Sodium tetraborate (borax solution in glycerin) 20% 30g, MFF

Sodium pentobarbital (trade name Nembutal) is a common drug from the class of fast-acting barbiturates. According to the instructions for use, its main effect is a sleeping pill. The effect occurs after 20-30 minutes after administration. The main danger of this drug is overdosing, which can be fatal. An overdose causes respiratory arrest and almost immediate death. In addition, pentobarbital can cause dependence if used inappropriately.

Interesting Facts

In America, this drug was used to execute a death sentence, but the pharmaceutical company that produced this drug refused to supply it to prisons, which led to its replacement with analogues. Today, pentobarbital is used in countries where euthanasia (voluntary death) is allowed, as well as for “euthanizing” animals in veterinary medicine.

It was Nembutal that was used by the love of her life and Mayakovsky’s muse, Lilya Brik, for a successful suicide attempt at the age of 87.

In our country, sodium pentobarbital is included in List II of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, its circulation is strictly monitored by the responsible authorities. This substance is used by drug addicts for recreational purposes (for the purpose of drug intoxication), as well as by people attempting suicide.

Pentobarbital should not be confused with phenobarbital, which is an antiepileptic drug, but is also a barbiturate.

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  1. Effects of pentobarbital
  2. Overdose prevalence
  3. Risk factors
  4. Overdose symptoms
  5. Complications
  6. Causes of death
  7. First aid
  8. Specialized treatment

Pentobarbital sodium is a drug from the group of barbiturates. It has a rapid hypnotic effect, the effect begins within 15–35 minutes after administration and lasts for approximately 6 hours. In Russia it is included in the list of medicines with restricted circulation. Illegally used to achieve a state of drug intoxication. Sometimes used to commit suicide attempts.

Composition and action

The dosage form of the substance is tablets, injection solution, capsules. The powder dissolves well in water. Depending on the form of release, it is taken orally, intravenously, intramuscularly and rectally. Transformation occurs through the liver, excretion through the kidneys.

Pentobarbital sodium is a CNS depressant. The drug acts on nerve endings and blocks the ability to receive and transmit signals. In addition, the active substance affects the enhancement of GABA receptors (inhibitory neurotransmitter). The medicine can cause drowsiness, lethargy, and lethargy, as it has a negative effect on the cerebral cortex.

Indications for use

Before purchasing a solution, you must consult a specialist. The drug is intended for local use and is effective for the following pathologies:

  • Fungal infection of the vagina;
  • Bedsores;
  • Diaper rash;
  • Stomatitis;
  • Pharyngitis;
  • Tanzillite.

Treatment and prevention of fungal infections with sodium tetraborate in glycerin should be discussed with your doctor. Therapy for vaginal candidiasis should be carried out by medical personnel, since if the procedures are carried out independently, there is a risk of relapse.

Effect of pentobarbital

Etaminal sodium helps eliminate cramps, promotes rapid sleep, and helps get rid of insomnia. If you take the drug in therapeutic doses, without exceeding the daily dosage recommended by your doctor (usually 0.1 g), no side effects will occur. However, with an overdose, a feeling of calm, lightness, relaxation, tranquility arises, problems dissolve, and confidence in the future arises. It is this narcotic effect that drug addicts achieve by using the medicine for other purposes in higher dosages. The drug gives the addict euphoria, calm, hallucinations (visual, auditory, tactile) and visions.

Use of the drug for medical purposes

What is it used for:

  • elimination of insomnia;
  • combating sleep disorders;
  • eliminating anxiety;
  • treatment of hypertension, intracranial pressure;
  • epilepsy therapy;
  • preparation for general arkosis.

The dosage of the drug is individual, depending on age, existing indications, and body weight. For example, to eliminate insomnia, 100-200 mg of the drug is sufficient if it is administered orally, by injection into a vein or muscle. For anxiety, the medicine in tablets is taken 3-4 times, 20 mg each. A slightly larger dosage is given to people in preparation for surgery. If a person has intracranial hypertension or epilepsy, in some cases he is put into a barbituric coma, for which the medicine is administered mainly intravenously in a volume of up to 10 mg per kg.

