Sodium hydroxybutyrate, butyrate: consequences of use

  1. General information
  2. Effect on the body
      Physical symptoms
  3. Cognitive changes
  4. How to recognize a drug addict
  5. Tests for sodium hydroxybutyrate
  6. How long do butyrate addicts live?
  7. Analogs
  8. How to speed up elimination at home
  9. Detoxification in hospital
  10. Overdose
  11. Overdose symptoms
  12. First aid
  13. Rehabilitation
  14. Coding
  15. Rehabilitation at home
  16. Working with codependents and resocialization
  17. How to quit on your own
  18. conclusions


Drug use causes irreparable harm to health and poses a danger to life!

General information

Sodium hydroxybutyrate (NO) is a medication that is used in medicine for anesthesia. Oxybutyrate puts a person into a deep, medicated sleep. Thanks to this, the drug can be combined with narcotic analgesics for long-term anesthesia.

Butyrate is structurally gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB). In the USA, studies were carried out in which it was proven that GHB is able to prolong the life of brain neurons under conditions of hypoxia (lack of oxygen).

In practical medicine, additional uses for butyrate are found. It is effective for daytime sleep syndrome (narcolepsy).

The drug was first synthesized at the end of the 19th century. The author of the technique was the Russian scientist Alexander Zaitsev. But, like most discoveries of that time, GHB did not attract interest from other scientists. After 50 years, it was proven that GHB is able to protect brain neurons from hypoxia.

In the 90s of the 20th century, hydroxybutyrate was used by people who were actively involved in sports. It is believed to increase the production of growth hormone, which plays an important role in the development of muscle strength and endurance.

This is all subject to compliance with the dosage prescribed by the doctor. If the dose is increased to obtain narcotic intoxication, then disorders of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems appear.

The circulation of hydroxybutyrate is limited in almost all countries where it is used for medical purposes. This is due to the fact that the substance is used by rapists and drug addicts, it is colorless and odorless, this allows it to be mixed with food or drinks and given to victims.

For recreational purposes, the drug is used more often in combination with other drugs or alcohol. Typically, the dose of the substance in such cases exceeds the permissible limit. The consequence of such mixing is increasing damage to internal organs. First of all, damage occurs to neurons and hepatocytes.

Butyrate is toxic with long-term use. The drug causes physical and mental dependence. This is evidenced by studies conducted on 26 thousand people. It was also indicated that several people died due to an overdose of sodium hydroxybutyrate.

When the substance began to be used as a drug, its circulation and distribution were sharply limited. In the world, sodium hydroxybutyrate is used mainly in post-Soviet countries, Italy and France.

Effect on the body

The effects of the drug are very dose-dependent. Even increasing the dose by more than 0.25 grams can increase the effect several times. For recreational purposes, large doses are always used.

Main effects from small doses:

  • sedation;
  • acceleration of the falling asleep phase;
  • anesthesia.

These effects will occur with a small dosage, which does not lead to addiction. If butyrate is used for the purpose of obtaining drug intoxication, then people experience problems with memory, sensations, vomiting, headaches, and hallucinations. The changes usually permanently affect organ function.

Physical symptoms

What a person will encounter after consuming butyrate in high doses:

  • fasciculations;
  • vomit;
  • paresthesia;
  • falling asleep with loss of consciousness;
  • respiratory arrest;
  • increase or decrease in heart rate.

Cognitive changes

Changes in the central nervous system when consuming butyrate:

  • memory impairment;
  • loss of ability to concentrate;
  • incoherent speech;
  • slower reaction;
  • decrease in intellectual abilities.

The substance greatly slows down the reaction. Therefore, those who use it do not have the right to drive a car or perform work in which a person will be responsible for the lives of other people (for example, a coordinator of planes, trains).

In 90% of cases, butyrate is used with other drugs. This leads to rapid destruction of not only the brain, but also internal organs.


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Calling a narcologist to your home

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Signs of butyrate use

The characteristic symptoms of butyrate use will depend primarily on the dosage:

  • A small dose of up to one and a half grams - a person behaves unusually relaxed, he is in a great mood and euphoria.
  • The average dose is up to 2.5 grams - in this case, you can hear incoherent speech and clouding of consciousness.
  • A large dose of up to 3 grams - vomiting and nausea, inability to control bowel movements, impaired mental state. Dosage above 5 grams causes coma.

