Cerebrolysate ® (Cerebrolysat): instructions for use, differences from Cerebrolysin, price, reviews

pharmachologic effect

The drug is a stimulator of neurometabolic processes (has a nootropic effect).

Deproteinized hydrolyzate of pig brain substance stimulates cell differentiation processes, improves the functional state of nervous system cells and activates protection and renewal mechanisms.

Animal experiments have shown that the biologically active amino acids and peptides have a direct effect on neuronal and synaptic plasticity, which in turn helps improve higher brain functions .

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Cerebrolysin - instructions for use

Reviews of Cerebrolysin

Popular questions about Cerebrolysin

For information on creating combinations of nootropics used, watch the video:

This article has been verified by a current qualified physician, Victoria Druzhikina, and can be considered a reliable source of information for site users.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

As a result of studies using models of cerebral ischemia, it was possible to establish that the use of the drug allows:

  • reduce heart attack ;
  • prevent the development of edema ;
  • stabilize microcirculation;
  • normalize cognitive and neurological disorders ;
  • double survival rates.

Based on studies using models of Alzheimer's disease , the following conclusion was made: in addition to the fact that the drug has a direct effect on neurons , it also helps to increase the number of molecules that transport glucose across the BBB (blood-brain barrier), and as a result, compensates for critical energy deficiency in the body.

A quantitative analysis of the encephalograms of healthy people and patients diagnosed with vascular dementia showed that with the use of the drug Cerebrolysin:

  • neuronal activity increases significantly (activity indicators are dose-dependent);
  • higher brain functions are objectively improved ;
  • the ability to self-care and perform everyday tasks increases (as a result, the patient needs less outside care);

The drug has neurotrophic activity , which can significantly slow down, and in some cases stop, the progression of neurodegenerative processes .

During the experiments, it was revealed that Cerebrolysin does not provoke the formation of antibodies or the development of anaphylactic reactions, does not affect the immune system , does not stimulate histamine receptors and does not affect the hemagglutination of red blood cells .

Since the proteolytic peptide fraction obtained from porcine brain includes short biologically active peptides similar or identical to those produced in the body, it is not possible to conduct an accurate pharmacokinetic analysis of the drug.

Based on data on the pharmacodynamics of the drug, it was concluded that after a single administration of the drug, the neurotrophic activity of the hydrolyzate in the blood plasma is determined within 24 hours.

Cerebrolysin components have the ability to penetrate the BBB . Preclinical studies in vivo made it possible to establish identical pharmacodynamic effects of the drug on the central nervous system when administered into the ventricles of the brain and when administered peripherally. These studies provide indirect confirmation of Cerebrolysin's ability to cross cell membranes of the BBB .

Analogues of the drug

Analogues of Cerebrolysate produced in Russia may differ in composition and mechanism of action, but when used, an identical therapeutic effect is achieved.

Drug name Characteristic Average cost/RUB
Cerebrolysin This is a drug for intramuscular/intravenous injection. Used to treat adults and children with mental disorders. It is also recommended for Alzheimer's disease, strokes, and heart attacks to prevent the development of complications and stabilize the condition. 1200 — 1600
Amylonosar A nootropic drug that helps improve brain activity. Restores sleep patterns, improves memory, normalizes the condition of regular headaches. 120 — 150
Vinpocetine Produced in the form of tablets and solution for injection. Prescribed for problems with functioning or decreased blood circulation in the brain, strokes. 70 — 210
Cortexin Available in powder form for injection. The drug is often used in childhood neuralgia with cerebral palsy, critical conditions in newborns, and developmental delay.

For adults, Cortexin is prescribed for:

  • memory and thinking disorders;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • TBI;
  • asthenic syndrome;
  • encephalopathy.
750 — 1200

Indications for use of Cerebrolysin

Indications for the use of Cerebrolysin are:

  • organic lesions, metabolic disorders and degenerative diseases of the NS (especially Alzheimer's disease );
  • complications that developed as a result of a stroke ;
  • brain injuries and their consequences (conditions after neurosurgery, concussions and closed head injuries);
  • delayed mental development in children;
  • mental disorders that are accompanied by memory impairment, absent-mindedness , etc.

Impact on the human body

Cerebrolysate is a preparation of brain tissue. By hydrolysis, a solution is obtained; it contains active protein chains and various amino acids, which easily penetrate the blood-brain barrier directly into the neurons of the meninges.

Mechanism of action

  • activates chemical reactions that contribute to the regulation of brain tissue and its bioelectrical activity;
  • prevents the formation of free radicals and neuronal death due to the development of hypoxia or ischemia;
  • protects the brain from exposure to toxic substances;
  • has a positive effect on a person’s mental activity, as well as the process of memorizing and reproducing received information;
  • increases the efficiency of energy aerobic metabolism of the human brain;
  • has a positive effect in the complex treatment of paralysis and strokes of various etiologies.