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Contraindications for use

Contraindications to the use of the solution include:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding period;
  • Age up to 10 years (in exceptional cases, treatment of stomatitis in children is carried out under the supervision of a doctor);
  • Hypersensitivity to one of the components of the drug;
  • Violation of the integrity of the skin or mucous membranes.

The solution should not be taken orally. Partial ingestion is acceptable when treating the oral cavity during the treatment of stomatitis.

Before the first use, you must make sure that there is no allergic reaction to the drug. To do this, a small amount of sodium tetraborate must be applied to the area of ​​skin or mucous membrane that is to be treated. If no discomfort appears within 2 hours, the solution can be used for treatment.

Use of pentobarbital by drug addicts

In narcology, the name of this drug is well known. People seeking euphoria and new sensations often turn to pharmaceutical drugs for these purposes. If you use sodium pentobarbital in an increased, but not lethal, dosage, you can achieve the desired effect - drug intoxication. A person relaxes physically and mentally, feels confident, omnipotent, enlightened, all problems fade into the background, the world around becomes brighter, colorful hallucinations arise.

How does dependence on barbiturates develop?

Habituation and drug dependence form quite quickly. In just a few weeks of systematic use, not only a physical, but also a mental craving for the drug arises. However, addiction to the standard dose soon sets in; drug addicts increase it to obtain euphoria. A person without another pill becomes nervous and irritable, emotionally unstable, aggressive, and suffers from insomnia. However, in addition to increasing the dosage, drug addicts in some cases change the method of introducing the drug into the body. Often, oral administration is replaced by intravenous administration, which significantly increases intoxication and the risk of severe health complications, including death.

If the next dose is missing, the addict goes into withdrawal. Withdrawal syndrome is very difficult for the addict, both mentally and physically. He cannot sleep properly, he is tormented by nightmares, depression, and suicidal thoughts. Treatment for sodium pentobarbital addiction takes a long time, often lasting 6-12 months.

People quite often come to the Center for Healthy Youth with poisoning from this drug and similar barbiturates. The overdose mortality rate is about 3%.

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Danger of the drug

Risk factors for overdose include:

  • recreational use for the purpose of obtaining euphoria;
  • combination of pills with alcohol intake;
  • over-the-counter and uncontrolled use of the drug.

At risk of developing addiction and overdose are people with alcohol dependence, mental disorders, deep personal experiences and an unstable psycho-emotional background. With regular use, tolerance to the usual dose occurs, which leads to its increase, and with this an increased risk of poisoning.


  1. Medicines in the neurological clinic: handbook. for doctors / E. I. Gusev, A. S. Nikiforov, A. B. Gekht. — 2nd ed., erased. - Moscow: MEDpress-inform, 2006 (M.: Printing house "News"). — 405 p.
  2. International legal framework for combating drug trafficking: collection of articles. doc. / comp. V. S. Ovchinsky, A. V. Fedorov. - Moscow: Infra-M, 2005. - 623 p.
  3. Interoceptive effects of psychotropic drugs: dissertation ... Doctor of Biological Sciences: 14.00.25 / Kalinina Tatyana Sergeevna; [Place of protection: Scientific research. Institute of Pharmacology named after. V.V. Zakusov RAMS]. - Moscow, 2008. - 360 p.

Symptoms of sodium pentobarbital overdose

The danger of taking this substance is that an overdose can often go unnoticed. The addict simply falls asleep and then stops responding to external stimuli; neither pain nor a loud sound can wake him up. To determine that there is intoxication and a health hazard, it is necessary to monitor the reaction of the pupil to light. A healthy person has a narrow pupil in the light, and a wide one in the dark.

If you touch the cornea normally, the eyelids instantly close. If an addict does not have these reflexes, it is worth calling a narcologist to your home. Emergency drug treatment services in Moscow and throughout Russia are provided by the Center for Healthy Youth.

In case of a critical overdose of pentobarbital, the addict’s respiratory center is depressed, he begins to breathe less frequently, his pulse slows down and his blood pressure drops.

There are 4 phases of intoxication:

  1. Falling asleep. The victim does not respond to stimuli, is drowsy and indifferent to everything.
  2. Superficial coma. The person is unconscious, swallowing is difficult, the tongue may retract, and the airways may be blocked.
  3. Deep comatose state. Complete absence of reflexes. Impaired functioning of internal organs and breathing.
  4. Postcomatose state. The person regains consciousness, he may behave irritably, nervously, excitedly, have problems sleeping, feel overwhelmed, lethargic.

