Pharyngitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Causes of the disease

A natural process for humans is nasal breathing.
The nasal passages are designed so that inhaled air enters with a slight delay. During these pauses, it warms up, is filtered and in this form is supplied to the body. When the nose is stuffy and breathing occurs through the mouth, the risk of pharyngitis increases - because the air does not pass through the “filters” and enters through the mouth with bacteria, viruses, dust, etc. The unnatural process causes the pharynx to dry out, it becomes a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic flora . The second common cause of pharyngitis is a runny nose due to ARVI. In this case, the source of inflammation is in the throat, developing gradually. Frequent treatment of the nasal passages with vasoconstrictor drops negatively affects the condition of the pharynx, which also causes the development of the disease.

Other reasons include:

  • vitamin deficiency and malnutrition;
  • bad habits;
  • injuries;
  • individual characteristics in the structure of the nasopharynx;
  • long-term treatment with antibiotics;
  • chemical fumes;
  • ingress of allergens.

Often, pharyngitis is caused by previous diseases, for example, diabetes mellitus, dental caries, heart failure, kidney failure, sinusitis, sinusitis and others.

Provoking factors for the development of pharyngitis

In addition to the causes of the disease (which are infectious agents), the development of pharyngitis is significantly influenced by some environmental factors and bad habits:

  • polluted atmospheric air;
  • exposure to extreme conditions – hypothermia;
  • aggressive chemical particles in the inhaled air;
  • habit of eating very hot or very cold food, drinking ice-cold drinks;
  • smoking (tobacco, hookah);
  • background allergy and its seasonal exacerbation;
  • excessively dry air.

Poor nutrition weakens all types of immunity, when the body “overloads” calories and does not receive the substances that are needed for complete cell repair: animal protein, vitamins and microelements.

A risk factor is pregnancy, when the mother's body wastes many resources, and hormonal changes change the reactivity of tissues. Treatment of pregnant women is a difficult task when the leading role is given to local drugs that cannot be absorbed into the blood and harm the fetus.

The situation is worsened by chronic diseases of the internal organs, when the metabolism is perverted and the body cannot quickly and effectively respond to the invasion of infection. Dental problems (especially teeth that have been in an untreated condition for a long time) often provoke inflammation in the oral cavity and pharynx.

Stages and symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of pharyngitis are often confused with the usual manifestations of acute respiratory viral infections and tonsillitis. The patient begins self-treatment, which turns out to be ineffective and leads to complications.

Experts distinguish four stages of the disease, each of which has its own visible signs and symptoms:

  1. Catarrhal - accompanied by coughing and sore throat.
  2. Granular - there is a feeling of “tickling” in the throat. Small bumps on the mucous membrane of the throat increase in size.
  3. Purulent - the tubercles are inflamed, swelling, purulent plaque and ulcers are observed.
  4. Atrophic - leads to atrophy of throat tissue, swallowing functions are almost impossible.

At the first signs of illness, you should not hesitate. Contact your doctor for help as soon as possible. Pharyngitis can be acute or chronic. The first type is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • sore and dry throat;
  • shrunken voice;
  • increased body temperature;
  • enlarged lymph nodes.

There is a sensation of a foreign object in the throat, problems with swallowing, and general ailments, as in viral diseases (headache, aches, fever). Another sign is that you feel mucous accumulations in the throat that cannot be gotten rid of.

With chronic pharyngitis, patients complain of a dry and sore throat, a dry cough, strong purulent discharge, and a constant desire to swallow a lump or cough are often observed. Often such urges are accompanied by gagging. The cough gets worse in the morning and is accompanied by nausea. Another symptom is swelling and pain in the throat, which gets worse when swallowing.

How does pharyngitis manifest and progress in children?

Children suffer from pharyngitis more severely than adults. This especially applies to babies under one year old. Swelling of the mucous membrane can cause signs of suffocation; the pain that accompanies the disease reduces the child’s appetite. Often, a baby’s body temperature can reach 40°. The most difficult thing in this situation is that a small child cannot say what hurts.

Incorrect treatment can lead to irreparable consequences for a small, fragile organism. Therefore, at the first signs of pharyngitis, consult a doctor immediately.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis and treatment of pharyngitis is carried out by a specialized otolaryngologist (ENT). To make a diagnosis, a number of laboratory tests are used (blood tests, throat smear, and others). Based on the results of tests and examination of the patient, a treatment regimen for pharyngitis is selected.

The choice of therapy also depends on the age of the patient. When treating children, methods differ significantly. Mandatory recommendations include plenty of warm drinking, ventilation and wet cleaning of the room. Inhalations and sprays - only with the permission of a doctor and under adult supervision. The same careful approach to procedures is required for pregnant women. Taking medications can become dangerous for the child, so a specialized specialist will draw up a gentle regimen.

The choice of course depends on the causes and causative agents of the disease. Among the effective methods of treating pharyngitis are:

  1. Drug treatment - antibiotics, antiviral, anti-inflammatory drugs.
  2. Complexes of vitamins and minerals.
  3. Physiotherapy (electrophoresis, UHF, inhalation).

In some cases, instrumental intervention is required to treat acute pharyngitis.

General recommendations for the treatment of pharyngitis of various origins include: plenty of warm drinks, diet, and giving up bad habits. Treatment may include tablets and lozenges, aerosols and oil-based products.

