Methods for using beneficial milk thistle oil in capsules

Indications for use

Milk thistle oil is used for prevention and as part of complex therapy for a whole range of diseases, due to its anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, wound-healing, immunostimulating and analgesic properties. High effectiveness is observed in the treatment of:

  • Of cardio-vascular system. It is recommended for patients with coronary heart disease, hypertension, or after a heart attack or stroke.
  • Digestive system. Diseases such as liver cirrhosis, cholangitis, cholecystitis, fatty liver, hepatitis, liver damage from toxic poisons (alcohol, heavy metal salts, drugs, plant toxic substances) are cured. The list can be supplemented with gastritis, gastrodoudenitis, ulcers, colitis, enterocolitis. Thistle oil is also indicated for hemorrhoids and anal fissures.
  • Skin diseases. External use of the oil is effective for burns, cuts, frostbite, bedsores, diaper rash and cracks. In this case, scars are not formed. Success is guaranteed for patients with psoriasis, weeping eczema, lichen, fungus, vitiligo, acne, and neurodermatitis.
  • Endocrine system. The use of thistle oil is recommended for patients with diabetes mellitus.
  • Reproductive system. Normalizes the menstrual cycle, restores reproductive function, treats gynecological diseases and relieves negative manifestations during menopause in women. Helps cope with prostate adenoma, prostatitis and urethritis in men.

Application for liver and kidneys:

Capsules or liquid – which one is better to choose?

This is a choice and a matter of taste for everyone. If you are sure that there is a really high-quality product inside the capsules, you have taken it before and it helped you, then why not?

Capsules have an undeniable advantage over liquid oil - they are very convenient to take, and you do not feel their specific taste. Not everyone will like liquid.

Try to buy proven products from one manufacturer, ones that you have tested yourself or that have been recommended to you by friends and acquaintances.

Instructions for use

The instructions accompanying the pharmaceutical product recommend using the oil or powder as follows:

The oil from the bottles is taken three times a day, 1 teaspoon half an hour before meals.

The powder is pre-chewed and washed down with warm water. Taken 1 hour before meals in combination with 1 teaspoon of honey. Be sure to drink the mixture with warm mineral water after 20 minutes. This treatment is carried out over a course of one to two months and is indicated for cleansing the liver and gastrointestinal tract.

Dental and ear, nose and throat applications

Milk thistle oil is widely used in dentistry to treat many oral diseases. It is used for the maintenance treatment of diseases such as stomatitis, periodontal disease and periodontitis. In addition, it helps postoperative wounds heal much faster. For the most effective treatment, you must first treat the oral cavity with a solution that disinfects, and then apply tampons soaked in milk thistle oil.

A mixture of tea tree and milk thistle helps with inflammation of the tonsils; for this, they need to be lubricated regularly until a pronounced effect is achieved. Milk thistle oil is also effective for diseases of the ears and nasopharynx. If you warm it up a little in a water bath, you can use it in your nose. You can also add tea tree oil to it - add 1 drop of tea tree to 10 drops of milk thistle.

How to take oil capsules

Capsules are a convenient form of release that facilitates the application process and allows you not to tie them to the time of meals. Oil capsules are not chewable. Consume with a small amount of warm liquid. The dose and course of treatment is determined by the nature of the disease and the age characteristics of the person. On average, it is recommended to take 4 capsules three times a day, preferably with meals, for one or two months. The duration of the course is determined by the attending physician.

Popular varieties of milk thistle oil in capsules that can be found on sale

Let's briefly go over the popular varieties that you can find on sale.

Real – caps

A very popular brand of capsules, produced in the Moscow region. It has its own website According to the manufacturers:

  • Content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, %, not less than 55;
  • Vitamin E content, mg/100g, not less than 45.

Produced in different dosages: from 300 mg to 1350 mg. Price - from 50 rubles to about 170-200.


A very popular manufacturer in Ukraine, whose products were previously widely sold on the Russian market. Unfortunately, I won’t tell you how things are now.

They offer a large selection of various dietary supplements, including milk thistle oil, in various dosages.

Life line

A classic dietary supplement, very popular in our market from.

The company is trustworthy and widely known for its products for a healthy lifestyle and longevity.

Offers milk thistle oil capsules with a dosage of 0.3 grams, 100 pieces per pack. Price – approximately 120 rubles. It may cost a little more in pharmacies.


Also a very well-known manufacturer, the peculiarity of which is that it offers a whole series of preparations prepared on the basis of milk thistle, namely:

  1. Milk thistle oil Zdravushka 100 and 250 ml.
  2. Milk thistle meal Zdravushka in bags of 100 g.
  3. Milk thistle meal Zdravushka in tablets of 120 pcs. packaged.
  4. Milk thistle meal Zdravushka in capsules of 60 pcs. packaged.
  5. Milk thistle extract Zdravushka in capsules of 30, 60 or 90 pcs. packaged.
  6. Zdravushka milk thistle tablets, 30, 60 or 90 pcs. packaged.
  7. Herbal tea Zdravushka in filter bags of 2 g, 30 pcs. packaged.
  8. Zdravushka syrup in 250 ml bottles.


