Kelp is a superfood for hormonal regulation. Useful properties, contraindications

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What is kelp

Kelp is considered a superfood used to regulate hormonal levels.

In this article I will tell you what beneficial properties this product has and whether it has any contraindications.

This is one of the most valuable natural sources of iodine and is used primarily to normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Kelp is a record holder for iodine content.

Kelp is the name given to all types of brown algae. They grow in the so-called kelp forests in the seas and oceans and reach a length of up to 150 meters. They are common off the coast of Asia, Europe and America.

Kelp has a large amount of nutrients, antibacterial, antithrombotic, and immunomodulatory properties.

This is a valuable food product. It is a low-calorie food, therefore it is widely used in dietetics.

It is also a rich source of soluble dietary fiber, which has the ability to remove excess cholesterol and toxins from the body.

When they enter the gastrointestinal tract, they swell, increase in size and begin to irritate the intestinal mucosa. This has a beneficial effect on its cleansing. The efficiency of fat absorption decreases, glucose absorption and starch breakdown become more difficult, and the risk of diabetes mellitus decreases.

The biochemical composition of kelp is incredibly rich. It is an unrivaled source of organic iodine. Thanks to its high content, kelp normalizes the function of the thyroid gland and the synthesis of its hormones.

What is Kelp - brown algae?

What is kelp?

Kelp is the general name for all varieties of large brown algae - macrophytes.

Brown algae are the largest and most complex type of seaweed. Brown algae are multicellular marine organisms that typically attach to rocks and rocks at depths of 10-150 m. Many types of brown algae have air bubbles that help the algae stalks float to the ocean surface while absorbing as much sunlight as possible. The largest species of brown algae can reach 150-300 m in length. In the seas and oceans, brown algae form unique thickets, even entire underwater forests, creating a unique habitat for many marine organisms. The distribution of brown algae is wide - from tropical to polar zones.

Brown algae, like their green counterparts, are capable of photosynthesis and contain the green pigment chlorophyll. However, in addition to chlorophyll, brown algae contain a special pigment, fucoxanthin, which is not found in either green or red algae. Fucoxanthin is what gives brown algae their olive, brown or tan color.

Since ancient times, brown algae have been a valuable food product and are widely used in dietetics, being a low-calorie food rich in minerals and vitamins, proteins and fiber. In addition to the food industry, algae are widely used in cosmetology, pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. The most popular algae are the Fucus and Laminaria families.

Composition of brown algae

The qualitative and quantitative biochemical composition of brown algae depends on many factors, in particular, on their species and habitat. And yet, the chemical composition of absolutely all brown algae is unusually rich. First of all, these are several dozen macro- and microelements (sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, silicon, phosphorus, sulfur, zinc, selenium, copper, molybdenum and many others), as well as vitamins (A, C, D, E , K and B vitamins). Particular attention should be paid to such a chemical element as iodine. Brown algae is an unrivaled source of organic iodine.

Brown algae contains a large number of substances with biological activity. These are substances such as:

  • polysaccharides
  • chlorophyll derivatives
  • Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids
  • phenolic compounds
  • plant sterols
  • enzymes
  • inactive hormonal substances

Brown algae are a valuable source of dietary fiber.

Properties of brown algae

Due to its unusually rich composition, brown algae has a general strengthening effect on the human body, namely:

  • increase the activity of the immune system, prevent the development of many diseases;
  • provide powerful support to the endocrine system;
  • accelerate metabolism, inhibit the development of metabolic syndrome;
  • support the nervous system, help resist stress;
  • prevent the development of rickets, osteoporosis, strengthen teeth, hair and nails;
  • improve digestion and overall well-being.

The antioxidants contained in algae successfully resist the action of free radicals. Particularly noteworthy are the selenium and zinc contained in brown algae - powerful antioxidants known for their anti-cancer properties. In addition to this, selenium promotes the synthesis of hormones, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the immune system. As for zinc, proper metabolism is impossible without it. Zinc is involved in the synthesis of DNA molecules and in the processes of hematopoiesis; regulates the activity of the nervous system and gonads.