If the drug is used for a long time, the result can be serious brain damage.

How to recognize a drug addict

Usually there is no addiction to hydroxybutyrate alone. There are always other drugs that a person is already using or is about to use. Narcotic intoxication from sodium hydroxybutyrate is very specific. The man looks like he's drunk, but you can't smell the fumes from him.

Under the influence of the drug, increased drowsiness is possible, or vice versa, a person can talk a lot and tell various stories for hours. In cases where the dose is high, loss of consciousness occurs.

Mood swings should be suspicious. Due to long-term use, problems with concentration and memory begin, and addicted people have problems at school or work.

Addicts are constantly looking for money for a new dose. Because of this, they can steal from the house, take away valuables and equipment. But unfortunately, drug addiction never stops with hydroxybutyrate. In pursuit of new effects, people begin to use psychostimulants, alcohol, and marijuana.

In a state of withdrawal, drug addicts may experience apathy or depression. Their appetite is disrupted and they begin to lose weight. But it is almost impossible to say exactly what drug a person is abusing. For this purpose testing is carried out.

Tests for sodium hydroxybutyrate

There are no rapid tests for determining sodium hydroxybutyrate metabolites. The substance can be found in the body in a very short period, only with the help of special equipment and under conditions of high OH concentration.

In the body, butyrate quickly breaks down into water, and the byproducts are excreted through the kidneys in urine.

Due to difficulties in identifying the substance in the body, there is little data on how long it remains in biological fluids and hair.

Most studies conclude that butyrate lasts up to 10 hours in urine and from 20 to 50 minutes in blood. But the data may differ from person to person.

The drug lasts approximately 3-4 hours. But it leaves the blood a little faster, since metabolic products have a strong effect on the central nervous system and it is due to them that the effect continues when the concentration of butyrate in the blood drops.

but on the other hand

While relaxing with the help of a “boutique”, drug addicts usually do not think about what is happening in their body. Symptoms indicate the danger of a narcotic substance:

  • severe nausea;
  • repeated vomiting;
  • sharp abdominal pain;
  • double vision;
  • dizziness;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • slurred speech;
  • fainting;
  • inability to focus on anything;
  • unsteady gait;
  • labored breathing;
  • slow heartbeat;
  • mood swings;
  • discomfort behind the sternum;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • high level of anxiety.

Intoxication rapidly increases if you simultaneously drink any alcohol-containing drink, take sleeping pills or smoke weed.

How long do butyrate addicts live?

There is no exact data, since people who abuse hydroxybutyrate try to keep it secret. If you abuse high doses, it clearly shortens your life. In addition, even 1 dose can be fatal due to anaphylactic shock or overdose.

When a person falls asleep under the influence of a drug, he may experience involuntary vomiting. If vomit enters the respiratory tract, aspiration and death will occur. This phenomenon is not uncommon in opiate drug addiction and alcoholism. The mechanism of vomiting during sleep is that the autonomic nervous system tries to “wake up the person” and this leads to strong stimulation of the vomiting center.

If a person develops addiction and polydrug addiction, the quality of life is greatly reduced. If it is impossible to say exactly how many years he will live, then you can be sure that because of drugs a person will lose his social role and begin to lose friends and loved ones. In addition, diseases of internal organs occur: heart and liver failure, and the risk of cancer increases. The result is death not due to natural causes.


  1. What is butyrate
  2. Types and methods of taking the substance
  3. What to expect from your appointment
  4. Who uses
  5. Butyrate plus alcohol
  6. but on the other hand
  7. Overdose
  8. Butyrate is an insidious drug
  9. How to recover from addiction

Sodium hydroxybutyrate, known in drug circles under the slang name butyrate, is a powerful psychoactive compound with sedative properties. As a result of its use, the central nervous system is depressed and mental activity decreases.
Today, more and more young people are wondering how to move away from hydroxybutyrate to avoid dangerous health consequences. They are looking for affordable ways to remove the drug from the body without turning to a narcologist.

The desire to cure yourself is associated with the desire to hide the disease from friends and relatives. But it is harmful. Trying to disguise the signs of drug use, the patient loses precious time. The longer the drug experience, the lower the chances of recovery, the more difficult it is to reverse a dangerous disease.

