Echinacea syrup with vitamins dr. vistong bottle 150ml

Echinacea herb is an antibiotic and antiseptic of natural origin. Often used during exacerbation of seasonal diseases.

  • How to take Echinacea for children
  • Echinacea during pregnancy
  • How to make echinacea tincture
  • How to brew echinacea tea
  • How to take Echinacea tablets
  • How to take echinacea for a cold
  • How to drink echinacea for prevention
  • How to drink echinacea to boost immunity

Indications for use

Echinacea has a wide range of uses. The medicine can be used to treat various diseases and for their prevention. The drug is often used as part of complex treatment.

Also, echinacea monopreparations are effective in the following cases:

  • metabolic problems and related diseases (diabetes mellitus, liver disease);
  • stress and depression;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • infectious diseases;
  • female and male infertility (complex treatment);
  • after surgery and prolonged use of antibiotics;
  • problems with potency;
  • skin lesions.

Pharmacological properties of the drug Echinacea-ratiopharm

Immunostimulating agent of plant origin. A preparation of Echinacea purpurea, a perennial plant of the Asteraceae family. The active components of the Echinacea purpurea herb extract include hydrophilic substances (polysaccharides, glycoproteins, organic acids and their derivatives), which stimulate phagocytosis and have an anti-inflammatory effect, and lipophilic substances (essential oils containing terpene carbohydrates, polyacetylenes). The effect of substances of a lipophilic nature is manifested in the intensification of phagocytosis, an increase in the concentration of corticosteroids (anti-inflammatory factors) in the blood, an increase in the number of leukocytes, interleukin (activator of T- and B-leukocytes, NK cells, macrophages), tumor necrosis factor with an increase in the concentration of properdin in the blood and stimulation of the alternative complementary activation mechanism. As a natural immunostimulant, Echinacea primarily affects the nonspecific immune system, independent of antigens and antibodies. By increasing the body's defenses, Echinacea has a positive effect in various pathological conditions in both adults and children, as well as in older people whose immune system functions are reduced. Echinacea can be used for diseases associated with depletion of the functional state of the immune system, which are caused by chronic inflammatory diseases, exposure to ionizing radiation, ultraviolet radiation, chemotherapy drugs or long-term treatment with antibiotics. Echinacea has antibacterial and antiviral effects; extracts inhibit the growth and reproduction of streptococci, staphylococci, E. coli, influenza and herpes viruses. The drug is well absorbed from the digestive tract after oral administration. Excreted in urine and feces. The pharmacokinetics of the drug in elderly people and patients with renal failure does not differ significantly from that in young patients with normal renal function.

Adverse reactions

In some cases, side effects are possible:

  • stomach upset;
  • increased fatigue, dizziness;
  • high body temperature;
  • skin rash.

Long-term side effects such as liver disease and a weakened immune system are also possible. Such effects may occur if you do not follow the instructions.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women, as well as those with pollen allergies, should take with caution.

How to take Echinacea for children

Pediatricians often advise parents to give echinacea to ease the course of the child’s illness and reduce the duration of the illness. It is effective for runny nose, flu and colds. Only a doctor can determine the appropriate dose. Even a harmless decoction or tea can harm a child if self-medicated. Echinacea in syrup form is best for babies. The treatment regimen is as follows:

  • Up to 2 years – 1 tsp. a glass of water 2 times a day;
  • 3-5 years – 2 tsp. 250 ml of water 2 times a day;
  • 5-15 years – 1 tbsp. l. per day (does not need to be diluted with water).

Echinacea syrup with vitamins dr. vistong bottle 150ml

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150 ml bottle Echinacea extract, vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6.