Brown algae are a rich source of alginates (up to 25-30%) - soluble dietary fiber. When they enter the gastrointestinal tract, alginates swell and, increasing in volume, begin to irritate the nerve endings of the intestinal mucosa. This stimulates intestinal motility and, firstly, promotes better cleansing of the intestines, and secondly, reduces the efficiency of fat absorption. In addition, alginates, by binding large amounts of water in the intestine and forming a gel, significantly impede the absorption of glucose and the breakdown of starch, and this leads to a reduction in post-meal hyperglycemia and the risk of developing diabetes.

Among other things, alginates have detoxifying and radioprotective properties, are able to bind and remove toxins, excess cholesterol, heavy metal ions from the body, and protect against the effects of radiation exposure. The high sorption activity of brown algae makes them an indispensable product for the prevention of allergic and autoimmune diseases.

Phytosterols and Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in seaweed have antithrombotic activity, help normalize lipid metabolism, and prevent the development of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.

It is advisable to include brown algae in detox diets. It has been proven that seaweed has greater biological value than plants growing on land. Algae regulate the water-salt balance, have an alkalizing and antimutagenic effect, and prevent the development of obesity.

Functions of hormones

Hormones are important for the smooth functioning of the human body:

  • They control the processes of the brain and nervous system;
  • Improve metabolism;
  • Reduce blood cholesterol levels;
  • Strengthen the mineralization of bone tissue;
  • Stimulate the function of the immune system;
  • Solve fat burning problems.

Iodine enters the body with water and air, but the main part is with food.

The action of organic iodine is much more effective than inorganic iodine. The list of foods containing iodine is not too long.

The diet should include:

  • Seafood. These include red and brown algae and oysters. shrimp, mussels, halibut, cod, etc.;
  • Vegetables;
  • Sea iodized salt;
  • Milk;
  • Eggs;
  • Beef liver.

It should be taken into account that during culinary processing the beneficial properties of products are lost. It is for this reason that the use of biological supplements, including kelp, is recommended.


The main ingredient of the supplement is iodine from brown algae Laminaria digitata & Ascophyllum nodosum. One tablet (serving) contains 150 mcg, which is 100% of the daily requirement of this substance.

Other Ingredients : Cellulose, Magnesium Stearate (from vegetable sources), Stearic Acid (from vegetable sources), Vegetable based glaze.

The dietary supplement does not contain sugar, salt, starch, yeast, wheat, gluten, corn, soy, milk, eggs, shellfish, or preservatives.

Useful substances in kelp

Kelp contains a large number of useful substances:

  • Micro - and macroelements:
  • Minerals;
  • Amino acids;
  • Vitamins.

The strongest antioxidants with antitumor properties are selenium and zinc. Zinc regulates the activity of the nervous system and gonads. Participates in the process of formation, development and maturation of blood cells, in the synthesis of DNA molecules.

Omega-3 acids and phytosterols have an antithrombotic effect. Prevents the development of coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis.

The benefits of Omega-3 acids are invaluable. They regulate the functioning of the body and strengthen the immune system. Phytosterol controls cholesterol levels in the body. It is present in small quantities in vegetable oils.

Phytosterols are a group of steroidal alcohols found naturally in plants. They look like a non-solid white powder with a characteristic odor; they do not dissolve in water, but dissolve in alcohol.

Phytosterols are widely used in medicine and cosmetics. They are used as food additives.

Source Wikipedia

Kelp algae regulates water balance, metabolic processes, and prevents the development of obesity. They have antibacterial and antifungal effects.

Beneficial features

Kelp, thanks to its rich composition, has a general strengthening effect on the body:

  • The activity of the immune system increases;
  • Provides support to the endocrine system;
  • Metabolism accelerates;
  • The nervous system is strengthened;
  • Bones, teeth, hair are strengthened;
  • Digestion improves.

The use of kelp helps prevent a number of diseases caused by a lack of iodine in the body.

Kelp can be taken:

  • For the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system and thyroid gland;
  • To improve mental and physical development;
  • In order to normalize proper metabolism;
  • To support the immune system;
  • To remove toxins from the body.