How to speed up elimination at home

The action ends on its own after 3-4 hours. In order to speed up this process, you need to drink plenty of fluids and exercise minimal activity (walking, cycling).

You should drink sorbents only in the first 20 minutes, then they will not have much effect.

To speed up your metabolism you need to raise your body temperature. This can be done through physical activity or by drinking hot drinks.

To make the effect go faster, do not drink alcohol. It slows down the metabolism of butyrate.

You can get rid of CNS depression after taking hydroxybutyrate by prescribing substances that stimulate the CNS. First of all, you can drink coffee and eat chocolate. Energy drinks are suitable, but they can enhance the toxic effect of the drug.

Butyrate addiction

Persistent addiction to the drug develops after 3 doses. Withdrawal when stopping use is almost equal in severity to heroin.

Stages of formation

At the first stage, a person takes butyrate to get a good mood and more vivid sensations during sex. After the end of the effect of the substance, symptoms similar to a hangover are felt - headache, nausea, vomiting. As soon as they pass, there is a craving to experience the high from the drug again. At this stage, it is still possible to quit using.

The second stage is characterized by a decrease in the effect of butyrate and a more severe withdrawal syndrome. Euphoria gives way to a tense state.

At the third stage, a person experiences virtually no pleasant sensations when taking the drug, and withdrawal becomes more and more severe. Butyrate is taken to relieve terrible symptoms. When used, there is a complete loss of consciousness or clouding of reason, speech becomes unintelligible.


Exceeding the dose causes the following symptoms:

  • Vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, uncontrolled urination;
  • convulsions;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • sudden surges in pressure;
  • increased body temperature;
  • pale skin;
  • the pulse is practically not palpable;
  • complete loss of consciousness.

It is necessary to urgently call an ambulance; before they arrive, if a person is vomiting, turn him on his side. Do not give water or medicine.

Withdrawal from butyrate

The symptoms of withdrawal are similar to an alcohol hangover at the initial stage of addiction - vomiting and nausea, headache, shaking hands, chills. With regular use, the addict experiences muscle pain, hallucinations, and sudden surges in blood pressure begin.

Detoxification in hospital

If a person abuses it, then in a hospital he can undergo infusion therapy followed by forced diuresis. This will clear the drug from the blood. The second stage is symptomatic therapy, which is used to relieve withdrawal symptoms.

If a person has developed a physical dependence, withdrawal may occur, which is eliminated in a hospital with the help of medications.

Experienced narcologists know that sodium hydroxybutyrate affects the excretion of potassium from the body. A deficiency of this microelement leads to heart rhythm disturbances and cardiac arrest. Therefore, you need to be careful when performing forced diuresis. Doctors can separately instill potassium, but under strict control of laboratory blood parameters.

All types of drug addiction

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With each new use, the body develops tolerance to the drug. This leads to constantly increasing dosages. If the dose is kept the same, then drug addicts cannot get the desired effect, similar to the one they had after the first use of the substance.

All dependencies are formed on this principle and the dose is constantly increased. An overdose occurs in 100% of cases. At some point, the incoming amount of drug exceeds the functional capabilities of the body, and even without the onset of drug intoxication, a sharp change in homeostasis in the body begins.

Overdose symptoms

An overdose of sodium hydroxybutyrate leads to severe depression of the central nervous system. A person falls into a coma or stupor, or may simply sleep soundly. Sometimes his breathing center or heartbeat is depressed. Without the help of professionals, this leads to death.

To rule out an overdose of opiates or psychostimulants, you need to look at the pupils. In the first case they are narrowed, in the second they are greatly expanded. With an overdose of hydroxybutyrate, the pupils do not change their shape and may not respond to light (this happens rarely).

In addition, symptoms of an overdose may include:

  • drop in blood pressure;
  • frequent vomiting;
  • bradycardia;
  • convulsions;
  • hallucinations;
  • paranoid thoughts and illusions.

Lethal dose

Mild intoxication occurs if you consume an average of 1-1.5 ml of the drug. This leads to dizziness and sensations similar to alcohol intoxication. Moderate drug intoxication is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, and behavior becomes inappropriate. Severe intoxication is an average of 3 ml of the substance. The dosage is approximate, since it is calculated based on the characteristics of the body, weight, gender and other indicators.

