What is the difference between fish oil and Omega-3? What's better? TOP 15 preparations with fish oil

Often when people mention fish oil and omega-3, they assume they mean the same thing. Both substances are a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are responsible for performing important tasks in the body. But their origin and mechanism of action differ. In this article we will explain the difference between fish oil and omega-3.

What are the benefits of fish oil? Features of the composition

Fish oil is obtained from the fatty tissue of marine fish. It contains components such as polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine and calcium. Fish oil has important resources that support a person's physical and psychological health. It is used to prevent diseases caused by deformation or destruction of various body tissues. The benefit of fish oil is that it performs regenerative and construction functions.

It is important to ensure a sufficient intake of fish oil in the body in old age. The components it contains help reduce the rate of degenerative changes occurring in the brain. A number of studies have confirmed that dietary supplements based on this component not only slow down the deterioration of cognitive abilities, but also, 5 weeks after the start of use, provide effective results in terms of their recovery ().

Fish oil has proven to be an effective remedy for the complex treatment of psoriasis. A group of patients were offered the nutritional supplement for 8 weeks. After a course of use of the drug, a decrease in the area of ​​affected skin was found. Patients noticed a decrease in itching and a decrease in the degree of erythema ().


Toxic substances accumulate in the liver and meat of fish, which contaminate water bodies. Therefore, they can also be present in fish oil. You need to choose a quality product from a trusted manufacturer so that it does not cause harm.

When regularly consuming fish oil, you must remember that the fat-soluble vitamins A and D contained in it tend to accumulate. Hypervitaminosis develops - intoxication of the body with excess vitamins. Therefore, if you find it difficult to independently determine your daily intake, it is better to seek advice from a doctor.

There are a number of contraindications for regular course intake of fish oil:

  • acute form of pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • hemophilia;
  • pancreatitis;
  • kidney and liver failure;
  • cholecystitis;
  • sarcoidosis;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • high calcium levels in the blood.

Fish oil should be used with caution in elderly people and women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

What are the benefits of Omega-3 PUFAs? Features of the composition

The three main components that make up omega-3 are alpha-linolenic acid, docosahexaenoic acid, and eicosapentaenoic acid. They are found in fish and plant products. The benefit of omega-3 is its ability to prevent blood clots, as well as prevent the occurrence of factors leading to stroke and heart attack. Its use acts as an effective prevention of atherosclerosis and other pathologies affecting the heart and blood vessels. Omega-3 allows you to normalize metabolic processes and get rid of excess fat in the body.

The use of omega-3 fatty acids as part of complex therapy has been recognized as a safe and effective way to combat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Observations have shown that noticeable results are seen 12 weeks after starting to take nutritional supplements. Patients' cognitive abilities improve, and behavioral reactions also change towards healthier indicators ().

Composition and characteristics

Fish oil is a thick liquid of light yellow or more intense red-brown color, characterized by the characteristic smell and taste of fish. The darker the oil, the more intense the smell. The reaction ranges from slightly acidic to acidic.

The nutritional value

Contents per 100 g of product% of normal
Calories 902 kcal63.34%
Squirrels 0 g0%
Fats 100 g153.85%
Carbohydrates 0 g0%
Alimentary fiber 0 g0%
Water 0 g0%

Organic content

Saturated carboxylic acids
Palmitic acid25%
Stearic acid1-2%
Unsaturated carboxylic acids
Linoleic acid2%
Arachidonic acid2-3%
Omega – 3
Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)6-10%
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)10-15%
Cholesterol (monohydric alcohol)0,3-0,6%
Fat-soluble vitamins
Vitamin A30 mg
Vitamin D0.004 mg

Fish oil also contains capric, butyric, acetic, and valeric acids. Microdoses contain iodine, sulfur, bromine, selenium, phosphorus, zinc, copper.

