Asthenic syndrome: treatment in Saratov, treatment of asthenia in Russia

Asthenia is a symptom of the underlying disease, but there is also a syndrome. There are several types depending on your cause, but in almost all cases the symptoms can be resolved if proper treatment is given.

A person who has asthenia may experience the following symptoms:

  1. lack of energy;
  2. fatigue;
  3. physical exhaustion;
  4. mental exhaustion;
  5. muscle weakness;
  6. impaired concentration;
  7. decreased vitality;
  8. sleep disorders.

Main causes of asthenia

The main causes of asthenia may be excessive care for loved ones, excessive attention to children and problems related, including work. According to statistics, people suffering from asthenia talk about physical and mental fatigue, and women are most susceptible to it.

Causes of asthenia

If you feel these symptoms, it is very likely that you have asthenia.

But what causes this tired feeling in your body? There are many possible causes that can be classified as functional or organic. Asthenia of organic origin.

This is a feeling of fatigue caused by other underlying diseases. In general, it appears at the end of the day and does not change for some time, there is always fatigue there.

Possible reasons may include:

  1. infections;
  2. anemia (decreased hemoglobin concentration in the blood);
  3. hypothyroidism (poor functioning of the thyroid gland);
  4. medications (benzodiazepines, antiallergic drugs, medications to lower blood pressure);
  5. pregnancy;
  6. neurological diseases such as multiple sclerosis;
  7. cardiovascular diseases;
  8. cancer;
  9. apnea syndrome;
  10. lupus;
  11. Addison's disease.

Asthenia of functional origin.

This may be due to excessive work, intense intellectual activity, insufficient rest, few hours of sleep, unhealthy habits (smoking, alcoholism, use of stimulants, etc.), studying for exams, competitive sports or any situation that causes intense and constant stress. In these cases, the recommended treatment in general is reducing work and increasing rest hours, eliminating harmful stimuli, defragmenting situations, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

In general, asthenia of functional origin appears in the early hours of the day and changes over time. This means that maybe after a few days you will feel good, and then on other days you will feel exhausted again, and so the cycle repeats. On the other hand, in some cases, asthenia of functional origin appears before the seasonal climate. In these cases, this is not relevant, since the fatigue is moderate and lasts a short time.

Other causes of asthenia.

Asthenia can also occur due to mental illnesses such as depression. If this is your case, then treatment with antidepressants or other psychotropic drugs may help eliminate asthenia.

Psychological therapy is also a good option for combating fatigue.

Do I have asthenia?

  • Signs of asthenia, is it a disease?
  • Can asthenia be a normal variant?
  • Is this a temporary and reversible condition?
  • If there are signs of asthenia, do you need medical help?
  • Is it possible to avoid the disease?
  • What symptoms are included in this category?

The answers to these questions have been prepared for you by our doctors. Let's start with how this condition manifests itself.

Primary signs of asthenia

  • Fatigue, weakness
  • Irritability, feeling dissatisfied with others
  • Decreased health
  • Various sexual disorders, breakdowns, etc.
  • Exhausted attention with excessive specificity
  • Tearfulness, increased sentimentality.
  • Sleep disorders (insomnia at night, drowsiness during the day).
  • Poor tolerance to loud sounds, bright lights, strong odors.
  • Headache.
  • Nervousness.
  • Feeling of inner trembling.
  • Poor appetite.
  • Excessive worry about unimportant reasons.
  • Difficulty in making decisions.
  • Thoughts are easily lost and it is difficult to concentrate.
  • Autonomic symptoms: palpitations, sweating, shortness of breath, trembling, trembling sensation.
  • Unpleasant sensations in different parts of the body that can change and “migrate”.

Course of asthenia

The course of astheno-neurotic syndrome or asthenia is often associated with possible complications that accumulate and develop due to the duration of this pathological process. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend not to delay treatment of asthenia or treatment of astheno-neurotic syndrome. An exhausted nervous system is easily susceptible to the formation of a wide variety of pathologies of the mental spectrum of diseases.

Despite the fact that the prognosis for the treatment of asthenia or treatment of astheno-neurotic syndrome in the vast majority of cases has a favorable prognosis, the duration of therapy can be quite long and depends on both the depth of the disorder and the duration of its course.

