Which is better: Stugeron or Cinnarizine

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Stugeron belongs to the group of selective blockers of slow calcium channels, which have effects aimed at reducing the penetration of calcium ions into cells, reducing their accumulation in the cytolemma depot , as well as weakening the tone of smooth muscle tissue of arterioles and increasing the vasodilating efficiency of carbon dioxide .

Cinnarizine, by directly acting on vascular smooth muscle, reduces its response to biologically active substances ( angiotensin , adrenaline , dopamine , norepinephrine , vasopressin ). It is characterized by a vasodilating effect (especially for cerebral vessels), but does not significantly affect blood pressure . It has moderate antihistamine effectiveness, reduces the excitability of the vestibular system and the activity of the sympathetic nervous system. Reduces blood viscosity, increases the elasticity of erythrocyte membranes and the ability of erythrocytes to deform. Improves the resistance of muscle tissue to hypoxia .

Resorption of orally administered cinnarizine occurs in the stomach and intestines. Plasma Cmax is observed after 1-3 hours. Plasma protein binding is at the level of 91%. Complete metabolic transformations are carried out in the liver through the process of glucuronidation. cinnarizine metabolism are excreted 1/3 by the kidneys and 2/3 by the intestines. T1/2 is equal to 4 hours.

Comparison of the safety of Stugeron and Cinnarizine

The safety of a drug includes many factors.

At the same time, in Stugeron it is quite similar to Cinnarizine. It is important where the drug is metabolized: drugs are excreted from the body either unchanged or in the form of products of their biochemical transformations. Metabolism occurs spontaneously, but most often involves major organs such as the liver, kidneys, lungs, skin, brain and others. When assessing the metabolism of Stugeron, as well as Cinnarizine, we look at which organ is the metabolizing organ and how critical the effect on it is.

The risk-benefit ratio is when the prescription of a drug is undesirable, but justified under certain conditions and circumstances, with the obligatory observance of caution in use. At the same time, Stugeron does not have any risks when used, just like Cinnarizine.

Also, when calculating safety, it is taken into account whether only allergic reactions occur or possible dysfunction of the main organs. In other matters, as well as the reversibility of the consequences of using Stugeron and Cinnarizine.

Indications for use of Stugeron

Indications for use of Stugeron include:

  • negative symptoms of cerebrovascular origin (tinnitus, feeling of dizziness , irritability , headaches of vascular origin);
  • prevention of motion sickness syndromes ( kinetosis ), including air, road, and sea sickness;
  • vestibular disorders ( tinnitus , Meniere's disease , dizziness , nausea/vomiting, nystagmus of labyrinthine origin);
  • prevention of attacks of migraine-like pain ;
  • peripheral circulatory disorders ( thromphlebitis , diabetic angiopathy , Raynaud's disease , trophic disorders, intermittent claudication ).


The use of Stugeron is contraindicated in nursing and pregnant women, as well as in patients with personal hypersensitivity to its active ingredient ( cinnarizine ) or additional components.

It is not recommended to use the drug for the treatment of children under 5 years of age.

Treatment with cinnarizine requires caution in patients with Parkinson's disease .

Comparison of side effects of Stugeron and Cinnarizine

Side effects or adverse events are any adverse medical event that occurs in a subject after administration of a drug.

Stugeron has almost the same level of adverse events as Cinnarizine. They both have few side effects. This implies that the frequency of their occurrence is low, that is, the indicator of how many cases of an undesirable effect of treatment are possible and registered is low. The undesirable effect on the body, the strength of influence and the toxic effect of Stugeron are similar to Cinnarizine: how quickly the body recovers after taking it and whether it recovers at all.

Side effects

Some patients, when taking Stugeron tablets, experienced the following negative side effects of the therapy:

  • drowsiness;
  • dry mouth;
  • fatigue;
  • sweating;
  • headache;
  • skin rash;
  • development of cholestatic jaundice ;
  • depressive state;
  • pain in the epigastric region;
  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • the occurrence of lupus-like syndrome ;
  • allergic reactions;
  • formation of lichen planus (very rare);
  • weight gain;
  • extrapyramidal disorders.

Instructions for use of Stugeron (Method and dosage)

Stugeron tablets, instructions for use recommend oral administration after meals.

For patients over 12 years of age, the following dosage regimens are recommended.

In the case of treatment of conditions associated with cerebral circulatory disorders , 25-50 mg (1-2 tablets) of the drug are prescribed three times a day.

For the treatment of vestibular disorders, a three-time daily dose of 25 mg (1 tablet) is indicated.

Peripheral circulatory disorders require therapy with 50-75 mg (2-3 tablets) three times every 24 hours.

In order to prevent kinetosis, 25 mg (1 tablet) is prescribed half an hour before the intended trip (if necessary, take a similar dose 6 hours later).

