Lung diseases (bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma)

How to recognize acute bronchitis

The main symptom of acute bronchitis in adults is a cough, which occurs as a response of the body to an irritant and a desire to restore patency of the airways. On average, it lasts 2-3 weeks, accompanied by other signs of colds. Cough with bronchitis changes its character over time. At first it is dry, intrusive, sometimes even annoying, debilitating. As the disease progresses, it gradually becomes wet (productive). At this moment, a protective mechanism is launched: the cells of the bronchial mucosa begin to actively produce sputum, and with it, during a wet cough, various pathogenic agents, primarily viruses and bacteria, are removed from the body. The color and consistency of sputum, among other things, can tell the doctor the cause of the disease and, therefore, the optimal treatment regimen.

In addition to coughing, bronchitis may be accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • weakness, feeling of weakness, fatigue;
  • increased body temperature;
  • runny nose;
  • sweating;
  • headache;
  • chest pain;
  • shortness of breath (in severe cases of the disease).

The symptoms of acute bronchitis in children are the same as in adults, but may be more pronounced.

Breathing exercises and massage

Massage always effectively and quickly helps to cope with almost all diseases; for bronchitis, it can only be carried out if the body temperature is normalized; you can do it yourself, using various massagers, a Kuznetsov applicator, or vibration massage. Today there are many different types of massagers, so you can purchase any of them.

After the acute period of inflammation ends and there are only residual effects in the form of a rare cough, you can begin to do therapeutic breathing exercises, for example, according to Strelnikova. Women can try to perform simple exercises from the Bodyflex breathing exercises, which not only strengthens the respiratory system, but also normalizes metabolism and promotes weight loss. You can also undergo physical therapy on your doctor's recommendation.

Oddly enough, but old proven remedies are forgotten by modern people, and methods such as cupping, mustard plasters, and warm compresses are rarely used by people. But these are safe and very effective procedures.

Causes of acute bronchitis

The cause of acute bronchitis in adults in the vast majority of cases is an infection: most often viral, less often bacterial, and occasionally fungal. In addition, the disease can be of an allergic nature (due to a high concentration of allergen in the air), develop in the presence of inflammation of the adenoids or chronic foci of infection in the paranasal sinuses, against the background of tonsillitis.

It is worth considering factors that reduce local immunity and contribute to the occurrence of the disease:

  • hypothermia;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • hereditary diseases;
  • chronic pathology of the nasopharynx;
  • unfavorable climate (dampness, cold);
  • air polluted with dust or toxic impurities.

Antiviral agents

If bronchitis occurs against the background of influenza, then antiviral drugs can be used for therapy. Interferon preparations can be used intranasally, that is, instilled into the nose for both children and adults; the use of other antiviral drugs for acute respiratory viral infections and influenza is today widely advertised and recommended, however, there are no convincing studies and evidence of their effect and safety, so the decision to use them - everyone's personal business.

Types of acute bronchitis

Depending on the nature of the inflammation, acute bronchitis can be:

  • catarrhal (accompanied by an increased amount of bronchial mucus);
  • fibrinous (with the formation of thick, sticky and difficult to separate sputum);
  • mucopurulent/purulent (with copious amounts of mucus and discharge of pus);
  • hemorrhagic (with streaks of blood in the sputum due to hemorrhages in the bronchial mucosa in severe forms of the disease).

According to the prevalence of the inflammatory process, acute bronchitis in adults is usually divided into focal, in which inflammation is localized in a limited area of ​​the bronchi, and diffuse, covering most of the bronchial tree.


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a common disease that often affects smokers or former smokers. This disease develops slowly, so it usually appears only at the age of 40-50.

“If a person has COPD in an advanced stage, then it is difficult for him to do even simple, familiar things, for example, tie his shoelaces, lift a bag or bag of groceries, climb the stairs - such actions will cause shortness of breath,” says Arkady Vertkin.


  • cough daily, often in the first half of the day, rarely at night;
  • sputum production of any nature;
  • shortness of breath is constant, increasing with physical activity, respiratory infections;
  • combination of cough and shortness of breath with prolonged exhalation;
  • wheezing.

Hard breath. How to learn to live with bronchial asthma Read more

How to treat acute bronchitis

When the first signs of the disease appear (if no more than 48 hours have passed since its onset), antiviral drugs may be prescribed. Treatment of acute bronchitis with antibiotics is usually not practiced. It can be justified only if whooping cough is suspected and bacterial complications are confirmed. How to treat acute bronchitis in the presence of an intense cough? In this situation, to reduce the risk of side effects, the mechanism of action of the drug and the presence of contraindications should be taken into account. For a dry hacking cough, antitussives can be used. When coughing is accompanied by the discharge of viscous sputum, mucolytics are prescribed to improve the discharge of mucus from the respiratory tract. You can rely on herbal preparations, such as cough medicines Doctor MOM®.

