Ecofucin® vaginal suppositories 100 mg


The suppository contains natamycin as an active ingredient. Additional components include: cetyl alcohol , adipic acid , solid fat, sorbitan trioleate , polysorbate 80, sodium bicarbonate.
Pifamucin ointment. The main component is natamycin . Auxiliary components: propylene glycol, cetostearic alcohol, sodium lauryl sulfate, purified water, decyl letate, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, cetyl wax ether, propyl parahydroxybenzoate.

Pifamucin tablets. The active ingredient in the tablets is natamycin , auxiliary ingredients: kaolin, white beeswax, polyvinylpyrrolidone , titanium dioxide, sucrose, magnesium stearate, kaolin, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, gelatin, gum arabic, potato starch, calcium carbonate, lactose, triacetin.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The principle of action of the drug is based on the binding of sterols in the cell membrane, violating their integrity, which causes the death of the microorganism. The drug affects yeast-like fungi (especially Candida albicans), yeast , dermatophytes , pathogenic fungi .

Natamycin is active when used topically, has no systemic effect, and is not absorbed through mucous membranes or skin. The enteric coating of the tablets determines the effect of the drug in the intestines.

Pharmacological properties


Natamycin is an antifungal polyene antibiotic from the macrolide group with a wide spectrum of action. Has a fungicidal effect. Binds to sterols of cell membranes, disrupting their integrity and functions, which leads to the death of microorganisms.

Active against most pathogenic yeast-like fungi (especially Candida albicans

), yeast
(Torulopsis and Rhodotorula)
, as well as other pathogenic fungi
(Aspergillus, Penicillium.)
Less active against dermatophytes ( Trichophyton, Microsporum, Epidermophyton).
Does not affect gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria in vitro.

Resistance to natamycin does not occur in clinical practice.


Ecofucin® does not have a systemic effect, since it is practically not absorbed through intact skin and intact mucous membranes.

Indications for use

Pimafucin cream is prescribed for fungal infections of the nail plates, skin and mucous membranes, including vulvovaginitis , balanoposthitis , vulvitis , vaginitis , ringworm , otitis media caused by fungi or complicated by candidiasis, candidiasis of the nails and skin .

Pimafucin tablets are effective for fungal diseases of the external auditory canal, mucous membranes, and oral cavity. It is prescribed for intestinal candidiasis , after therapy with corticosteroids , antibiotics , cytostatics , vulvovaginitis , vulvitis , vaginitis , acute atrophic or pseudomembranous candidiasis with cachexia .

Pimafucin suppositories are prescribed for balanoposthitis , vulvovaginitis , vulvitis , vaginitis caused by Candida fungi.

What do Pimafucin suppositories help with?

Suppositories are prescribed for the treatment of vaginitis and vulvitis caused by fungal infections. The use of Pimafucin does not lead to a decrease in the sensitivity of pathogenic flora to the drug component. In medicine, there have been no cases of microorganism resistance to natamycin.

Pimafucin suppositories are a reliable medicine for candidiasis, which most often manifests itself as white copious discharge, burning and itching on the mucous membranes of the genital organs. To get rid of symptoms and completely cure candidiasis, it is enough to administer 1 suppository, preferably at night. This will allow the active substance to contact the affected mucosa for as long as possible, making the treatment more effective. Suppositories are a female dosage form.

Instructions for use of Pimafucin (Method and dosage)

Pimafucin suppositories, instructions for use. Used intravaginally. For vulvovaginitis , vulvitis and vaginitis , 1 suppository is administered for 3-6 days. It must be administered in the “lying down” position, as deeply as possible, before bedtime, once a day. If treatment of vaginitis does not help, then you should take tablets - 10-20 days, 1 tablet four times a day. For men, use cream during treatment. The duration of treatment is determined in each case individually. After the symptoms of the disease disappear, treatment should be continued for several more days.

Instructions for the cream. For external use. The ointment should be applied to the affected areas one to several times a day for balanoposthitis , vulvovaginitis and vulvitis . If symptoms persist, suppositories or tablets are prescribed. For dermatomycosis (including diaper rash in children and candidiasis of the nails and skin), the suspension should be applied to the nails and skin up to 4 times a day.

For mycosis of the external auditory canal, the affected area should be lubricated with cream up to four times a day, after cleaning the ear. After use, it is necessary to place a turunda made of cotton or wool into the ear canal. The duration of treatment is determined individually. After the symptoms completely disappear, it is necessary to continue treatment for several days.

Instructions for use of tablets. For intestinal candidiasis, are prescribed 1 tablet four times a day, children - 1 tablet twice a day. On average, the course of treatment lasts a week.

How to take Pimafucin tablets

The drug is available in three dosage forms, one of which is tablets. Each tablet contains natamycin, a substance that successfully fights yeast fungi, among which the most common type of pathogen is Candida. Once in the gastrointestinal tract, natamycin is not absorbed and does not act systemically. Remaining in the intestines, the drug eliminates candidiasis and prevents the infection from spreading after antibiotic therapy. Diet does not matter when treating with Pimafucin.

To treat intestinal candidiasis, adults should take 1 tablet 4 times a day. The daily dose for children is lower and is 2 tablets per day. The duration of treatment is on average 5-7 days.

