Spirulina tablets. Instructions, beneficial properties and contraindications of spirulina


is a type of blue-green algae that grows in both fresh and salt water. Spirulina has a number of beneficial properties, the most studied are antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating properties.

Currently spirulina

One of the most popular herbal supplements in the world, available in tablet or powder form.

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Spirulina algae

rich in vitamins A, C, E and B, as well as a number of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron and selenium. Due to its high concentration of nutrients, it is classified as a superfood - the most useful products of plant origin.

In addition, these blue-green algae contain a lot of protein. One tablespoon of spirulina (7 g) contains about 4 g of protein. However, do not think that spirulina can provide you with your daily protein requirement, which is at least 1 g per 1 kg of your body weight. To get the daily requirement of protein from spirulina, you will have to eat more than 100 g daily.

Spirulina is presented in a huge assortment on the iHerb website, where it can be purchased in any form, be it tablets, capsules or powder. The variety is simply amazing. I have been ordering supplements on the iHerb website since 2012 and during this time I have tried a lot. Here, for example, in my opinion, are the best options for this algae:

→ The best organic spirulina tablets

→ The best spirulina in gelatin capsules

→ Best Spirulina Powder

I personally prefer tablet or capsule forms, as such supplements are much more convenient to take.


Biochemical composition of Spirulina algae (Spirullina platensis):

  • 18 amino acids (including 8 essential for the human body);
  • fatty acids (lauric, palmitic, heptadecanic, stearic, gamma- and beta-linolenic, etc.);
  • nutrients;
  • pigments (carotenoids, chlorophyll, phycocyanin);
  • vitamins (including provitamin A and B vitamins);
  • minerals (Ca, P, Fe, Na, Cl, Mg, Zn, K, I, Se).

The biochemical composition of dry medicinal raw materials from algae may vary slightly depending on the growing conditions of Spirullina platensis.

Spirulina preparations differ from each other in weight and, accordingly, in the amount of active substance they contain. For example, the composition of Spirulina VEL is 99% high-quality raw materials from Spirullina platensis. The weight of one tablet is 0.5 grams. But Spirulina Plantensis tablets with a similar composition have a mass of 0.3 grams.

Benefits for children's bodies

It is not only possible, but also necessary to give spirulina to children. Microalgae contains many nutrients necessary for the full and harmonious development of the child. The cyanobacterium contains an easily digestible protein with a low content of cysteine ​​and methionine, which is superior in quality to the proteins of meat and milk. Therefore, it is recommended to add spirulina to the diet of a frequently ill or malnourished child.

Now Foods, Certified Organic Spirulina, 500 mg, 500 Tablets


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Algae is also beneficial for healthy children. When used correctly, it has a beneficial effect on the body:

  • supports immunity;
  • increases learning ability, improves memory and attention;
  • relieves allergies;
  • increases appetite;
  • normalizes intestinal microflora;
  • restores hemoglobin levels.

Various amino acids and β-carotene contained in spirulina increase endurance and have an antioxidant and radioprotective effect, which is very important for children from large cities.

Attention! To avoid unwanted reactions, you should consult your pediatrician before using microalgae.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Spirulina - what is it?

Wikipedia states that Spirullina platensis is a blue-green algae from the genus Oscillatorium oxyphotobacteria.

The therapeutic and preventive effects of algae are determined by its medicinal properties and unique composition. In the course of research into the properties of spirulina and its effect on the human body, it was found and proven that the use of a food medicinal complex reduces the concentration of cholesterol in the blood and reduces the risk of obesity.

Due to the action of phycocyanin (the pigment that gives algae their color), an immunomodulatory effect is provided, and due to the action of carotene - an antitumor effect. The presence of gamma-linoleic acid in the biochemical composition of Spirullina platensis ensures its general healing effect on the body.

In addition, spirulina preparations:

  • have a radioprotective effect;
  • reduce nephrotoxicity when exposed to drugs, toxins and heavy metal salts;
  • increase the number of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria in the intestines, and also improve their qualitative composition;
  • reduce blood sugar levels in diabetics.