Side effects

In rare cases, Cerebrolysin injections can provoke:

  • loss of appetite;
  • depressive states;
  • apathy;
  • general weakness;
  • arterial hypo- or hypertension;
  • pulmonary hyperventilation syndrome;
  • the appearance of shortness of breath;
  • chest pain;
  • increased fatigue;
  • the appearance of flu-like symptoms.

Sometimes the therapeutic effect can be accompanied by agitation - strong emotional arousal with manifestations of aggression, confusion, and insomnia.

Too rapid administration of the drug can cause disorders of the nervous system, skin and subcutaneous tissues: dizziness , tremor , drowsiness , headache , sensation of heat , increased sweating, itching and redness of the skin, skin rashes (including the appearance of maculopapular rash ), urticaria .

In isolated cases the following were noted:

  • hypersensitivity reactions or allergic reactions, angioedema , anaphylactic shock , chills and fever ;
  • generalized epileptic seizures ;
  • increased seizure activity;
  • sensation of your own heartbeat, tachycardia , heart pain, arrhythmia (similar symptoms occurred when the drug was administered too quickly);
  • dyspepsia;
  • nausea and vomiting ;
  • constipation or diarrhea ;
  • reactions at the injection site (erythema, burning, local inflammatory reactions);
  • painful sensations in the neck, back (in its lower part), and limbs.

Since the drug is often used to treat elderly people, some of the side effects that occurred during clinical trials may not have a cause-and-effect relationship with taking Cerebrolysin (most of them occur in this category of patients not only during the use of the drug).

Some of the identified side effects occurred with equal frequency in both patients treated with the drug and in patients taking placebo (changes in blood pressure, tremor, nausea, lethargy, dizziness, shortness of breath, tremor, diarrhea).

Cerebrolysin injections, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

The drug is intended for intravenous and intramuscular administration.

IV Cerebrolysin is administered in its pure form in a dose of 5 to 10 ml. If the patient is indicated for a dose of 10 to 50 ml (the maximum allowable dose), it is recommended to administer the solution exclusively by slow intravenous infusion after preliminary dilution to 100 ml with one of the standard solutions: Ringer's solution, isotonic NaCl solution, 5% glucose solution.

According to the instructions for use of Cerebrolysin, when diluted at room temperature and in a place unprotected from sunlight, the drug remains physically and chemically stable throughout the day, however, from a microbiological point of view, the solution for infusion should be administered immediately after preparation.

The duration of the course of treatment, as a rule, is from 10 to 20 days (daily administration of the drug is assumed).

A one-time administration of the maximum dose of the drug (50 ml) is allowed, but course use of Cerebrolysin is considered more effective.

Of fundamental importance for achieving the clinical effect of therapy is the use of dosages of the drug that are adequate to the diagnosis, as well as the correct choice of the method of its administration.

Recommended daily doses:

  • from 5 to 30 ml - for degradation of cognitive function, organic pathologies and metabolic disorders of the brain;
  • from 10 to 50 ml - to eliminate the consequences of a stroke;
  • from 10 to 50 ml - for the treatment of brain injuries and their consequences.

For neurological diseases in children, injections with the administration of 1 to 2 ml of solution to the patient are indicated.

The recommended dose for children under six months of age is 0.1 ml per kilogram of body weight. The maximum daily dose for patients of this age category should not exceed 2 ml.

The effectiveness of treatment increases with each repeated course. Treatment is usually continued until there is a significant improvement in the patient's condition.

When conducting an initial course, the number of administrations can be reduced to 2 or 3 times a week. An interval should be maintained between repeated courses, the duration of which should be no less than the duration of the previous course of treatment.

The manufacturer does not produce the drug in tablet form, so it is pointless to look for instructions for Cerebrolysin tablets.

Cerebrolysate injections: instructions for use

The drug is used only parenterally: in the form of intramuscular injections or intravenous drips. The dosage depends on the stage of severity and nature of the pathological process, as well as on the patient’s age and general health.

Doctor's advice

Reviews about the drugs: for what diseases is each drug most often used. Despite the fact that the drugs are very similar, the range of their use is somewhat different. The main applications of Cerebrolysin are ischemic brain lesions - ischemic stroke of any age, dementia, perinatal ischemia in children, post-traumatic changes. Also used for Alzheimer's disease. Cerebrolysate's main purpose is also cerebral ischemia, but spinal cord damage (myelopathy), neuropathy, radiculopathy is added, because the drug also works in the periphery. Most often, both drugs are used for stroke and its consequences, and decreased attention in children. Cerebrolysate is used for dietary and alcoholic polyneuropathy, Cerebrolysin is used in the complex treatment of depression.

