Elixir Codelac Broncho with thyme: instructions for use

Dosage forms and composition

The drug is produced in two forms for oral administration:

  • tablets: yellowish in color with visible small inclusions, flat-cylindrical, have a separating score, packaged in foil plates of 10 pieces, the package contains 1 or 2 blisters;
  • liquid elixir with thyme: light brown syrup with a characteristic balsamic aroma, in glass bottles with screw caps from 50 to 200 ml, cardboard packaging equipped with a measuring spoon.

Codelac Broncho is a combination drug. It contains several active substances:

  • ambroxol: 200 mg in tablets and 100 mg in syrup;
  • extracted thermopsis: 100 mg;
  • sodium glycyrrhizinate: 300 mg;
  • in tablets - sodium bicarbonate: 200 mg;
  • in syrup - extracted thyme: 500 mg.

Auxiliary compounds of tablets: starch, MCC, stearic acid, talc and others. The elixir also contains sorbitol, distilled water, napazole and nipagin. When storing in liquid medicine, slight sedimentation may occur. This does not affect the therapeutic properties.

What kind of cough do Codelac Broncho tablets and elixir help with?

The effect of both dosage forms of the drug is similar. These are mucolytics with a moderate anti-inflammatory effect. Designed to liquefy mucous secretions, improve the passage of accumulated clots from the bronchi and lungs. Increases cough productivity and helps cleanse the respiratory system.

Ambroxol in combination with thermopsis extract reduces the viscosity of mucus, stimulating its elimination. Sodium bicarbonate improves the motility of bronchioles and epithelial villi on the walls of the bronchi. Glycyrrhizinate has an antimicrobial effect and neutralizes the damaging effects of oxidation products. Thyme complements the activity of other components of the elixir, helps to expectorate mucus more easily, helps relieve microspasms and makes breathing easier.

Positive dynamics are usually observed from the second day of therapy. The effect of the medicine increases gradually: the cough becomes less intrusive, the mucus leaves in a larger volume, and relief comes faster.

Codelac Broncho: instructions for use

CODELAC® BRONCHO is a series of specialized medications intended for the treatment of respiratory tract diseases, incl. colds, accompanied by a cough with difficult sputum discharge. This cough is often called “wet” or “productive.”

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A distinctive feature of the KODELAK® BRONXO series drugs is a unique combined composition that has no analogues in Russia1.

Thanks to the combined composition, CODELAC® BRONCHO preparations provide a comprehensive therapeutic effect for wet coughs with sputum (“productive” and “unproductive”), helping to shorten the cough period and resolve the cough.

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The combination of ingredients in the antitussive drugs KODELAK® BRONCHO successfully combines both the developments of modern pharmacology and the centuries-old traditions of traditional medicine, based on knowledge of the healing properties of medicinal herbs and plants. In addition to medically synthesized molecules, CODELAC® BRONCHO preparations contain natural plant components:

  • thermopsis extract – in KODELAK® BRONCHO tablets;
  • thyme herb extract – as part of the elixir KODELAK® BRONCHO with thyme;
  • licorice root extract (glycyrrate and its salts) - in both preparations - tablets and elixir.

The very idea of ​​herbal medicine is widely supported by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Based on an analysis of vast global experience, WHO recognized the need for the rapid integration of traditional medicine methods into the health care system of all countries2.

The effect of CODELAC® BRONCHO preparations is due to the pharmacological properties of their constituent components. The action of all components is aimed at mutually enhancing the properties of each of them.

