Pharmatex vaginal tablets 20 mg No. 12

Drug analogues are drugs that have different active ingredients, but are used in the treatment of the same diseases. For example, the main active ingredient of Pharmatex is benzalkonium chloride, which has a spermicidal and antiseptic effect. However, if this drug is not suitable for you due to allergies or hypersensitivity, then you can replace it with Nonoxynol. Its active component - the same nonoxynol - is also a spermicide and antiseptic. Thus, Nonoxynol is an analogue of Pharmatex.

Analogues can also be in the form of release - for example, if for some reason you are not comfortable using vaginal gel, then you can use its analogues - vaginal suppositories or tablets.

Most likely, you imagine analogs a little differently and are looking for drugs based on benzalkonium chloride. This concept is closer to the concept of “generic”. More information about what a generic is can be found here.

What can replace Pharmatex?

Replacement or prescription of any drug, including contraceptives, can be carried out only after consultation with a doctor. Don’t be lazy to go for a consultation, this will protect you from many possible and extremely unpleasant problems. In fact, it is short-lived and inexpensive (or even free), no matter what you imagine.

On women's forums you can find dozens of negative reviews about both Pharmatex and other spermicides. But it turns out that both experienced women and very young girls who complain of unexpected side effects, for some reason prescribed the drugs for themselves, on the advice of friends or, in general, information from the Internet.

For informational purposes, but in no case as a recommendation, we will analyze contraceptive drugs that are similar in action to Pharmatex.

Substitutes with the same active substance

As has been repeated many times, the active ingredient of Pharmatex is benzalkonium chloride. It is this that has a detrimental effect on sperm, namely, it destroys sperm membranes. As a result, fertilization of the egg does not occur.


Available in the form of gel, vaginal tablets and suppositories. What to choose? Pay attention to the amount of vaginal secretion - if there is a lot of it (or you use lubricants), then choose tablets. If not a lot, then choose suppositories or gel, because these products will act as additional lubricant. The main active ingredient of Benatex, benzalkonium chloride, in addition to being contraceptive, has an antiseptic and protective effect against STDs. The tablet (suppository, portion of gel) should be inserted deep into the vagina 10-15 minutes before sexual intercourse. It is recommended to repeat the action before each subsequent act, even if little time has passed between them.

Benatex is safe for pregnant and lactating women and can be used to sanitize the birth canal before and after childbirth (abortion).

The drug is not recommended for use in case of hypersensitivity to the main active ingredient, as well as in case of erosive damage to the vagina.


A drug based on benzalkonium chloride. In addition to destroying sperm, Erotex thickens cervical mucus, which blocks sperm from entering the external uterine os.

The drug prevents infection with herpes, chlamydia, cytomegalovirus, hepatitis B, candidiasis and other STDs, including HIV.

Erotex is not absorbed through the mucous membrane and does not develop systemic side effects and has no contraindications (except for intolerance to benzalkonium chloride and exacerbation of inflammatory processes in the vagina or uterus). If local side effects develop in the form of burning or itching, you can simply syringe with clean water and they will disappear. The drug remains active for 4 hours after administration, however, if repeated sexual intercourse occurs before this time has elapsed, then a new suppository must be administered anyway.

Use during pregnancy and lactation is permitted. The drug remains active even during menstrual flow.

Analogues based on nonoxynol

Nonoxynol is a substance that causes a decrease in motility and death of sperm, i.e. acts as a contraceptive. In addition, it has antimicrobial, antiviral, and antifungal effects.

Patentex Oval

A drug that provides double protection against unwanted pregnancy. Firstly, the nonoxynol it contains destroys the lipid membrane of sperm, which makes them unable to move independently. Secondly, the suppositories melt inside under the influence of body heat and form foam, which mechanically prevents sperm from penetrating anywhere beyond the vagina.

The drug acts locally, is practically not absorbed by the body and has no systemic side effects. Local side effects such as dryness and/or burning in the vagina rarely occur.

As a rule, this drug is not prescribed to pregnant and lactating women (in addition, its effect on breast milk has not been studied enough). Also, Patentex cannot be used after childbirth to sanitize the birth canal.


