Human blood pressure: normal blood pressure and heart rate by age, table

Date of publication: 04/06/2017

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Blood or arterial pressure is the pressure of blood on the walls of blood vessels. It is determined by the volume of blood that the heart pushes out per unit time, and the strength of the vascular response resistance. Pressure creates conditions that allow blood to reach organs and supply them with oxygen and the nutrients it transports. It is believed that a person’s blood pressure is normal when the heart copes with its pumping function and the blood vessels remain elastic and strong.

Lower and upper blood pressure

In a healthy person, the heart muscle contracts 60 to 80 times per minute at rest. With each contraction, the heart pumps another portion of blood into the arteries. Accordingly, the maximum blood pressure on the walls of blood vessels is recorded at the moment of contraction of the heart muscle. Between contractions, the heart muscle relaxes. At the time of such rest, blood pressure is at its lowest.

The highest reading is called systolic or upper pressure. The name comes from the word “systole” - the stage of contraction. The lowest pressure reading is called diastolic (from the word “diastole” - the stage of relaxation). Systole and diastole are stages of the normal cardiac cycle.

Pressure readings are traditionally recorded in millimeters of mercury. When measuring, the upper pressure indicator is always indicated first, and the lower pressure indicator second.

How often should you measure your blood pressure?

If a person associates poor health with high blood pressure, to confirm this fact it is necessary to measure it for several days in a row, repeatedly during the day at approximately the same hours - usually in the morning and evening, unless a different frequency of measurements is recommended by the doctor. It is recommended to take 2-3 measurements at a time with an interval of 2-3 minutes.

Daily blood pressure measurements are also recommended in other cases. These include:

  • first identified fact of increased blood pressure;
  • changing the treatment regimen for arterial hypertension (changing drugs or their dosage);
  • increased blood pressure during antihypertensive therapy;
  • cardiovascular diseases, in addition to arterial hypertension;
  • taking medications for other diseases that may affect blood pressure levels.

What pressure is considered normal?

Several factors simultaneously influence blood pressure:

  • condition of the heart muscle;
  • condition of the walls of blood vessels;
  • the presence of deposits on the walls of blood vessels;
  • person's age;
  • human body type;
  • a person’s lifestyle and physical activity;
  • external factors, for example, region of residence.

If we summarize all these points, we can conclude that the “ideal” blood pressure is determined very individually. Of course, doctors have a standard of 120/80, but this does not mean that absolutely all people will feel good at this pressure. For example, the normal pressure indicator for petite women is 110/70, for athletes who are constantly exposed to physical activity - 130/80. A normal person may have slightly lower or higher blood pressure, and even the slightest changes will be immediately noticeable.

However, there are also extreme limits that doctors consider critical. For example, if the pressure reading is 140/90 and at the same time it tends to increase, then this is a sign of arterial hypertension. In this case, you should definitely consult a doctor, and if your general condition suddenly worsens, call an ambulance.

To bring the blood pressure back to normal, the doctor may prescribe medication. In addition to taking medications, it is necessary to change your lifestyle and eating habits: give up smoking, alcohol, fatty, heavy foods.

Extremely low blood pressure, for example 90/60, indicates that the organs are not receiving enough nutrition: the brain activity of such a person is reduced, and there is a risk of oxygen starvation. Such indicators may indicate concomitant diseases: vegetative-vascular dystonia, anemia, adrenal insufficiency, etc.

Characteristic symptoms of hypertension and hypotension

At the first stage of hypertension, pressure surges up to 159/99 mm Hg occur. Art. Most often, malaise occurs after severe overwork or stress. Patients note an increase in heart rate and headaches, weakness, and increased nervous excitability.

At the second stage, the following symptoms include: deterioration of sleep, nosebleeds, pain in the heart, severe headaches. Blood pressure rises to 160–170/100–109 mmHg. Art.

The third stage of hypertension is a serious disease that irreversibly affects the entire human body. This stage is characterized by cardiac dysfunction, chronic renal and heart failure, heart attack, and angina.

Important! If at the first stage the patient’s condition can be corrected and the disease goes away almost without a trace, but stages 2 and 3 of hypertension are practically not curable. The goal of the doctor and his patient is to monitor the condition and regularly take antihypertensive drugs that can stabilize the patient’s well-being for some time.

