Let's compare Cortexin and its analogues: which is more effective, safer and cheaper?

To treat circulatory disorders in the brain in adults and children from the day of birth, as well as to support the emotional state of pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, the nootropic drug Cortexin is prescribed.

Cortexin has a complex of low molecular weight polypeptide fractions that penetrate through the BBB to nerve cells. It has nootropic, neuroprotective, antioxidant and tissue-specific effects.


  • improves brain function, learning and memory processes, concentration, resistance to stress;
  • protects neurons from damage, reduces the toxicity of psychotropic drugs;
  • has anticonvulsant and cerebroprotective properties;
  • Helps quickly restore central nervous system functions after stress.

pharmachologic effect

Manufacturer: GEROPHARM LLC (Russia)
Release form: powder for the preparation of a solution for intramuscular administration

Active ingredient: complex of water-soluble polypeptide fractions

Analogs: Ceraxon, Cerebrolysin, Mexidol

Cortexin is a nootropic drug that can penetrate the blood-brain barrier directly into the structure of nerve cells. The drug has a neuroprotective, antioxidant and specific effect on nervous tissue, stimulating the cognitive functions of the brain.

The medication protects neurons of nerve cells from damage by various endogenous factors, increases their functional state under conditions of hypoxia and stress. Under the influence of the drug, metabolism in neurons and general tone in the central nervous system are stimulated.

Budget generics

There is no drug with an absolutely identical active ingredient yet.
You will have to select nootropics that are similar in composition and effect on the nervous system and brain. Analogs are cheaper than Cortexin:

  • Vinpocetine. Produced in Belarus. Helps improve brain nutrition, relieve hypertension, reduce dizziness and pain. Contraindicated for expectant and nursing mothers, children under 18 years of age.
  • Piracetam. Ukrainian analogue. It not only helps to cope with high blood pressure and cephalgia, but also has a relaxing effect and relieves insomnia. Effective for depression, strokes, removes toxins.
  • Phezam. Provides blood flow to the brain and spinal cord, is effective in neutralizing the effects of toxic effects on the central nervous system,
  • Glycised. Improves the processes of perception, memorization, thinking. Helps you fall asleep at night. Positively affects vision and erectile function. Approved in pediatrics. Not for sale in the Russian Federation.

Indications for use of Cortexin

Cortexin is prescribed for the following diseases and conditions:

  • stroke and transient cerebrovascular accident;
  • encephalopathy of various origins;
  • encephalitis and encephalomyelitis in the form of acute or chronic course;
  • cerebral palsy;
  • epileptiform syndrome;
  • traumatic brain injuries of varying severity and their consequences.

The drug is also used in child psychiatry for delayed psychomotor development of the child, speech function, and insufficient learning ability.

Analogues of Cortexin in pediatrics

In pediatric practice, Cortexin is prescribed from birth for cerebral circulation disorders, diffuse brain damage syndrome, cerebral palsy, and impaired reflex formation. It is recommended to use Cortexin for children with mental, mental and speech development delays, attention deficit disorder, traumatic brain injuries, and diseases of the nervous system.

This medicine has many analogues: Noofen, Phezam, Gliatilin, Neurotropin, Piracetam and others. Some drugs are cheaper, but they have a number of contraindications and age restrictions. Therefore, before use, consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Cortexin - instructions for use

According to the instructions for use of Cortexin, the medication is administered by intramuscular injection. To prepare the solution, the powder in the bottle is diluted in 1 of 3 solvents in a volume of 1–2 ml (novocaine 0.5%, sodium chloride 0.9%, water for injection).

The medicine is administered to adults and children weighing more than 20 kg once a day at a dosage of 10 mg for 10 days. According to indications (ischemic stroke in the acute and early recovery period), the frequency of administration of the drug can be increased to 2 times a day.

For babies weighing up to 20 kg, the medication is administered at 0.5 mg per kg of weight in the same course. Repeated use of the medicine is possible after 3–6 months.