The drug protects well from unwanted pregnancy and has antifungal and antimicrobial effects. May be used to protect against STDs; however, there is no evidence to indicate whether it reduces the likelihood of contracting HIV.

It may cause burning or itching in both partners, but these phenomena occur rarely and disappear on their own. The drug is safe and contraindicated only in cases of intolerance to nonoxynol or physiological characteristics of the vagina that make the use of suppositories difficult.

Not used during pregnancy or for sanitizing the birth canal after childbirth. Can be used during breastfeeding.

Pharmatex: information about the drug

The contraceptive is produced by the French company Laboratoire Innotech International.
The drug is presented in several dosage forms for intravaginal use: in the form of capsules, tablets, suppositories and gel. The active component of the contraceptive is benzalkonium chloride (myristalkonium). The substance belongs to the group of cationic surfactants and is a quaternary ammonium compound.

The contraceptive effect is achieved through a combination of antiseptic and spermicidal properties. After introducing the drug into the vagina, the active component is quickly released and after 5-10 minutes it exhibits contraceptive effects: it changes the composition of the cervical secretion, as a result of which it thickens and impedes the advancement of sperm. In addition, benzalkonium chloride penetrates the membrane membrane and destroys it, subsequently damaging the flagella and sperm heads.

The substance also exhibits some antimicrobial activity, inhibiting the functioning of various gram+ and gram- microorganisms.

The drug has only a local effect, almost does not penetrate the circulatory system, and has no effect on the menstrual cycle or beneficial microflora of the vagina. The active substance is not metabolized with this method of administration. It is adsorbed on the walls of the organ and removed by natural secretions and douching with water. Destroyed by soap.

Application diagram

The drug is inserted into the vagina a few minutes before coitus. With repeated PA, additional use of a tablet (capsule, suppository or gel) is required.

To avoid loss of contraceptive effect, it is prohibited to carry out hygiene procedures with soap within two hours after the act. Only external washing of organs with clean water is allowed.

The speed of onset of the contraceptive effect depends on the dosage form: after administration of capsules or tablets it appears after 8-10 minutes, after suppositories - after 5 minutes, after gel - after 3.

Pharmatex has a minimum of contraindications: it is prohibited for use by women with an allergic reaction to the properties of the components, as well as with colpitis, ulceration of the mucous tissue of the genital organs or irritation. Side effects manifest themselves in the form of individual reactions, burning, itching or irritation.

What definitely won't protect you from pregnancy

When choosing a contraceptive method based on the advice of friends or random information from the Internet, it is easy to make a mistake. You understand that the direct consequence of such a mistake will be an unwanted pregnancy with all the ensuing consequences.

For some reason, it sometimes happens that women try to use drugs as spermicides that do not have any harmful effect on sperm. How to avoid such mistakes has long been known - just go for a consultation with a doctor!


If you are only interested in antiseptic properties, go to the pharmacy for Hexicon. The drug has practically no side effects, contraindications (with the exception of hypersensitivity to chlorhexidine) and is suitable even for pregnant and lactating women, but (!) many try to treat thrush with it and think that it has a spermicidal effect - this is not so. The main active ingredient of Hexicon is chlorhexidine, and it has no effect on either the activity of sperm or Candida fungi. However, the drug perfectly protects against the occurrence of:

  • Herpes;
  • Ureaplasmosis;
  • Trichomoniasis;
  • Vaginitis of various etiologies;
  • Bacterial colpitis;
  • Syphilis;
  • Gonorrhea;
  • Chlamydia.

Pharmatex vaginal tablets 20 mg No. 12

A country

The country of production may vary depending on the batch of goods. Please check with the operator for detailed information when confirming your order.