Low blood pressure manifests itself differently. A person suffers from headaches, which are localized in the temporal region, loss of strength, drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, and fainting. Symptoms worsen during weather changes, magnetic storms, and during acclimatization.

Both hypertension and hypotension require treatment. What it will be like and how long it will last depends on the patient’s health condition. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the treatment regimen drawn up by the doctor, without independently increasing or decreasing the dosage of drugs.

Age norms for blood pressure

Blood pressure levels can change throughout life. Sometimes this is due to a person moving to another region: the body adapts to new external conditions, so the pressure can decrease or increase within 10 points. However, in most cases, changes in blood pressure are affected by age.

With age, the walls of blood vessels become less elastic, and their internal space decreases due to various deposits and “plaques”. The response resistance from the vessels weakens, and the blood stretches their walls more strongly.

With age, a person's blood vessels become clogged and narrowed.

However, experts advise not to make serious allowances for age when measuring blood pressure. In a healthy person, it is permissible to increase blood pressure with age by 10–15 mmHg. If there is a sharp jump in pressure, then this is not due to age, but rather to the development of a disease of the cardiovascular system, which is dangerous to ignore.

Average age-related blood pressure norms in young men are slightly higher than in women, which is explained by greater muscle mass. However, with age, the rates for both sexes become approximately the same. Changes in indicators with age can be presented in the following table.

Indicators of upper and lower pressure depend on the age and gender of the person

Doctors recommend measuring blood pressure regularly and monitoring its levels starting at age 30. From the age of 40 years and over, measuring blood pressure should become a daily procedure.

Diet is an important factor in the fight against high blood pressure

A healthy lifestyle can work wonders. Some reduction in systolic (upper reading) blood pressure can be achieved by increasing physical activity, losing excess weight, and changing your eating strategy.

  • Sodium, which is the main component of table salt, negatively affects kidney function and contributes to an increase in diastolic (lower) pressure. Therefore, limiting salt to 5 grams daily helps normalize the levels. Try to gradually replace NaCl with spices and herbs that have a beneficial effect on the body. They promote the removal of toxins and suppress the growth of pathogenic microflora.
  • Hypertensive patients with extra pounds are advised to limit the consumption of fats, smoked and fried foods, and easily digestible hydrocarbons (sweets, potatoes, etc.).
  • Food should be taken several times a day in small portions, without overeating and giving preference to lean meat and fish, cereals, low-fat fermented milk products, vegetable and low-fat meat soups, fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Products with a high content of potassium and magnesium will be extremely useful - fresh apricots, dried apricots, apples, etc.
  • It is very important to limit the consumption of alcohol, which reduces the effectiveness of antihypertensive drugs.
  • The effect of caffeine on blood pressure has not been fully studied. But it is known that an increase in blood pressure by 5-10 points after a cup of coffee may indicate high sensitivity to caffeine. Therefore, you should not abuse the aromatic drink.

Blood pressure measurement

Modern devices for measuring pressure are either mechanical or electronic. When using a mechanical pressure gauge, a phonendoscope is required, with which you can hear the beginning and end of the stages of systole and diastole.

Blood pressure is measured while sitting or lying down. In order for the readings to be accurate, the pressure gauge should be at the level of the person’s heart, and the cuff should be approximately 2 cm above the elbow. Air is pumped into the cuff, causing compression of the blood vessels and the disappearance of the pulse, and then slowly released. The point at which clearly visible pulse beats appeared is noted as an indicator of upper pressure, and the point at which these beats disappear is noted as an indicator of lower pressure. An electronic pressure gauge works without a phonendoscope; in this case, indicators of upper and lower pressure, as well as pulse, are recorded automatically and displayed on the screen.

The availability of modern devices for measuring blood pressure and the ease of their operation allow everyone to regularly monitor this important vital sign of their own body and take timely measures if such a need arises.

Make an appointment Do not self-medicate. Contact our specialists who will correctly diagnose and prescribe treatment.

general information

As a general rule, any primary medical examination begins with checking the basic indicators of the normal functioning of the human body. The doctor examines the skin, palpates the lymph nodes, palpates certain areas of the body in order to assess the condition of the joints or identify superficial changes in the blood vessels, listens to the lungs and heart with a stethoscope, and also measures temperature and pressure .
The listed manipulations allow the specialist to collect the necessary minimum information about the patient’s health status (make an anamnesis) and indicators of arterial or blood pressure play an important role in the diagnosis of many different diseases. What is blood pressure, and what are its norms for people of different ages?