Two companies, two prices

Cortexin is produced only in the form of a sterile lyophilized powder, from which a solution for intramuscular injection is prepared. For adult patients, the powder is packaged in 10 mg bottles, and for children – 5 mg.

The powder is diluted with water for injection or novocaine, since the injection is very painful and for children this is a big disadvantage.

The drug is produced only in Russia by two pharmacological companies: Geropharm LLC - it was the first to produce the drug and its drug is more expensive than the second one.

According to patient reviews, the drug from the first manufacturer is considered reliable. They have the same composition and release form too. They differ in price, but not significantly.

Analogues of Cortexin

The pharmacy chain offers a wide range of Cortexin substitutes, which are successfully used in neurological and psychiatric practice, giving an equivalent therapeutic effect. These medications can be purchased in the form of:

  • synonyms;
  • generics;
  • combined means.

Among these Cortexin analogues, there are cheaper and more expensive drugs for adults and children that improve the functions of the central nervous system.

Table of Cortexin analogues with price and country of origin

AnalogueCost in rublesManufacturer country

The price of Cortexin analogues depends on the manufacturer, raw materials and quality of purification, but the result of treatment will be the same, that is, stimulation of higher nervous activity and brain functions.

Domestic nootropics, analogues of Cortexin

Foreign drugs are of high quality, but their prices are not affordable for everyone. Russian generics are cheaper and have similar therapeutic effects. The chance of running into a counterfeit product is lower, because unpopular products are less likely to be counterfeited.

  • Nooclerin. Positively affects attention and memory. Indispensable for depression and treatment of alcoholism. Prevents the development of complications after TBI.
  • Calcium hopantenate. Used in psychiatric practice. Prescribed for epilepsy, schizophrenia.
  • Carnicetine. It has a positive effect on blood vessels, thereby improving mental processes and combating mental retardation. Effective for vascular encephalopathy, diseases associated with damage to the central nervous system.
  • Cerebrolysate. Psychostimulant. Indications: traumatic brain injury, metabolic disorders of the brain, stroke. Contraindicated for epileptics and children under 18 years of age.
  • Semax. Helps with mental exhaustion and fatigue. Fights vascular pathologies of the brain, stimulates the development and restoration of speech.

Cortexin or Ceraxon - which is better for the elderly

(Spain) Release form: solution for intramuscular, intravenous and internal administration

Active ingredient: citicoline

Both drugs are nootropic drugs that improve cerebral circulation, but act through different mechanisms. Ceraxon has fewer indications for use and is more effective in neurological pathology of disorders of degenerative and vascular origin. Cortexin will be the best, since the drug is safer and can be used for children, has an expanded list of indications and minimal side effects.

For elderly patients, to improve brain activity and enhance cognitive abilities, the Cerakson analogue, produced in tablet form, will be of advantage. This is confirmed by reviews of patients taking long-term therapy with the analogue.

Comparative characteristics

We compared Cortexin and its most popular competitor analogues and this is what we got.

In comparison Cerebrolysin

Both drugs are nootropic and have a neuroprotective effect. Cerebrolysin also has neurotrophic activity - this is the ability to replace the functions of dead brain cells.

Both drugs restore cerebral circulatory function and are used after traumatic brain injuries and for mental retardation in children.

Cerebrolysin is used for strokes, spinal cord injuries, for the treatment of endogenous depression, autism, and enuresis.

Cortexin is used for deterioration of memory and thinking, encephalopathy, epilepsy, encephalitis, cerebral palsy in newborns, delayed speech and motor development and poor learning ability of children. Both drugs are used to treat autism spectrum disorders in children from the first year of life.

The simultaneous use of Cortexin and Cerebrolysin in cardiology restores the main indicators of heart function. In ischemic stroke, both drugs act equally, reducing the number of deaths.

In case of delayed speech development, both drugs act equally, but Cortexin has a side effect - agitation of the child. Both drugs cannot be used during pregnancy and lactation, as they can cause allergies. Cerebrolysin, in turn, cannot be used in case of epilepsy and renal failure.

The price of Cortexin is 2 times cheaper than Cerebrolysin, therefore, given their identical properties, preference is given to the former.

