Bartholinitis. A harmless disease? Or should I see a doctor?

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Bartholin's glands are located in the lower part of the labia majora (one on each side). The task of these glands is to moisturize the vaginal epithelium. They are the ones who produce mucus, which is released during sexual arousal. Bartholinitis is a disease in which inflammation of the Bartholin glands occurs.

Bartholinitis is the most common disease in sexually active women aged 20-30 years. What are the causes and symptoms of inflammation of the Bartholin gland?


Treatment of Bartholin gland cyst in the Primorsky region

Address: St. Petersburg , Primorsky district, st. Repisheva, 13

Treatment of Bartholin gland cyst in the Petrograd region

Address: St. Petersburg , Petrogradsky district, st. Lenina, 5

Treatment of Bartholin gland cyst in Vsevolozhsk

Address: Vsevolozhsk , Oktyabrsky Prospekt, 96 A

Causes of inflammation of the Bartholin gland

Typically, the cause of bartholinitis is a bacterial infection. Microorganisms enter the gland through the outlet of the gland duct, where they begin to multiply. As a result, inflammation, suppuration, swelling and blockage of the gland ducts occurs. The mucus in the ducts stagnates, which leads to the formation of a Bartholin gland cyst (accumulation of pus).

The most common cause of inflammation of the Bartholin gland is sexually transmitted diseases:

  • gonorrhea
  • trichomoniasis
  • chlamydia


  • failure to comply with intimate hygiene rules (infection with staphylococci, streptococci, E. coli)
  • development of inflammation due to candidiasis (thrush)

Factors that can stimulate bartholinitis in women include:

  • hypothermia
  • weakened immune system
  • sexual intercourse during menstruation
  • abortion and other uterine surgeries

Symptoms of bartholinitis

According to the stage of the disease, bartholinitis can be divided into types:

  • spicy
  • chronic
  • recurrent

At the site of inflammation:

  • canaliculitis - inflammation of the excretory duct of the gland
  • Bartholin gland cyst

Bartholin's glands are normally the size of a pea. When the Bartholin gland is inflamed (usually occurring on one side), redness, swelling, or swelling is often observed at the base of the labia majora.

A characteristic symptom of bartholinitis is an unpleasant sensation when palpating the inflamed area in the vaginal area, as well as when walking, sitting, changing position, or sexual intercourse. When the inflammation process worsens, suppuration occurs in the gland and body temperature rises to 39 - 40 C, pain in the area of ​​inflammation becomes throbbing, weakness and headache appear. The inguinal lymph glands may also become enlarged.

In the chronic form of bartholinitis, the disease proceeds slowly, without pronounced symptoms. However, during exacerbations, the disease makes itself felt by acute pain in the vagina. As a result of the chronic form of bartholinitis, a Bartholin gland cyst can form.

Cyst symptoms

Symptoms of a cyst vary in severity depending on its condition:

  • in the absence of inflammation - periodic mild pain in the labia majora, discomfort when walking or palpating
  • with inflammation of the cyst - pain in the external genital area, aggravated by physical activity, increased body temperature, weakness, severe swelling and redness at the site of cyst formation.

After inflammation, the cyst can spontaneously open with the release of purulent contents, which can positively affect the woman’s overall well-being.

However, it is important to remember that even in this case it is necessary to consult a gynecologist, since if the cyst is arbitrarily opened, complete cleansing of pus does not occur and surgical intervention is necessary. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention that squeezing out suppuration on your own is PROHIBITED, as it can lead to infection entering the blood and causing general infection (sepsis).

The lack of adequate treatment can lead to the formation of a non-healing fistula (unnatural opening), the spread of infection through the vaginal mucosa, and the spread of inflammation to the urethra. Also, when visiting a gynecologist, you can consult on questions that interest you, for example, painful PMS, as well as undergo the prevention of gynecological diseases, such as ectropion of the cervix.


Diagnosis of bartholinitis is not difficult; the diagnosis can often be assumed by the patient’s gait. At the Yauza Clinical Hospital, when a disease is detected during an examination of the patient, the following examination is carried out:

  • taking smears from the urethra, vagina and cervix;
  • examination for sexually transmitted infections;
  • bacteriological culture of secretions from the gland (to determine the pathogen);
  • determining the sensitivity of the isolated pathogen to antibiotics in order to prescribe adequate therapy.

Treatment of bartholinitis

As in any area of ​​health, self-monitoring and timely consultation with a doctor in the early stages of inflammation are important. In this case, antibacterial therapy and pain relief are used. In the early stages of bartholinitis, “home methods” of treatment can be prescribed, including sitz baths or compresses with chamomile, oak bark, miramistin, chlorhexidine, Vishnevsky ointment and levomikol. Treatment is carried out only after consultation with a doctor and in accordance with his recommendations!!!

But when dealing with the acute stage of inflammation or a Bartholin gland cyst, a more categorical intervention is necessary, which boils down to opening the purulent focus, disinfection and removal of the contents. In this case, it is necessary to maintain bed rest, abstain from sexual relations and prevent hypothermia for a certain period of time.

In some cases, inflammation and suppuration may occur again after surgery. In this case, the extription method is used - removal of the Bartholin gland.

Catheter placement

This is a modern method of surgical treatment of cysts. This is especially true when it recurs.