Differences between fish oil and Omega-3 PUFAs

You can understand which is better, fish oil or omega-3, by conducting a comparative analysis of them. Omega-3 is essentially a polyunsaturated fatty acid found in some foods. It also acts as a component of fish oil, which is of natural origin and undergoes minor purification before use. Various impurities occupy a large share in this product. The amount of omega-3 is significantly inferior to them in volume. The differences between omega-3 and fish oil can be seen using the table:

Omega-3 preparationsFish fat
They are a complex of substances necessary for the body.The composition contains components that do not benefit the body.
After opening the package, the capsules retain their beneficial properties for a long time.The drug quickly loses its beneficial properties after opening the package, since its components oxidize after interacting with oxygen.
There is no pronounced taste.They have a specific fishy taste and aroma.
The price is at a medium or high level.Low cost, affordable for everyone.

Omega-3 preparations have a balanced composition. They contain the daily norm of nutrients necessary for full functioning. The composition of natural fish oil is not adjusted to meet the needs of the body. However, in any case, it is important for the functioning of all organ systems.

Selection and storage

When purchasing fish oil, you need to pay attention to what it is made from. It is better to give preference to oil squeezed from fish meat. The label or instructions for use must be marked “medical”. When purchasing a product in liquid form, it is better to have it in a dark glass container. It is important to pay attention to the production date. The shelf life of fish oil is 2 years if storage conditions are met.

Today, quite a few pharmaceutical companies produce fish oil; it is difficult to choose one of them. Norwegian manufacturers of this product have proven themselves well. In Russia, fish oil produced in Arkhangelsk and Murmansk is in good demand.

Use of fish oil and Omega-3

The difference between omega 3 and fish oil is in the indications for use. Thus, omega-3 is prescribed as part of complex therapy for the treatment of rickets. Preparations with this component make it possible to effectively combat diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as provide reliable prevention of ophthalmic diseases. They are prescribed for decreased immunity and diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. The benefits of omega-3 for the condition of hair and nails have been noted.

Fish oil is indicated for use in cases of deficiency of polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin D. It is prescribed to reduce the severity of symptoms accompanying menstruation. It is recommended to take fish oil if you notice excessive levels of glucose in the blood and high blood pressure, as well as if you notice the spread of inflammatory cells.

Benefits for the body

Fish oil is one of those products that are indispensable for a person throughout life, since they affect the performance of many systems.

Heart Health

Many clinical trials have shown that Omega-3 is one of the most effective substances for reducing the incidence of cardiac diseases. Therefore, fish oil is beneficial for people with cardiovascular diseases.

In addition, it has been proven that this product reduces the level of bad cholesterol and increases the levels of good types of cholesterol in the blood, and prevents the accumulation of triglycerides. There is also some suggestion that fish oil may be useful in preventing the progression of atherosclerosis in people with coronary heart disease and after stroke, and regular consumption reduces the risk of sudden death from cardiovascular events.

Losing excess weight

This is perhaps the second most advertised benefit of fish oil. Scientists and volunteers from Australia checked whether this useful product helps to lose excess weight. Fish oil has been shown to improve the effects of exercise for weight loss. And the French calculated the most suitable dosage for weight loss. In their opinion, 1.8 g of fish oil and moderate physical activity will help you get rid of extra pounds in just 2 months.

Cancer protection

It was found that this product is capable of destroying cells of various types of cancer, including colon, prostate, and breast. It has also been proven that seafood fat is an effective means of preventing cancer.

Strengthening the immune system

Today, science knows about the existence of many immunomodulators, and one of them is fish oil. Regular consumption of the product helps the body resist colds and viral diseases. Omega-3 present in fish oil strengthens the immune system by stimulating cytokines and eicosanoids found in the human body.

Fish oil is also considered an effective treatment for people suffering from lupus. In people with this autoimmune disease, the immune system attacks healthy organs and tissues in the body. But systematic intake of fish oil reduces the fever, skin rash and weakness characteristic of this disease.

AIDS treatment

There is an opinion that fish oil is an indispensable component for the treatment of AIDS. But for now, this theory requires additional research, since many scientists are not sure of the effectiveness of such treatment.

