Yohimbine hydrochloride! Powerful fat burning tool

Can Yohimbine be used for fat loss (alone or with caffeine)? Read about the effectiveness of using yohimbine for weight loss in women.

The effectiveness of yohimbine for weight loss in women

Yohimbine is now often used as a component of aphrodisiac drugs for men. However, some manufacturers claim that the substance helps burn fat. Below we will talk about the effectiveness of using yohimbine for weight loss in women.

Yohimbine hydrochloride

Yohimbine (from the English Yohimbine, or sometimes called quebraquin) is an alkaloid with a stimulating effect of plant origin and an aphrodisiac obtained from the Yohimbe plant.

Yohimbine hydrochloride is the active substance and the same name of an alpha-blocker drug for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, available in different forms (the most common is 5 mg tablets).

This drug is used by bodybuilders for drying, losing weight and increasing libido (especially important after a course of steroids).

By the way, the study of this group of alkaloids began due to the fact that scientists wanted to find out the mechanism of action of the well-known veterinary drug “Equine pathogen”.

Plants from which yohimbine is obtained:

  • Yohimbe tree, Madder family, which grows in central Africa (yohimbine is the main alkaloid of the Yohimbe tree);
  • White quebracho bark (South American plant);
  • Rauwolfia serpentine, Kutrovaceae family;

Effect of yohimbine hydrochloride on the body

Initially, yohimbine was intended as a treatment for impotence (erectile dysfunction), but its action is much broader.

  1. Acts on the body as a stimulant of the central nervous system (you can press a little more and train longer)
  2. Antidepressant effect, mood improvement (due to the ability to inhibit monoamine oxidase).
  3. Improved blood flow to the genital organs (therefore, erection improves, sensations during sex and orgasm are significantly higher, which is naturally a plus;).
  4. It interacts with many receptors, but for us the most important thing is that it is an alpha-blocker (blocks alpha1 and alpha2 adrenergic receptors), which accelerates the fat burning process!
  5. Very low risk of side effects (observed only at higher dosages, and then rarely).
  6. It has a positive effect on sleep (the brightness of your sleep improves, you begin to dream, you sleep more soundly, but with increased dosages a feeling of anxiety appears during sleep).

For us, people who work out in the gym, it is especially important that yohimbine blocks alpha1 and alpha2 adrenergic receptors, which accelerates fat burning.

Everything else comes as an additional pleasant bonus (especially increased blood flow “where it needs to be” and more vivid orgasms).

You can read a more detailed clinical review about the benefits of yohimbine for the treatment of erectile dysfunction in these studies:



Side effects of yohimbine

It would be logical to consider the side effects of yohimbine, although it must be said that even while using the drug I had virtually none (only when I greatly exceeded the recommended dosage).

I will tell you in detail about my experience using yohimbine hydrochloride at the end of the article.

The instructions for use of the drug indicate the following side effects:

  • Headache;
  • Dizziness;
  • Migraine;
  • Anxiety;
  • Hand tremors (hands shake);
  • Vomit;
  • Diarrhea (diarrhea);
  • Stomach pain (gastralgia);
  • Decreased or increased blood pressure;
  • Tachycardia (painful rapid heartbeat);
  • Priapism (this is a very rare phenomenon when, 4 hours after sexual intercourse, your erection does not subside, and it is painful and not associated with sexual arousal);

Of all this, I only experienced diarrhea, and only when I almost doubled the recommended dosage.

The intensity of the drug’s action and the manifestation of side effects may be different in each organism, but I did not feel any negative sensations on myself.

Contraindications to taking yohimbine

Some people should be wary of taking yohimbine. Despite the fact that side effects are VERY RARE, and their irreversibility is simply absent, for the following contraindications, it is better to consult a doctor before use:

  • Arterial hypertension and hypotension;
  • Severe renal and liver failure;
  • Taking adrenergic agonists (ATTENTION! Clenbuterol is an adrenergic agonist! So clenbuterol and yohimbine should be taken very carefully, although I am generally against combining them!);
  • Hereditary diseases: lactose intolerance, lactase deficiency, etc.
  • Children are NOT allowed!
  • Not allowed during pregnancy and lactation (although it is written that the drug is not intended for women);
  • With caution: coronary heart disease, gastric ulcer, glaucoma, etc.