Cortexin VS Actovegin

Both drugs belong to nootropics, the active substance of which is of animal origin. They have similar indications for use, but a nootropic drug is also prescribed with Actovegin.

Cortexin treats dyscirculatory encephalopathy well, and Actovegin helps with this pathology only in combination with other medications.

Cortexin remains the only drug in the treatment of newborns with CNS injuries that gives a positive result. Chronic fatigue syndrome is eliminated faster when using Cortexin.

Both drugs cause allergies, but combine well with other medications.

Cortexin is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, and Actovegin costs a little less.

Mexidol is popular, but is it good?

Both drugs have similar indications for use:

  • encephalopathy;
  • memory and thinking disorders;
  • decreased learning ability;
  • absent-mindedness.

Both have powerful neuroprotective effects and regulate dopamine levels in the brain.
They are good to use in combination in the treatment of traumatic brain injuries (they give high-quality and quick results), as well as for ischemic brain lesions. This treatment is prescribed by a doctor and is carried out strictly under his supervision. Mexidol and Cortexin cannot be used during pregnancy, breastfeeding, acute renal failure, and the first drug cannot be used in acute liver failure.

They are approximately the same price.

Tserakson - what's in my name for you?

Both are nootropics, but with different active ingredients. Cerakson is more effective than Cortexin for relieving cerebral edema, therefore, after its use, memory or attention is restored more quickly.

It can be used both in the acute period of the disease and during the rehabilitation period.

Cerakson has more contraindications - they cannot treat children from birth.

And also the short duration of the course of treatment.

The price of Ceraxon is also high compared to Cortexin.

Cortexin or Actovegin - which is better for adults

Manufacturer: TAKEDA GMBH (Austria)
Release form: tablets, injection solution, eye gel, ointment, cream for external use

Active ingredient: deproteinized hemoderivative of calf blood

Cortexin and its analogue Actovegin have the same indications, but a different mechanism of action. When treating adults with vegetative-vascular dystonia, Actovegin will be the best, as it effectively stops attacks and significantly increases periods of remission. It comes in several forms, including tablets, which is convenient for long-term treatment.

Cortexin is more effective in treating traumatic and vascular injuries of the brain, which gives good results in the treatment of children with birth injuries. The medication will be the best in the treatment of dyscirculatory encephalopathy, as it actively relieves the pathological manifestations of the disease.

Cortexin or Cerebrolysin - which is better, what is the difference

Manufacturer: EVER PHARMA JENA GMBH (Germany)
Release form: solution for injection

Active ingredient: cerebrolysin

Both medications belong to the group of nootropic drugs that improve brain function. A special feature of Cerebrolysin is its neurotrophic activity, that is, stimulating the growth and development of new neurons and protecting them from destruction. For an adult, in the presence of hypoxia or ischemia, the Cerebrolysin analogue will be more effective.

Cortexin is advantageous in pediatric practice. For a child who has suffered a birth or other brain injury, this medication gives good treatment results. This is confirmed by reviews of pediatricians who practice treatment with Cortexin.

Cortexin or Mexidol - which is better, what is the difference

Manufacturer: ALSI PHARMA (Russia)
Release form: tablets, injection solution

Active ingredient: ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate

Cortexin and Mexidol are in different pharmacological groups, but have equivalent indications. The difference between medications lies in the composition of the active substances and auxiliary ingredients. Cortexin is a nootropic drug, and Mexidol has antioxidant properties.

According to doctors, an analogue of Cortexin in injections will be the best in the treatment of patients who have suffered a stroke, myocardial infarction, or transient cerebrovascular accident. The medication stimulates cerebral blood flow and normalizes metabolism in the ischemic area. The analogue is highly effective against dizziness, headache, swaying when walking and other symptoms accompanying cerebrovascular insufficiency.

Cortexin or Gliatilin - which is better for children

Manufacturer: ITALFARMACO S.P.A.
(Italy) Release form: capsules, injection solution

Active ingredient: choline alfoscerate

Both drugs are nootropic drugs that improve brain function and have equivalent indications. The mechanism of action of drugs will not be the same due to different active substances. For children of any age, Cortexin will be the best, due to the safety of the medication and its high effectiveness.