pharmachologic effect

The amazing properties of Echinacea have long been known in folk medicine. It is known that echinacea syrup restores and strengthens the immune system and keeps the body in good shape. The effectiveness of this healing plant has been proven in clinical trials. What is the secret of this healing syrup? It helps restore mental activity, which is especially important in a large metropolis. For a modern big city resident, this natural immunomodulator will help cope with stress and restore strength after a hard day at work. It has been proven that the syrup is active against influenza and herpes viruses, it does not allow virus cells to multiply, and prevents the disease at an early stage. It owes its healing properties to the wealth of vitamins and microelements that make up echinacea. The herb and roots of this medicinal plant contain polysaccharides, essential oils, flavonoids, hydroxycinnamic acids, tannins, saponins, polyamines, echinacin (polyunsaturated acid amide), organic acids, resins, enzymes, macro- and microelements. The combination of these substances makes Echinacea a powerful immunoprotector and a universal tonic for restoring intellectual performance. It normalizes metabolic processes in the body; therefore, it is often used to restore the body’s defenses in the postoperative period. Many doctors use the syrup of this plant as an adjuvant in the treatment of gynecological diseases, inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract, arthritis, arthrosis and osteochondrosis. The range of diseases that are affected by the use of this natural complex drug is very wide. Therefore, doctors recommend always having this inexpensive remedy in your home medicine cabinet. Echinacea helps strengthen memory and attention, relieve stress, stabilize mental state and increase attentiveness. This natural remedy is useful not only for adults but also for children; in addition, it has almost no contraindications. When taking Echinacea, children experience noticeable gains in athletic performance, improved grades in school, and increased self-confidence. Students may need this natural remedy during the session to cope with stress and successfully complete all assignments and pass exams. Adults can use syrup to successfully cope with difficult tasks at work without losing the physical tone of the body. It is increased performance that is most valued by modern employers, so this drug can become your reliable assistant on the path to career growth. It is worth remembering that in any situation an integrated approach is needed; one herbal remedy may not be enough. You should also take care of maintaining a sleep schedule and proper nutrition. This is not easy in a modern metropolis, but every effort must be made to achieve this. Weak immunity can cause the development of a number of chronic diseases. Today, the latest developments in the pharmaceutical industry make it possible to isolate all the most valuable substances from plants without loss, so that natural medicines bring even more benefits to people. It is natural remedies that most effectively help people with weakened immune systems fight stress and restore strength after serious physical and psychological stress. Many healing extracts are additionally enriched with vitamins and minerals to provide the body with everything it needs. In this form, valuable substances are perfectly absorbed and immediately included in the metabolic process. “Echinacea Syrup with Vitamins” from the “Dr. Vistong™ is a complex preparation based on Echinacea purpurea and B vitamins. The syrup components not only help improve immunity, but also replenish the deficiency of vitamins necessary for energy metabolism and the proper functioning of all organs and systems of the body. The syrup does not contain sugar, which allows it to be used by people with diabetes.

Indications for use

- increasing the body’s natural defenses (resistance to the occurrence of various infectious and colds); - preventing, reducing the duration and mitigating the course of acute respiratory and colds, coughs, bronchitis, inflammatory diseases of the mouth and throat, when the body’s defenses are weakened and frequent infections ;— accelerating the recovery process after illness, surgery;— replenishing the deficiency of vitamins B1, B2, B6.

Mode of application

Adults and children over 14 years of age: 2 tablespoons (30 ml) 1 time per day with meals. Shake the bottle before use. Duration of use: 2-3 weeks. If necessary, the reception can be repeated. Repeated doses are possible 3-4 times a year. Store the opened bottle in the refrigerator.


Individual intolerance to components, pregnancy, breastfeeding, progressive systemic diseases (tuberculosis, leukemia, multiple sclerosis, collagenosis).

How to make echinacea tincture

Pharmacy echinacea contains alcohol, so it can only be given to adults. In practice, you can give it to a teenager from 12 years old, after diluting 1/3 of the tincture with 2/3 of water. A teenager can be given no more than 10 diluted drops per day. The duration of the treatment course is no more than 60 days.

To prepare your own tincture, you will need to pour fresh flowers or crushed roots with 70% alcohol in a ratio of 1 to 4. Leave to infuse in a dark place for 4 weeks.

How to take Echinacea tablets

Medicine in tablet form is the most common type, especially for children. This is a homeopathic medicine that can be taken from 4 years of age. Children under 12 years of age can be given 1 tablet 3 times a day. A child over 12 years of age and an adult are prescribed 2 tablets three times a day. You need to take the tablet with enough water. The medicine is also available in the form of lozenges. They do not need to be washed down with water, but rather kept in your mouth for as long as possible.