Under local anesthesia, the cystic area is opened with a small incision of about 5 mm, after which its contents are removed and sent for bacteriological examination, then the cyst cavity is washed and a Ward catheter is installed. This is a silicone tube 55 mm long and 5 mm in diameter, inside of which there is a channel with thinner walls at the end. By inflating a 3 ml rubber tip with 0.9% saline sodium chloride solution, the doctor fixes the catheter in the cyst cavity. For better fixation and to prevent loss during movements, it is recommended to apply 2-3 interrupted absorbable sutures along the contour of the outlet part of the catheter. The other end of the catheter is inserted into the vagina.

The catheter remains in the cyst cavity for six weeks. This is necessary to form a channel for the passage of secretions, the walls of which will not grow together. Research shows that the Word catheter is easy to use, inexpensive to install, and has acceptable short-term effects.

While the catheter is in the cavity of the cyst, the patient is recommended to be at sexual rest to avoid its loss. In some countries, such a restriction does not exist, since subsequent studies have noted that the painful symptom caused by both the cyst itself and the presence of a catheter in its cavity completely disappears by the sixth day.

As an alternative, a Jacobi ring is used. This catheter is more rigid, has no channel and is shaped like a ring. It is inserted through two punctures in the mucous membrane and in the capsule of the cyst, then the two ends of the catheter are fixed to each other.

Bartholinitis and pregnancy

Infections that a woman is infected with and that cause bartholinitis can negatively affect the course of pregnancy and the development of the child. Infected mother's blood, entering the child's body through the placenta, can lead to disturbances in the formation of the baby's organs. In the early stages of pregnancy, infection can cause fetal death.

Do not delay visiting your doctor if you have symptoms of inflammation of the Bartholin gland. You can diagnose bartholinitis in our clinic, and also receive qualified help, advice and recommendations by making an appointment with a gynecologist by phone. or the feedback form at the bottom of the page.

Watch yourself, appreciate yourself and be healthy!


Prevention of bartholinitis is carried out in two main areas: hygiene and strengthening the immune system. First of all, you should strictly adhere to existing recommendations for maintaining personal hygiene, regularly shower, use contraception during sexual intercourse, and make preventive visits to the gynecologist. This will allow you to timely detect an infection that can provoke bartholinitis and undergo the necessary course of treatment. To strengthen your immune system, you should eat well, avoid stress and a sedentary lifestyle. It is recommended to exercise, give up bad habits, and take prophylactic multivitamins in the spring and fall.

Cost of treatment for Bartholin gland cyst:

Services listPrice in rubles
Saint PetersburgVsevolozhsk
Initial appointment with a 1st stage obstetrician-gynecologist18501500
Repeated appointment with a 1st stage obstetrician-gynecologist16501300
Primary appointment with an obstetrician-gynecologist, stage 22100
Repeated appointment with an obstetrician-gynecologist, stage 21900
Insertion of obstetric pessary15001500
Insertion of an intrauterine device (IUD)25002500
Insertion of the Mirena intrauterine device40004000
Introduction of the implantable contraceptive IMPLANON (without the cost of the contraceptive)25002100
Smear collection (gynecological)300250
Instrumental removal of the intrauterine device (IUD)25002100
Intravaginal administration of suppositories (without the cost of medications), 1 procedure500500
Therapeutic treatment of the vagina700700
Medical termination of pregnancy8000
Local treatment of the external genitalia700700
Removing the obstetric pessary10001000
Removing the intrauterine device (IUD)15001500
Removal of the Mirena intrauterine device30003000
Removal of the implantable contraceptive IMPLANON25002300
Removing a foreign body from the vagina18001800
Line biopsy of the endometrium (pipe diagnostics)15001200
PRP therapy3500
Ultrasound of the pelvic organs (one sensor)16001300
Ultrasound of the pelvic organs (two sensors)19001500
CTG (fetal cardiotocography)1800
CTG (multiple pregnancy)2300
Cervical biopsy + histology50004000
Single cervical cyst15001500
Single papillomas and condylomas of the vaginal walls30003000
Common condylomatosis, papillomatosisfrom 6000from 6000
Removal of single condylomas, papillomas of the vulva, cervix (for 1 unit)600600
Ectopia (erosion) of the cervix (less than 2 cm)60004000
Ectopia (erosion) of the cervix (more than 2 cm)90009000
Endometriosis of the cervix (single lesion)10001000
Biopsy of the cervix with a radioknife25002000
Treatment of leukoplakia and vulvar kraurosis using a radiosurgical knife53005100
Treatment of cervical pathology with a radiosurgical knife up to 1 cm50003700
Treatment of cervical pathology using a radiosurgical knife up to 2 cm65006000
Removal of cervical polyps using a radiosurgical knife40002500
Fulguration of cysts, endometrioid lesions using a radiosurgical knife35002200
Electrocoagulation of condylomas on the skin in the perineal area with a radio knife (for 1 unit)800800
Electrocoagulation of condylomas, papillomas of the vulva with a radio knife14001400
Electrocoagulation of condylomas, vaginal papillomas with a radio knifefrom 3200from 3200
Intimate contouring26000
Surgical defloration80008000

CO2 laser

CO2 laser surgery is also an effective treatment for cysts and can be performed on an outpatient basis. An incision is made in the skin with a focused laser beam, then the capsule is opened to remove the contents of the cyst, followed by internal evaporation of the damaged capsule.

Carbon dioxide ensures complete healing in an average of 22 days without the appearance of scars, bruises and wound infections. You will be able to return to your daily routine in about two days. Patients who undergo traditional surgery require 14 days to return to daily activities and 28 days for the surgical wound to fully heal. For this reason, and with the minimal risk of complications that may occur during or after surgery, CO2 laser surgery is more cost-effective than traditional treatment.

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