Gliatilin is better suited for adult patients with cognitive impairment due to cerebrovascular insufficiency, consequences of a stroke, or senile dementia. The analogue in capsule form allows long-term therapy for this group of patients.

Reasons for searching for drug analogues

The active substance in Cortexin is a complex of water-soluble polypeptide fractions that penetrates the BBB (blood-brain barrier) to nerve cells. Polypeptides act on the metabolic and bioenergetic processes of brain neurons, improve the exchange of nucleic acids, and influence the release of neurotransmitters.

The drug Cortexin is widely used in neurology. The advantage is the rapid penetration of its active substance into the brain and direct effect on cells. The drug has a minimal number of side effects compared to other nootropic drugs. Indicated for use in children, pregnant and lactating women.

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But there are a number of reasons why the doctor refuses this drug and prescribes its analogues in tablets:

  • If it is not possible to administer intramuscular injections, since Cortexin is available in the form of a sterile powder and is used only as a solution.
  • Injections with the drug are very painful, so they are not always used in childhood.
  • Individual intolerance to the drug or its components.
  • Choosing a cheaper drug.
  • The need for treatment with more powerful drugs.

Cortexin or Pantocalcin - which is better?

Manufacturer: JSC VALENTA PHARM (Russia)
Release form: tablets

Active ingredient: hopantenic acid

Cortexin and its analogue are drugs with nootropic effects that improve the functions of higher nervous activity. When comparing medications, Pantocalcin has broader indications. And it will be the best in the treatment of psychiatric and neurological patients suffering from schizophrenia, senile dementia, Parkinson's disease, and extrapyramidal hyperkinesis.

An analogue of the drug Cortexin can be prescribed to children, but only from 3 years of age. For babies and older children, Cortexin will be an advantage, as it is a safer medication with few side effects.

Cortexin or Piracetam

Manufacturer: JSC ORGANIKA (Russia)
Release form: capsules, tablets, injection solution

Active ingredient: piracetam

Both products are representatives of the same group of nootropics, with differences in some indications for use. An analogue of Cortexin in ampoules, the drug Piracetam will be more effective in the treatment of patients who are in a coma, dementia without behavioral disorders and aggression, and psychoorganic syndrome.

Cortexin will be the best for the treatment of strokes, encephalitis of various origins, epileptiform syndrome, and for children with delayed psychomotor development. The medication has a milder effect and safety.

Domestic and imported analogues of the product

If the components are poorly tolerated, the original drug can be replaced with drugs similar in action and indications. When choosing a generic, you must first consult with a specialist.

At the moment, there are many different substitutes on the pharmaceutical market, both domestic and imported. At the same time, analogues can be produced in a variety of dosage forms, which is convenient for different groups of patients.

Gliatilin capsules for adults

This medicine, unlike the original drug, is produced in Italy. The generic has a different active ingredient - choline alfoscerate. Both drugs belong to the same pharmacological group – nootropics. The substitute has a completely different mechanism of action, but has a similar therapeutic effect and recommendations for use.


  • traumatic brain injuries affecting brain stem levels (acute period);
  • cerebrovascular insufficiency, occurring in a chronic form;
  • dementia of various origins, including Alzheimer's disease;
  • rehabilitation after ischemic stroke;
  • senile pseudomelancholia;
  • Huntington's syndrome.

Dosage regimen: 0.4 g 3 times a day. The duration of the course can vary from 3 months to six months.

Unlike the main medication, the analog has significantly fewer adverse reactions, which is its main advantage. The disadvantage of the substitute is its high cost, which exceeds the cost of the original product.

According to expert reviews, the original medication has a more pronounced therapeutic effect. At the same time, the effectiveness and speed of action of the drugs is almost the same.

The analogue is more convenient to use, since it is available in the form of tablets for oral use. The main product is produced in the form of a lyophilisate, which creates additional difficulties in the preparation and administration of the solution.