Exceeding 2.5-3 ml leads to an overdose, which can be fatal. There are no antidotes to butyrate in medicine. Treatment of overdose is symptomatic.

First aid

You need to immediately call an ambulance and, without waiting for its arrival, begin to help the victim.

Before you call 911, make sure you are safe.

First aid is to create the most comfortable environmental conditions for the patient. If it is cold around, it is necessary to cover the patient; if it is hot, remove outer clothing and open the window.

Ensure good oxygen supply. If the patient is conscious, give him plenty of fluids. If convulsions begin, try to place a soft blanket or pillow near the head so that the patient does not injure himself. There is no need to put objects into the mouth to fix the tongue.

If the patient is not breathing and there is no pulse, begin chest compressions and artificial respiration. You need to start with indirect massage. To do this, use even hands to press the chest in the area of ​​the xiphoid process. The chest should be pressed in at least 5 cm. Don’t be afraid to break the ribs, in this case it is more important to start the heart. You need to make presses at intervals of 2 presses in 1 second, every 15 seconds do mouth-to-mouth breathing, after covering your nose with your fingers.

When the ambulance arrives, it will provide symptomatic therapy and take the patient to the hospital to maintain his vital functions. If there is no aspiration or cardiac arrest, the patient can survive an overdose of butyrate.


Treatment for hydroxybutyrate addiction is complex. It includes mandatory psychological work in a group and individual work. The patient himself must want to quit using, this will be the key to long-term remission.

For physical dependence, rehabilitation includes symptomatic treatment for the development of withdrawal symptoms. But this happens in 1-4% of all addicts.

In parallel with drug addiction treatment, psychological assistance is prescribed for codependent people.

As a result, the patient must undergo resocialization and return to society as a healthy person with stable remission from addiction.

Working with codependents and resocialization

Working with codependents is preparing the patient’s relatives and loved ones for life after the patient returns home. The goal of such work is to explain the peculiarities of interaction between them and teach how to resolve controversial situations. It is necessary that the patient and his relatives easily find compromises and do not hold grudges against each other. Unsaid words often become the cause of new breakdowns and conflicts.

Resocialization is the return of the patient to an active life in society. His behavior pattern, preferences and desires change. The patient must find pleasure in life other than drugs. This is the only way to forget about cravings, which can interrupt remission at any moment. Alternatively, patients may turn to religion for help.

How to quit on your own

The person himself must want to quit, and he must do it immediately without delaying the next day or Monday. You should always stop communicating with addicted people and friends who may suggest using drugs “for the last time.”

To distract your attention, you need to find any activity or hobby. Do not try to stop taking the substance using alcohol or other drugs. This will have no effect, but will only lead to new dependencies and problems.

Butyrate poisoning

Sodium butyrate poisoning most often occurs in the following cases:

  • The first dose is when the body rejects the drug.
  • Combination with other narcotic substances.
  • Use with alcohol.
  • Accidental or intentional excess of dosage.

Toxic effects on the body include impaired consciousness, vomiting, nausea, convulsions, or deep sleep. Poisoning, as well as overdose, are similar in appearance to alcohol intoxication. The only difference is the absence of the smell of alcohol.


In pharmaceutical doses prescribed by a doctor, butyrate is a safe drug. But it must be dispensed only with a prescription, since the medicine is used by rapists and drug addicts. Butyrate in high doses causes problems with internal organs and can cause death due to overdose or cardiac arrest.

Dependence on butyrate develops, both psychological and physical. Treatment is best done in a hospital or a special drug rehabilitation clinic. In most cases, substance abuse is combined with other drugs or alcohol.


  1. Sodium hydroxybutyrate: Neuropharmacological and clinical research / Ed. valid member USSR Academy of Medical Sciences V. V. Zakusova. - Moscow: Medicine, 1968. - 135 p.
  2. Drug complications and ways to eliminate them: handbook. for doctors / I. B. Mikhailov, I. V. Markova. - M.; St. Petersburg : DILYA, 2004. – 329 p.
  3. Drugs: properties, action, pharmacokinetics, metabolism: textbook / N. V. Veselovskaya - 3rd ed., revised, corrected. and additional - Moscow: Narkonet, 2008. - 262 p.

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