A simple description of the disinfectant “Anolit” with tables and reviews from real customers

In the modern world, the problem of ensuring epidemiological safety is very acute. There are currently more than a thousand disinfectants on the market. These drugs are subject to requirements for their reliability, effectiveness and safety.

It is known that an ideal antimicrobial agent must meet a number of requirements:

  • must have a wide spectrum of antimicrobial action, i.e. effectively destroy bacteria, mycobacteria, viruses, fungi and spores, regardless of the duration and frequency of use, which implies the presence of properties that prevent microorganisms from developing resistance;
  • be safe for humans and animals both during its preparation and use, and after the end of its intended use, i.e. during the period of degradation and destructive changes under the influence of environmental factors or as a result of biodegradation processes in the human body, i.e., in other words, the antimicrobial agent and the products of its natural or artificial degradation should not contain xenobiotic substances;
  • an antimicrobial agent must have universal action, i.e., have not only antimicrobial properties, but also have cleaning ability with minimal damaging and corrosive activity in relation to various materials, and also be as simple as possible to use and at the same time relatively inexpensive.

The category of chemical disinfection preparations that ideally meet the above requirements includes Anolyte ANK SUPER, which has a universal antimicrobial spectrum of action at a very low concentration of active substances (ADS) - 500 mg/l; safe for humans and the environment; ADV and their degradation products do not accumulate in the external environment.

Features of the chemical composition

Disinfectant Anolyte ANK SUPER is a colorless transparent liquid with a slight odor of chlorine-containing oxidants.

The active substances (ADI) of the product are represented by a mixture of highly active metastable (electrochemically activated) oxygen chlorine and hydroperoxide compounds (oxidants).

This combination of active ingredients ensures that microorganisms do not adapt to the biocidal action of Anolyte ANK SUPER, and the low total concentration of active oxygen and chlorine compounds guarantees complete safety for humans and the environment during its long-term use.

The concentration of active chlorine and active oxygen compounds in active chlorine equivalent (total) is no less than 0.5±0.05 g/l (0.05±0.005%) with a total content of dissolved substances (mineralization) no more than 0.9 g /l and pH of the product is 5.0-6.5.

Antimicrobial activity

Anolyte ANK SUPER has antimicrobial activity against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria (including pathogens of nosocomial infections, tuberculosis, legionellosis, especially dangerous infections, including plague, cholera, anthrax, tularemia); viruses (including pathogens of polio, enteral and parenteral hepatitis, rotaviruses, enteroviruses, HIV infection, ARVI, influenza including H5N1, H1N1, “atypical” pneumonia, parainfluenza, herpes, adenoviruses, etc.); pathogenic fungi of the genus Candida and genus Trichophyton; has sporicidal activity (tested on spore culture of test strains B.cereus, B.subtilis, B.anthracis pcs.STI-1).

Antimicrobial activity has been confirmed by leading specialized scientific institutions:

  • Federal Budgetary Institution Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor;
  • State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow City Disinfection Center";
  • Federal State Budgetary Institution Research Institute of Virology named after. DI. Ivanovsky;
  • FBUN State Scientific Center for Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology;
  • All-Russia Research Institute of Dairy Industry;
  • All-Russia Research Institute of Brewing, Non-Alcoholic and Wine Industry.


Anolyte ANK SUPER in terms of acute toxicity parameters in accordance with GOST 12.1.007-76 belongs to class 4 of low-hazard substances when introduced into the stomach; to class 4 low-hazard substances when applied to the skin; when inhaled in the form of vapors, the product is low-hazard in terms of volatility (C20); when administered parenterally into the abdominal cavity, it belongs to class 4 of low-toxic substances. The product does not have a skin-irritating effect with single applications; with repeated applications it causes dry skin. The product has an irritating effect on the mucous membranes of the eyes when applied to the conjunctiva.

Skin-resorptive and sensitizing properties are not expressed.

When used in aerosol form, the product causes irritation to the respiratory system (upper respiratory tract) and mucous membranes of the eyes.

Environmental friendliness

After use, ANK SUPER anolyte completely decomposes into fresh water, does not accumulate in the external environment, does not create films on surfaces, and does not require rinsing or decontamination after use.