Both drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding, since there is no data on the safe use of drugs during these periods of time.

Also, the substitute is prohibited for use in childhood, since the capsules can lead to serious disorders. The main remedy can be used in childhood, however, strictly under the supervision of a specialist. The method of dispensing the generic is by prescription.

Noopept tablets

Cortexin (analogues in tablets have no less pronounced therapeutic effects) should be replaced with other drugs according to the indications and recommendations of the attending physician.

This substitute is also produced by a domestic drug manufacturer. Unlike the main drug, the generic has a different active ingredient - noopept.

Both drugs have a similar mechanism of action and some overlap in recommendations for use. Moreover, the drugs belong to the same pharmacological group – neuroprotectors (nootropics).


  • disorders caused by traumatic brain injury;
  • post-concussion state;
  • encephalopathy of various origins;
  • asthenic conditions;
  • other disorders accompanied by intellectual dysfunction.

Dosage regimen: tablets are taken after eating. Therapy begins with taking 20 mg, divided into 2 equal parts - morning and evening. In case of good tolerance and good therapeutic effect, the dosage can be increased to 30 mg per day, divided into 3 equal parts.

It is not recommended to take the drug after 6 pm. The duration of therapy ranges from 1.5 to 3 months. A repeat course can be carried out after a break of 1 month.

Both drugs have various contraindications, with the exception of pregnancy and lactation. During these periods, funds are not used. The substitute has more restrictions on its prescription, which significantly narrows the group of patients who can take it.


  • functional disorders of the kidneys and liver;
  • period of gestation and breastfeeding;
  • minor age;
  • intolerance to components;
  • lactase deficiency, hypersensitivity to lactose, glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome.

The generic has fewer side effects compared to the original medicine. The therapeutic effect of both drugs is identical, however, the speed of action of the main drug is higher, since the rate of absorption of the active substances significantly exceeds the level of absorption of oral forms of the drug.

The big advantage of the analogue is its cost. It is significantly lower than that of the original drug. However, the cost of medications is not a determining factor in their prescription or therapeutic effectiveness. Terms of sale: prescription.

Piracetam ampoules for children over 5 years old

Cortexin (analogues in tablets are prescribed when it is not possible to use other dosage forms) can be replaced by other solutions with similar indications and effects only if the components are well tolerated.

This medical product, like the main medicine, is manufactured at a domestic pharmaceutical plant. The analogue is produced in the form of a solution for intramuscular or intravenous administration.

The products have different active ingredients. Thus, the active component of the analogue is the substance of the same name, piracetam. Both medications belong to the same pharmacological group of nootropics and have similar recommendations for use. However, the substitute has much more of them, which significantly expands the scope of the solution and the group of patients.


  • impairment of cognitive functions - decreased learning ability in children, memory impairment, dizziness, decreased concentration, emotional lability;
  • dementia caused by traumatic brain injury, Alzheimer's disease, ischemic stroke;
  • coma;
  • withdrawal or psychoorganic syndrome associated with chronic alcoholism;
  • Some forms of anemia (sickle cell form).

Scheme of use: at the beginning of therapy, 10 g of solution per day is prescribed. For patients with severe disorders, intravenous administration of the drug is indicated.

In this case, the daily dosage can be increased to 12 g. If the therapeutic effect is pronounced, the dosage must be gradually reduced, after which the patient is transferred to oral forms of the drug. The duration of the course is calculated individually.

Both medications have similar side effects. However, the original medicine has fewer restrictions on its use. In this case, a generic drug can be prescribed during pregnancy only taking into account the potential risks and expected benefits.

During lactation, the use of both drugs is prohibited, since the active components of both drugs can pass into mother's milk and lead to various reactions in the child.


  • intolerance to the components included in the medicine;
  • severe form of renal failure;
  • hemorrhagic stroke.

The therapeutic effectiveness of the original medication and its substitute is similar. According to reviews, the effect of Piracetam occurs much faster. The big advantage of a generic drug is its cost, which is several times lower than that of the main medicine. Dispensing method: prescription.

