Fungal nail infections (onychomycosis): a never-ending story?

Nails are not only a decoration for a person's hands, but, above all, they have a protective function for the fingertips and they also facilitate precise handling. Unfortunately, nails are often affected by numerous diseases.

Nail diseases - types

Many nail diseases are the result of poor nutrition, low in vitamins and minerals. Split nails usually indicate a lack of calcium and zinc.

Their excessive fragility is due to a lack of vitamins of the silicon, magnesium, iron and B group. White spots on the nails should lead to replenishment of calcium deficiency, and longitudinal grooves – deficiency of iron, as well as vitamins A and D.

The nail plate is also weakened by contact with detergents and certain diseases, including diabetes and thyroid disease.

Laboratory research

  • Nail plate screening is a study during which the content of micro- and macroelements is determined. The goal is to see the level of vital substances: iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, sodium, selenium and others. And also determine the presence of toxic elements: barium, beryllium and aluminum, cadmium, arsenic, mercury, lead.
  • Test for the presence of fungus. A piece of the plate itself and the subungual contents are examined under a microscope.
  • Sowing. The material affected by the fungus is placed in a nutrient medium to grow colonies of fungi. In this way, the type of fungi and their resistance to drugs are determined. The process takes three weeks to a month.

Nail diseases - symptoms

Symptoms of nail disease are visible to the naked eye. Therefore, they should pay special attention to:

  1. nail color - white, yellow, green, gray, brown can be a symptom of the disease;
  2. the shape of the nails - scapular, gonadal, tubular - is incompatible with the natural growth of the nail;
  3. nail structure - longitudinal grooves and transverse grooves should attract attention;
  4. general condition of nails – brittle, peeling;
  5. condition of the skin around the nails - redness, swelling, bumps.

How long can you wear gel polish?

Technologists advise walking with the coating for no more than 2-3 weeks. But often girls wear gel polish for a month, or even longer. However, they do not understand that they can damage the nail plate. Prolonged wear puts stress on the tip of the nail plate, its root suffers from the weight of the coating. And this can lead not only to breakage, but also to deformation of the nail plate.

Nail diseases - treatment

If you notice any symptoms, you should consult a dermatologist. It is necessary to find the cause of the change and exclude serious diseases, such as: thyroid disease, syphilis, anemia, lack of micro and macro elements. Treatment depends on the type and severity of the disease. Some of them are treated with topical medications. In more severe cases, surgery may be required. Therapy is selected individually, taking into account the needs of the patient.

Unfortunately, nail diseases are quite common. Most often, they affect women who use cosmetic procedures in salons where hygienic conditions are not properly maintained.

Diagnosis and choice of doctor

Nails are a derivative of the skin, so the examination should begin with a visit to a dermatologist. At the first stage, the doctor will conduct a visual examination. Next, you will need to undergo general tests and conduct laboratory tests directly on the nails.

At the medical center, they will do a microscopic examination of the plates for the presence of pathogenic fungi, take a scraping and conduct a screening. All types of diagnostics are carried out in our own laboratory in the shortest possible time - from two working days. The clinic is attended by an experienced dermatologist who will find the cause of the problem. If necessary, refer you for consultation to other specialists.

The most common nail diseases

Nail candidiasis is a fungal disease of the nails that causes severe blackening, perigungual swelling and pain. Treatment is based on antifungal drugs.

Nail psoriasis occurs in combination with skin psoriasis and is an important part of the diagnosis of this disease. The nails become thickened, brittle, and have numerous transverse grooves and pinpoint cavities. In advanced forms of the disease, extensive onycholysis may develop.

Leukonychia is the so-called nail vitiligo, which appears as white spots. It is not a disease in itself, but can be a symptom of infection, ringworm, zinc and protein deficiencies, and kidney or heart failure.

Onycholysis is the separation of the stratum corneum from the finger. It appears gradually, starting from the edge of the nail. The nail becomes distorted and changes color to white, yellowish and even greenish. The causes of this disease can be mechanical damage, improperly performed care procedures, bacterial and fungal infections, harmful effects of chemicals, psoriasis or thyroid hormone disorders.

You can protect yourself from these diseases by following hygiene rules and choosing sterile beauty salons equipped with professional disinfection equipment.

Treatment methods for hyperkeratosis of the nail plate

Hyperkeratosis is treated by a highly specialized specialist – a podiatrist. Therapy combines systemic and local methods and is prescribed after a comprehensive diagnosis. This approach allows you to accurately influence the cause of the pathology, reduce treatment time, and avoid complications and relapses. Since in most cases, subungual hyperkeratosis develops against the background of nail fungus, the patient is prescribed antifungal drugs - tablets, varnishes and ointments.

Local antifungal treatment and medical pedicure

Local treatment is aimed at suppressing fungal microflora and reducing keratinization. To do this, the clinic performs a medical pedicure - the surface layers of the thickened nail are removed with a cutter.


It is recommended to take warm salt foot baths every day - dissolve 100 grams of sea salt in 10 liters of water. After the procedure, the steamed tissues of the surface of the nail and the skin around it are removed with pumice and buffs. Then the local drug prescribed by the doctor is applied.

Removing the nail plate

In advanced cases, in order to ensure the delivery of drugs to the affected tissues, complete removal of the nail plate is indicated using mechanical cutters, special compounds and patches.


To get rid of the fungus, it is recommended to adjust your diet. Sweets and yeast baked goods are excluded from the menu. The diet is balanced in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements under the supervision of a nutritionist.