Methods of application

: wiping, immersion, soaking, irrigation, aerosol treatment


Use in accordance with the Instructions for Use approved by Rospotrebnadzor for the purposes of disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning, sterilization.

Disinfection and sterilization

Anolyte ANK SUPER is intended for use:

  • for infections of viral, bacterial (including tuberculosis) and fungal (candidiasis, trichophytosis) etiology
  • for the purposes of preventive and focal (current and final) disinfection in medical, treatment and preventive organizations, including dental, somatic, intensive care, surgical, dermatovenerological, multidisciplinary laboratories (clinical, bacteriological, virological, parasitological), anti-tuberculosis institutions, pathology departments, forensic medical examination institutions, morphological laboratories, dermatovenerological and infectious diseases departments, blood transfusion departments, clinics, emergency medical care stations, etc.; in social security institutions, sanitary inspection centers, penitentiary institutions; in institutions of the Ministry of Defense, Civil Defense and the Ministry of Emergency Situations; at sanitary transport facilities, including: indoor surfaces (floors, walls, hard furniture); at sanitary transport facilities; surfaces of medical and special devices, devices, equipment (including anesthesia and respiratory equipment, anesthesiological equipment, sensors for ultrasound machines, incubators for premature babies, perinatal tables and other objects in neonatal departments);
  • sanitary equipment, including foot baths;
  • patient care items, personal hygiene items made of various materials; toys;
  • linen (underwear, bed linen, staff clothing, etc.);
  • footwear made of rubber, plastics and other polymeric materials;
  • tableware, incl. disposable; items for washing dishes;
  • pharmaceutical and laboratory glassware;
  • rubber and polypropylene mats;
  • cleaning equipment and materials;
  • for disinfection purposes in medical and preventive organizations:
      medical products made of plastics, rubbers, glass, metals (including surgical and dental instruments, including rotary and locking instruments); saliva ejectors, dental impressions made of alginate, silicone, polyester resin; denture blanks made of metal, ceramics, plastic, articulators; rigid and flexible endoscopes and medical instruments for them; sensors for ultrasound machines;
  • for the purposes of high-level disinfection (HLD) of endoscopes;
  • for the purpose of sterilization of medical products (including surgical and dental instruments made of metals, rubbers, plastics, glass; rigid and flexible endoscopes and instruments for them);
  • for disinfection of indoor air;
  • for disinfecting blood in containers before disposal and blood-contaminated surfaces, biological fluids (including sputum) on surfaces and objects for infections of viral, fungal and bacterial etiology (including tuberculosis);
  • for disinfection of medical waste of class B and C, incl. infectious diseases departments (including departments of especially dangerous infections), dermatovenerological, phthisiatric, mycological, laboratories working with microorganisms of 3-4 pathogenicity groups, in particular disposable medical devices (MPD), used dressings, disposable underwear, disposable clothing before their disposal;
  • for cleaning and disinfection of reusable collections of non-infectious waste of class A (not having contact with biological fluids of patients, infectious patients) of hospital departments;
  • for cleaning and disinfection of containers for collection and transportation for disposal of infectious medical waste of class B and C (including departments of especially dangerous infections);
  • for disinfection, cleaning, washing of garbage collection equipment, garbage trucks, trash cans and garbage containers, garbage chutes;
  • when carrying out general cleaning in medical and preventive organizations;
  • for the purpose of preventive disinfection at public utility facilities (hotels, hostels, markets; consumer services facilities, provision of funeral services; waste collection, transportation and processing enterprises, etc., landfills for solid household waste), at public catering facilities (in including in restaurants, cafes, canteens, snack bars, bars, buffets, catering units, confectionery shops), food and non-food trade, consumer markets, educational, cultural, recreation and sports institutions (cultural, entertainment and health complexes, cinemas, casinos , game rooms, shopping and entertainment centers, administrative facilities, offices; sports facilities, swimming pools; exhibition halls, museums, libraries, etc., baths, saunas, solariums, hairdressers, laundries; SPA salons, beauty salons, cosmetology departments , medicinal cosmetics, public toilets); at sanatorium and resort facilities (including in treatment rooms, manipulation rooms, physiotherapy and hydrotherapy), at water supply and sewerage enterprises; at biotechnological, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry facilities, in pharmacies and pharmaceutical organizations; at motor transport facilities (including the transportation of food products and passengers); in the work of cleaning companies:
      indoor surfaces, external surfaces of appliances and apparatus, hard furniture, sanitary equipment, disinfection of drinking water storage tanks, linen, tableware and kitchen utensils, appliances, dishwashing items, cleaning equipment, care items and personal hygiene products; footwear made of rubber, plastics and other polymeric materials; cosmetic and hairdressing instruments made of metals, rubbers, plastics, glass; rubber mats, waste (disposable products - capes, caps, tools, etc.).
  • for the purposes of preventive disinfection at enterprises and facilities of the food industry and agro-industrial complex, including:
      for disinfection of objects, surfaces, equipment, including those in contact with food raw materials and water;
  • for disinfection of food raw materials or finished food products;
  • for disinfection in medical and preventive organizations (HPO), in the offices of organizations, in household and municipal enterprises, in industrial enterprises, namely:
      surfaces of air conditioners and surfaces of structural elements of indoor air conditioning systems;
  • chambers for cleaning and cooling air conditioners;
  • surfaces of fans of ventilation systems of premises;
  • air ducts of room ventilation systems;
  • used filtration elements of air conditioners and ventilation systems;
  • for carrying out twice a year preventive disinfection of household air conditioners, split systems, multi-zone split systems, rooftop air conditioners, ventilation filters, air ducts in medical and preventive organizations, in children's institutions, residential premises, in the offices of organizations, in household and public utility enterprises , at industrial enterprises.
  • for particularly dangerous infections (plague, cholera, tularemia, anthrax) in medical facilities and foci for focal (current and final) disinfection:
      for disinfection of indoor surfaces, hard furniture, surfaces of apparatus, instruments, including those with bioorganic contamination;
  • medical products, toys, sanitary equipment, rubber mats;
  • for disinfecting dishes, linen, patient care items, toys;
  • for disinfection of medical waste;
  • for disinfecting containers for collecting medical waste, dishes from secretions;
  • for disinfection of cleaning material and equipment.
  • Pre-sterilization cleaning of medical devices