But before taking iodine-containing products, it is necessary to obtain qualified advice from a doctor.

Doctor says

Anastasia Mertsalova

The combined opinion of doctors on this issue

Kelp ensures normal functioning of the thyroid gland.

It is necessary to understand that iodine deficiency, as well as its excess, can lead to unpleasant consequences. And to prevent this from happening, you need to know in what doses the drugs should be taken.

Kelp: properties

The role of the thyroid gland in our lives cannot be overestimated. It controls the development and functioning of the brain and nervous system, and maintains metabolic processes in the body in optimal condition. Scientists have concluded that for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, our body needs a daily iodine intake of 150 mcg. It is iodine that we need to produce thyroid hormones. And for these purposes the drug Kelp is produced. Brown algae is a rich source of natural iodine, but, in addition, brown algae is rich in essential amino acids and 12 vitamins: A, B1, B2, C, E, D... Kelp from NOW Foods has the following properties: - normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland; - participates in the processes of normalization of metabolism; — Kelp stimulates the functionality of the brain and increases intelligence; - maintains normal hormone levels; - stimulates human immunity; — Kelp stimulates the performance of the heart; - has antithrombotic properties; - has a general strengthening effect on the body.

Is there any harm from using kelp?

Although kelps have many medicinal properties, they can cause harm to the body if consumed uncontrollably.

Excessive consumption can lead to problems with the digestive tract. Because Brown algae is considered a natural laxative and can lead to diarrhea.

The daily requirement for iodine depends on the age and physiological state of people.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the recommended intake is:

For a child under 1 year – 50 mcg (microgram); From 2 to 6 years – 90 mcg; From 7 to 12 years – 100 mcg; From 12 years and older and for adults – 150 mcg; For older people – 100 mcg; For pregnant women and during breastfeeding – 200 mcg.

Indications for use

NOW Kelp is prescribed for the following conditions:

  • Pathologies of the thyroid gland.
  • Immune diseases and malfunctions of the immune system.
  • Memory impairment.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Problems with the functioning of the reproductive system in women and men.
  • Mastopathy.
  • VSD.
  • Depression and irritability.
  • Poor condition of hair and nails.
  • Cardiovascular pathologies.
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • Prevention of cancer and osteoporosis.

What does iodine deficiency cause in the body?

Doctor says

Anastasia Mertsalova

The combined opinion of doctors on this issue

One of the most unpleasant consequences of iodine deficiency is the birth of mentally retarded children.

Graves' disease is a hereditary autoimmune disease of the thyroid gland. The following diseases can serve as a provoking factor for the occurrence of this disease:

  • Diabetes;
  • Vitiligo;
  • Traumatic brain injury;
  • Chronic diseases;
  • Mental shock;
  • Regular stressful situations;
  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx.

Symptoms of Graves' disease are:

  • Fast fatiguability;
  • Weakness;
  • Headache;
  • Insomnia;
  • Increased sweating;
  • Sense of anxiety;
  • Hand tremors;
  • Protruding eyes;
  • Tachycardia;
  • Arrhythmia;
  • Heart failure;
  • Weight loss with good appetite.

To make a diagnosis it is necessary:

  • Perform a biopsy and radioisotope study of the thyroid gland;
  • Take a blood test for thyroid hormones.

The patient must follow a regimen and diet. For treatment, drug and radio wave therapy or surgical methods are used.

As a preventative measure, it is necessary to exclude stress and nervous strain, and take iodine-containing medications with caution.

Kelp: indications and contraindications

Indications for the drug Kelp: - diseases of the thyroid gland; - diseases of the heart and blood vessels; — Kelp normalizes metabolic processes in the body; — immune diseases; - disorders of brain functionality; - vascular atherosclerosis; — prevention of diseases: rickets, dental caries, osteoporosis; - immune system failures; - problems with hair. Contraindications for the drug Kelp: - individual intolerance to the ingredients of the drug; — given the toxicity of huge amounts of iodine, beware of an overdose of the drug and use it after consulting a doctor.