AMBROXOL: thins mucus, reduces viscosity and promotes its removal from the bronchi.
Today, ambroxol is the most popular and sought-after molecule in Russia for the treatment of wet cough3. Among other things, ambroxol is also one of the most widely studied cough remedies. The international database of specialized medical publications Pubmed contains more than 700 studies using ambroxol. X
GLYCIRRATE (glycyrrhizic acid and its salts): has anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects;
has a corticosteroid-like effect, helps reduce the inflammatory process in the respiratory tract, including the bronchi. Additionally, it has a moderate protective effect on cells (=cytoprotection), due to its antioxidant and membrane-stabilizing activity. X
SODIUM HYDROCARBONATE: reduces the viscosity of sputum, stimulates its excretion by enhancing the motor function of the ciliated epithelium of the bronchi and bronchioles.
THYME HERB EXTRACT: has an expectorant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect, has a healing effect on the mucous membrane damaged by the action of microbes and cough impulses.
WHO experts, the European Commission, as well as the European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy (ESCOP) give a positive assessment to medications containing thyme (thyme) and approve their use, for example, for acute and chronic bronchitis, including in children .4.5 X
THERMOPSIS EXTRACT: has an expectorant effect, helps thin the mucus by enhancing the additional secretion of the bronchial glands.
When taking drugs containing thermopsis, both bronchial secretion and the initial parts of the cough reflex are stimulated (the frequency and intensity of cough increases). Slight differences in the compositions of CODELAC® BRONCHO tablets and CODELAC® BRONCHO elixir with thyme are due to the technology of their industrial production.

The combined composition and complex action of KODELAK® BRONCHO preparations is aimed at all the main factors that predetermine the appearance of a wet cough during a cold:

1. against viruses and germs:

  • antiviral properties are due to the presence of glycyrrhizic acid in the composition; its activity against a number of viruses has been demonstrated in vitro, as well as in an in vivo model of influenza6,7
  • antimicrobial properties are due to thyme - the flavonoids thymol and carvacrol contained in it have a bactericidal effect on coccal pathogenic flora, a bacteriostatic effect on gram-negative microorganisms, as well as high antimycotic activity against pathogenic fungi8.

2. against inflammation in the bronchi:

  • help reduce inflammation in the walls of the bronchi;
  • favor the restoration and healing of mucous membranes damaged by microbes, inflammation and intense coughing attacks.

3. against phlegm:

  • reduce the viscosity of thick sputum, diluting it, changing rheological properties and improving glide;
  • promote the removal of phlegm from the lungs and bronchi, stimulating the evacuation function of the ciliated epithelium;
  • create conditions for the release of phlegm from even the smallest and narrowest bronchi, thanks to a moderate antispasmodic effect.

The complex therapeutic effect due to the combined composition is a distinctive feature of the CODELAC® BRONCHO series of drugs. This fundamentally distinguishes CODELAC® BRONCHO preparations from single-component drugs based on ambroxol and/or acetylcysteine, which are well known and widely used in the treatment of wet cough due to advertising.

In particular, the advantage of CODELAC® BRONCHO for cough with sputum in comparison with monocomponent ambroxol preparations is confirmed by the results of observational clinical studies:

  1. KODELAK® BRONCHO acts 2 times more powerfully, significantly improving sputum discharge and more significantly reducing the severity of cough9;
  2. KODELAK® BRONCHO quickly converts a non-productive cough into a productive one, while taking it, a shorter duration of the cough period was noted10-11;
  3. CODELAC® BRONCHO helps to significantly reduce the severity of bronchial inflammation in the lungs11;
  4. CODELAC® BRONCHO has a higher subjective assessment from patients who were treated for cough10-11.

works 2 times more powerfully

characterized by shorter duration of cough

significantly reduces bronchial inflammation

has a higher patient rating

The following features are characteristic of the preparations of the CODELAC® BRONCHO series:

  • readiness for action within 30 minutes after administration12,13;
  • duration of action is 6-8 hours after a single dose14;
  • favorable safety profile9-11;
  • absence of any components that form dependence and/or addiction.

CODELAC® BRONCHO preparations are produced in 2 dosage forms, which provide a choice of products for people of different age groups:

  • elixir – for children over 2 years of age and adults;
  • tablets – for adults and children over 12 years of age.

ELIXIR: for children over 2 years old and adults

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elixir KODELAK® BRONCHO instructions

TABLETS: for adults and children over 12 years of age

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KODELAK® BRONCHO tablets instructions

Taking into account the frequency of doses given in the instructions for medical use of CODELAK® BRONCHO drugs, as well as the duration of the course of treatment, below are recommendations for the optimal choice of dosage forms for consumers of different ages:

elixir, 100 ml

elixir, 200 ml


children from 2 years old

adults and children over 12 years old

Each of the release forms of KODELAK® BRONCHO ensures maximum ease of use of the drug:


  • the convenience of a liquid dosage form, providing parents with comfortable use of the drug, and ease of administration and swallowing for children;
  • convenience and accuracy of dosing - the drug packaging is equipped with a convenient double-sided measuring spoon, for 2.5 and 5 ml, respectively
  • absence of alcohol, sugar and dyes
  • two volume options: 100 ml (for children) and 200 ml (for adults)


  • small tablet size, facilitating the process of taking and swallowing the drug;
  • 2 packaging options - 10 and 20 tablets per package.