    The product is intended for use in organizations engaged in medical activities (including dental, pediatric, surgical, anti-tuberculosis, dermatovenerological, obstetric and gynecological, blood transfusion stations, pathology departments, etc.) for:

    • pre-sterilization cleaning, combined with disinfection, of medical devices (including surgical and dental instruments, including rotating ones) manually;
    • pre-sterilization cleaning, combined with disinfection, of medical products (including surgical and dental instruments, including rotating ones, instruments for endoscopes) by mechanized method;
    • pre-sterilization cleaning combined with disinfection (before high-level disinfection /HLD/) of flexible and rigid endoscopes manually;
    • pre-sterilization cleaning combined with manual disinfection of instruments for endoscopes;
    • pre-sterilization cleaning not combined with disinfection, medical products (including surgical and dental instruments, including rotating ones), flexible and rigid endoscopes, manual and mechanized instruments for endoscopes.

    Aerosol disinfection with Anolyte ANK SUPER

    Aerosol treatment with Anolit ANK SUPER is the final stage when carrying out routine and/or general cleaning in places with an increased microbial load, such as pathology departments.

    Aerosol treatment is practically the only option when it is necessary to disinfect hard-to-reach areas of objects - high ceilings, ventilation ducts, cracks, etc.

    Aerosol treatment with ANK SUPER Anolyte allows you to disinfect not only the air, but also objects in the room being disinfected. Aerosol treatment can be carried out to disinfect volumetric and linear objects.

    Specially designed sprayers allow you to obtain a fine “dry” mist that does not leave the effect of “wet walls” during processing.

    Instructions for use of the disinfectant "Anolit"

    For several decades, the V. Bakhir Institute has been developing disinfectant solutions obtained in electrochemical equipment. Various STEL installations were used, producing compositions with different characteristics.

    The most effective disinfectant was called Anolyte ANK Super. The solution was made using the STEL-ANK-SUPER installation.

    Characteristics of the product:

    • composition - has a wide spectrum of antibacterial + virucidal + antifungal + sporicidal action, contains a substance active against COVID-19;
    • liquid - transparent, with washing properties, pH in the range of 5–6.5;
    • features - the product is ready for use, does not leave a film or traces of salt on the treated surface, and does not require rinsing after exposure.