Some people may be allergic to seafood, so their use may cause allergic reactions such as:

  • Itching;
  • Skin rashes;
  • Tearing;
  • Runny nose;
  • Shortness of breath;
  • Dizziness.

Their use beyond the period specified in the instructions impairs the body’s ability to absorb potassium, iron and other components.

They should not be used in combination with medications that lower blood sugar levels. Use with caution in people with bleeding disorders.

It is not recommended for use by people:

  • With kidney diseases;
  • Allergic to seafood and iodine-containing drugs;
  • Abdominal diseases;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • With dermatological diseases.

Ways to use kelp

Kelp is used:

  • In cosmetology - for seaweed wraps, for masks;
  • In the pharmaceutical industry - for the production of dietary supplements.

Masks with seaweed nourish, moisturize and tighten the skin, promoting its rejuvenation.

Sea kale, fucus, and kelp are most often used to obtain extracts and additives in medicinal preparations.

Algae mask

It’s easy to prepare a mask with algae at home. To do this you need:

  • Take 3 – 4 capsules of kelp or dry powder;
  • Pour into a porcelain cup;
  • Pour water at room temperature and leave for half an hour to swell.

After this, drain off the excess water and stir the resulting mixture. It should turn out like thick sour cream. Apply the mask to your face for 10 – 20 minutes. There is no need to keep it until it dries completely.

Then rinse with warm water and apply moisturizer. You can make face masks once a week.

It is not recommended to make masks based on seaweed if you are allergic to it or have skin inflammation.

Kelp: reviews

Natalya Mikhailovna Z., 54 years old, Moscow “I have an enlarged thyroid gland and I decided to take Kelp (a friend recommended it). After the first month, I didn’t notice any changes, so I decided to increase the dose (I took 2 tablets, then started drinking 3). By the end of the second month, I began to notice that I had become more energetic, stopped getting tired, and my sleep had normalized - this is thanks to the drug Kelp. My quality of life has improved significantly. At the moment I drink Kelp a couple of times a week to support the body...” Katerina T., 27 years old, St. Petersburg “After the birth of the child, I gained 6 kg within a month. and the weight continued to grow. The doctor said that I had problems with the thyroid gland and prescribed me Kelp. In 2 months I “shed” the accumulated kilograms (I took 3 tablets) and I feel great..." Petr Ivanovich O., 49 years old, Irkutsk "Chronic fatigue syndrome - I was diagnosed at 47 years old. The condition, I must say, is lousy, energy is at zero, constant drowsiness, I don’t want to do anything. My wife is a doctor, she bought Kelp and started giving me this drug. Noticeable improvements began by the end of the 3rd month. After six months of using this drug, I was completely back to normal. Kelp is the best dietary supplement for me..."

Recipes using kelp

You can buy kelp:

  • In the form of seaweed, they can be eaten like spaghetti;
  • In the form of capsules, which are used as food supplements.
  • In powder form.

Dried and fresh seaweed can be eaten.

Kelps have a pleasant salty-spicy taste and can be combined with various dishes.

Kelp powder will be a good addition to soups, vegetable, fish and seafood dishes, and smoothies. Suitable as a salt substitute.

Here is an example of the simplest recipe with the addition of kelp:


To prepare it we take:

  • Tomato juice;
  • Add a little powder, capsule or tablet of kelp.

Beat with a blender or mixer. You can drink it without adding salt.

If you have spirulina or chorella, you can add a little of that too.

The result is a healthy drink that will quench your hunger. And you will receive the necessary amount of nutrients.

How to protect yourself

The human body is a delicate mechanism that reacts very quickly to a lack of a vitamin or microelement. Today it’s enough to simply check yourself for hormone levels, lack or excess of vitamins. To do this, you just need to get tested.

It is within our power to control the functioning of our body. But not everyone takes their health seriously.

Many people prefer to go to the pharmacy and buy an advertised vitamin complex. And take the course just like that, just in case, without even thinking about whether it’s necessary? And it could end badly.

Be attentive to your health!

Reviews from real people about kelp

While preparing this article, I came across a large number of reviews from people who consume kelp.

And I want to share them with you, dear readers.

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There are many reviews and they are all positive.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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