Anti-inflammatory properties

This special type of fat is effective in treating inflammatory processes in various types of tissue. Many doctors prescribe fish oil for their patients with chronic inflammation. This drug is believed to be important in the treatment of intestinal disorders, celiac disease, Crohn's disease, and ulcerative colitis. People with intestinal diseases have an impaired ability to absorb vitamins, fats and other nutrients. And seafood fat is a healthy dietary supplement for them. For individuals with ulcerative colitis, this product is important as a means of preventing the accumulation of leukotrienes in the colon.

Arthritis treatment

Fish oil is beneficial in the treatment of arthritis and rheumatism. At least scientists from Australia are sure of this. They determined that the product weakens the effects of substances that destroy cartilage. However, what should be the optimal dosage to completely stop the development of the disease is still unknown. In addition, the benefits of fish oil in the prevention of osteoporosis have been established.

Remedy for depression and anxiety

It is important for people prone to depression to include fatty fish in their diet. It relieves anxiety, restlessness, mental fatigue, stress, depression and other nervous disorders. Additionally, fish oil may be an effective treatment for suicidality and bipolar disorder. By the way, the analysis showed that in countries where seafood is the main food, the frequency of violence and murder rates are significantly lower than in countries with a shortage of fish.

Eye health

Fatty seafood is known to have the ability to improve vision and also help prevent age-related macular degeneration. For this reason, ophthalmologists advise their patients to eat foods rich in Omega-3 fats as often as possible.

Preventing Alzheimer's Disease

For several years, researchers have studied the effects of fish oil on the cognitive functions of the brain. It turned out that substances contained in fish fat can prevent atrophy of brain cells and reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease. Also, foods rich in Omega-3 fats work as protection against dementia.

Effect on the central nervous system

If children have symptoms of hyperactivity and inability to concentrate, emotional instability, poor memory, poor coordination or impulsivity, all this serves as a reason to increase the portions of fish oil in their diet. In addition, it is believed that people who systematically consume this product have a higher IQ level, it is easier for them to learn, they are distinguished by emotional stability and good memory.

By the way, it was experimentally found that consuming fish oil as a dietary supplement for 15 weeks improves the condition of hyperactive children, and also increases brain performance (after all, its tissues are almost 60% fat), and learning abilities improve.

Benefits for pregnant women

Well, perhaps, pregnant women need fish oil most of all, since in this case we are talking about the health of two people - the expectant mother and the child. There is reason to believe that a lack of product in the diet of pregnant women causes premature birth, increases the risk of miscarriages, as well as improper formation of the baby’s brain and eyes. In addition, mothers whose diets lack fatty fish are more likely to suffer from postpartum depression.

Man's health

But not only the female body needs fish oil. Men's health also directly depends on the consumption of this product. Researchers believe that fish oil can improve sperm quality and increase sperm survival and motility.

Benefits for the skin

Dry skin, a tendency to eczema, psoriasis, frequent itching, rashes, redness and irritation - many people face these dermatological problems. Fish oil reduces moisture loss from the epidermis and the incidence of inflammation. External use of this product helps relieve the symptoms of psoriasis. There is also evidence that fish oil protects against sunburn and treats acne. And according to recent studies, it prevents skin cancer.

On the other hand, it is important to remember that this fat is the source of many components useful for maintaining youthful skin. It prevents the appearance of early wrinkles and age spots, moisturizes the epidermis.

Hair health

Omega-3 nourishes follicles and stimulates healthy hair growth. Fats from sea fish serve as a good prevention of baldness. It is also worth remembering that fish is an excellent source of proteins, which are essential for maintaining healthy hair.

Impact on other organs and systems

In addition, fish oil is beneficial for:

  • maintaining the integrity of cell membranes;
  • prevention of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis;
  • improving blood circulation;
  • preventing kidney failure;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • maintaining health against the background of diabetes;
  • treatment and prevention of ophthalmological diseases;
  • treatment of epilepsy, schizophrenia.
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