In a maximum of 24 hours, you can take 225 mg (9 tablets) of Stugeron.

For patients aged 5-12 years, it is recommended to prescribe half (1/2) the dose of the dosage taken by adults.

In case of personal hypersensitivity of the patient, treatment should begin with a half (1/2) dose and gradually increase it to the optimal dose.

The therapeutic course of taking Stugeron usually takes from several weeks to several months.

Comparison of ease of use of Stugeron and Cinnarizine

This includes dose selection taking into account various conditions and frequency of doses. At the same time, it is important not to forget about the release form of the drug; it is also important to take it into account when making an assessment.

The ease of use of Stugeron is approximately the same as that of Cinnarizine. However, they are not convenient enough to use.

The drug ratings were compiled by experienced pharmacists who studied international research. The report is generated automatically.

Last update date: 2020-12-04 13:44:22

special instructions

At the beginning of Stugeron therapy, the patient is advised to refrain from any activities that are potentially life-threatening, including driving.

The antihistamine activity of cinnarizine can cause a false positive result in anti-doping testing , as well as lead to the leveling of positive reactions when performing diagnostic skin tests , which requires discontinuation of Stugeron four days before the proposed test.

With prolonged use of cinnarizine, it is recommended to conduct periodic control examinations of the functionality of the liver / kidneys , as well as monitor the picture of peripheral blood .

Elderly patients taking cinnarizine are susceptible to the development of extrapyramidal disorders ( hypokinesia , limb tremors , increased muscle tone), and therefore, the identification of such negative symptoms requires discontinuation of the treatment.

Patients with Parkinson's disease can be prescribed Stugeron only in cases where the expected benefits of therapy significantly exceed the risk of worsening their disease state.


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Analogues of Stugeron are represented by drugs similar to it in their main action:

  • Cinnarizine;
  • Aviomarin;
  • Asniton;
  • Avertid;
  • Be-Steady;
  • Akuver;
  • Betagis;
  • Betanorm;
  • Betagistine;
  • Vazoserk;
  • Betaserk;
  • Vergostin;
  • Maxhistin;
  • Vestagistin;
  • Medogistin;
  • Westinorm;
  • Neurogin;
  • Denoise;
  • Tagista.

Stugeron or Cinnarizine - which is better?

In the case of comparing Cinnarizine (companies Veropharm, Tatkhimfarmpreparaty, Balkanfarm, Biosintez, Nizhpharm, etc.) and Stugeron (Gedeon Richter), which includes cinnarizine as an active ingredient, we can only talk about the degree of purification of these drugs. It is unfortunate, but today in this aspect domestic drugs are often inferior to their foreign counterparts, which is reflected in their reduced effectiveness and increased risk of side effects. Otherwise, all medicinal products with this active ingredient, apart from some differences in the composition of additional substances, are identical and can, if necessary, replace each other.

Comparison of the effectiveness of Stugeron and Cinnarizine

The effectiveness of Stugeron is quite similar to Cinnarizine - this means that the ability of the drug substance to provide the maximum possible effect is similar.
For example, if the therapeutic effect of Stugeron is more pronounced, then using Cinnarizine even in large doses will not achieve this effect.

Also, the speed of therapy - an indicator of the speed of therapeutic action - is approximately the same for Stugeron and Cinnarizine. And bioavailability, that is, the amount of a drug reaching its site of action in the body, is similar. The higher the bioavailability, the less it will be lost during absorption and use by the body.

Reviews Stugerone

As a rule, reviews from those who took Stugeron for the treatment of any cerebrovascular disorders are positive. This drug, used according to indications for use and in recommended dosages, has really proven itself in terms of high efficiency and practical safety of use.

It was the minimal risk of side effects that made it possible to use Stugeron for children even in infancy, although this is contraindicated in the official instructions. Parents who leave reviews about Stugeron for infants on various Internet resources, in the vast majority of cases, confirm the high assessment of its action and safety of use.

Comparison of addiction between Stugeron and Cinnarizine

Like safety, addiction also involves many factors that must be considered when evaluating a drug.

So, the totality of the values ​​of such parameters as “o syndrome” in Stugeron is quite similar to the similar values ​​in Cinnarizine. Withdrawal syndrome is a pathological condition that occurs after the cessation of intake of addictive or dependent substances into the body. And resistance is understood as initial immunity to a drug; in this it differs from addiction, when immunity to a drug develops over a certain period of time. The presence of resistance can only be stated if an attempt has been made to increase the dose of the drug to the maximum possible. At the same time, in Stugeron the meaning of the “syndrome” is quite small, however, the same as in Cinnarizine.

Stugeron price, where to buy

The average price of Stugeron is 170 rubles.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • Stugeron tablets 25 mg 50 pcs. JSC Gedeon Richter
    200 rub. order

Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Stugeron (25 mg tablet No. 50)Gedeon-Richter

    186 RUR order

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