    Before ANK Super, “Anolytes” made by other installations were investigated. They did not meet modern disinfection requirements. Some solutions strongly oxidized the treated materials, others did not destroy spores, and others did not have cleaning properties.

    Instructions for use:

    • for sterilization and disinfection in medical institutions - No. DA 005-13 (03/15/2013);
    • for disinfection of dairy production facilities - No. DA 004-13 (03/15/2013);
    • for disinfection of facilities for the production of used drinks, mineral water, wine, beer - No. DA 003-13 (03/15/2013).

    "Anolyte ANK Super" is a universal-purpose product.

    Other products from the Anolit ANK Super line:

    • "Anolit ANK Super House";
    • "Anolyte ANK Super Pets";
    • “Anolyte ANK Super for eggs, vegetables and fruits”;
    • "Anolyte ANK Super Cold Plasma."

    Products from the Anolit ANK Super line are used for disinfection in everyday life and in institutions of various types of activities. Use according to the recommendations on the label and in the manufacturer's instructions.

    Composition and release form of "Anolyte"

    The manufacturer makes a disinfectant from a mixture of sodium chloride (synonyms: sodium chloride, rock salt, sodium salt of hydrochloric acid) and purified water. The liquid is activated by anodes in the electrochemical system of the STEL-ANK-SUPER installation.

    An aqueous solution of sodium chloride is converted into “Anolyte” of the “ANK Super” type. The active ingredients are oxidants (from 0.05% in terms of active chlorine).

    Types and mass fraction of oxidants in Anolyte ANK Super:

    • hydrogen peroxide - 3–8%;
    • chlorine dioxide - 1–7%;
    • hypochlorous acid - from 50%;
    • hypochlorites, other chlorine-oxygen compounds - 1–5%;
    • ozone, oxygen, hydroxyl, other peroxide compounds - 1–5%.

    Anolytes interact with other disinfectants and medicinal substances.

    Interactions of "Anolyte" according to the instructions for use and data from the developers:

    • combined with nonionic surfactants, soap, cationic or anionic ionogenic components;
    • in combination with ethyl alcohol, peracetic acid is obtained;
    • It is dangerous to mix with iodine-containing products and acids.

    Disinfectants of the “Anolytes ANK Super” group are packaged in polymer canisters or bottles with a lid or spray device. Pour into containers with a capacity of 110–650 ml, 10 l, 5 l, 1.5 l, 1 l or other volume (according to agreement).

    The average cost is 300 rubles/1 liter. The price for 500 ml starts from 180 rubles, for 5 liters - from 1200 rubles.

    What documents confirm the quality and safety of the disinfectant?

    Solutions produced by the STEL-ANK-SUPER installation are fully certified.

    Documentation for the disinfectant "Anolyte":

    • Safety data sheet (RPB) - 30133773.20.59916;
    • Declaration of conformity - ROSS RU D-RU.RA01.V.74396/21;
    • Technical document (TU) - 9392-001-30133773-2012;
    • Registration certificate (SGR) - RU.

    The safety and effectiveness of the product have been confirmed in the laboratories of regulatory authorities. “Anolit ANK Super” complies with the performance standards for disinfection preparations and GOST 12.1.007-76.

    Indications for use of "Anolyte"

    ANK Super group products are used to disinfect all types of objects, materials and surfaces.

    Indications for use:

    • cleaning and disinfection of environmental objects for any purpose;
    • disinfection and cleaning of equipment for any purpose;
    • sterilization, PSO of medical devices, various instruments, including scalpels, dental drills, manicure sets;
    • wet or general cleaning;
    • disinfection of sanitary and other types of transport;
    • disinfection of air, water, biological fluids;
    • disinfection of shoes, clothing, dishes, care items for infected people;
    • cleaning waste bins;
    • disinfection of medical and household waste;
    • disinfection of bee hives.

    To see how to use the conditioner:

    The product is used in everyday life, the food industry, medical institutions, kindergartens, public places, public utilities, and other areas of activity.

    The disinfectant is not suitable for use on skin or hands. They are disinfected with “Anolyte” gel, “Anolyte for skin”, and other types of preparation.

    Method of use and dosage of "Anolyte"

    Objects are cleaned/washed manually or mechanically. Anolit ANK Super is not diluted.