Regular consumption of spirulina can increase resistance to many diseases (including seasonal ones - for example, acute respiratory viral infections or influenza ) and increase performance, as well as increase the threshold for fatigue.

What is Spirulina VEL?

Spirulina VEL is a dietary supplement that consists almost 100% of the microalgae Spirullina platensis and is used as an additional source of β-carotene and phycocyanins .

The immunomodulatory effect of phycocyanin contained in medicinal raw materials is associated with the ability of this substance to stimulate the main components of the immune system: macrophagocytes, T and NK cells, bone marrow stem cells, thymus and spleen.

Other equally important properties of phycocyanin are the ability to have a powerful antitumor and antioxidant effect, as well as stimulate hematopoiesis.

At the same time, the substance improves the functional state of stem cells contained in the bone marrow, which are the progenitors of leukocytes and supply oxygen to the body .

The use of Spirulina VEL helps normalize metabolism and weight, remove toxins, waste and radionuclides from the body.

Indications for use

Spirulina preparations can be used to treat and prevent more than 70 different diseases, including but not limited to:

  • ulcerative and oncological diseases;
  • anemia ( nutritional iron deficiency , as well as all types of malignant anemia, including anemia that accompanies blood cancer );
  • diseases of the heart, blood vessels, digestive tract, kidneys and liver;
  • gynecological diseases ( polycystic ovary syndrome , mastopathy , fibroids , cervical erosion );
  • AIDS;
  • dermatological diseases caused by dysbacteriosis, hypovitaminosis, premature aging, age-related hyperkeratosis and a number of other reasons;
  • diabetes mellitus , obesity , etc.

The use of Spirulina is advisable:

  • with vitamin and mineral deficiency (including in people over 50 years of age, pregnant and lactating women, people on a vegetarian diet, heavy smokers, etc.);
  • to cleanse the body of toxins and waste;
  • to normalize metabolism and weight;
  • to reduce the concentration of cholesterol in the blood;
  • to increase resistance to infections;
  • to slow down the aging process of the body;
  • to stimulate growth in adolescence;
  • for the prevention of joint diseases;
  • during the period of planning a child, as well as during toxicosis of pregnant women (both early and late);
  • during menopause (both in women and men).

Spirulina is also used in cosmetology in the form of masks, hair shampoos, anti-cellulite wraps and massage mixtures. Masks with algae can improve the appearance of the skin, smooth out wrinkles, cleanse pores, restore blush and get rid of acne. Shampoos make hair fuller and healthier.

Pharmacological properties

Numerous laboratory studies have shown that the dietary supplement Spirulina not only strengthens the immune system, but also improves metabolism and reduces the risk of developing cancer. The nutritional supplement has a positive effect on the body of women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Among the main pharmacological properties of Spirulina are:

  • Reducing the concentration of glucose and cholesterol in the blood, which helps reduce the risk of developing coronary diseases, atherosclerosis and diabetes by 80%.
  • Improving metabolic processes. Single-celled algae prevents excess weight gain.
  • A dietary supplement increases the effectiveness of combination drug therapy, the effect of which is aimed at treating stomach ulcers, osteochondrosis, allergies, hypertension, and insomnia. The dietary supplement Spirulina is recommended for use in vascular diseases, joint inflammation and chronic fatigue.
  • Normalization of hormonal levels.
  • Improving the condition of the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Reducing dependence on tobacco and alcohol.
  • Relief of inflammatory processes.
  • Increased physical endurance.
  • Removing waste and toxins from the body.
  • Reducing the likelihood of premature aging of the body.
  • Elimination of vitamin and mineral deficiency.
  • Increasing the body's resistance to infectious diseases.

Spirulina powder is in great demand in cosmetology, since this natural product is used to make various masks that improve skin tone and help get rid of facial wrinkles. The dietary supplement can be used for comprehensive hair care to improve its natural color and add shine.


The only contraindication to the use of dietary supplements is individual intolerance to spirulina. As a rule, this occurs in extremely rare cases.