For what reasons does blood pressure increase or, conversely, decrease, and how do such fluctuations affect a person’s health? We will try to answer these and other important questions on the topic in this material. We will start with general, but extremely important aspects.


A drug from the group of diuretics,

Sold by prescription, you can buy Veroshpiron in tablets or capsules.
This is a potassium-sparing drug, so when you take it, potassium, a mineral essential for the heart, is not “washed out” from the body. "Veroshpiron" blocks the production of the adrenal hormone aldosterone, which retains fluid in the body. "Veroshpiron" is prescribed for hypertension (in combination with other drugs), edema, diseases of the adrenal glands, kidneys or liver. Contraindications:
elevated levels of calcium, potassium or sodium in the blood. Prescribe with caution for heart problems, kidney failure, and Addison's disease.

Gedeon Richter, Hungary

The drug Veroshpiron is a potassium-sparing diuretic.
from 64


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What causes low blood pressure


Conventionally, hypotension can be divided into two groups. In the first case, a sharp drop in pressure occurs - so-called acute hypotension. She is called by:

  • large blood loss;
  • complications of diseases;
  • dehydration (dehydration);
  • disturbances in the functioning of the heart.

To treat this problem, the root cause must be addressed. Another thing is chronic hypotension. It can be caused by many more reasons:

  • congenital feature of the body;
  • living in high mountains;
  • active sports;
  • starvation;
  • underlying disease (the list is huge - from diabetes to alcoholism);
  • side effect of taking medications;
  • stress, depression and neuroses.

St. Petersburg State Budgetary Healthcare Institution "Polyclinic No. 98"

Blood pressure level is one of the clearest indicators of health status. True, most often the need to monitor blood pressure is remembered in diseases of the cardiovascular system. In fact, everyone should know everything about their blood pressure, because it changes for various reasons.

What is blood pressure?

Blood pressure (BP) is the pressure that blood exerts on the walls of the arteries. It is uneven and fluctuates depending on the phase of the heart. During systole, when the heart contracts and releases another portion of blood into the vessels, the pressure increases. And in diastole, when the heart relaxes and fills with blood, the pressure in the arteries decreases. The blood pressure on the walls of the arteries in systole is called “upper” or systolic, and in diastole – “lower” or diastolic. It is customary to write the blood pressure value using a fraction: the first is the upper, the second is the lower.

Blood pressure is one of the most important indicators of the cardiovascular system. In most healthy people it is relatively constant. But under the influence of stress, physical activity, overwork, drinking large amounts of liquid and under the influence of other factors, its value may change. Typically, such changes are either not too frequent or not too strong, and do not exceed 20 mm during the day. rt. Art. – for systolic, 10 mm. rt. Art. – for diastolic. But, a repeated or persistent decrease or increase in pressure beyond the normal range may be an alarming signal of illness and requires immediate consultation with a doctor.

Blood pressure standards according to WHO classification

Blood pressure (category)Upper blood pressure (mm Hg)Lower blood pressure (mm Hg)
Hypotension (low)below 100below 60
Optimal pressure100–11960–79
Normal pressure120–12980–84
High normal pressure130–13985–89
Moderate hypertension (increased)140–15990–99
Moderate hypertension160–179100–109
Severe hypertensionmore than 180more than 110

The ideal “cosmonaut pressure” is 120/80 mm. rt. Art. However, many doctors agree that everyone has their own ideal, and therefore often ask about the patient’s “working” pressure. Working blood pressure is the usual constant blood pressure interval that provides a person with good health. Since this interval is individual, for someone 115/80 with a working 130/90 may be lower, although it falls within the normal range. And, conversely, with a working level of 110/80, 130/90 may become elevated. Knowing the working pressure helps the doctor to timely identify pathology, make a more accurate diagnosis and choose the right treatment.

However, it is worth remembering that pressure beyond the lower and upper limits of the norm is not working for a healthy person. And feeling normal in this case is only an additional reason to seek advice from a specialist.

Who needs to monitor blood pressure levels and how?