Method of use of antitussive drugs KODELAK® BRONCHO.


The table below can help you understand this issue...

Based on the standard recommended course of administration for 3-5 days, taking into account the optimal volumes and consumption of drugs when taken in accordance with the instructions for medical use.


  1. Based on drug register data as of April 2021.
  2. Karpeev A.A., Kiseleva T.L. Herbal medicine: Methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation 2000/63/. M.: Publishing house FNKETS TMDL Roszdrav, 2006. - P. 9-42.
  3. Based on IMS Health data, retail audit, April 2017.
  4. World Health Organization (2010) WHO monographs on medicinal plants widely used in the Newly Independent States (NIS)
  5. ESCOP Monograph, Thimi herba (Thyme). European Scientific Cooperation on Phytomedicine, Elburg (2003) // Monograph European Scientific Association for Herbal Medicine - monograph “Thyme Herb” (Thyme), Elburg, 2003.
  6. V.V. Zarubaev, V.B. Anikin, V.S. Smirnov. ANTI-VIRAL ACTIVITY OF GLYCERRETIC AND GLYCYRRHIZIC ACIDS. Infection and immunity 2021, Vol. 6, No. 3, p. 199–206
  7. A. Wolkerstorfer, H. Kurz. Glycyrrhizin inhibits influenza A virus uptake into the cell. Antiviral Research 83 (2009) 171–178.// A. Wolkerstorfer, H. Kurz, Glycyrrhizic acid: blocking the penetration of influenza A viruses into cells. Antiviral Research 83 (2009) 171-178.
  8. Sokolov S.Ya. Herbal medicine and phytopharmacology: A guide for doctors. M.: Medical Information Agency, 2000. 976 pp.
  9. Codelac Broncho is 2.6 times more effective in reducing the intensity of wet cough compared to ambroxol in children from 2 to 6 years of age (from the 3rd to the 10th day of therapy). Mizernitsky Yu.L. Clinical effectiveness of combined mucoactive expectorant therapy in children with acute respiratory infections of the lower respiratory tract. Pediatrics 3, 2011, Consilium medicum supplement, p. 16-21.
  10. Snegotskaya M.N. New drugs in the treatment of cough in children. Pediatrics. 5/2012, p. 24-29.
  11. Princely N.P. Combined expectorants in the practice of an internist. Features of the preparations CODELAC® BRONCHO and CODELAC® BRONCHO with thyme. Directory of polyclinic doctor No. 11, 2012, pp. 45-49.
  12. Thermopsis extract has an expectorant effect, the maximum effect develops after 30-60 minutes. Instructions for medical use of the drug KODELAK® BRONCHO.
  13. Ambroxol begins to act 30 minutes after application. Kirilina S.A. “Pediatrician Practice”, September 2012, p. 11-13.
  14. Based on the recommended frequency of use of CODELAC BRONCHO and CODELAC BRONCHO with THYME, presented in the instructions for medical use of the drugs

When to take Codelac Broncho

The drug is taken when signs of respiratory inflammation or symptoms of exacerbation of chronic conditions develop. It is recommended to start the course of treatment from the first minutes of discomfort: sore throat, hoarseness and coughing.

General indications:

  • accumulation of sputum in acute and chronic forms of bronchitis;
  • chronic pulmonary obstruction;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • viral or bacterial pneumonia;
  • signs of ARVI, accompanied by cough.

How to take Codelac Broncho elixir

The liquid preparation is approved for children from 2 years of age. It should also be drunk with food: 3-4 times a day. If necessary, wash down the product with warm water. For kids, you can first dilute the mixture in some familiar drink.