Due to the fact that algae contains large amounts of beta-carotene , some people may experience symptoms such as yellowing of the skin of the palms. This requires a dose reduction, but you should not completely stop taking the supplement.

You should refrain from consuming high doses of spirulina for gallstone disease and nephrolithiasis (kidney stone disease) in short people. Spirulina has the ability to remove sand and small calculi, and in short people the excretory tracts are thin, and therefore there is a high risk of strangulation when a calculus passes through them.

It is also not recommended to prescribe Spirulina to cancer patients who are undergoing chemotherapy. This is due to the fact that Spirullina platensis removes toxic substances from the body well and will create obstacles to maintaining the required therapeutic concentration of the drug.


In medical practice, cases of overdose with Spirulina have not yet been recorded. At the same time, the manufacturer of the dietary supplement does not exclude the possibility that repeated exceeding the recommended dosage of the dietary supplement may provoke the occurrence of the following symptoms:

  • Abnormal stool.
  • Headache attacks.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Vomit.
  • General malaise.
  • Hives, itching and burning of the skin.
  • Profuse salivation.
  • Sleep disturbance.

If symptoms of overdose occur, you should stop taking dietary supplements and consult your doctor.

Instructions for Spirulina

Spirulina in tablets and capsules is taken p/os (orally), approximately half an hour before meals (if the product is used for weight loss) and directly during meals if the product is drunk to improve the health of the body. It is recommended to take the tablets with at least half a glass of liquid.

The health course involves taking 1-2 tablets 3 times a day for one month.

For preventive purposes, as well as to strengthen the body in the autumn-winter and winter-spring periods, tablets and capsules are taken once (preferably in the morning) 1 or 2 pieces.

During outbreaks of acute respiratory diseases and influenza , the dose is increased to 3-4 tablets/capsules per day.

The powdered form of seaweed contains no binders, so it can be taken by mixing with dairy products, juice, honey, eggs, or added to a main dish as a seasoning.

Spirulina capsules are the optimal dosage form for patients with duodenal ulcers . As a rule, capsules are taken at night (1 or 2, depending on the doctor’s recommendations), supplementing the treatment with medical sea buckthorn oil (1 teaspoon before bedtime). During the day you are allowed to take dietary supplements in the form of powder or tablets.

The daily dose of spirulina powder is from 1 to 5 grams (depending on the indications and age of the patient):

  • 2-5 grams - for toxicosis , for cervical erosion (in the treatment of erosion, spirulina intake is supplemented with cervical irrigation, for which 1 gram of powder is diluted in 0.5 liters of warm water, as well as by placing tampons with Spirulina and medical sea buckthorn oil at night );
  • 5 grams in the morning on an empty stomach 15-30 minutes before meals - for mastopathy ;
  • not less than 5 grams/day. - with fibromyoma ;
  • 0.5-0.7 grams 7-10 times a day - for the treatment of diseases of the esophagus (for uniform treatment of the esophagus, it is best to attach the powder to the palate with the tongue);
  • 2-3 grams/day. - when using the powder as a hepatoprotector for liver diseases;
  • 1-2 grams/day. (long-term) - after thyroidectomy ;
  • 2-4 grams/day. - during menopause, as well as to increase potency and sexual activity;
  • 2 grams/day. three-week courses - to strengthen the body of older people;
  • no more than 1.5-2 grams/day. - for glomerulonephritis (in children under 14 years of age and adults, respectively).

For bronchial asthma, Spirulina is taken as follows: 0.5 grams on the 1st day (in tablets or powder), 1 gram on days 2 and 3, then 1.5 grams for 2-3 days. The dose is gradually increased, bringing it to 2-3 grams/day. The duration of the course is from 1.5 to 2 months. The number of courses must be determined by the doctor.

For acute respiratory infections , it is recommended to take an age-specific therapeutic dose orally (for adults - 5 grams), as well as rinse (or instill) the nose with an aqueous suspension of algae and attach 0.3-0.5 grams of powder to the palate.

After spontaneous resorption of the indicated dose, 0.3 grams of powder is again attached to the palate (the procedures are repeated throughout the day). Before bedtime, the dose should be increased to 0.5-0.7 grams.