Victoria Druzhikina Neurologist, Therapist

The standard duration of treatment is 10-30 injections. After 3-5 months, the course of treatment can be repeated.

In acute conditions, Cerebrolysate is recommended to be administered dropwise in a dose of up to 50 ml in saline solution over 50-90 minutes.


The drug is incompatible:

  • with drugs that can change its pH (5.0-8.0);
  • lipid-containing drugs.

Cerebrolysin can be used with balanced solutions of amino acids , with vitamins , and drugs for the treatment of diseases of the heart and vascular system ; however, it is contraindicated to mix these drugs in one infusion bottle.

It is recommended to pay special attention to the potential pharmacological effects when used concomitantly with monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) or antidepressants .

special instructions

The drug is prescribed with caution to patients with allergic (exudative-catarrhal) diathesis .

evidence that the drug may increase the load on the kidneys ; however, it should not be administered to patients with severe forms of renal failure .

Clinical studies did not reveal any effect of the drug on the ability to engage in activities requiring attentiveness and speed of psychomotor reactions, as well as on the ability to drive a vehicle.

However, in some cases, the possibility of developing undesirable side reactions from the mental sphere and the nervous system cannot be excluded, which in turn may temporarily impair the ability to drive a car and operate machinery.

The drug should be taken from an ampoule or vial immediately before injection or infusion. In this case, only a one-time set of solution from an ampoule or bottle is allowed.

If sediment or foreign impurities appear in the solution, as well as if the color of the solution changes, it is prohibited to use it. Under normal conditions, the color of the liquid is amber.

Analogs of Cerebrolysin

Level 4 ATX code matches:











Cavinton Forte

Calcium hopantenate

Glutamic acid







Analogues of Cerebrolysin in ampoules are the drugs Amylonosar , Bravinton , Vinpocetine , Cavinton , Cortexin , Piracetam , Lucetam , Nootropil , Piracetam Bufus , Piracetam-Vial , Picamilon , Ceraxon , Cerebrolysate , Escotropil , Vinpotropil , Cellex , Thiocetam .

The drug also has analogues in tablets: Amylonosar , Acefen , Vero-Vinpocetine , Vinpotropil , Vinpocetine , Vincetine , Ginkgo Biloba , Glycine , Idebenone , Gopantam , Cavinton , Calcium hopanthenate , Ginkoum , Carnicetine , Combitropil , Lucetam , Memotropil , Neuromet , Noben , NooKam , Noopept , Nootropil , Pantogam , Picamilon , Pikogam , Piracezin , Omaron , Piracetam , Pyriditol , Telektol , Pantocalcin , Phezam , Phenotropil , Encephabol , Korsavin , Celestab , Carniteps .

Cheaper analogs of Cerebrolysin are Cerebrolysate , Glycine , Nootropil , Cinnazarin , Instenon .

During pregnancy (and lactation)

Studies conducted on animals did not reveal the toxic effect of the drug on the reproductive system. However, there is currently no data on how Cerebrolysin can affect human reproductive function.

In this regard, it is prescribed to pregnant women only in cases where there is no alternative to therapy using Cerebrolysin. If it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment with the drug during lactation, it is necessary to decide on stopping breastfeeding.

Popular questions

What is more painful to use Cerebrolysin or Cerebrolysate?

Based on patient reviews, we can say with confidence that Cerebrolysin injections are much easier to tolerate by patients. If the medicine is administered strictly according to the rules, then pain practically does not occur.

How long does it take to get better after taking medication?

Improvements usually appear after 3–5 injections, but the effectiveness of the drugs depends on the severity and degree of neglect of the pathology.

At what age can you take medications?

Cerebrolysin and Cerebrolysate are approved for use in children from 3 years of age.

Does it increase blood pressure?

When using these drugs, in some cases side effects may occur in the form of increased blood pressure. But it is worth noting that when using Cerebrolysin, this effect is observed extremely rarely.

Cerebrolysate for headaches, does it help or not?

Most patients who have undergone a course of Cerebrolysate injections note that headaches completely disappear after treatment. The drug is especially effective in the presence of pain caused by poor circulation in the brain.

Reviews of Cerebrolysin

As with any other drug, reviews from doctors and patients about Cerebrolysin can be found very different. Moreover, many foreign experts consider it an expensive dummy with unproven effectiveness. At the same time, our doctors prescribe the drug quite often, and patients - if you believe the reviews left - are often satisfied with the achieved treatment results.

For children, injections are effective when necessary to eliminate the consequences of birth trauma , in case of perinatal pathology of the central nervous system , to reduce tension in the nervous system . In addition, the drug stimulates brain and speech development in children who have been diagnosed with delayed speech development .

At the same time, many mothers note that the effectiveness of the drug directly depends on the correct selection of the dose and duration of treatment. Some believe that Cerebrolysin works well in high dosages and in combination with a complex of physiotherapeutic measures.