    Disinfection is carried out in the following ways:

    • dives;
    • wiping;
    • soaking;
    • mixing with liquids;
    • pouring waste.

    The product is disinfected in glass, enamel or polymer containers. The object must be completely immersed in the solution or be moistened over the entire surface.

    Other methods of disinfection:

    • irrigate the surfaces of the object from a spray bottle or vials with a trigger or spray;
    • sprayed into the air with fog generators;
    • sprinkle objects from drip devices.

    Before disinfecting premises or vehicles, wet cleaning is necessary. The product is sprayed in the air on clean surfaces.

    Exposure to application modes of “Anolyte ANK Super”:

    An objectDose of the productDisinfection time (minutes)
    Air Disinfection of premises or vehicles300 ml per m330
    spring-cleaningSmooth surfaces - 150 ml/m2
    Porous coatings - 300 ml/m2
    Before the surface dries
    Contaminated objects
    150–300 ml/m215
    (wipe twice)
    Disinfection/sterilization of instrumentsThe product should cover the immersed object by 1–2 cm200–360
    PSO toolImmerse in the solution, the liquid should be 1–2 cm higher than the objects20
    Disinfection of dishes, toys, linen300 ml of product/1 liter of water30–60

    After disinfection, the linen is washed, tools, dishes and toys are washed under the tap. Other objects are not rinsed.

    What can be treated with a disinfectant?

    Anolyte is used both for everyday needs in those organizations where daily disinfection is required, and during epidemics of particularly dangerous infections.

    The universal properties of the disinfectant allow it to be used for a wide range of purposes. Thus, Anolyte disinfects all surfaces of premises: floors, walls, hard furniture, apparatus and equipment, sanitary and other equipment.

    In preschool educational organizations, Anolyte is also used for sterilization of dishes, cleaning equipment and materials. You can wash hard toys and wash plush hares and bears in it.

    The product is also intended for disinfection of underwear and bed linen, staff clothing and shoes made of rubber and polymer materials.

    Anolyte is used for preventive disinfection of household air conditioners, split systems, ventilation filters and air ducts in medical, preventive and educational organizations, offices of organizations, in household and municipal services, and in industrial enterprises. This disinfection is carried out twice a year.

    Advantages of Anolyte over other disinfectants

    The production of any “Anolyte” does not generate liquid waste. The products are safe to use.

    Disinfection solutions:

    • do not cause chemical burns or irreversible changes upon contact with the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, eyes, skin;
    • absolutely harmless to flora, fauna, ecology;
    • do not require decontamination before disposal;
    • not dangerous for biological objects if accidentally released into a body of water, surface or underground water;
    • 100% biodegradable (the composition decomposes under the influence of oxygen into primary components, water and rock salt residues do not accumulate in the environment).

    "Anolyte ANK Super" is active against a large group of fungi, bacteria, viruses, and spores. Suitable for disinfection against coronavirus, plague, anthrax, and other particularly dangerous pathogens. The properties are confirmed by research in laboratories of regulatory authorities and consumer reviews.


    Svetlana, 35 years old:

    “A safe product with declared effectiveness. I use it at home. Disadvantages include a short shelf life.”

    Valery, 47 years old:

    “I disinfect all surfaces with Anolyte. The smell disappears quickly. It’s bad that you can’t disinfect your hands.”

    Watch a scientific story about the disinfectant:

    What characteristics of Anolyte should you pay attention to if you are the head of an organization?

    The disinfectant is recommended for use by organizations in various sectors of the economy, namely:

    • in all departments of medical institutions and pharmacies;
    • in kindergartens and nurseries;
    • in shopping and entertainment complexes and cultural and leisure institutions;
    • in schools, colleges and universities;
    • at enterprises of automobile, aviation and railway transport;
    • at food industry and catering enterprises;
    • in office buildings.

    If you are the head of an organization and you are faced with the task of daily carrying out comprehensive and high-quality disinfection, then with the help of Anolyte you will save money and resources, reduce labor costs, because this product has the following characteristics:

    1. After treatment, Anolyte does not need to be washed off; it does not leave streaks or stains. Therefore, less water and effort are required during cleaning.
    2. The product has a cleaning effect. That is, cleaning and disinfection will be carried out simultaneously.
    3. Anolyte continues to be active for 5 - 7 days, so disinfection treatment can be carried out less frequently and a smaller amount of product can be used.
    4. The product can be used to treat any surface, clothing, shoes, equipment, dishes. You don't have to purchase specialized products.
    5. Cleaning and disinfection can be carried out in the presence of people, since the product does not have the pungent odor of chlorine and does not have a harmful effect on the human body.