Folk remedies have also proven themselves to be effective in the treatment of pharyngitis. These can be herbal rinses, foot baths, soda inhalations. To prevent treatment with traditional methods from causing complications, remember: prescriptions must be given by a doctor.

Our services in otorhinolaryngology

The administration of CELT JSC regularly updates the price list posted on the clinic’s website. However, in order to avoid possible misunderstandings, we ask you to clarify the cost of services by phone: +7

Service namePrice in rubles
Appointment with a surgical doctor (primary, for complex programs)3 000
Taking ENT smears600
Rinsing tonsil lacunae (1 side)1 200

All services

Make an appointment through the application or by calling +7 +7 We work every day:

  • Monday—Friday: 8.00—20.00
  • Saturday: 8.00–18.00
  • Sunday is a day off

The nearest metro and MCC stations to the clinic:

  • Highway of Enthusiasts or Perovo
  • Partisan
  • Enthusiast Highway

Driving directions

Complications of the disease

It is necessary to treat pharyngitis in a timely manner and in compliance with all instructions. A seemingly harmless disease can cause serious consequences for the body.

Depending on the nature of the pathogen, pharyngitis causes different complications. These include:

  1. Decreased immunity and, as a result, increased sensitivity to viral diseases.
  2. Inflammation of the lymph nodes and salivary glands.
  3. Inflammatory processes of the middle ear and auditory tube lead to hearing loss.
  4. Tracheitis and chronic bronchitis.

If pharyngitis is not treated, there is always a chance that it will become chronic.

Forms of pharyngitis

According to its clinical course, pharyngitis can be chronic and acute.

The chronic form is divided into:

  • hypertrophic – this is an increase in mucous membrane;
  • atrophic – this is the depletion of the mucous membrane;
  • catarrhal – standard inflammation.

The acute form also exists in three types:

  • allergic – provoked by allergens;
  • infectious – caused by pathogenic microorganisms;
  • post-traumatic – occurs due to contact with the mucous membrane of irritating substances.

Preventive measures

For prevention purposes, experts recommend adhering to the following recommendations. Lead a healthy lifestyle by giving up tobacco, alcohol and excessively spicy foods. Walk more in the fresh air and don’t forget about physical education. Do not inhale harmful vapors and fumes, cold air and breathe correctly through your nose.

Timely treatment of the respiratory system will also reduce the risk of developing pharyngitis of any nature. Simple rules of hygiene will help you resist diseases of bacterial origin: regularly changing your toothbrush, gargling, treating dental caries.

Treatment of pharyngitis in Tyumen

To find out how to treat pharyngitis, you should consult an otolaryngologist. Making a diagnosis and prescribing treatment on your own is strictly unacceptable.

Treatment of any form of inflammation of the pharynx begins with the initial elimination of the factors that provoked it. Diseases of a bacterial nature are treated with antibiotics, viral diseases with antiviral agents, allergic diseases with the elimination of the allergen and the use of antihistamines.

The course of treatment is prescribed for each patient individually. Additionally, all patients with pharyngitis are recommended:

  • stop smoking;
  • do not abuse alcohol;
  • regularly humidify the indoor air;
  • If possible, avoid foods that irritate the throat.

Physiotherapeutic effects - alkaline gargling, inhalation of decoctions of medicinal herbs, electrophoresis or other techniques are also prescribed to the patient only by an ENT doctor.


Chronic pharyngitis is a prolonged inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the back wall of the pharynx. This is a longer lasting inflammation than acute pharyngitis. Chronic pharyngitis manifests itself in a series of relapses - during an exacerbation, the symptoms return again, and after some time they fade again. Such inflammation can last for years, greatly reducing the patient’s quality of life. Another unpleasant point is the risk of complications: it always persists as long as there is a chronic source of infection in the throat.

Most often, chronic pharyngitis develops due to untreated acute pharyngitis. Also at risk are people whose pharynx is exposed to the negative effects of external factors:

  • smoking,
  • abuse of alcoholic beverages;
  • polluted air in the place of residence;
  • inhalation of harmful substances, dusty, polluted air in production.

The main signs of chronic pharyngitis are dryness, soreness and discomfort in the throat.

The disease can manifest itself in several forms. Pharyngitis can develop as an independent disease, or can be combined with chronic tonsillitis. This combination of two ENT conditions is called tonsillopharyngitis.

During pregnancy

In pregnant women, viral infection of the pharyngeal mucosa is a fairly common phenomenon due to reduced immunity in the period up to childbirth. This weakening of the defense is necessary so that the body does not reject the fetus, which is a foreign object for it.

The main danger with the viral form of pharyngitis is observed in the first trimester of pregnancy and in the last month, when severe intoxication of the body can cause miscarriage or premature birth. Therapy for the disease is somewhat complicated by the fact that most medications are prohibited for use by pregnant women. Self-medication when carrying a child is strictly prohibited, as it can easily only seriously aggravate the condition and cause irreparable harm to the unborn child.

For treatment, topical medications such as lozenges, lozenges and sprays are most often used. They penetrate into the systemic bloodstream in minimal quantities and cannot harm the child. However, not all of them can be used, but only a small part. The drug is prescribed by the doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the woman and the duration of pregnancy.

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