One of the most common disorders of blood pressure regulation is hypertension. Often behind it lies hypertension, leading to myocardial infarction, stroke and other serious complications. Unfortunately, arterial hypertension is often asymptomatic, so everyone needs to monitor their blood pressure. People who are prone to increasing it, who are exposed to risk factors for developing hypertension and experiencing its symptoms should be especially careful and measure blood pressure from time to time. For the rest, annual monitoring during the medical examination period is quite sufficient. But for those who have been diagnosed with arterial hypertension, it would be good to make friends with a tonometer and check the pressure level at least twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.

It is imperative to measure blood pressure if you experience weakness, dizziness, headache, darkening, “veil” in the eyes, tinnitus, difficulty breathing, pain and heaviness in the heart area or behind the sternum, or when other symptoms appear that usually accompany an increase or decrease in pressure.

It is also worth monitoring blood pressure during exercise, especially when selecting a load.

How to measure blood pressure correctly?

If the blood pressure measurement is planned, then one hour before the measurement you should not drink alcohol, drinks containing caffeine (tea, cola, coffee) or smoke, and five minutes before the measurement, ensure yourself a state of rest.

At the first visit to the doctor, the pressure is measured on both arms alternately. If the results differ by more than 10 mm. rt. Art., then the subsequent measurement is carried out on the arm with a high blood pressure value. However, normally the readings are approximately the same. The difference between them exceeds 10 mm. rt. Art., indicates an increased risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system and death from them or an existing pathology.

Blood pressure is usually measured while sitting or lying down. The hand on which the measurement is taken should be freed from clothing and compressive objects, relaxed and motionless. To avoid unwanted tension, it can be placed on an object that provides a support point, such as a table or the edge of a bed. It is best to position the limb so that the elbow is at the level of the heart. The arm should not have arteriovenous fistulas for dialysis, traces of a section of the brachial artery, or lymphedema.

The cuff is placed on the shoulder 2 cm above the elbow. It is important that it fits your hand tightly, but does not squeeze it.

Ideally, blood pressure is measured twice with an interval of 2 minutes. If the result differs by more than 5 mm. rt. Art. – after 2 minutes, take the third measurement and calculate the average value.

The method of measuring pressure depends on the device used and is indicated in the operating instructions.

How to choose a pressure measuring device?

The device for measuring pressure is called a tonometer. There are two types of tonometers - mechanical and electronic (automatic and semi-automatic).

A mechanical tonometer is inexpensive, reliable, lasts a long time, guarantees high measurement accuracy, is easy to use, but requires certain skills and is more difficult to use without assistance.

The electronic tonometer is convenient and simple; you can easily use it yourself. In addition to devices that measure pressure on the shoulder, there are also those that measure it on the wrist. This tonometer can be carried with you, which is sometimes important for some hypertensive patients. And devices with large dials come in very handy for older people. Many of the electronic tonometers show the pulse, remember the data of the latest measurements and are equipped with some other functions, the quantity and quality of which largely depends on the price of the device. But automatic and semi-automatic devices are more expensive than mechanical ones, less accurate and may last slightly less. In addition, in some diseases, blood pressure is very difficult to measure with an electronic tonometer, for example, with atrial fibrillation.

When purchasing a tonometer, you must pay attention to the presence of instructions in Russian, a passport of the device, a warranty card and the absence of visible defects. And when purchasing an electronic device, it also depends on the country of origin. Japanese and German devices are traditionally considered the best.

If the choice falls on a mechanical tonometer, it is worth remembering that it requires a phonendoscope. It is often not included in the package.

It is best to buy pressure measuring devices at a pharmacy or specialty store. If the device is purchased secondhand, the accuracy of the measurement and its service life cannot be guaranteed.

The average width of the cuff should be 13–17 cm, for children - a little less, for overweight people - a little more.

Before use, the tonometer should be checked and, if necessary, adjusted. It is easier and more correct to do this with the help of a doctor.

How to measure blood pressure with a mechanical tonometer?

Not everyone can measure pressure independently with a mechanical tonometer, so the help of another person is advisable.

In addition to a tonometer, you will need a phonendoscope for measurements.

A phonendoscope is a device for listening to sounds accompanying the work of internal organs. It consists of a “head” that is applied to the body, tubes that conduct sound, and tips that are inserted into the ears.