Treatment according to this regimen is continued until complete recovery.

To correctly calculate the dose of spirulina in chips and powder, you need to know that 5 grams of algae corresponds to 2 teaspoons of chips or 1 teaspoon of powder.

When treating patients with cancer, it is considered optimal to prescribe Spirulina in the pre- and postoperative period at a dose not exceeding 5 grams/day. Spirullina platensis is taken once, on an empty stomach, as an addition to basic therapy.

In the pre- and post-radiation periods, dietary supplements are taken in a dose of at least 5 grams/day. (in case of nausea, it is allowed to crush it).

In each specific case, before taking this or that form of Spirullina platensis, you must consult with your doctor to choose the optimal dosage regimen.

Instructions for Spirulina VEL

Spirulina VEL is taken three times a day, 2 tablets. The optimal dose for children over 4 years of age is 1-3 tablets/day.

How to take Spirulina tablets for weight loss

If Spirulina is taken for weight loss, then the tablets must be taken strictly before meals (half an hour to an hour). The daily dose is 6-8 tablets, divided by the number of meals. The duration of one course is 30 days.

You can drink dietary supplements for 6 months throughout the year. In accordance with the standard regimen, the tablets are taken for a month, and then a break in treatment is taken for the same period.

Methods of using Spirulina in cosmetology

Spirulina is most often used in cosmetology in the form of face masks, as part of shampoos and anti-cellulite creams and scrubs.

To maintain facial skin in good condition, Spirullina platensis powder is mixed with a small amount of natural honey and yogurt and the resulting mass is applied to the face with light massaging movements for 5 minutes.

To prepare a nourishing face mask, Spirullina platensis powder is mixed with avocado pulp and a spoonful of honey, then poured with milk or cream (the mass should be thick). Apply the nutrient mixture to the face in a thick layer for 20 minutes. For greater efficiency, it can be covered with polyethylene.

Hair mask recipe: 1 yolk, 5 drops of rosemary oil, 1 spoon of Spirullina platensis, 1 spoon of milk (cream). Apply it to damp hair for 10 minutes.

To prepare an anti-cellulite scrub, Spirullina platensis powder is mixed in equal proportions with Epsom salt (magnesia), after which 5 drops of grapefruit or tangerine essential oil are added to the mixture. The mixture is applied to well-steamed skin and massaged vigorously.

You can also mix 2 tablespoons of powder with a spoon of olive or sesame oil and a spoon of aloe juice. This mixture is used for massages. They need to be done three times a week for 20 minutes.

Features of powder form

Powdered supplements are common on the pharmaceutical market as they are the most organic and beneficial form of spirulina. In their production, a minimum number of technologies and processing methods are used, so all useful chemicals are preserved in the crushed algae. The advantage of powder additives is that they can be used in a variety of ways - in pure form, as part of dishes and drinks, for cosmetic masks.

The main disadvantage of the powder is the characteristic marine smell and taste, which not all customers will like. To mask it, you can mix the supplement with a smoothie.

special instructions

Contraindications and beneficial properties of spirulina

The beneficial properties of Spirulina are due to the biochemical composition of the algae, which is unique in the presence and ratio of components vital for humans.

Firstly, algae contains complete protein, which in all respects can compete with the protein contained in meat. Moreover, the protein concentration in Spirulina Platensis is greater than in any other plant (from 60 to 70%).

Spirulina normalizes the condition of bones, blood vessels, muscle tissue and skin, making it an ideal food for people who want to slow down aging, prolong life and improve its quality.

The protein it contains is indispensable for increased fatigue, excessive mental or physical stress, severe illnesses, decreased performance, as well as during the recovery period after illness.

Another important component in Spirulina is phycocyanin - a pigment that is a powerful antioxidant , prevents the growth of cancer cells in the body, protects against a large number of diseases, and also speeds up the healing process and eases the course of the disease if it does occur.

Researchers claim that Spirulina has the ability to restore blood even in patients whose bone marrow has been destroyed. Such valuable properties of this substance allow it to be widely used to treat patients diagnosed with cancer and people suffering from radiation sickness .