    On sale you can find capsules - 0.3 g, 0.7 g, 1.3 g. Ingredients: Unrefined milk thistle oil, D-alpha tocopherol acetate, capsule shell: (edible gelatin, glycerin, citric acid).


  • adults and children over 14 years old: 1 capsule (0.3 g) 3 times a day, or 1 capsule (1.0 g) 1 time a day with meals;
  • Duration of treatment: 1 month. If necessary, the reception can be repeated.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The beneficial properties of thistle oil and its effect on all body systems, without exception, are often the reason for its use by women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
However, the effect of the product on the developing fetus may be diametrically opposite and cause harm instead of benefit. A baby in the womb or a newborn receiving the drug with milk may be among those for whom taking milk thistle oil is strictly contraindicated. That is why taking the oil during pregnancy and lactation is undesirable, as most instructions for using the drug indicate. However, there are no rules without exceptions. There has been no evidence of adverse effects from the use of the oil during pregnancy and lactation in animals. Therefore, admission is still permissible if the benefits of treatment significantly exceed the possible risks for the child.

The healing properties of milk thistle oil in capsules, its benefits and possible harm to the body

This product has similar healing properties to liquid oil. Just for convenience, it is enclosed in a shell that quickly dissolves in the stomach. But this is provided that the capsules contain exactly 100% milk thistle oil!

I have already written about the benefits of liquid oil and its medicinal properties here. Be sure to read this article. Instructions for use are here.

In order not to repeat myself (all the information is already available at the link), I will only say that due to the presence of the entire periodic table in milk thistle, oil capsules are a unique and universal remedy that can be used both for the prevention and treatment of a number of diseases. Another advantage is that this product is hypoallergenic. People with intolerance to this product can be counted on one hand.

Benefits of milk thistle oil in capsules for human health

The benefit lies, first of all, in the unique chemical composition (which is discussed below). Thanks to it, milk thistle oil, when taken regularly, helps:

  • lowering cholesterol;
  • strengthening the heart muscle;
  • increasing the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • cleansing the liver and restoring its cells;
  • eliminating disruptions in the endocrine system (about the benefits of milk thistle for the thyroid gland);
  • removing waste and toxins from the body.

Milk thistle oil in capsules is recommended to be taken as an addition to the complex treatment of almost any disease, including oncology. Taking it regularly during chemotherapy will help speed up the recovery of a weakened body.

Taking such capsules or oil in its pure form can be an alternative to expensive drugs, since both have practically the same active ingredients. Here is one of the reviews that I found:

Milk thistle contains the same active ingredients as expensive and advertised drugs for the treatment of liver diseases. It heals and cleanses damaged liver cells and creates powerful protection for them.

I was diagnosed with a bending of the gall bladder, during the period of exacerbation the doctors prescribed a course of very expensive medications, which gave relief for a while... Both to me and to my wallet...

And then, quite by accident, I found out what active ingredient they contain, and switched to milk thistle treatment.

At first I took meal. True, it was not very convenient to drink it... But capsules with oil were just a godsend for me!

You just need to calculate your dosage. They are very easy to swallow. The effect is simply excellent. By the way, after 3 courses I no longer needed them, I feel wonderful!

Weak immunity is another reason why you need to get to know this product! Milk thistle contains a whole deposit of vitamins and nutrients. See for yourself.

Chemical composition of milk thistle oil

The chemical composition of milk thistle contains more than 200 different substances, vitamins and microelements. It has not even been fully explored to the end. There are some compounds that can't be found anywhere else! Only in milk thistle. The vast majority of these substances are also present in oil (including capsules).

Here is just a partial list of what is included in it:

Fatty acids - restore liver cells, unload it. Fatty acid compounds accelerate metabolic processes, promote tissue regeneration, and eliminate inflammatory processes.

Silymarin is a unique hepatoprotector of natural origin, a rare element. Silymarin neutralizes the effect of toxins on healthy cells and is an excellent prevention of liver cirrhosis and neoplasms in the gallbladder and kidneys. In addition, the substance is responsible for the synthesis of proteins and their absorption.

Lagnans - remove cholesterol plaques from blood vessels, and also help strengthen the walls of blood channels, making them elastic.

Tocopherol is an antioxidant substance that can only be found in nature. Otherwise it is called vitamin E. It is responsible for the youth of tissues and prevents their premature aging. Vitamin E is widely used in cosmetology; it is included in various creams, masks and facial tonics.

