Can I drink alcohol while taking Cyclodinone?


  • 100 grams of Cyclodinone drops include 193-288 mg of dry extract of common twig . Additional substances: polysorbate 20, 70% sorbitol , povidone , mint flavor, water, sodium sucrose dihydrate, 96% ethanol.
  • 1 tablet of Cyclodinone contains 3.3-4.8 mg of dry extract of common twig . Additional substances: microcrystalline cellulose, indigotine, silicon dioxide, povidone , lactose monohydrate, starch, magnesium stearate, titanium dioxide, talc, iron oxide, macrogol 6000 , emethacrylic acid copolymer, ethacrylic acid copolymer.

Consequences of drinking alcohol

The compatibility of both substances will not lead to significant complications, but much depends on the amount of alcohol consumed.

If a woman drinks more than her norm, then, most likely, her body will independently provoke vomiting in order to at least slightly improve the condition and help the liver. The active substance does not always have time to leave the gastrointestinal tract, so it will be released from the body along with vomiting.

Tandem can provoke overexcitation, because the drug stimulates brain receptors, and alcohol suppresses inhibition processes in the central nervous system. Sometimes taking even one dose can lead to confusion and hallucinations.

Judging by the reviews, patients often experience severe dizziness and pain, which indicate toxic damage to the liver and intoxication of the body.

Doctors say that even a single dose of alcohol can negate the entire therapeutic course of treatment completed. To avoid this, you need to completely give up alcohol.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Is cyclodinone a hormonal drug?

The medicine is obtained from raw materials of plant origin, so it is not hormonal, but has a normalizing effect on the content of sex hormones.

Mechanism of action

The main component is ordinary twig . The dopaminergic effects of the drug eliminate hyperprolactinemia prolactin production . An increased content of prolactin disrupts the synthesis of gonadotropins , which can cause disturbances in the development of follicles, the corpus luteum and ovulation , which leads to an imbalance of estradiol and progesterone and can cause mastodynia and changes in the menstrual cycle.

Prolactin demonstrates a stimulating effect on the development of cells in the mammary glands and can stimulate the appearance of connective tissue, as well as cause an enlargement of the milk ducts.

prolactin content causes regression of pathological processes in the mammary gland and reduces pain. Correct production and regulation of the proportion of gonadotropic hormones normalizes the 2nd phase of the menstrual cycle.

When is it indicated to take Cyclodinone?

A medicine based on herbal raw materials is useful for treating sexual hormonal imbalances and the pathological conditions caused by them. Among them:

  • mammalgia;
  • long delays in the menstrual cycle, occurring periodically or constantly;
  • prolonged absence of ovulation;
  • high level of prolactin in test results;
  • painful premenstrual syndrome.

In some cases, Cyclodinone helps stop prolonged lactation when breast milk is no longer needed.

Instructions for use of Cyclodinone (Method and dosage)

How to take the drug?

The drops are taken orally, after shaking the bottle. When taking all forms of release, you must wash them down with water.

Instructions for use of drops

The medicine in this form of release is taken orally, 40 drops once a day in the morning, washed down with water.

Cyclodinone tablets, instructions for use

The tablets are also taken orally, 1 piece once a day, in the morning, with water and without chewing.

Treatment is usually carried out over the course of a quarter, without interruption during menstruation. After relief of symptoms and improvement of the patient's condition, therapy should be continued for another 2-3 weeks.

If after completion of treatment complaints reappear, you should consult your doctor.

On what day of the cycle should you start taking the medication?

You can start taking the drug regardless of the duration of your menstrual cycle.

Brief characteristics of the drug

Cyclodinone is a medicine used to treat menstrual irregularities, tension and premenstrual syndrome. This is a herbal medicine, the active ingredient of which is considered to be an extract of common twig.

It is able to block the release of prolactin from pituitary cells. Thanks to this, the menstrual cycle is restored, the risk of developing mastodynia is reduced, and the level of estradiol and progesterone in the blood is normalized.

The product is available in two forms: tablets and solution. It is not a hormonal drug because it does not contain natural or synthetic hormones.

The herbal medicine must not be taken in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance to components;
  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding.

The dosage and course of treatment are prescribed by the attending physician after the test results. According to the instructions, they should be taken for three months, and after the menstrual cycle normalizes, another 4-5 weeks.

If during treatment there are signs of unusual fatigue, depression and chest pain, you should immediately stop taking it and make an appointment with your doctor.

special instructions

depression while taking the medication, you should consult a doctor.

Drops are not recommended for use after anti-alcohol treatment has been completed.

Lactose intolerance (the tablets contain lactose) may cause diarrhea and pain in the epigastric region.

Patients with diabetes are allowed to take Cyclodinone both in drops and tablets, since a single dose of this drug contains up to 0.03 XE.