    Contraindications and side effects of the drug

    Persons with hypersensitivity to chlorine, chlorine-oxygen and/or hydroperoxide substances should not disinfect with “Anolit ANK Super” and other types of “Anolyte”. Solutions are contraindicated to be mixed with acid or iodine, heated, frozen, left in an open container or in the sun.

    In treatment, “Neutral Anolyte” is contraindicated for use by persons with allergies to the composition, children, and pregnant women. Applications should not be made to areas with malignant skin tumors.

    Possible side effects of Anolyte ANK Super:

    • cough;
    • lacrimation;
    • deterioration of breathing (with inhalation intoxication);
    • pain in the eyes.

    During use, no symptoms of skin irritation were observed during short-term contact of the product with the epidermis. No cases of food poisoning or manifestations of intoxication were found.

    Precautionary measures

    Compliance with safety measures when working with Anolytes will prevent side effects of the product.

    Rules for the safe use of Anolyte ANK Super:

    • disinfection is done using rubber household gloves;
    • when disinfecting by irrigation, sprinkling or spraying, be sure to protect the face with a respirator + canned goggles, and the skin with a waterproof suit, shoes, and gloves;
    • disinfected in the absence of people, birds, animals;
    • Do not smoke, drink or eat food during disinfection;
    • An accidentally spilled product is soaked with a rag or other absorbent material, the area is washed with water, and wiped dry.

    Any product that gets on the skin or mucous membranes is washed off with running water. If the solution is accidentally drunk, you should immediately drink 1.5 liters of water + activated carbon at a dose of 1 tablet/10 kg of the victim’s weight. If your health worsens, consult a therapist or gastroenterologist.

    In case of eye irritation, wash them with running water. Symptoms are treated with Sulfacyl Sodium 30% drops. If necessary, be examined by an ophthalmologist.

    In case of irritation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system, the victim is taken outside. Immediately rinse your nose, mouth, and throat. Give warm water, tea or milk to drink. The room is ventilated.

    How can you use a disinfectant?

    Anolyte is used in all possible ways. They wipe various surfaces, for example, furniture, floors, walls, window sills.

    Clothes, toys, and cleaning supplies are soaked in the solution. They wash dishes with it, even those in which food will then be stored.

    Hard-to-reach places in a room or bathroom, such as high ceilings, ventilation ducts and cracks, can be treated by aerosol spraying or irrigation.

    Terms and conditions of storage of "Anolyte"

    Products are stored in opaque sealed containers made of glass or polymer that are chemically resistant to oxidizing agents, acids, and alkalis. Do not use metal containers or lids.

    Shelf life of products from the Anolit ANK Super line:

    • before opening the production container - six months from the date of manufacture;
    • after opening the container - a month (720 hours).

    It is important that the solution is poured under the lid. Air accelerates the decomposition of oxidants: the product quickly becomes unsuitable for disinfection.

    Storage conditions:

    • temperature conditions - below +25 ºC, above +3 ºC;
    • storage place - away from heating devices, protected from access by children, animals, direct rays of the sun, separately from food, medicines;
    • The requirement for the premises is dry, heated.

    Expired “Anolytes” are unsuitable for disinfection. They are poured into the sewer, and the container of the product is sent to the household waste collection.

    Analogs of disinfectants

    Solutions like “Anolyte ANK Super” have no equivalents. Can be replaced with disinfection solutions from other manufacturers. The instructions for the analogue should indicate that the product is made using the STEL-ANK-SUPER installation.

    In terms of chemical composition, “ANK Neutral” or “Super-PRO” are closest. But according to the developers, the products contain different ratios of substances. After disinfection, they can leave salt traces and provoke the accumulation of moisture on the surface.

    For disinfection of all types, sterilization and PSO of surfaces or products, solutions of the type “Anolyte ANK Super” are best suited. If stored incorrectly, the product loses its properties.

    Have you disinfected with Anolyte products? Comment on the article and share the instructions on social networks, bookmark the site so that it is always visible. Be healthy.

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