Esters – help relieve stress, normalize the psycho-emotional background, and improve sleep. Esters also regulate the functioning of the thyroid gland and are used to treat reproductive dysfunction.

Resins - have anti-inflammatory, regenerating, bactericidal properties. They are needed to fight infections, as well as to prevent colds and flu during autumn and winter epidemics.

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B vitamins - including thiamine, pantothenic and folic acids, pyridoxine, niacin, riboflavin and others. Needed to increase brain (mental) activity and endurance. Without them, the human nervous system begins to become irritated.

Organic acids are responsible for the proper functioning of the entire digestive system. Acids of organic origin are needed by people with weak immune systems who are constantly sick.

Flavonoids completely neutralize free radicals, which is the best prevention of oncology. Flavonoids also normalize blood pressure, reducing the frequency of headaches.

Protein compounds - not a single important process in the body can do without them. They are responsible for the transport of hemoglobin, and also improve the composition of the blood and help accelerate its circulation.

Here is another small table showing the content of microelements in milk thistle oil.

Calcium16.5 mg/g
Zinc0.7 µg/g
Magnesium4 – 4.5 mg/g
Potassium9 – 9.2 mg/g
SeleniumUp to 23 µg/g
Bor22 – 22.5 µg/g
Copper1.15 – 1.16 µg/g
Iron0.08 mg/g
Iodine0.09 µg/g
Chromium0.15 µg/
Manganese0.1 µg/g

Of course, all these microelements are very necessary even for a healthy body, not to mention a sick one. You can replenish their deficiency very easily by simply taking capsules with milk thistle oil.

Can there be harm from taking capsules?

The harm from taking milk thistle oil can be reduced to zero if you carefully study the list of contraindications, which for capsules is the same as for oil in liquid form:

  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • mental illness;
  • chronic diseases during exacerbation, especially gallstone disease and cholecystitis;
  • age up to 3 years;
  • individual intolerance.

Also, harm from taking capsules is also possible in case of overdose, which can result in side effects:

  • discomfort;
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • stool disorder;
  • pain in the liver area.

Milk thistle oil and children

The properties of thistle oil to have a mild effect on the liver, normalize metabolism, strengthen the immune system, enhance intestinal motility, without causing addiction, suggest its unhindered use for treating children. The opinion of doctors in this case is unanimous: the drug can be used only after consultation with a specialist . In addition, several rules must be followed to avoid negative results:

  • Do not give oil to children under three years of age;
  • Use meal if the child is under 12 years old;
  • Use oil in capsules after no earlier than twelve years.


The scope of indications for the use of milk thistle oil is extremely wide. This is due to the wide variety of beneficial effects of the natural product. It has a restorative effect and normalizes metabolism. The product is prescribed as a source of polyunsaturated acids and vitamin E. Thanks to its intake, health improves.

The hepatoprotective properties of the natural product make it possible to recommend it for various liver diseases. In particular, the effectiveness of dietary supplements for cirrhosis has been proven. Milk thistle oil normalizes the condition of fatty liver degeneration and inflammation of the organ of various origins.

Milk thistle oil in capsules is indicated for the complex treatment of various gastrointestinal diseases. The drug is used in the treatment of gastritis in any phase. Also, thanks to it, it is possible to enhance the effect of treating stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Taking a dietary supplement is also indicated in the following cases:

  • With decreased performance and increased weakness.
  • During stressful situations.
  • For the prevention of atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular pathologies.
  • For inflammatory processes in joints and bones.
  • During treatment with antibacterial drugs and chemotherapy.
  • In case of intoxication.

Interaction with other drugs

Like all active agents, milk thistle oil can have a noticeable effect on the action of a number of medications.

Strengthening the action

  • Antibiotics, especially erythromycin or rifampin;
  • Antihistamines astemizole and seldan;
  • Cardiac drugs tambacor and rhythmol;
  • Ergot preparations;
  • Antipsychotic drugs clozaril and orap.

Decreased action

  • The hormone estrogen;
  • Lorazepam;
  • Mepron.

If the patient is taking any medications, he must inform the attending physician about this so that the oil in capsules can be prescribed in optimal doses with the time of treatment adjusted.


Before using, carefully study the contraindications of milk thistle oil so that when taking this product with unique healing characteristics you do not cause harm to your health.

  • Do not give milk thistle oil to children under three years of age.
  • Do not take if you have an individual intolerance.
  • Pregnant women should not use the product.
  • Do not take at the stage when cholelithiasis and cholecystitis worsen.

Detailed instructions on how to take milk thistle oil for a specific type of disease are given by your doctor. This will avoid complications.

Reviews from patients and opinions of doctors

Lina Ch.
“I decided to lose weight with oil capsules. My appetite has decreased, and in a month I lost more than six kilograms!”

Raisa E.