Asthenia can occur in the form of attacks, with complete recovery during periods of calm. However, more often the asthenic state is characterized by a constant (often with intensification in the evening), “as a background” and long-term course.

How is asthenia diagnosed?

Your doctor will definitely ask you a lot of questions about your symptoms. To rule out an organic cause, you will need to do some blood and urine tests. If there are no organic reasons, then, of course, this is functional asthenia. The doctor will try to find out, based on the data you give him, what is the cause of your fatigue, and guide the treatment correctly.

Spring asthenia.

This is a special case of asthenia, which usually appears towards the end of winter or the beginning of spring. Symptoms are usually mild and short-lived, but it should be noted that this is not a psychiatric disorder. It's simply a feeling of tiredness that can be attributed to changes in hormones and neurotransmitters.

When a seasonal change occurs, temperatures and hours of sunlight increase. This causes changes in the functioning of the hypothalamus, the nerve center in the brain responsible for controlling sleep, wakefulness, appetite, thirst and body temperature. Changes in the functioning of the hypothalamus will be responsible for spring asthenia.

Why doesn't this affect all people?

Well, it may simply be due to a factor unique to each individual, a factor that has not yet been identified. Some people may be more sensitive or more likely to notice these climate changes.

This can be a situation similar to allergies: in the spring, many people suffer from asthma or rhinitis due to pollen in the air, while others have no effect on them. How to avoid spring asthenia.

Living a healthy lifestyle and eating a balanced diet are factors that can help you feel better and keep your body and mind energized.

Here are some basic tips to prevent spring asthenia:

  1. Be sure to include three daily servings of fresh vegetables and two servings of fruit in your diet.
  2. It is also important to eat moderate amounts of carbohydrates (pasta, rice, legumes, potatoes) and meat. Drink at least two liters of water daily. Have a good rest.
  3. Most people need seven or eight hours of sleep every day to function properly in their daily activities.
  4. Leave bad habits. Do not smoke, drink coffee, alcohol or other stimulant drinks late in the day.
  5. Do moderate exercise. Walking 20 or 30 minutes daily will make you feel more energetic.
  6. Go to bed and get up at the same time and don't skip meals.
  7. In some cases, taking vitamins and minerals may be necessary to combat asthenia, but this should always be prescribed by a doctor. However, keep in mind that excess vitamin intake can have very negative consequences.

Treatment of asthenic condition

Therapeutic measures for asthenia are aimed at eliminating the cause and restoring the impaired functioning of the nervous system. The main methods of treating asthenic syndrome:

  • Isolation from external stimuli.
  • Pharmacotherapy: neurometabolic therapy, restorative treatment, B vitamins.
  • Psychotherapy: relaxation techniques, art therapy, cognitive psychotherapy, etc.
  • Physiotherapy: electro-sleep, electro-analgesia.
  • Diet therapy, fasting-diet therapy.
  • Massage and physical therapy.

Any doctor should identify asthenic syndrome and provide assistance. But specialized help for this condition is provided by a psychotherapist, psychiatrist, and neurologist.

A healthy lifestyle and timely medical examination are the key to maintaining mental health. See more details here.

For questions and assistance with asthenia, please contact us.

Chronic asthenia syndrome.

Chronic asthenia can be defined as a feeling of fatigue that is constant, has an evolution of more than six months and leads to a significant decrease in efficiency of up to 50%. In such cases, consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Although in many cases an organic or psychological cause for chronic asthenia can be found, in a large percentage of patients a specific cause cannot be determined.

The most common symptoms of chronic asthenia are:

  1. Feeling very tired.
  2. Headache.
  3. Sleep disorders.
  4. Muscle pain.
  5. In some cases, fever. They look like flu symptoms, only they are long-lasting and are not relieved by bed rest.

When a cause cannot be determined, doctors believe that symptoms may be caused by changes in the immune system or muscle cell function, but these are actually theories that have not yet been proven.

Most cases of chronic asthenia appear in previously healthy people between the ages of 20 and 50, and more often affect women than men.

What does it mean that chronic asthenia has an irregular evolution?

In about half of patients, symptoms disappear after several months of treatment, while others suffer relapses. In these cases, symptoms come and go, worsening when you experience physical or psychological stress.

Sometimes the feeling of fatigue and weakness is so great that it interferes with daily activities, and this can cause anxiety and depression.