There are also general recommendations that are relevant for the treatment of acute bronchitis of any nature:

  • compliance with bed or semi-bed rest (depending on the patient’s condition);
  • consumption of large amounts of warm fortified liquid (up to 2–2.5 liters per day). However, you should avoid drinks containing caffeine and alcohol, as they dehydrate the body and worsen inflammation. Decoctions of rose hips, raspberries and linden blossoms, fruit drinks and heated mineral water will bring benefits;
  • to give up smoking;
  • protecting the patient from irritating factors: dust, smoke, strong odors and toxic fumes;
  • regular ventilation of the room and maintaining an optimal level of humidity in it (50-70%). To humidify the air, you can use both special climate control devices and improvised means, for example, a wet towel hung on a radiator.

In acute bronchitis, mucolytic agents are used to treat cough and facilitate mucus discharge, which thin the mucus and facilitate its removal. For example, you can use Doctor MOM® herbal cough syrup, which contains extracts of 10 medicinal herbs and has a complex effect: secretolytic (increases the secretion of protective mucus), mucolytic (reduces the viscosity of sputum), expectorant (removes phlegm), bronchodilator (relaxes the bronchi) and anti-inflammatory . The syrup is suitable for adults and children over 3 years of age. Ignoring the symptoms and inadequate treatment of acute bronchitis in adults can lead to the disease becoming chronic and the development of very serious complications.

Psychological attitude

It may seem strange and unacceptable to many, but a psychological, emotional, positive attitude towards recovery is always of great importance, especially with chronic diseases. Belief in healing gives the brain a very strong impetus to intensify the body’s own fight against the disease.

Daily reading of positive attitudes that you can come up with for yourself, speaking affirmations, self-hypnosis, meditation can help more than some medications. The main thing is to believe that it works, to believe in the strength of your body and the disease will go away.

Heart failure

Every minute in Russia one person with chronic heart failure (CHF) dies. This complication is detected in many diseases and vascular accidents, notes Arkady Vertkin. According to statistics, more than 12 million people with this pathology are registered in Russia. 92% of patients in cardiology departments are hospitalized due to decompensation of chronic heart failure. It is important to note, the professor says, that cough and shortness of breath may be the first signs of CHF.


  • dry cough, combined with increasing shortness of breath;
  • increased cough during physical activity, in a horizontal position, at night;
  • “bubbling” breathing;
  • symmetrical swelling of the lower extremities, palpitations, a feeling of interruptions in the functioning of the heart;
  • orthopneic position.

A history of diseases of the cardiovascular system, including a previous myocardial infarction, coronary artery stenting, coronary artery bypass grafting, atrial fibrillation, as well as the presence of background pathology (arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus and obesity) will help recognize this complication, the specialist warns .

Gastroesophageal reflux disease: how to prevent exacerbation Read more

Basic ways to avoid bronchitis or quickly recover from illness

If you want to prevent the occurrence or development of bronchitis, you should be careful about your health. For example, smokers are advised to quit or reduce the number of cigarettes they smoke. This will reduce the rate of development of COPD and reduce the severity of cough. Playing sports or traveling, especially walking or cycling, will not interfere.

It is recommended to undergo annual vaccination to protect against influenza, as well as pneumonia, which is done once every five years.


Of all expectorants in the treatment of bronchitis, ACC is considered the best. This drug quickly removes phlegm and at the same time has an antioxidant effect. "ACC" is prescribed not only for bronchitis, but also for other diseases of the respiratory system: bronchiectasis, cystic fibrosis, etc. You can buy "ACC" at a pharmacy in tablets (100 and 200 mg), as well as in the form of syrup. There are also granules and “ACC” powder with orange flavor (the powder is used to prepare a hot cough drink). "ACC" is prescribed for bronchitis in adults and children over two years of age. Contraindications include pregnancy and breastfeeding. This drug for bronchitis perfectly thins thick sputum (even purulent) and eases coughing attacks.

Hermes Pharma, Germany; Wernigerode Pharma, Germany; Lindopharm, Germany

Respiratory diseases accompanied by the formation of viscous, difficult to separate sputum (acute and chronic bronchitis, obstructive bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngotracheitis, pneumonia, lung abscess, bronchiectasis, bronchial asthma, COPD, bronchiolitis, cystic fibrosis);
acute and chronic sinusitis; Otitis media from 124

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Therapy for obstructive bronchitis should be comprehensive. To reduce obstruction syndrome, bronchodilators are used - drugs that relieve spasm and expand the lumen of the bronchi. This makes breathing easier and eliminates shortness of breath. Medicines that thin mucus and relieve cough are also prescribed. If a bacterial cause of bronchitis is confirmed, a course of antibiotics is necessary to prevent the infection from developing into pneumonia. Antihistamines (antiallergic) drugs are used if the obstruction is caused by an allergic component.