“I started taking capsules during my evening meal, no later than six o’clock. The result became immediately noticeable. The intestines were easily cleansed and the weight gradually melted away. I drink for three weeks, and then rest for the next two. Then I repeat the course. In four months I managed to lose fifteen and a half kilograms!”

Natalya Sh.

“I drank for two weeks and my liver still hurt constantly. I decided not to quit and it’s good that I didn’t quit. The result is amazing!

Oksana M.

“I just ate the capsule and an hour later swelling of the larynx developed. The husband barely managed to call an ambulance. Diagnosis: Quincke's edema. So I have an individual intolerance to milk thistle. You can't drink."

Application for hair treatment:

Oncology treatment

Milk thistle oil can be very effective in fighting cancer, especially if the formation of a tumor is associated with an imbalance in hormonal levels. In particular, doctors recommend using it for those undergoing chemotherapy, as it can reduce the side effects of this aggressive treatment.

In some cases, with regular use of milk thistle oil, tumors in the body are isolated, sometimes even reduced in size. Of course, this does not mean that it can cure cancer, but if used regularly, cancer treatment will not be so dangerous. This means that milk thistle oil in this case works as an adjuvant, and is quite effective.

Application to combat addiction

Everyone knows that alcohol has a negative effect on the liver, but milk thistle oil can somewhat reduce the damage it causes to the liver. In particular, it is able to fight toxic substances that appear in the human body due to alcohol consumption. In order to quickly and effectively remove toxins from the body, you only need 10-15 drops of milk thistle oil every day.

Including the ability of milk thistle oil to remove toxins from the body helps people who have given up drug addiction or smoking. In addition, this oil seriously reduces the impact of harmful substances on the cardiovascular system.

Application in cosmetology

This plant has been used for cosmetic purposes for many centuries. The fact is that the substances it contains stimulate tissue renewal and also have an excellent effect on the condition of the skin. That is why milk thistle oil is used in cosmetics and in its pure form to maintain elasticity and good skin color.

It serves as good protection for the skin during cold weather or summer heat. With regular use, the skin becomes noticeably firmer, clearer and more elastic. The use of the oil is universal - it is well suited for all skin types, but the effect is most noticeable on dry and tight skin or in case of inflammation and rashes.

To help dry or oily skin, simply massage your face and décolleté with milk thistle oil. It is advisable to leave it for several hours or even overnight if possible. This way the effect will be most noticeable.

With regular use, this natural cosmetic product in combination with massage helps to rejuvenate the skin, saturate it with vitamins, make it more elastic and radiant.

If you don’t want to use the oil in its pure form, you can simply add a few drops to your usual cosmetic products to achieve an additional effect. You can mix it with almond or olive oil, then the effect will be multiplied. This mixture can be used instead of moisturizer - an effective, natural and inexpensive remedy.

Mask recipes

Milk thistle and avocado oil, or milk thistle and tea tree oil

These mixtures give a lifting effect, removing fine wrinkles. For 3 parts milk thistle you need 1 part additive, the mixture is heated and applied as a cream or mask. To make a mask, soak gauze well with the mixture, place it on your face or décolleté and leave for 30-60 minutes, then rinse with water without using cleansers.

Milk thistle and grape seed oil

This will be good protection against cold and chapping, as well as sunburn. Can be used just on the face or on the whole body if you're going to the beach.

For different ages

Milk thistle oil helps soothe the skin and reduce inflammation, which helps with teenage skin problems.

Mature skin can be protected from aging, including that associated with an imbalance of hormonal levels, which often occurs during menopause.

The oil also acts as a preventative against spider veins on the skin, thanks to the minerals and vitamins it contains, which help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, even the smallest ones.

The nutritional properties of the oil will be a real salvation for those people who suffer from dry skin and cracks on their feet and hands. With its help, you can heal small wounds, tighten and soften cracks, as well as heal calluses and irritations on the skin. It is especially effective when used daily. The same property can be used if you apply oil to your lips every day - they will not dry out and crack in the cold.

In addition, you can use the oil to combat cellulite by regularly adding it to massage mixtures. It increases blood circulation, thereby stimulating the breakdown of fats and helping to fight the “orange peel”. For massage, you can add lemon, rosemary, lavender or geranium oils.

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But in its pure form, the oil also helps to stimulate hair growth - it can be used in the same way as burdock, rubbed into the scalp and left for several hours. The main thing is to do this regularly, every other day or every time you need to wash your hair. Keep the mask on for several hours and then rinse well. The course of such treatment should be carried out for 1 or 2 months. Also use it on your nails: rub the oil directly into the nail plate - this will help strengthen them and stimulate growth. In addition, if you have a problem with your hair or nails, it will be useful to take milk thistle oil internally, because. such problems are often associated with hormonal imbalance.

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