Phezam capsules

Phezam tablets are a combined medical product and are produced in Bulgaria. Unlike Cortexin, the substitute contains 2 active components - piracetam and cinnarizine.

Both drugs belong to the same pharmacological group of nootropic drugs and have a similar mechanism of action. However, the generic has a greater number of indications for use.


  • cerebrovascular accidents;
  • toxic brain damage;
  • disorders in the central nervous system, which are accompanied by memory impairment, decreased concentration, and mood swings;
  • period after traumatic brain injury;
  • asthenia having a psychogenic nature of origin;
  • psychoorganic syndrome;
  • Meniere's disease;
  • various forms of labyrinthopathy;
  • migraines and headaches (as a preventive measure);
  • poor learning ability in children due to the presence of psychoorganic syndrome (as part of complex treatment).

Dosage regimen: 1-2 capsules 3 times a day. The duration of therapy varies from 1 to 3 months. It is recommended to take no more than 2-3 similar courses per year.

The generic has a large number of side effects. With the original medication, such reactions occur much less frequently.

The main disadvantage of the substitute is a large list of restrictions on prescription, which, in turn, narrows the group of patients who can use the medicine.



  • severe functional disorders of the kidneys and liver;
  • stroke (hemorrhagic form of the disorder);
  • increased excitability during the period of use of the drug;
  • Huntington's syndrome;
  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • children under 5 years of age;
  • intolerance to the components included in the medication;
  • high sensitivity to galactose, lactase deficiency, glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome.

The analogue also has additional restrictions when the drug is prescribed with extreme caution, and therapy is carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Such conditions include the following disorders:

  • Parkinson's syndrome;
  • intraocular pressure and disorders caused by this disorder;
  • functional disorders of the kidneys and liver;
  • hemostatic disorders;
  • the presence of severe forms of bleeding.

Both drugs have a pronounced therapeutic effect and are well tolerated by patients. Terms of sale: prescription.

Encephabol suspension for children

Cortexin (analogues in tablets are more convenient to use) has several substitutes produced in the form of a suspension. One such substitute is Encephabol. The drug is manufactured in Austria and is intended for oral use.

Unlike the original drug, the analogue contains a different active ingredient – ​​pyritinol. The medications have the same pharmacological group and similar recommendations for use.


  • functional disorders of the brain, accompanied by corresponding symptoms - decreased intellectual abilities, memory and thinking disorders, decreased concentration, increased fatigue;
  • cerebrovascular disorders;
  • neuropsychiatric disorders - in pediatric practice.

Dosage regimen: adults are prescribed 2 tsp. suspensions 3 times a day. Newborns are prescribed 1 ml once a day for 1 month.

For children over 12 months, the recommended dosage is 0.5-1 tsp. from 1 to 3 times a day.

Children over 7 years of age are advised to take 0.5-2 tsp. from 1 to 3 times a day. The duration of therapy in all cases should be from 2 months to six months.

The main disadvantage of the generic drug is the extensive list of side effects, the frequency of which is much higher than that of the main drug.

The substitute also has a more extensive list of restrictions for use.


  • intolerance to the components that make up the suspension;
  • rheumatoid arthritis, occurring in a chronic form, in combination with the following pathologies: severe kidney and liver failure, blood diseases, autoimmune disorders;
  • hypersensitivity to fructose;
  • predisposition to the development of allergic reactions.

Unlike the main drug, the analogue can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but only with the permission of a doctor and taking into account the expected risks and expected benefits.

The main advantage of the generic is the absence of any age restrictions, so it can be widely used in pediatric practice. Terms of sale: prescription.

Picamilon or Cortexin - which is better?

Manufacturer: JSC AKRIKHIN (Russia)
Release form: tablets, injection solution

Active ingredient: nicotinoyl gamma-aminobutyric acid

Cortexin and its analogue are nootropic drugs that stimulate blood circulation in the central nervous system. Picamilon will be best for VSD, migraine, asthenic and depressive conditions. The medication, by stimulating cerebral blood flow, acts on the body as a tranquilizer and stimulant.