Active substance

Benzalkonium chloride + Hypromellose


dimethicone 1000 - 1042.2 mg, colloidal silicon dioxide - 90 mg, hyprolose - 105 mg, macrogol-7-glyceryl cocoate - 150 mg, macrogol 400 - 75 mg. sodium bicarbonate, anhydrous citric acid, silicon dioxide hydrate, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate, lactose, macrogol 6000. hyprolose, solid fat “Witepsol S 51”. citric acid, macrogol and ethylene glycol palmitostearate (Tefoz® 63), sodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate, lavender oil, purified water.

pharmachologic effect

Vaginal contraceptive. The spermicidal effect is due to the ability of the drug to destroy sperm membranes (first flagella, then heads), which leads to the impossibility of fertilization of an egg by damaged sperm. The effect develops 10 minutes after insertion into the vagina. In vitro, the drug is active against Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia spp., Trichomonas vaginalis, Herpes simplex type 2, Staphylococcus aureus. Weakly active against Gardnerella vaginalis, Candida albicans, Haemophilus ducreyi and Treponema pallidum. Not active against Mycoplasma spp. Does not affect the normal microflora of the vagina (including Doderlein's bacillus) and the hormonal cycle.

Indications for use

Local contraception for women of reproductive age, including: - in the presence of contraindications to the use of oral contraceptives or intrauterine contraception; - in the postpartum period; - during lactation; - after termination of pregnancy; - during menopause; - with irregular sexual intercourse; - if you miss or are late in taking regularly used oral contraceptives. As an additional local contraception when using a vaginal diaphragm or IUD.

Mode of application

Vaginal capsules. Lying on your back, the capsule is inserted deep into the vagina no later than 10 minutes before sexual intercourse. The duration of action of the drug is 4 hours. Be sure to administer a new capsule before each repeated sexual intercourse. 1 capsule is designed for one sexual act. Vaginal tablets. Lying on your back, the tablet is inserted deep into the vagina no later than 10 minutes before sexual intercourse. The duration of action of the drug is 3 hours. Be sure to administer a new tablet before each repeated sexual intercourse. 1 tablet is designed for one sexual act. Vaginal suppositories. Lying on your back, the suppository is inserted deep into the vagina no later than 5 minutes before sexual intercourse. The duration of action of the drug is 4 hours. Be sure to introduce a new suppository before each repeated sexual intercourse. Before administering the vaginal cream, you should attach the dispenser to the tube instead of the cap. Gently squeeze out the contents of the tube until the dispenser is filled (until the piston stops) so that no air bubbles form. Disconnect the dispenser from the tube. Close the tube with a lid. Lying on your back, insert the cream deep into the vagina using a dispenser, slowly pressing the plunger. Duration of action - 10 hours. Be sure to administer a new dose of cream before each repeated sexual intercourse. 1 dose (5 g of cream) is designed for one sexual act. The drug is a contraceptive and is not used during pregnancy. When pregnancy occurs during contraception with benzalkonium chloride, no effect on the course of pregnancy was detected. Benzalkonium chloride is not excreted in breast milk; the drug can be used during lactation.


Concomitant use with medications administered vaginally is not recommended. Any drug introduced into the vagina can inactivate the local spermicidal effect of Pharmatex. Iodine solutions (including 0.1% iodonate solution) inactivate the drug. Soap and solutions containing it can reduce the spermicidal effect of the drug. You should not irrigate the vagina before and after sexual intercourse, because soap, even traces of it, destroys the active substance.

Side effect

Allergic reactions: contact dermatitis, itching and burning in the vagina and/or penis of the partner, painful urination. If they occur, stop using Pharmatex.


- vaginitis; - ulceration and irritation of the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix; - hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


No cases of overdose have been reported.

Dispensing conditions in pharmacies

On prescription

What is cheaper than Pharmatex, where and how to buy it?

All of the above drugs are sold in Russian pharmacies in the public domain (without a doctor’s prescription). If you compare the cost of drugs on the websites of pharmacy chains, you can see that Pharmatex is the most expensive contraceptive discussed in this article. Its cost, depending on the form of release, varies between 300-400 rubles. But the high price is compensated by the variety of release forms and the reputation of the manufacturer - Innothera Chouzy, France.

The cheapest means of similar action are the Ukrainian “Erotex” (available only in the form of suppositories) and the Russian “Ginekotex” from OJSC “Veropharm” (available only in the form of vaginal tablets). The cost of Benatex and Patentex Oval is approximately the same and slightly lower than the cost of Pharmatex. The price of Nonoxynol is still slightly lower (available only in the form of suppositories).

But in general, comparing prices is a thankless task. The cost of drugs in different pharmacies varies significantly. In addition, when choosing a contraceptive, you need to focus not on the price, but on how the drug suits you.

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