According to parents whose children were treated with the drug, especially pronounced progress in children is observed if therapy was started before one year.

A number of negative reviews about Cerebrolysin for children are due to the fact that the injections are quite painful, expensive and have contraindications.

Reviews from adults about the drug are quite contradictory. On forums where people discuss certain medications, many positive reviews have been left about Cerebrolysin as an effective and time-tested remedy.

Some patients say they did not notice the expected effect. However, the instructions for Cerebrolysin warn that the greatest clinical effectiveness is observed after not one, but several courses of treatment.

Cerebrolysin and Cerebrolysate: differences, which is more effective and cheaper

The composition of these two drugs includes split proteins from different animals: for the production of Cerebrolysate, cow brain hydrolyzate is used, and for Cerebrolysin, pig brain is used.

The main difference between these two drugs is their price. Cerebrolysin is an imported drug that costs an order of magnitude more.

The list of diseases for which these drugs are prescribed is absolutely identical, but it is worth noting that the indications for Cerebrolysate are mainly encephalopathies (non-inflammatory pathologies of the brain and blood vessels), and for Cerebrolysin some types of neuropathies (non-inflammatory nerve damage).

Therefore, if, when choosing a treatment regimen, the doctor prescribed Cerebrolysin, then it is prohibited to independently replace it with a cheap analogue.

In addition, when using Cerebrolysate, more cases of side effects (increased body temperature, blood pressure) were recorded.

In fact, Cerebrolysin and Cerebrolysate are the same type of drugs. The price cannot indicate the duration of the course of therapy. Cerebrolysin is used more often, its therapeutic effects are more pronounced. The duration of treatment is determined by the Standards and Clinical Protocols for the treatment of neurological patients that exist for each nosology. They are published on the Internet on special websites, and are available in the form of books, where standards on neurology are collected. Comparing efficiency by price is incorrect.

Victoria Druzhikina

Neurologist, Therapist

Cerebrolysin price, where to buy

Price of Cerebrolysin in Russia

Prices for Cerebrolysin injections on the Russian pharmaceutical market are as follows:

  • ampoules 1 ml No. 10 - 660 rubles;
  • ampoules 2 ml No. 10 - 910 rubles;
  • ampoules 5 ml No. 5 - 970 rubles;
  • ampoules 10 ml No. 10 - 1350 rubles.

There is no point in looking for the price of Cerebrolysin in tablets, since the drug is available exclusively in solution form.

Price of Cerebrolysin ampoules in Ukraine

The cost of ampoules of 1 ml No. 10 is 200 UAH, you can buy ampoules of 5 ml No. 5 for about 330 UAH. Ampoules of 10 ml No. 5 in Ukrainian pharmacies cost an average of 540 UAH.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan

LuxPharma* special offer

  • Phytocerebrolysin F (Phytocerebrolysin) 500 mg caps.
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  • Cerebrolysin amp. 1ml No. 10

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  • Cerebrolysin solution for in. 5ml 5 pcs EVER Pharma Jena GmbH/Hameln Pharmaceuticals GmbH

    1040 rub. order

  • Cerebrolysin solution for in. 20ml 5 pcs EVER Neuro Pharma GmbH

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Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Cerebrolysin (amp. 5 ml No. 5)EVER Neuro Pharma

    RUB 1,056 order

  • Cerebrolysin (amp. 2ml No. 10)EVER Neuro Pharma

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  • Cerebrolysin ampoules 10ml No. 5EVER Neuro Pharma

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  • Cerebrolysin (solution d.in.5ml No. 5) EVER Pharma Jena GmbH/EVER Neuro Pharma GmbH

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  • Cerebrolysin (d.in. solution 10ml No. 5) EVER Pharma Jena GmbH/EVER Neuro Pharma GmbH

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  • Cerebrolysin 5 ml N5 solution for injection
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  • Cerebrolysin 10 ml N5 injection solution

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  • Cerebrolysin 430.4 mg 2 ml No. 10 injection solution Ever Neuro Pharma GmbH., Austria

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  • Cerebrolysin 20 ml N5 injection solution Ever Neuro Pharma GmbH., Austria

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  • Cerebrolysin ampoule Cerebrolysin solution for injection 20ml No. 5 Austria, EVER Neuro Pharma

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  • Cerebrolysin ampoule Cerebrolysin solution for injection 2ml No. 10 Austria, EVER Neuro Pharma

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  • Cerebrolysin ampoule Cerebrolysin solution for injection 10ml No. 5 Austria, EVER Neuro Pharma

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  • Cerebrolysin ampoule Cerebrolysin solution for injection 5ml No. 5 Austria, EVER Neuro Pharma

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  • Cerebrolysin ampoule Cerebrolysin solution for injection 1ml No. 10 Austria, EVER Neuro Pharma

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