If immunodeficiency is detected during diagnosis, the immunologist prescribes immunomodulatory therapy.


Fungal infections actively multiply in a warm, humid environment, so the inner surface of shoes is treated daily with a pharmaceutical disinfectant solution, and socks, tights and stockings are washed daily. Shoes are changed if necessary - they should not stimulate foot sweating. Scissors and nail files must be strictly individual and treated with a disinfectant solution after use. You will also have to temporarily avoid going to saunas and swimming pools to prevent contact infection.

Traditional methods

Fungi are not sensitive or slightly sensitive to nonspecific agents, therefore traditional methods of treating nail hyperkeratosis are ineffective. Under their influence, the fungal flora develops immunity and infects new structures. The disease becomes severe. Podologists strongly recommend that if you suspect nail hyperkeratosis, you should immediately contact a specialist.

It is impossible to restore a nail plate affected by hyperkeratosis; you can cure the disease and wait until a healthy nail grows. The course of therapy is from 2 to 6 months. After 2 weeks and 2 months after complete elimination of symptoms, control tests are taken to determine the presence/absence of fungus.

The most common toenail diseases

Onychomycosis is one of the most common toenail diseases, but it can also appear on the toenails. Fungi, or rather dermatophytes, thrive in the nail environment.

The infection usually occurs when using swimming pools or public showers. Mycosis manifests itself as a color change to yellow, brown or white. There is also deformation of the nail plate and onychlinosis. Treatment requires the administration of appropriate antifungal drugs. If treatment is unsuccessful, surgical removal of the nail may also be necessary.

In prevention, foot hygiene, thorough drying after each wash and cutting nails short are important. You cannot lend shoes, a towel or nail scissors to anyone.

An ingrown toenail is most often found on the largest toenail and is the result of improper care or shoes that are too tight.
The cause may also be a nail disease, such as mycosis. Depending on the cause, a treatment method is established.

How does the disease progress?

The first manifestations of the disease begin in the spaces between the fingers, especially between 4 and 5, since there is the smallest distance between them. A slight itching begins, and over time a strip of thickened and slightly flaky cuticle appears on the finger fold.

After 2-3 days, a small crack forms, from which serous fluid is released, which acts as an excellent medium for the successful proliferation of the fungus. The tough layer of epidermis may fall away, revealing a dark pink area underneath. The progression of the disease leads to its spread over all the toes and the adjacent side of the foot.

Through damaged areas of the upper part of the skin, the fungus can penetrate into the deeper layers behind the epidermis. The disease is accompanied by an eczematous reaction. Fluid-filled blisters form on the skin, which are very itchy. Over time, they can coalesce and erode, resulting in wet spots.

Reference! When studying skin affected by fungus, it was found that the “bare” wet surface that appears under the blisters does not contain the pathogens themselves, but is only a consequence of their activity.

Without proper timely treatment, the fungus affects the entire surface of the foot and toes, sometimes extending to the area above the heel. There is instability in the course - the disease either slows down or intensifies again.

Without treatment, the disease can drag on for many years. In this case, there is a high risk of complications from pathogenic streptococcus: the fluid in the blisters begins to fester, foci of inflammation spread beyond the initial boundaries, and the foot swells greatly. It becomes difficult for a person to move due to painful sensations in the legs. In addition, complications may arise in the form of problems with the lymph nodes.

The development of athlete's foot usually occurs in the summer months. At this time, sweating increases, fingers often become wet, and increased humidity in the interdigital areas creates favorable conditions for the introduction of fungus and its active reproduction.

Mycosis usually appears on the 1st and 5th fingers, spreading from the free side. The nail gradually thickens, acquires a yellowish tint and an uneven sharp edge. Over time, pronounced subungual hyperkeratosis of varying degrees appears.

Nail disease in children

Nail diseases in children are most often caused by infections. This leads not only to destruction of the nail plate, but also to the appearance of open wounds.

Warts are caused by HPV that enters the body through mechanical damage. Symptoms include red or grayish nodules. Most often they appear next to the nail, but it happens that the wart can be located under the nail plate. This causes pain and discomfort. Their treatment is very burdensome. Chemicals, laser therapy and eventually surgical methods are used.

Mycosis of the nails in children is also common. This is due to reduced immunity and frequent trips to the pool or sports club. It is necessary to ensure that the child only uses his own towel and always remembers hygiene. Treatment is long and burdensome, so prevention is better than cure.

Section: Articles Tags: dermatology

Why does pathology occur?

Stress factors for the development of the pathological process are a number of circumstances:

  • injury to toes and hands;
  • chemical exposure;
  • lack of calcium and vitamins;
  • wearing narrow and uncomfortable shoes;
  • disruptions of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • unfavorable environmental conditions;
  • decreased immune defense of the body;
  • stress, depression;
  • infectious diseases;
  • fungal infections.

Separately, it is worth noting the fungus, which is a common cause of infection of the nail plate and its subsequent destruction. Fungal infections occur in public places such as baths, swimming pools, gyms, and dormitories. Manicures and pedicures in beauty salons and private practitioners are also a risk factor.

In addition, people who have to come into contact with soap solutions, sugars, antibiotics and dairy products for a long time are at risk of becoming infected with the fungus.

At CELT you can consult a dermatologist.

  • Initial consultation – 3,500
  • Repeated consultation – 2,300

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