Measurement procedure:

  1. A cuff is placed on the shoulder, 2 cm above the elbow.
  2. The pulse is determined at the radial artery at the wrist.
  3. Air is quickly inflated into the cuff. After the pulse disappears, the cuff is inflated by another 30–40 mm Hg. Art.
  4. The head of a phonendoscope is placed along the lower edge of the cuff in the elbow bend, slightly inward from the center of the ulnar fossa.
  5. The air from the cuff is slowly released at a speed of 2-3 mmHg. Art. in 1 s. In this case, the instrument scale is constantly under control. The scale value at which the first sound appears is considered the systolic pressure value, and the value at which it disappears is considered the diastolic pressure value.
  6. When the pulse wave beats become inaudible, the air from the cuff is quickly released.

Measuring blood pressure with an electronic tonometer for a specific device may have its own subtleties and is described in detail in the operating instructions.


Tablets for blood pressure from the group of angiotensin receptor blockers.

Losartan is used to lower blood pressure with concomitant pathologies (for example, diabetes or heart failure).
The drug reduces the load on the heart, helping it receive enough oxygen. Losartan is prescribed for hypertension, to reduce the risk of mortality in case of left ventricular hypertrophy, to reduce the load on the kidneys in diabetes mellitus, and to treat chronic heart failure when other drugs do not give the desired effect. Contraindications:
these blood pressure pills should not be taken while being treated with ACE inhibitors (especially if you have kidney disease), while being treated with drugs to lower blood sugar levels, or if you are lactose intolerant.


Arterial hypertension.
Reducing the risk of associated cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in patients with arterial hypertension and left ventricular hypertrophy, manifested by a combined reduction in the incidence of cardiovascular mortality, stroke and myocardial infarction. Protection of the kidneys in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus with proteinuria - slowing the progression of renal failure, manifested by a decrease in the incidence of hypercreatininemia, the incidence of end-stage renal failure requiring hemodialysis or kidney transplantation, mortality rates, as well as a decrease in proteinuria. Chronic heart failure (as part of combination therapy, with intolerance or ineffectiveness of therapy with ACE inhibitors). from 30


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What is high blood pressure


Blood pressure over 130/80 mm Hg. Art., as a rule, is considered high. When blood pressure is high, the heart and arteries can become overworked. High blood pressure can accelerate the buildup of plaque on artery walls (atherosclerosis), clogging blood flow to the heart muscle and putting you at risk of a heart attack.

It also weakens the walls of arteries in the brain, which can lead to stroke. High blood pressure can also affect arteries in other parts of the body, such as the eyes, kidneys and legs.

Long-term high blood pressure is known as hypertension and is a major risk factor for developing cardiovascular disease.


Prevention of blood pressure deviations from normal values ​​primarily consists of lifestyle modifications that can prevent the development of the disease. The recommendations must be followed by people with a family history who are at risk (excess weight, frequent stress).

To prevent hypotension, night sleep should be normalized - it should be at least 8 hours, include dishes with a high content of calcium, potassium and magnesium in the menu, eat often in small portions, limit animal fats and fast carbohydrates, and ensure sufficient physical activity.

To maintain normal blood pressure, people with a tendency to high blood pressure need to follow a clear daily routine, exclude fried, fatty, salty and spicy foods from the menu, reduce excess weight, and provide moderate physical activity.

In both cases, it is important to give up smoking and alcohol, avoid physical inactivity, night vigils, and reduce stress levels.


Blood pressure medication from the group of ACE inhibitors,

Sold by prescription in tablet form.
"Captopril" ("Capoten") reduces the production of angiotensin, which eliminates vascular spasm, reduces the load on the heart, thereby lowering blood pressure. Captopril is prescribed for hypertension (including kidney problems), chronic heart failure, conditions after a heart attack, nephropathy due to diabetes mellitus. with caution
if the patient has damaged renal vessels, is taking medications to lower blood sugar, has autoimmune diseases and has high potassium levels.

OZON, Russia

Arterial hypertension (including renovascular), chronic heart failure (as part of combination therapy), left ventricular dysfunction after myocardial infarction in patients in a clinically stable condition.
Diabetic nephropathy in type 1 diabetes mellitus (with albuminuria more than 30 mg/day). from 8

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