Picamilon is an analogue of Cortexin 10 mg; with long-term use, it increases physical and mental ability to work, normalizes sleep, and eliminates feelings of anxiety, tension, and fear. The cost of Picamilon is much cheaper, which is an important point when taking the medicine for a long time.


Cortexin (analogs in tablets, as a rule, have a significantly lower cost) should be purchased only in specialized pharmaceutical stores or pharmacies.

The cost of the products may vary depending on the dosage dispensed and the area or region of sale. The price of drugs is also influenced by the retail pharmacy chain, which sells medical goods.

Thus, the cost of Cortexin varies from 392 to 1655 rubles. The price of lyophilisate in a dosage of 5 mg in pharmacies in Moscow and the Moscow region is 392-1374 rubles, in a dosage of 10 mg - from 880 to 1655 rubles.

Name of the drugPrice
Gliatilin (capsules)500-3183 rub.
Noopept (tablets)321-572 rub.
Piracetam (ampoules)17-112 rub.
Phezam (capsules)240-540 rub.
Encephabol (suspension)805-1555 rub.

Before using Cortexin or its substitutes, you must first read the instructions for their use and consult with a specialist. As an addition, it is recommended to read the reviews of specialists and patients who have used these drugs. You can find out the exact cost of the tablets at any pharmacy located near your place of residence.


Manufacturer: GEDEON RICHTER (Hungary)
Release form: tablets, solution concentrate for intravenous administration

Active ingredient: vinpocetine

Cavinton is a remedy that improves cerebral circulation and brain metabolism. The analogue stimulates the resistance of the central nervous system to oxygen starvation, increases local metabolism, and reduces high blood viscosity. The medication is widely used in neurological and psychiatric practice for various forms of vascular disorders.

Foreign drugs

These products are used in leading clinics around the world. Advantages: large evidence base (research, statistics), impeccable reputation. Disadvantages: cost, some are only available to order.

Foreign analogues of Cortexin

  • Ceraxon. Produced in Italy. Used for problems with cerebral circulation, metabolic disorders in cells, encephalopathies, strokes, disorders of cognitive processes.
  • Recognan. Italian equivalent. The price is lower than Cortexin. Participates in the restoration of brain cell membranes. Effective for hemorrhages and injuries. There are practically no side effects.
  • Cerebrolysin. Australian drug. Has an excellent reputation. Treats diseases of the central nervous system, helps restore blood circulation through the vessels of the brain. In a situation of insufficient oxygen supply, it prevents neurons from dying. Indications: Alzheimer's disease, degenerative changes in brain tissue, stroke, endogenous depression. It is prescribed to children from an early age for the treatment of cerebral palsy, hyperactivity, and lack of attention.
  • Cavinton. Made in Hungary. Helps to recover from brain hemorrhages and injuries. Prescribed for encephalopathy and vascular atherosclerosis. Used for the treatment of vascular pathologies of the eyes and some hearing disorders.
  • Pramistar. Stimulates brain activity and cognitive processes. Helps cope with mental disorders.


(Italy) Release form: capsules, solution for intramuscular and intravenous administration

Active ingredient: piracetam

Nootropil belongs to the group of nootropic drugs that improve the functions of the central nervous system. The Cortexin analogue increases metabolism, improves memory, concentration, and the ability to analyze without sedative or psychostimulating effects. The medication has a beneficial effect on the rheological properties of blood, reducing its viscosity and platelet aggregation.


Manufacturer: MERK KGAA WERC SPITTAL (Austria)
Release form: tablets, oral suspension

Active ingredient: pyritinol

Encephabol has a metabolic and nootropic effect that can increase metabolic processes in brain tissue, reduce blood viscosity and improve blood flow in ischemic areas of the brain. The analogue is quickly absorbed into the blood, saturating it with oxygen and increasing glucose metabolism in pathologically altered areas of the central nervous system.

What can replace the drug?