What is yohimbine?

Yohimbe is a small evergreen tree native to Africa. Its scientific name is Pausinystalia johimbe. Yohimbe bark contains a substance called yohimbine, as well as similar compounds known as indole alkaloids.

From a medical point of view, yohimbine is an alpha2-adrenergic receptor blocker (alpha-2-adrenergic antagonist).

It increases the activity of the sympathetic nervous system and leads to an increase in the amount of adrenaline and norepinephrine in the bloodstream. The sympathetic nervous system is involved in controlling the body's response to stress and is also responsible for the fight-or-flight response.

The main effects of adrenaline and norepinephrine in the body are an increase in blood pressure and an increase in heart rate. Even when taken in low dosages, yohimbine helps maintain blood pressure in a normal range. This action is thought to be caused by dilatation of blood vessels (vasodilation). It should be noted that stimulation of the central nervous system causes anxiety in some people.

Yohimbine for weight loss

In bodybuilding, yohimbine has gained particular popularity precisely because of its ability to “help” with weight loss.

Yohimbine for weight loss really works great, and its fat-burning effect has been proven by many reputable studies.

As I said above, yohimbine has an stimulating effect, improves mental focus, which is important for bodybuilders, and it also helps you train longer and more intensely.

The fat-burning effect of yohimbine is due to BLOCKING ALPHA2-ADRENORESCEPTORS!

If clenbuterol, which we talked about in the last article, activates BETA-2 adrenergic receptors, then yohimbine blocks alpha2 adrenergic receptors.

By blocking alpha-2 adrenergic receptors, yohimbine allows fat to be destroyed quite easily with the release of energy.

The second point, which also helps improve fat burning, is INCREASED BLOOD FLOW IN FAT TISSUE, due to which the transport of fatty acids to the site of destruction is accelerated.

Have you noticed that in some places the body loses weight faster (hands, calves, etc.), while in others it is more difficult (stomach, thighs, etc.)?

This is due to the different concentrations of alpha and beta adrenergic receptors in different parts of the body. Where there are more alpha-adrenergic receptors, it is more difficult to lose weight; where there are more beta-adrenergic receptors, it is easier to lose weight.

That is why yohimbine, by blocking alpha2-adrenergic receptors, can help you lose weight in the “right places” faster.

Recommendations for taking yohimbine:

  1. You can buy yohimbine hydrochloride at the pharmacy and save some money on buying sports nutrition, the same garbage as in sports nutrition, only, of course, without the “magic” colorful jar. A package of 50 tablets costs around 250 rubles, one tablet contains 5 mg of yohimbine. This package is enough if you take 2 tablets 3 times a day for 8-9 days.
  2. Attention! The concentration of yohimbine in the blood is reduced if taken together with fatty foods!!! This has been confirmed by many studies, so it is better to refrain from eating fatty foods during the yohimbine cycle. And as we remember, you can eat a lot of fatty foods during the KETO diet.
  3. Take 1-2 tablets (5-10 mg) three times a day with meals! Although, some studies suggest taking yohimbine an hour before meals. I advise you to eat it with food, as written in the instructions, but without fatty foods. The maximum single dose is 10 mg (2 tablets), daily dose is 6 tablets (30 mg).
  4. Coffee (without sugar, of course) can enhance the effect of yohimbine. You can buy caffeine tablets and take 200 mg per day in the morning.
  5. The best time to take yohimbine is in the morning and before training!
  6. The course can last 3-4 weeks. If necessary, the course can be repeated.

