Blood coagulation is an extremely complex and in many ways still mysterious biochemical process that starts
Bruise-off is a means for external use to eliminate hematomas. The medication is produced in 2 forms: regular
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Prohibited during pregnancy Prohibited during breastfeeding Alfa Normix is often called Normix, given that
For many people, mushrooms are an incredibly appetizing dish that we sometimes eat in large quantities.
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics This drug has a significant effect on alpha-adrenergic receptors, exhibiting a noticeable vasoconstrictor and
Recurrent herpes of the external genitalia Typical recurrent herpes on the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs, usually
03/30/2020 Drinking alcohol causes not only physical, but also psychological dependence. Alcoholism has been around for a long time
Introduction Doctors of almost all specialties are forced to deal with emotional problems in their patients. At
Where does dust come from? Even in the house of the most pedantic housewife, who keeps her home in perfect condition.