Does not affect the ability to drive vehicles.

Composition and dosage forms

Cyclodinone is intended for oral administration and is available in liquid and tablet forms:

  • Drops: a solution containing ethyl alcohol, a light brown transparent liquid with a mint-herbal aroma. Packaged in dark glass bottles of 50 or 100 ml and secondary cardboard packaging. The vessels are equipped with special dispensing attachments.
  • Tablets: light green, round, film-coated, packaged in blisters, the drug package contains 2 or 4 plates of 15 pcs. in each.

The active component of the drug is dry extract of common twig (Vitex agnus-castus L). The plant reduces the production of the hormone prolactin, thus stimulating the synthesis of gonadotropic hormones. In addition to the main substance, Cyclodinone drops contain alcohol, purified water, menthol and sweeteners. The tablets contain starch, lactose, other formative substances and stabilizers.

During long-term storage in the drug solution, a precipitate may appear. This feature does not affect the pharmacological properties and does not indicate a decrease in the quality of the drug.

Cyclodinone analogs

Level 4 ATC code matches:











Gynoflor E


Klimadinon Uno


The most common analogues of Cyclodinone are listed below: Prefemin , Agnukaston, Mastodinone, Bromocriptine, Indinol, Mastopol.

Cyclodinone and beer

Cyclodinone and beer are incompatible. The drug normalizes the function of the genital organs and improves the hormonal levels of women.

However, under the influence of alcoholic beverages it is impossible to restore menstrual irregularities, eliminate premenstrual syndrome, or cure mastodynia.

It is not recommended to drink beer during treatment with the drug. Diuresis increases, so the active substance is evacuated along with urine. But if the patient drinks a drink with alcohol in moderate doses, female sex hormones penetrate the body, which normalizes the endocrine functions of women. No serious tissue damage occurs.

Reviews about Cyclodinone

Reviews from doctors about Cyclodinone indicate that the drug is quite effective when used to normalize the cycle. Reviews for mastopathy and menopause characterize the product on the positive side. Among the disadvantages, high prices and frequent negative effects on the skin with long-term use are often noted.

The online forum discussions do not reveal the difference in the clinical effects of different dosage forms (tablets, drops). It is also worth recalling that pregnancy is a strict contraindication for taking the drug.

Adverse reactions and contraindications

You should stop using Cyclodinone:

  • under the age of 18;
  • during pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • for pituitary tumors;
  • intolerance to fructose, lactose;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • allergic reactions to components.

Cyclodinone solution is prohibited for alcoholism or ethyl alcohol intolerance.

During treatment, the drug may occasionally cause adverse effects:

  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • epigastric pain;
  • acne;
  • physical weakness.

If there is a sharp deterioration in health, you should interrupt treatment and undergo additional medical examination. It is also necessary to stop taking the drug if pregnancy occurs. Caution in therapy must be observed if patients have liver dysfunction or a history of epilepsy.

Cyclodinone price, where to buy

The price of Cyclodinone in tablets No. 30 (60 tablets per package is quite difficult to find on sale) in Russia is 430-640 rubles. The price of Cyclodinone drops 50 ml ranges from 450 to 510 rubles.

Ukraine gives approximately comparable prices: the cost of the indicated package of tablets reaches 340 hryvnia, and buying 50 ml of drops will cost no more than 260 hryvnia.

Despite the fact that Cyclodinone is not a hormonal drug, it is sold in pharmacies only by prescription.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • Cyclodinone drops for oral administration 50mlBionorica GmbH
    RUB 646 order
  • Cyclodinone tablets p.p.o. 30 pcs. Rottendorf Pharma GmbH

    RUB 747 order

Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Cyclodinone (tablet No. 30)Bionorica

    780 rub. order

  • Cyclodinone (50ml drops)Bionorica

    RUR 631 order

show more


  • Cyclodinone N30 tablets Bionorica SE, Nimechchina
    280 UAH. order
  • Cyclodinone 50 ml oral drops Bionorika SE, Nimechchina

    214 UAH order


  • Cyclodinone liquid Cyclodinone drops 50ml Germany, Bionorica

    226 UAH order

  • Cyclodinone tablets Cyclodinone tablets No. 30 Germany, Bionorica

    278 UAH order

show more

Use of the drug for alcoholism

The drug will not help in any way with alcoholism, with the exception of a disruption in the menstrual cycle caused by prolonged drinking.

Under the influence of alcohol, the body is gradually depleted, cardiovascular pathologies, pancreatic diseases and diabetes, blood pressure surges, and kidney failure are diagnosed. Ethanol has a toxic effect on the liver, increasing the likelihood of developing hepatitis.

Taking any drug, a person also exposes his liver to damage, because the organ acts as a filter, cleansing the body of toxins. Initially, you need to remove all ethanol from the blood, and then begin therapy.

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