Yohimbine for weight loss - theory and scientific research data

The effectiveness of yohimbine for weight loss is not well proven and, in our opinion, this drug cannot be recommended due to potential side effects such as tachycardia, agitation, insomnia, etc. Several studies have been conducted on this issue, some of which we we'll tell you further.

Keep in mind that the mere fact that yohimbine has been studied by scientists does not mean that the substance can be used independently without the recommendation of a specialist.

Alpha-2 receptors are common in places on the body where fat accumulation typically occurs in women. These are the stomach, chest, buttocks and thighs. Under the influence of norepinephrine and epinephrine, alpha-2 receptors inhibit lipolysis (the release of fatty acids), while beta receptors stimulate this process. Adrenaline, norepinephrine, glucagon, adrenocorticotropic hormone and growth hormone stimulate the release of fatty acids from adipose tissue into the bloodstream. In the blood, fatty acids are quickly oxidized, unless their concentration is increased after eating.

Clenbuterol yohimbine course

Honestly, I didn’t use this course because I didn’t feel comfortable with clenbuterol either.

Yohimbine blocks ALPHA-2 adrenergic receptors (which promote fat storage), and clenbuterol stimulates BETA-2 adrenergic receptors (which trigger lipolysis).

The regimen is simple: along with the course of “clenbuterol solo”, you should take 5-10 mg (one or two tablets) of yohimbine hydrochloride three times a day with meals.

Those. In the morning we drank clenbuterol on an empty stomach, and then with meals 1-2 tablets (1 tablet = 5 mg) of yohimbine.

You can see the “clenbuterol solo” course from the previous article (I gave a link to it at the beginning).

Once again, how to take yohimbine with clenbuterol:

  • Use the clenbuterol solo course from the previous article.
  • Add to this course three times a day 1-2 tablets of yohimbine (5-10 mg each) with meals!
  • Clenbuterol in the morning, yohimbine during the day. Nothing complicated.

In this case, our wolves are fed and our sheep are safe. Alpha-2 adrenergic receptors are blocked (fat does not accumulate), Beta-2 adrenergic receptors are stimulated (lipolysis accelerates).

Fat burning goes faster, but again, I don’t advise you to do this, because... Even the instructions for yohimbine state that simultaneous use with adrenergic agonists is contraindicated!

Let me explain, you can’t take it with clenbuterol!

Is yohimbine effective for weight loss in women?

A group of Polish scientists conducted a study to answer this question. First, 20 girls consumed 1000 kcal per day for 3 weeks. They were then divided into 2 groups: the first began taking yohimbine supplements, and the second received a placebo for another 3 weeks (in addition to a low-calorie diet).

Researchers found that taking yohimbine significantly increased weight loss. Women who took the yohimbe supplement lost an average of 3.55 kg, while those who were given a placebo lost just 2.21 kg. However, no significant effect on lipolysis was observed. Yohimbine also did not slow down the rate of gastric emptying. Keep in mind that the women ate only 1,000 calories a day and were sedentary, and the scientists did not measure whether the subjects lost muscle or fat.

Additionally, there are other sports nutrition products that can lead to greater weight loss with fewer or no side effects.

The scientists concluded that more research is needed to determine the advisability of using alpha-2 receptor blockers.

Yohimbine for women

Many girls are interested in this drug, but many questions arise, because it was originally created for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.
Can it be used by girls? Answer: you can!

It is possible, because ALPHA2 adrenergic receptors are present in both men and women!!! Moreover, for many girls, taking yohimbine also increases blood circulation in the genitals and increases the intensity of orgasm!

Previously, it was believed that taking yohimbine increases the secretion of testosterone, because. libido and sexual activity increase, but this fact has not been proven! And the fact that yohimbine mobilizes fats and helps you lose weight has been fully proven!

Proof here: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17214405/?from_term=yohimbine&from_pos=3

Studies have shown twice the level of fatty acids in the body of an exercising athlete who takes yohimbine compared to an athlete who does not take it.

So, dear girls and women, enjoy it to your health.

By the way, my sister took yohimbine several times, she really liked the effect!

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