Imagine that for several months you feel extremely tired, your muscles and headaches hurt, and after a long period of rest the symptoms reappear. Anyone will feel depressed in this situation.

Asthenia scale

The asthenic state scale was developed by L.D. Maykova, adapted by T.G. Chertovaya on the basis of clinical and psychological observations and the well-known MMPI questionnaire (Minnesota Multidimensional Personality Inventory).

The scale consists of 30 items of statements reflecting the characteristics of asthenic syndrome. The study is carried out individually in a separate, well-lit room, isolated from extraneous sounds.

Instructions for the test: Read each sentence carefully and evaluate it in relation to your current state.

Points for each answer are awarded according to the following scheme:

  • No, not true – 1;
  • Perhaps so – 2;
  • True – 3;
  • Absolutely right - 4.

Test material:

  1. I work under a lot of pressure;
  2. I find it difficult to concentrate on anything;
  3. My sex life does not satisfy me;
  4. The waiting makes me nervous;
  5. I am experiencing muscle weakness;
  6. I don't feel like going to the cinema or theater;
  7. I'm forgetful;
  8. I feel tired;
  9. My eyes get tired when reading for a long time;
  10. My hands are shaking;
  11. I have poor appetite;
  12. It is difficult for me to be at a party or in a noisy company;
  13. I don't understand what I read so well anymore;
  14. My hands and feet are cold;
  15. I am easily offended;
  16. I have a headache;
  17. I wake up in the morning tired, not rested;
  18. I get dizzy;
  19. I have muscle twitching;
  20. I have a buzzing in my ears;
  21. I am worried about sexual issues;
  22. I feel heaviness in my head;
  23. I experience general weakness;
  24. I experience pain in the crown of my head;
  25. Life for me is about tension;
  26. My head seems to be tied together with a hoop;
  27. I wake up easily from noise;
  28. People bore me;
  29. When I worry, I break out in sweat;
  30. Restless thoughts keep me awake.

The possible number of points ranges from: 30 -120

The test results can be interpreted as follows:

  • From 30 to 50 points – “absence of asthenia”;
  • From 51 to 75 points – “weak asthenia”;
  • From 76 to 100 points – “moderate asthenia”;
  • From 101 to 120 points – “severe asthenia”

Differential diagnosis.

Some diseases can cause chronic asthenia and need to be ruled out before a definitive diagnosis can be made.

Diseases such as hypothyroidism, diabetes, anemia and some mental disorders are some examples of diseases that need to be investigated in a patient when he has chronic asthenia.

People with fibromyalgia, for example, like those with chronic asthenia, may experience muscle pain, extreme fatigue and sleep disturbances. On the other hand, fatigue and muscle pain often appear early in various inherited muscle disorders, as well as in various metabolic, autoimmune and endocrine conditions.

Psychotherapeutic treatment of asthenia

Psychotherapy of astheno-neurotic syndrome. Psychotherapeutic effects for asthenia of various origins involve the use of “relaxing” techniques (trances, autogenic training, breathing exercises, body-image therapy, hypnosis); some types of physiotherapy and exercise therapy are very effective. If mental trauma played a role in the development of the asthenic state, then cognitive behavioral psychotherapy is used. Psychotherapeutic sessions are conducted individually or in groups. Rational psychotherapy begins from the first minutes of communication between the doctor and the patient; it consists in the fact that the sick person develops a correct idea of ​​​​his condition, its origin and outcome.

Psychotherapy is a mandatory restorative technique for all forms of asthenic conditions.


Physiotherapeutic assistance aims to normalize the ratio of excitation and inhibition processes in the central nervous system. “Electrosleep” is one of the most common physiotherapeutic methods in our country, the principle of its action is that due to an electromagnetic field of a certain characteristic, an increase in inhibition processes in the midline structures of the brain is achieved. Among the water types of physiotherapy for asthenia, you can take a cold shower in the morning.

Physiotherapy is not a mandatory method of treating asthenoneurotic syndrome. There are many contraindications and restrictions for physiotherapy in such conditions. Therefore, only after consulting a doctor is it possible to include this method in the general treatment complex.

Asthenia or myasthenia

Due to the way these conditions manifest, they can be confused. In fact, the syndromes are different. Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disease. Like an allergy. Characterized by immune attacks on certain muscles or nerves. As a result, the muscles weaken. A person begins to get tired faster and feels a loss of strength.