For the treatment of recurrent vaginitis caused by fungi, tablets should complement suppository therapy. You should take one tablet four times a day. The duration of treatment can vary from 10 to 20 days, depending on the severity of the disease.

special instructions

Under the influence of body temperature, vaginal suppositories quickly dissolve, forming a foamy mass, due to which the active substance is distributed evenly. For recurrent or chronic infections, therapy can be supplemented with cream or tablets.

Cetyl alcohol, which is part of the suppositories, can cause a burning sensation in the genital area. Candle therapy should be interrupted during menstruation. During treatment with suppositories, sexual intercourse may not be excluded. However, both partners should be examined, and if a lesion is detected, Pimafucin cream for men should be used. Treatment with ointment for men occurs in the manner prescribed by the instructions. When having sexual intercourse during treatment, barrier contraceptives should be used.

It is possible to prescribe Pimafucin to newborns.

How long can you take Pimafucin

The duration of use of the drug is directly related to the severity of the disease, and may also vary depending on whether the lesion is recurrent or primary. A disease that appears for the first time is treated with three or six suppositories. A mild form of thrush can be cured in three days. In more severe cases, six-day therapy is prescribed. When the patient complains of repeated episodes of damage, treatment is prescribed for up to 20 days. If you have a regular sexual partner, you need to treat him too. During treatment, sexual rest is not necessary, but barrier contraceptives must be used.

Pimafucin's analogs

Level 4 ATC code matches:

Alpha Normix

Analogs of tablets: drugs Alpha Normix and Nystatin-Health .

Analogues in the form of suppositories: Nystatin , Livarol , Clotrimazole . The price of analog candles is from 37 to 320 rubles.

Pimafucin has a cheaper analogue - Nystatin , a domestically produced drug, similar in action.

Clotrimazole or Pimafucin - which is better?

Clotrimazole is available in the form of suppositories and cream. The course of treatment usually lasts about a week, the drug is well tolerated, which reduces the risk of side effects to a minimum. However, it may cause allergic reactions to any of its components. If the disease is detected in a woman, thrush ointment for men is used. According to experts, Pimafucin is more effective when used topically and it almost does not enter the systemic bloodstream. Therefore, it can also be used to treat pregnant women.

Which is better: Terzhinan or Pimafucin?

Terzhinan is produced in the form of vaginal tablets; it can be prescribed not only in the presence of the disease, but also for its prevention. The average duration of drug treatment is 10 days. It is also easily tolerated and can be used before childbirth.

What is more effective Pimafucin or Flucostat

The drug Flucostat is based on the active substance fluconazole, which is a fungicide, like natamycin Pimafucin. However, the difference between the drugs is significant in the mechanism of action. Flucostat is sold in capsule form for oral administration. Many may like the fact that just one capsule can relieve leucorrhoea and the discomfort associated with thrush, and taking the second capsule, as a rule, is a control.

In comparison with the six-day course of Pimafucin, this may seem like a plus, but not everyone can take advantage of this advantage. Once in the intestinal lumen, fluconazole is completely absorbed, and after a certain time it can be detected in all human biological fluids, including saliva. Therefore, its use during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in patients with renal and liver failure, is impossible.

Pimafucin during pregnancy and lactation

There are no contraindications for taking the drug for pregnant women or while breastfeeding. Tablets, creams and suppositories are used for thrush both in the early stages of pregnancy and in later stages. Most often, Pimafucin suppositories are prescribed during pregnancy, rather than other forms of this medicine. The drug is non-toxic and safe for the fetus both during the 1st trimester and 2nd trimester, as well as during lactation. However, to minimize the risk, it is better to take suppositories during lactation, or cream. Use of the drug is as indicated in the instructions.

Reviews about Pimafucin

On the forums, the overwhelming majority of patients report a positive effect after using the medicine. However, there are cases when there is no improvement in the condition or it even worsens. There are also claims about the short-term effect of treatment for thrush and other diseases.

Pifamucin for thrush , according to patients, helps by quickly eliminating its symptoms. Moreover, the cream is effective for both women and men. Pimafucin tablets for thrush also help in the treatment and prevention of candidiasis.

Reviews about the tablets are most often good; patients write about the fast and effective action of the medicine and the complete absence of side effects. Reviews of Pimafucin suppositories for thrush report that they relieve itching faster than when taking tablets, as they act locally. There are no negative reviews about Pimafucin cream; it helps well with fungal diseases and is easily tolerated. Most often, the ointment is prescribed to men. Positive reviews during pregnancy note that the drug does not affect the development of the fetus and is very well tolerated, quickly eliminating the disease.

Pimafucin price, where to buy

The price of Pimafucin cream in Ukraine is 87 UAH, in particular in Kharkov the ointment costs about 81 UAH.

In Russia, the price of Pimafucin tablets is 360 rubles, in Belarus the cost of the medicine in tablets is 133.5 thousand rubles.

The price of Pimafucin suppositories for thrush is 270-380 rubles. In Odessa, candles No. 3 cost 123 UAH, candles No. 6 – 213 UAH.

You can find out how much the suppositories cost and buy other forms of the drug directly at the pharmacy.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


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  • Pimafucin 100 mg No. 3 vaginal suppositories Temmler Italy S.r.l., Italy
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