The drug has no analogues in terms of structural composition, but there are a number of medications similar to it in terms of the mechanism of action. TOP 15 analogues of Cortexin, which are available both in tablets and ampoules:

  1. Aminalon - available in tablet form, its active substance is gamma-aminobutyric acid.
  2. Actovegin is produced in the form of solutions for intravenous and intramuscular use and tablets. The active substance is an extract from the blood of calves, freed from protein.
  3. Glycine – produced in the form of sublingual tablets. The active ingredient is microencapsulated glycine.
  4. Lucetam – tablets and solution for intravenous and intramuscular injections. The active substance is piracetam.
  5. Nootropil is produced in the form of tablets and capsules, as well as in the form of a solution for oral administration and for intravenous and intramuscular administration. The active substance is piracetam.
  6. Pantogam - available in the form of tablets and syrup. The active substance is the calcium salt of hopantenic acid.
  7. Piracetam - produced in the form of tablets and capsules, as well as a solution for injections. The active ingredient is piracetam.
  8. Mexidol is produced only in the form of tablets with the active substance – ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate.
  9. Tonoten is a lozenge and is a homeopathic remedy. It contains antibodies to the brain-specific protein S-100 in a large dilution.
  10. Tenoten for children is a tablet containing an active substance - a protein, an antibody that specifically interacts with the S-100 protein, which is found in human nervous tissue.
  11. Phenotropil are tablets with the active substance – phenotropil.
  12. Ceraxon - produced in the form of a solution for internal use and injections, both intramuscular and intravenous. Active substance: citicoline sodium.
  13. Cerebrolysin is a solution for injection in various packaging. The active substance is a complex of peptides from the pig brain.
  14. Encephabol is produced in the form of tablets and suspensions for oral administration. The active ingredient is pyritinol dihydrochloride monohydrate.
  15. Nikomex is a solution for injections. The active ingredient is ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate.

There are other drugs that produce a similar effect on the patient’s brain as Cortexin, but these analogues are cheaper (almost all) and no less effective.

To start treatment, you must consult a doctor; self-medication is not recommended.


Manufacturer: JSC FP OBOLENSKOE (Russia)
Release form: tablets

Active ingredient: vinpocetine

Vinpocetine belongs to the group of cerebral circulation correctors. The medication improves local metabolism and capillary blood flow, relieves spasm of the vascular wall, and increases the consumption of glucose and oxygen by brain tissue. The drug improves the rheological parameters of blood, reducing its viscosity and increasing the resistance of cellular structures to hypoxia.

What else can replace Cortexin injections, what drugs improve brain activity? You can supplement the list of drugs by the following means:

  • Neurox;
  • Cereton;
  • Cogitum;
  • Semax;
  • Pantogam;
  • Cerepro;
  • Cytoflavin;
  • Retinalamin;
  • Noopept;
  • Tanakan;
  • Mildronate.

Among these drugs there are analogues of Cortexin in tablets for children, stimulating the psychomotor development of children and the learning of schoolchildren.

A correctly selected substitute for Cortexin and a timely course of treatment with medication will accelerate the psychomotor development of children, increase the academic performance of schoolchildren, and restore partially lost functions of the central nervous system.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of Cortexin is its rapid effect on the brain, since the active substance of this drug acts directly on brain cells.
The drug does not have many side effects compared to other similar medications. Recommended for children from birth, pregnant and nursing mothers. A very inexpensive product. The disadvantages include:

  • the injections are painful, but if you replace the water with novocaine, the injections will not be so scary, especially for children;
  • the product is not produced in the form of tablets and capsules, so if it is impossible to give an injection, you need to look for analogues of Cortexin in tablets.

Answers on questions

Are Cortexin injections painful or not?

Yes. IM injections are painful, so novocaine is used as a solvent for the drug powder.

When is it better to inject Cortexin: in the morning or in the evening?

It is better to give injections in the morning, as the medication has a stimulating effect.

Is Cortexin available by prescription or not?

The medicine is sold by prescription.

Cortexin tablets or injections - which is better?

Injections are the best, as the drug quickly enters the bloodstream and begins its effect.

Should Cortexin be stored in the refrigerator or not?

It is better to store the medication in the refrigerator.

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