At the age of 30-40, small red moles begin to appear on the body. However they don't
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One of the most common diseases of the upper parts of the female reproductive system is adnexitis. He imagines
Authors of the article: Candidate of Medical Sciences O.Yu. Ermolaev Experienced gynecologist, physiotherapist-resortologist E.K. Ermolaeva Sign up for treatment Us
There are contraindications, consultation with a specialist is necessary. The benefits of nettle have been known for several thousand years: even in
Bear fat is a unique folk remedy that has amazing medicinal properties for promoting health, good
Prevention of influenza, ARVI and coronavirus is a single set of measures aimed at preventing morbidity.
Home>Articles>Hormonal drugs and alcohol quick menu (hide) Do alcohol and hormonal levels go together?
Often when fish oil and omega-3 are mentioned, people assume that these terms mean the same thing.
Acne and its common consequence, post-acne, are a fairly acute and common dermatological problem.