In addition to fatigue, myasthenia gravis may cause difficulties with speech, facial expression, and breathing. The patient has difficulty swallowing or chewing food and experiences sweetness in the extremities. There may be double vision and drooping eyelids. There is no specific treatment for this condition. But there are special medications that can alleviate symptoms and improve everyday life.

Myasthenia gravis is completely different!

What can cause asthenic syndrome?

Common causes of weakness include:

  • Thyroid disease
  • Anemia, which can occur from excessive blood loss during menstruation
  • Depression
  • Flu
  • Lack of sleep
  • Poorly controlled or undiagnosed diabetes
  • Chronic heart failure
  • Vitamin B12 deficiency
  • Side effects from taking certain medications
  • Polymyositis, which is an inflammatory muscle disease
  • Chemotherapy

Other causes of asthenia include:

  • Cancer
  • Stroke
  • Heart attack
  • Nerve or muscle injuries
  • Diseases affecting nerves or muscles
  • Overdose of medications or vitamins
  • Poisons.

While weakness caused by cancer can appear gradually over a long period of time, weakness caused by a heart attack or stroke often occurs instantly.

In addition to asthenia, other symptoms such as difficulty breathing, irregular heartbeat and pain may occur. If you experience sudden weakness, call an ambulance; do not try to go to the doctor on your own.

When to see a doctor

Sometimes the syndrome can go away on its own. But this does not mean that you need to wait until the symptoms disappear on their own. It is recommended to consult a doctor if you constantly feel tired, irritable, or have mood swings. The reason to seek help is if weakness does not go away for a long time.

Don't be afraid to see a doctor!

ICD 10

The International Classification of Diseases included the syndrome in the class “Neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders.” In the section "Neurasthenia".

In ICD-10, asthenic syndrome is defined as a constant feeling of weakness, increased fatigue under any load and decreased performance. At the same time, combined with complaints of headache or muscle pain, dizziness, poor sleep, irritability.

Official illness! This means that you will be able to take sick leave with this diagnosis!

Asthenia is on the list of official diseases.

Bottom line

Asthenia is a serious condition that can be dangerous to ignore. The prognosis for this disease depends on its form, degree of progression and individual characteristics of the patient. But the sooner, having discovered the signs, a person consults a doctor, the faster and more effective will be getting rid of the syndrome. With a successful outcome, the patient fully recovers both emotionally and physically. It is important not to attribute symptoms to simple fatigue if it continues for several days. If proper rest does not help the body recover, it means that something is wrong with your health and this is a reason to visit a specialist.

What to do if asthenia occurs?

First of all, it is necessary to exclude all external stimuli. In most cases, this is the most effective method of eliminating asthenic manifestations


If asthenia is a manifestation of a pathological process in the body, then additional consultation with a doctor will be required to detect abnormalities in the body, conduct diagnostics, obtain reliable data on the state of health and prescribe the necessary treatment.

asthenic syndrome signs

Diet therapy for astheno-neurotic syndrome

Diet for asthenia. Diet therapy or therapeutic nutrition is a method of assistance in which the quantity and quality of nutrition influence the mechanisms of development of a disease state. The diet for asthenic disorders depends on the general condition and the presence of concomitant diseases. The main features of diet therapy for asthenia: increased content of vitamin and protein-containing foods in the diet. Sometimes, a type of diet therapy such as fasting can be used as part of a treatment complex.

With asthenia, diet therapy cannot be the main method of treating asthenia, only an auxiliary one.

Therapeutic exercise for astheno-neurotic syndrome

Physical exercises in the treatment of asthenia often have a very significant weight. Despite the apparent weakness of patients in an asthenic state, it has been noted that some types of physical activity have a high therapeutic effect on the severity of symptoms. The most common types of physical therapy for the treatment of asthenia are athletics and water sports.

Although physical therapy is indicated for all types of asthenia, unfortunately, in practice doctors rarely prescribe it.

Occupational therapy for asthenic disorders

Restoring the nervous system through work is a common method of treating many mental and behavioral disorders. For asthenic conditions, work with a predominance of moderate and regular physical activity over intellectual activity is recommended.

Occupational therapy is an optional method of treating asthenia, and in some cases it may have contraindications.

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