Bleeding gums: causes, treatment and complications

This phenomenon is not the norm, so it should alert you and force you to look for its causes. If your gums bleed, the causes of the problem may lie in both diseases of the oral cavity and pathologies of internal organs. Timely and correct identification of the provocateurs of this trouble is the first step towards its effective elimination. You should not deal with these issues on your own; you should consult a dentist.

Why do my gums bleed?

They are a mucous membrane that covers the alveolar part of the lower jaw and the alveolar process of the upper. This shell wraps around the teeth in the area of ​​their neck, protecting dental tissues from various damages, and the teeth themselves from falling out.

Bleeding of this mucous membrane, as a rule, is a symptom of some disease of the oral cavity or body. Under the influence of various factors, the tissues are weakened, and, as a result, the gums bleed. These are the reasons why this problem appears. They will be discussed in more detail below.

Toothpastes to protect gum health

Paste for bleeding gums is perhaps the most popular remedy. Often people do not attach much importance to the choice of toothpaste and take either the first one they come across, or the advertised one, or the one that is cheaper. However, it is necessary to select toothpaste taking into account not these factors, but taking into account the individual characteristics of each individual person.

For bleeding gums, their hypersensitivity and inflammation, a paste containing fluoride and extracts of medicinal plants will help. Herbs have healing properties, and fluoride helps protect and strengthen teeth, preventing the development of pathologies. If the gum tissue is bleeding, it is not allowed to use whitening pastes, as they contain components that irritate the mucous membranes and contribute to the development of inflammation.

The best toothpaste for bleeding gums is one of these:

  • Parodontax Classic;
  • Blend-a-Med pro-expert;
  • Splat;
  • Forest balm;
  • Lacalut aktiv;
  • ElmexAronal;
  • PresiDENT.

These products are designed specifically to eliminate diseases in the oral cavity, and they also provide a preventive effect.

We recommend that you learn about the symptoms of periodontitis here -

Signs of gum problems

Bleeding is often one of the first symptoms to appear. But over time, if this phenomenon is left unattended, the following signs may appear:

  • Unpleasant odor from the mouth;
  • The appearance of a taste of blood in it, especially when eating or brushing teeth;
  • Redness, which may also affect the soft tissues of the oral cavity;
  • Increased sensitivity of teeth, in which they react to cold, hot, sour, sweet, salty;
  • The appearance of pain;
  • As the disease that provokes the problem progresses, the necks of the teeth often open later and pockets form in which deposits and infections accumulate.

If your gums bleed, the cause is not eliminated for a long period, and other symptoms may also appear. They usually consist of receding gums, discharge of pus from them, and itching.

Symptoms of bleeding gums

The first manifestations of the problem make themselves felt when the patient brushes his teeth and eats solid food. The following signs are usually added to the discharge of blood:

  • Redness, swelling;
  • Formation of dental plaque, and subsequently tartar;
  • Bleeding gums and bad breath are almost always problems that accompany each other. The second is so pronounced that it is usually not possible to eliminate it using hygienic procedures, at least for a long time;
  • Pregnant women may experience a symptom such as mucosal growth.

Causes of bleeding gums

These are the very problems that are accompanied by this symptom.

This is why gums bleed if the phenomenon is caused directly by dental pathologies:

  • Stomatitis. It is an inflammatory process that occurs in the mucous and soft tissues of the oral cavity. When the disease occurs, erosions (ulcers) form, bleeding appears, an unpleasant odor, redness appear, the tongue becomes overly sensitive, and eating and brushing teeth are accompanied by pain;
  • Gingivitis. This is an inflammation affecting the gums, which is characterized by the fact that they swell, turn red, discomfort occurs when eating food (especially solid food), and blood is released;
  • Plaque. If it is not eliminated in time, it transforms into tartar, becoming hard. In addition to the fact that the condition of the oral tissues is worsened by the infection developing in them, the gums move away from the teeth, which is accompanied by the appearance of blood;
  • Malocclusion. Because of this problem, the mucous membranes are often injured, which results in bleeding. Mechanical damage sometimes occurs due to an incorrectly installed filling or chipped teeth;
  • Dental operations. Sometimes they do not do without tissue damage, so the problem can arise within the first few hours (and sometimes days) after the manipulations. The most common reason is tooth extraction. If the reasons are dental operations, then the problem of bleeding will subside after some time. Doctors in many cases recommend taking medications that will speed up the healing process;
  • Caries. In the presence of chronic infections, inflammatory processes in dental tissues provoke fragility and vulnerability of all tissues of the oral cavity.

Here are a few more reasons why your gums may bleed

  • Smoking. This bad habit leads to a decrease in local immunity, resulting in a lack of vitamins: C, A and other beneficial substances. And this causes bleeding.
  • Calcium deficiency in the body also provokes many diseases of the oral cavity. Often the reason for this is poor nutrition, from which a person does not receive the necessary substances.
  • Using medications that thin the blood. Due to their influence, it loses the necessary viscosity, so the patient may experience bleeding in various organs, including oral tissues.
  • Hemophilia, anemia and other blood diseases. Diseases associated with a violation of the coagulation process.
  • Gastrointestinal pathologies that are accompanied by increased acidity in the stomach (for example: gastritis)
  • Changes in hormonal levels. Because of this, gums often bleed during pregnancy.