Echinacea 24 pcs. lozenges

pharmachologic effect

Increases the body's resistance to viral, bacterial and fungal infections.
Nonspecific resistance increases, macrophages and granulocytes are activated, and phagocytosis increases. The release of cytokines leads to proliferation and stimulation of immunocompetent cells. The content of properdin in the blood serum increases. Some substances contained in echinacea extract have been found to have antiviral activity against influenza and herpes viruses, as well as an inhibitory effect on tissue and bacterial hyaluronidase.

Composition and release form Echinacea 24 pcs. lozenges

1 tablet contains the active substance: dry extract of Echinacea herb* 200 mg (extract of Echinacea angustifolia/pallidum herb was obtained by aqueous extraction of the herb of the Echinacea plant - Echinacea, family - Asteraceae); ratio of raw materials to the final product (4:1).

24 pcs. in blister, cardboard packs.

Description of the dosage form

Lozenges are round, flat-cylindrical, chamfered, light brown in color with light or dark inclusions, with a characteristic odor, engraved “NP” on a wood background on both sides.


Immunostimulating agent of plant origin.

Directions for use and doses

The drug is taken orally. The tablets must be kept in the mouth until completely dissolved.

Adults and children over 12 years old - 1 tablet. 3-4 times/day, at least 1 week.

Indications for use Echinacea 24 pcs. lozenges

  • prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections;
  • initial signs of flu and colds (in complex therapy);
  • as an adjuvant for recurrent respiratory and urinary tract infections.


  • Hypersensitivity to Echinacea purpurea, other plants of the Asteraceae family (chamomile, arnica, golden daisy, marigold), as well as to any other ingredients of the drug;
  • systemic connective tissue diseases, progressive systemic diseases, such as tuberculosis, leukemia, widespread atherosclerosis;
  • multiple sclerosis, autoimmune diseases;
  • AIDS, HIV infection;
  • children's age (up to 12 years).

Application Echinacea 24 pcs. lozenges during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The drug should not be prescribed during pregnancy and lactation, since the safety of the drug in these situations has not been studied.

Use in children

The drug is contraindicated in children under 12 years of age.

special instructions

The drug should not be taken for a long time (more than 8 weeks). The recommended dosage of the drug should not be exceeded.

Side effects Echinacea 24 pcs. lozenges

Allergic reactions: skin rashes, itching, swelling of the face, difficulty breathing, dizziness, decreased blood pressure. If hypersensitivity develops, taking the tablets should be stopped.

Drug interactions

To date, there have been no reports of drug interactions with other drugs.

Since Echinacea has an immunostimulating effect, simultaneous use with immunosuppressants and corticosteroids may weaken their effect, and simultaneous use of the drug with cytokines may enhance their effect.

How to take echinacea for a cold

Echinacea purpurea is effective for colds. Even if a person has already caught a cold, you can take a herbal tincture to alleviate the condition. Echinacea kills germs, helps with high body temperature, and prevents the proliferation of harmful microorganisms.

To eliminate symptoms, you need to take medicinal tea. It will take 1 tsp. crushed herbs, pour 0.5 liters of hot water and leave to infuse for 45 minutes. You need to drink 250 ml of this tea 3 times a day.

How to drink echinacea for prevention

If you follow the instructions and do not exceed the prescribed dosage, the tablets can be a good prevention of colds and flu. For preventive purposes, Echinacea should be taken as follows:

  • 4-6 years – 1 tablet 2 times a day;
  • 6-12 years – 1 tablet 3 times a day;
  • From 12 years – 2 tablets twice a day.

You need to take the drug for a week, then take a break for 48 hours and resume taking it again. The duration of the entire preventive course is 30-45 days.

Special instructions for the use of the drug Echinacea-ratiopharm

Use with caution if you have diabetes (1 tablet contains 570 mg of sorbitol, which corresponds to 0.05 XE). When using the drug according to the recommendations, from 1.140 g to 3.420 g of sorbitol enters the body with each dose. The drug should not be prescribed to patients with congenital fructose intolerance. May cause gastrointestinal dysfunction. If the patient complains about the occurrence of dysfunctions of the urinary tract, it is necessary to conduct a medical examination, the patient must be under constant medical supervision. Use during pregnancy and lactation. Clinical and experimental studies have not established any undesirable effects on the health of a woman or fetus in the second and third trimester of pregnancy. The question of the possibility of using the drug should be decided individually. For elderly people, no dose adjustment is required. effect on the ability to drive vehicles or operate machinery was detected.

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