqqui T. The chondroprotective actions of a natural product are associated with the activation of IGF-1 production by human chondrocytes despite the presence of IL-1β. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2006; 6(13): 6-13.
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