It also happens that a child’s gums bleed, and this can happen at any age, including before the child is 2 years old. But most often it is encountered by children and adolescents aged 5-16 years.

The reasons for this are usually the following factors:

  • Insufficient oral hygiene. For the same reason, the problem can develop in adults;
  • Curling of teeth, their incorrect position, due to which the tissues of the oral cavity are injured, is one of the common reasons why a child’s gums bleed;
  • Presence of caries;
  • Infectious diseases in history or currently present (flu, colds);
  • In the youngest patients, this symptom may be associated with teething.

Even if you have suspicions about why this phenomenon occurred, you should not diagnose yourself. You should definitely consult a doctor who will determine its causes and develop treatment tactics. This applies to both children and adults.

Special ointments

Ointment and gel, although many combine them into one concept, are not the same thing. The ointment has a fatty base and almost does not seep into the mucous membranes of the gingival tissues, therefore it does not linger on the gums for a long time. The gel, on the contrary, is well absorbed and lasts a long time. Ointment for treating gum tissue against bleeding is not suitable - it gives an effect only when applied externally, but the gel will be very effective.

Gums bleed when brushing teeth

With all of the listed diseases and health problems, this symptom may appear. But in some cases, bleeding is caused by using a toothbrush that is too hard. Doctors usually recommend that this hygiene item should not be soft, otherwise it will not be able to effectively cope with plaque that settles on the teeth and oral tissues.

However, if it is too hard, it is capable of causing mechanical damage to the latter, even scratching them until they bleed. They are especially susceptible to this, being too sensitive. To avoid this, you should consult your doctor about which brush is right for your case.

If your gums bleed when brushing your teeth, you may be performing this procedure incorrectly - you are making too intense, pressing movements, which cause tissue injury.

In both cases, an incorrect approach to hygiene measures can lead to gums receding over time and the necks of teeth becoming exposed. The main symptoms of this phenomenon are that the latter visually lengthen, their root part, which has a darker color than the crown part, is revealed to the eye. Their sensitivity increases, as the problem progresses, they become looser and subsequently fall out.

What is the danger of bleeding gums?

The first thing to understand is that this phenomenon is a symptom of other problems. If your gums are bleeding and you have bad breath, you need to pay attention to this. Even if a symptom is caused by systemic diseases of the body, it must be eliminated as quickly as possible.

When gums constantly bleed, microbes enter unprotected areas of the oral cavity and become a favorable environment for their activation and development. Because of this, dental diseases such as gingivitis and periodontitis can develop.


Injections, where the active ingredient is vitamin C, are a common prescription by the dentist for inflammation of the gum tissue, which manifests itself against the background of vitamin deficiency. This vitamin is well absorbed, reduces bleeding and helps strengthen gum tissue. In addition, these injections for bleeding gums have a positive effect on the condition of the entire body. To avoid vitamin deficiency and related problems in the oral cavity, it is recommended to take special vitamin complexes twice a year. Ascorutin also plays a role in the treatment of bleeding gums.

How to stop bleeding gums?

To solve this problem, you must strictly follow your doctor's recommendations. This issue requires an integrated approach, which includes a number of measures:

  • Considering that dental plaque and tartar, when gums bleed, are common causes of trouble, treatment involves first of all eliminating these deposits. This will require professional teeth cleaning performed by a dentist. This procedure is painless and effective;
  • An important step is proper oral care at home. It is necessary to brush your teeth twice a day, using a suitable brush that will thoroughly remove plaque but will not injure the tissue. Additionally, you should use dental floss and special brushes to remove interdental deposits;
  • When your gums bleed, what to rinse your mouth with is also an important aspect. Such products help get rid of plaque and bacteria accumulated in it. Thanks to this, they eliminate inflammatory processes and strengthen the mucous membranes. Effective rinses are Listerine, Lacalut Activ, Forest Balm, Sensodyne, Family Doctor, etc. It is best to choose the optimal product together with your doctor;
  • • Medicines are also used to combat the problem. Effective remedies are gels that are applied directly to bleeding tissue. For example, “Asepta”, “Kamistad”, “Metrogil Denta”, “Cholisal” can be used. These medications are suitable for treating both adults and children;
  • It is necessary to ensure the health of the teeth and oral cavity - monitor their integrity, promptly eliminate caries, and treat other dental diseases;
  • In the process of fighting bleeding, it is important to follow a diet. Food should saturate the body with vitamins and nutrients. They are found in fruits, vegetables, fish and seafood, dairy and fermented milk products, and meat. To prevent the mucous membranes from becoming even more irritated, you should at least temporarily avoid bitter, spicy, sour foods, pickles, and marinades. It is recommended to exclude hard, fatty, fried foods until recovery;
  • • When gums bleed, vitamins are important, which can be obtained not only from food, but also from multivitamin complexes prescribed by a doctor, taking into account exactly what nutrients your body needs;

If the provocateur of the phenomenon is a disease of the body, eliminating the original causes will help get rid of it. But when your gums bleed, what should you do before it happens or if the underlying cause isn't completely treatable? In such a situation, it is necessary to carry out symptomatic treatment using the measures described above. But only a doctor should prescribe therapy. This also applies to pregnant women.