Prevention of an acute obstructive process in the bronchi is identical to the prevention of influenza and ARVI - these are annual, seasonal flu vaccinations. During the onset of cold weather in the off-season, it is necessary to avoid hypothermia and contact with already sick patients.

To prevent exacerbations of chronic obstructive bronchial disease, first of all, eliminate the external factors that cause it - tobacco smoking, dust in enterprises, work in a mine. Flu vaccination is carried out annually. For patients with chronic obstructive bronchitis, vaccination against pneumonia is carried out. It is carried out once every 5 years.

Treatment at special respiratory resorts is considered an important element of prevention. They exist in our country - Crimea. In Germany (Bad Reichenhall), southern coast of France, coast of Italy. The main task of a patient at a resort is active physical exercise in the fresh air.


  1. Chronic non-obstructive bronchitis / T.A. Mukhtarov, A.V. Tumarenko, V.V. Skvortsov // Nurse. — 2015 — No. 8.
  2. Tatochenko V.K. Respiratory diseases: a practical guide. - M.: Pediatrician. — 2012.
  3. Jefferson T., Jones MA, Doshi P., et al. Neuraminidase inhibitors for preventing and treating influenza in healthy adults and children // Cochrane Database Syst Rev. - 2012; 1.
  4. Pharmacotherapy of acute bronchitis/ Benz T.M. — 2021.
  5. Patrusheva Yu. S., Bakradze M.D., Kulichenko T.V. Diagnosis and treatment of acute bronchiolitis in children: Diagnostic issues in pediatrics. - 2011. - T.Z, No. 1.
  6. Maznev, N. Asthma, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases / N. Maznev. — M.: House. XXI century, Ripol Classic, 2011.


For a doctor, diagnosing acute or chronic bronchitis is not particularly difficult. The doctor will find out your complaints and medical history (most often bronchitis is a consequence of an advanced cold). Additional studies include chest radiography and a clinical blood test. A bacteriological examination of sputum and determination of the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics are also carried out. These methods are sufficient to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.


"Salbutamol" is an "emergency" remedy for bronchitis. This drug relaxes the smooth muscles of the bronchi. The positive effect of the drug occurs literally in five minutes, and the effect lasts five hours. “Salbutamol” is an aerosol for inhalation, therefore, before using this remedy for bronchitis, you must consult a doctor and then strictly follow the instructions. One of the disadvantages of Salbutamol is the possible development of a “ricochet effect”, in which each subsequent attack can become more intense. That is why “Salbutamol” is exclusively an “ambulance” for an attack of suffocation: the drug quickly relieves the spasm. The medicine has many contraindications and side effects, so it is prescribed only by a doctor.


What forms are there?

Symptoms and treatment of chronic bronchitis depend on how the disease progresses in a particular patient.

The acute form develops very quickly and is characterized by a rapid course and severity of symptoms. Chronic bronchitis most often becomes the result of an untreated acute disease or occurs due to prolonged exposure to provoking factors (for example, smoking or smoke in the atmosphere in a metropolis). The manifestations of the chronic form of bronchitis are more smoothed out, and the course has periods of exacerbation and remission.


The main advantages of this remedy for bronchitis are its affordable price, complex effects and the absence of side effects. "Bromhexine" copes well with a productive, wet cough. The drug for bronchitis can be bought at the pharmacy in the form of tablets and syrup. "Bromhexine" reduces the viscosity of sputum and improves its discharge. But do not expect an immediate effect from the drug - the therapeutic effect occurs on the second to fifth day from the start of treatment with Bromhexine. This medicine for bronchitis is prescribed to adults and children over six years of age. Contraindications include pregnancy and breastfeeding. The maximum course of treatment with Bromhexine is 28 days. The drug acts comprehensively for acute and chronic bronchitis and other bronchopulmonary diseases. "Bromhexine" has a strong expectorant effect and a minimal list of contraindications. But you should remember that this medicine should not be taken together with drugs that contain codeine.

OJSC Pharmstandard-Leksredstva, Russia

Diseases of the respiratory tract accompanied by the formation of difficult-to-discharge viscous secretions: tracheobronchitis, chronic bronchitis with a broncho-obstructive component, bronchial asthma, cystic fibrosis, chronic pneumonia.
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