If the poisoning is mild, there are no two intermediate phases. If an addict has a deep coma, he may not come out of it without drug treatment. Fatalities are not uncommon with drug abuse.

Consequences of use

Regular use of this sleeping pill can lead to significant complications for human health. Among them: neurological disorders, depression, mental disorders, disruption of internal organs, kidneys, heart, coma. After emergency care and resuscitation and detoxification, 30% of addicts develop problems with the respiratory system, as well as trophic ulcers, dermatitis, and bedsores.

The causes of death for drug addicts are: cardiac arrest, respiratory arrest, liver dysfunction.


The greatest threat to the life of the victim is respiratory disorders. The list of other negative consequences in the early period of poisoning includes:

  • development of a coma;
  • neurological disorders;
  • cardiac dysfunction;
  • suppression of kidney function.

After resuscitation and detoxification measures, 25% of patients develop respiratory failure due to tracheobronchitis or pneumonia. Due to trophic disorders, bullous dermatitis and necrodermatomyositis are formed, and there is an increased tendency to form bedsores.

Providing emergency assistance

Even a minor overdose is a serious reason to call an emergency doctor at home. It is important to make a call in time, as the victim’s condition may worsen. The primary task of doctors in case of intoxication is to remove toxins from the human body as quickly as possible. If the victim is conscious, the stomach is cleansed, it is necessary to give him as much water as possible, adsorbents and induce vomiting so that toxic substances stop being absorbed into the blood through the gastrointestinal tract. If there is paralysis of the respiratory system, it is worth giving the dependent person artificial respiration until the doctor arrives.

It is worth entrusting all other rehabilitation and medication measures to doctors. Specialists will examine the patient and, based on express diagnostics, will be able to select symptomatic medications, in particular, diuretics.

Hospital treatment

Pharmacy drug poisoning is a condition that can only be helped by experienced specialists in the field of drug addiction. At home, it is very difficult to identify the entire clinical picture. It is possible to fully examine, examine, and take tests from a patient only in an inpatient setting at a drug treatment center. Specialists measure vital signs, then study the condition of internal organs, the consequences of poisoning, existing diseases, and draw up a complete treatment plan, including detoxification procedures.

Activities carried out to cleanse and restore the patient’s body in a hospital:

  • gastric probing;
  • artificial ventilation;
  • infusion-drip therapy.

The installation of IVs is carried out to quickly remove toxins from the blood and cleanse the body, as well as normalize the water-salt, electrolyte and acid-base balance. In addition to infusions, hemodialysis and hemosorption are used, these are hardware methods of blood purification. The result of providing drug treatment largely depends on the state in which the person was initially. It is very important to start providing assistance on time; the sooner you seek professional help, the fewer negative consequences a dangerous pharmaceutical drug will leave behind.

Directions for use and dosage

Depends on the diagnosis. The solution should be used by rinsing, lubricating, douching twice a day. It is worth deciding in advance where to order the drug; you can also use the delivery service.

When treating stomatitis in children and adults, on the recommendation of a pediatrician and therapist, use a cotton or gauze swab soaked in a solution. Treatment of the oral cavity should be carried out 2 times a day for 6 days. If the symptoms of a fungal infection have resolved earlier, treatment must be continued to avoid relapse.

Before treating thrush, you need to perform preparatory procedures. After pre-treatment, a cotton or gauze swab is moistened in the solution and inserted into the female genital organs for 30-35 minutes. During this time, the patient should be in a supine position with the pelvis elevated.

For mild symptoms of candidiasis, the procedure is carried out once a day. In the chronic form of the disease, 2 times a day. The number of procedures in the treatment of thrush is determined by the doctor, based on the patient’s condition and the results of therapy.

Treatment of the upper respiratory tract is carried out by lubricating the tonsils. To do this, you can use a cotton or gauze swab. The procedure must be repeated 5-6 times a day until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear.

One bottle of the drug is enough for one period of treatment. It turns out to be quite economical, since the price at the pharmacy does not exceed 100 rubles. For such a price, every buyer can afford the drug.

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