Algae contains a substance called pilium , which helps reduce radiation damage to cells and has a stimulating effect on the proliferation of bone marrow cells.

Spirulina also contains polyunsaturated acids, essential for humans, which are involved in the restoration and construction of new cells.

Spirulina is also rich in natural vitamin A (its content in algae is 10 times higher than in carrots). Vitamin A is necessary for hair and skin, normal perception of light. Its deficiency can cause:

  • reducing the immune system's resistance to infections;
  • increasing the risk of developing pulmonary infections, as well as heart and vascular diseases;
  • hormonal imbalance in women.

Vitamin A is also used for the prevention and complex treatment of peptic ulcers and cancer. This is due to its ability to prevent tumor regrowth after surgical removal.

The B vitamins contained in algae normalize the state of the nervous system, prevent uncontrolled tissue growth and support natural immunity.

Thiamine is closely associated with the peripheral and central nervous system, which makes it essential for neuropathy, neuralgic pain and herpes zoster . Riboflavin protects the liver from the harmful effects of toxins entering the body, and also helps restore the protein L-glutathione .

Niacin is an integral part of hormonal metabolism and is essential for nerve cells. Its deficiency manifests itself in the form of increased irritability and depression .

Pyridoxine has antioxidant properties and prevents the development of cancer and severe diseases of the heart and vascular system. It also takes part in the formation of prostaglandins and improves skin condition. The amount of pyridoxine in Spirulina is six times greater than in beef liver.

Inositol stimulates brain activity, improves mood, and prevents the development of cerebral atherosclerosis . The vitamin is an effective fat burner. Along with methionine and choline , it helps accelerate fat processing, and due to this property it is often used in obesity treatment programs.

Folic acid reduces the risk of atherosclerosis , heart attack , varicose veins , in addition, it is necessary for the proper development of the fetus.

Spirulina also helps compensate for cobalamin , thereby preventing the development of pernicious anemia. To replenish the daily requirement for this vitamin, it is enough to consume 3-4 grams of medicinal raw materials from algae.

Long-term toxicity studies of algae led to the conclusion that, in accordance with all international standards for the safety of feed and food additives, it is non-toxic and completely safe for humans, which allowed the WHO to register it as a food medicinal complex.

Taking this into account, the only contraindication to the use of Spirulina is individual sensitivity to it.

Harm and benefits of Spirulina

The benefits of Spirulina cannot be overestimated because it:

  • prevents premature aging;
  • normalizes the functioning of various body systems (including immune and endocrine);
  • improves metabolism;
  • increases hemoglobin in the blood;
  • helps reduce sugar concentration in type II diabetes ;
  • reduces the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, thereby preventing the development of atherosclerosis;
  • removes toxins and heavy metals from the body;
  • normalizes the course of pregnancy, prenatal and postnatal development of the child;
  • accelerates bone healing after fractures, healing of burns, wounds (including postoperative wounds), ulcers;
  • accelerates rehabilitation after illness;
  • reduces the intensity of headaches during increased mental stress;
  • effective for various diseases of the heart, blood vessels, digestive and respiratory systems, and urogenital tract;
  • has pronounced antitumor activity;
  • accelerates the recovery of the body during hangover;
  • helps maintain sexual activity;
  • effective in cosmetology (for hair and skin);
  • improves the condition of the body during increased mental and physical stress;
  • normalizes the psycho-emotional state of the body and increases its resistance to external stimuli;
  • has a protective effect when taking antibiotics.

It is impossible to harm the body by taking Spirulina. It should be remembered that people who have been diagnosed with kidney and thyroid diseases are not recommended to take dietary supplements without first consulting a doctor.