Medicinal gels against bleeding

The medicinal effect of medicinal gels is to directly protect the gum tissue from bacteria. The applied gel creates a film that covers the gum tissue from harmful influences. The effectiveness of gels is ensured by the fact that they can remain in the oral cavity for a long time - they are not easy to wash off or dissolve. You can buy a similar product at any pharmacy, and all gels act approximately the same. Their prices may vary depending on the composition and brand.

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Available for purchase:

  • Holisal;
  • Metrogyl denta;
  • Solcoseryl;
  • Parodium.

Inflamed gums should be treated regularly, using the gel according to the instructions on the package. But it is best to ask a dentist before trying to treat yourself to get a competent opinion. A specialist always knows best which product and in what proportions will help you quickly and reliably.

Folk remedies

They are sometimes included in the overall treatment strategy, and sometimes used as a temporary measure before going to the dentist.

If your gums bleed, the following folk remedies are usually used:

  • Oak bark decoction. They rinse the mouth with it several times a day, as it strengthens the gums and helps eliminate the inflammatory process. The preparation is simple - you need to brew 1 tbsp. l. crushed oak bark in 1 glass of water. The product should be allowed to brew until it cools, decant, and then you can use it;
  • Camomile tea. This plant is an effective antiseptic with healing and anti-inflammatory effects. Pour 1 tsp into a glass of boiling water. plants, after which the infusion should be left to cool. Next, it is expressed and used to rinse the mouth. The procedure must be performed several times/day;
  • Sage tea. The plant is an excellent antiseptic that has a healing, anti-inflammatory effect. It is brewed at the rate of 1 tsp. for 1 cup boiling water. Cooled to room temperature and strained, the infusion is used for rinsing;
  • Water pepper infusion. This is something you can rinse your mouth with to reduce bleeding. The plant helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, thereby normalizing blood clotting processes. To prepare the product, add 1 tsp. raw materials 1 cup boiling water, let it brew. It is then expressed and used as a mouthwash;
  • Horseradish or black radish juice. It must be freshly squeezed, and its properties are that it helps eliminate plaque and tartar. You need to mix 2 tsp. juice of one of the vegetables with wine (200 ml). You can not only rinse your mouth with it, but also use it as an immunomodulator, taking it orally in small portions.

Traditional medicine suggests using sauerkraut and freshly squeezed carrot juice as ways to combat the problem. Please note that the methods listed above only help eliminate the symptom, but do not help cope with the cause of its occurrence. Therefore, visit your dentist, and only with his permission, use or discard them.

Prevention of bleeding gums

To significantly reduce the risk of this problem, follow these measures:

  • Pay attention to brushing your teeth at home. The procedure must be performed twice a day, and its duration should be at least 2 minutes. There is no need to press hard on the toothbrush or make sudden, jerky movements so as not to injure the tissues of the oral cavity. In addition to longitudinal and transverse manipulations, perform elliptical (circular) movements. Don't forget to clean your tongue of plaque using the back of the brush. As for the latter, choose a hygiene product that does not have too hard bristles;
  • Visit your dentist at least once every six months to promptly identify dental problems and eliminate them. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe professional teeth cleaning, which should also be performed periodically;
  • Adhere to the principles of a healthy diet, in which the body will receive the vitamins and minerals required for the health of all tissues and mucous membranes of the mouth;
  • Promptly prevent and treat diseases of internal organs and systems that provoke this problem.

Bleeding gums are a known problem that should only be treated with the help of a dentist. If you identify it in time, you can get rid of it quickly, preventing it from causing more serious consequences.

Yukhimenko Tatyana Ivanovna

can. honey. n. Dentist-therapist, periodontist

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Treating is important!

It is necessary to fight blood coming out of the gums, because when bleeding occurs, the gum tissue becomes very vulnerable to harmful microorganisms that live in the mouth. If the problem is not corrected in time, then simply injuring your gums while chewing solid food or brushing your teeth can cause an infection. Then you will have to fight not with ordinary bleeding, but with a disease, for example, periodontitis.

In such conditions, the question “how to get rid of constant bleeding gums” becomes relevant. The first step is to contact a specialist to determine the cause of the defect. Only a specialist after examination can recommend the best remedy for bleeding gums. Dental patients have access to a wide range of different products that can be used at home, so that there is no need to visit the dentist every day during treatment.

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