Structural analogs of Spirulina VEL are:

  • Spirulina plantensis
  • Spirulina MSU
  • Spirulina Tianshi
  • Spirulina-Sochi
  • Spirulina Coral Club

The drugs have a similar mechanism of action:

  • Bittner Kombuha
  • Kudesan forte
  • Terra-Plant
  • Lipovitam Beta
  • Solyasol
  • Vita provider
  • Ginkgolecitis
  • Ginkgo-S
  • Lifestin
  • Immortelle
  • Lapacho
  • Neuro Place
  • Regenerin
  • Hon Ship Pao
  • Sage plus
  • Milona
  • Lutein-Forte
  • Jakol
  • Pycnogenol-Extra
  • Diet 30 plus
  • Carniton
  • Nagipol-10

For weight loss

Spirulina helps improve the absorption of nutrients entering the body, which reduces the need for them by about a third. It also normalizes lipid metabolism.

The use of dietary supplements in weight loss programs involves taking tablets, capsules or powder 30-60 minutes before each meal in a dose of 0.5-1 g. Take the product with 0.5-1 glass of liquid.

Nutritionists advise people who are losing weight to skip one of the meals, replacing it with 3-4 grams of Spirullina platensis with 2 or more glasses of water.

During the period of taking dietary supplements, it is useful to adhere to a vegetable and fruit diet, eat small meals, exclude alcohol, spicy seasonings, sweets, fats, and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Reviews of Spirulina

The forums are replete with reviews of Spirulina VEL and its analogues from other manufacturers. Moreover, you can find both sharply positive and negative reviews: some call the pills the only panacea, others did not notice any improvement in their well-being or appearance of their skin/hair/nails.

Similar to these reviews are reviews of Spirulina Solgar, MIG, Sochi, Plantensis.

If we analyze doctors’ reviews of Spirulina (and in particular, doctors’ reviews of Tianshi’s Spirulina), we can come to the conclusion that a pronounced effect can be achieved only with regular use of this supplement (in tablets or other dosage forms).

Another indispensable condition for the effectiveness of the product is compliance with the drinking regime. The optimal daily amount of fluid is from 33 to 40 ml/kg.

After taking spirulina, you should avoid drinking alcohol or coffee for at least half an hour, as they can destroy some of the nutrients contained in the algae.

It is best to take the tablets with water acidified with lemon juice (you can eat a slice of orange or a slice of tangerine). This is due to the fact that algae does not contain vitamin C , but does contain calcium , which in the absence of vitamin C interferes with the absorption of iron.

As for reviews of Spirulina capsules for weight loss, all women who have taken the dietary supplement agree that it is effective, but only if the person follows the principles of a healthy diet and leads a fairly active lifestyle.

An important nuance, which is mentioned in reviews of those losing weight, is that Spirulina must be taken approximately 30-60 minutes before meals.

When is it not recommended to take Spirulina for weight loss?

Despite the large number of positive effects, Spirulina for weight loss cannot be taken by everyone. You should avoid using dried seaweed powder if you have the following diseases and conditions:

  • during pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding the baby;
  • for problems with the thyroid gland;
  • for diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • when diagnosing nervous disorders;
  • for vascular thrombosis, hypertension, strokes;
  • with heart failure;
  • diabetes;
  • arthritis and lupus;
  • as well as for peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract.

Before starting to use the product, consult your doctor and do a drug tolerance test. If the test results are negative, then feel free to take on exotic algae to improve your health.

Spirulina price

The price of Spirulina in pharmacies varies depending on which company produces the product.

The price of Spirulina VEL is from 180 rubles for 60 tablets and from 350 rubles for 120 tablets. In Ukrainian pharmacies, this dietary supplement costs an average of 200 UAH per pack of 120 tablets.

The price of Tiens Spirulina in St. Petersburg and Moscow is from 1,700 rubles, buy Spirulina algae in capsules from the Tiens Group Co. company. Ltd” in Ukraine costs an average of 400 UAH per package containing 100 capsules.

The cost of the dietary supplement “Live Spirulina AlgaeLife” is from 20 UAH per serving. One course requires 30 servings.

In Russian pharmacies, live organic Spirulina in powder (for treatment and for weight loss) costs from 700 rubles per 100-gram pack and from 1,200 rubles per 250-gram pack.

Where to buy Spirulina in Moscow or Kyiv? Dietary supplements can be purchased both in regular pharmacies and online. Some manufacturers offer to buy the supplement through their official website.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan

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