Recommended doses:

  • children 2–6 years old: 1–1.5 tsp. twice or thrice a day;
  • from 7 to 12 years: 1–1.5 tbsp. l. 2–4 times depending on the intensity of the disease;
  • adolescents over 12 years of age and adults: 2–2.5 tbsp. l. 3–4 times a day.

The maximum treatment time without additional medical supervision is 5 days.

Codelac Broncho with thyme

Codelac Broncho with thyme is a combined three-component medicine for use in ENT practice. The therapeutic effect of the drug is a component of the pharmacological effects of its components. Ambrksol stimulates the discharge of sputum during a wet cough due to increased physiological activity of the ciliated epithelium and peristalsis of the second-order respiratory bronchioles, reduces the viscosity of bronchial secretions, facilitates expectoration, and stimulates the production of pulmonary surfactant by the alveoli. Sodium glycyrrhizinate eliminates inflammation, suppresses the activity of viruses, protects cells from the aggressive effects of free radicals, stabilizes the condition of cell membranes, potentiates the action of glucocorticosteroid hormones produced in the body, and has an antiallergic effect. Thyme herb extract promotes expectoration, suppresses the development of inflammation in the respiratory tract, eliminates spasms of the smooth muscles of the respiratory tract, and promotes the restoration of damaged cells. The drug is prescribed for acute and chronic inflammation of the bronchi, pneumonia, COPD, bronchiectasis. Take orally with food, with a small amount of liquid. Single dose for patients over 12 years of age: 2.5 ml three times a day, for patients aged 6-12 years – 5 ml three times a day. The longest duration of a medication course for self-medication (without medical consultation) is no more than five days. The drug has a favorable safety profile and is generally well tolerated by patients. In rare cases, frequent (more than 3 times a day) defecation with watery stools, hyposalivation, slow, difficult or systematically insufficient defecation, dryness of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, abundant secretion of exudate by the nasal mucosa, allergic reactions, weakness, cephalalgia, and urination problems are possible. With prolonged use in submaximal and maximum doses, vomiting is possible (including

including productive), abdominal pain. The drug should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding, or in case of individual intolerance to one or more active and/or auxiliary components. In pediatric practice, it is possible to prescribe the drug starting from the age of two. Patients with liver and/or kidney diseases, ulcerative-erosive lesions of the stomach and duodenum should be under especially strict medical supervision while taking the drug. It is not recommended to combine the drug with drugs that suppress the cough reflex: this will make it difficult to clear sputum. The drug has proven itself in the treatment of bronchitis in children. In the practice of a pediatrician, this disease accounts for 30-40% of all respiratory tract diseases. Codelac Broncho with thyme has a complex effect on the key pathogenetic links of respiratory tract diseases. Unlike Codelac, it does not contain codeine, which allows the drug to be used in pediatric practice. The drug has demonstrated its effectiveness and safety in clinical trials. One of these studies involved children aged 2-6 years with diseases of the lower respiratory tract, accompanied by a cough with difficulty evacuating sputum. The study participants were divided into two groups, one of which received Codelac Broncho with thyme (experimental group), the second - ambroxol (comparison group). The single dose of the first drug was 2.5 ml, the frequency of use was three times a day, the duration of the study was seven days. The results obtained at the end of the study demonstrated the advantages of Codelac Broncho with thyme over ambroxol in terms of reducing the duration of disease manifestation, the effectiveness of suppressing cough, sputum discharge, and eliminating dry wheezing.

Side effects

During treatment, the following are rarely possible:

  • the appearance of physical weakness, dizziness;
  • dryness, unpleasant taste in the mouth, loss of appetite;
  • abdominal cramps, stool upset, constipation;
  • irritation of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, trachea;
  • the appearance of a runny nose.

After taking large doses, intoxication may occur. Possible vomiting, severe abdominal pain, diarrhea. In such cases, it is necessary to lavage the stomach and take enterosorbents.


The drug in tablets is prohibited for use by children under 12 years of age. Elixir - for infants and children up to 2 years old. Contraindications also include:

  • pregnancy, breastfeeding period;
  • individual intolerance to the active or auxiliary components of the drug;
  • period of exacerbation of stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers, and some forms of gastritis;
  • diseases with a high risk of internal bleeding;
  • severe renal failure or liver dysfunction.

Patients with diabetes should be careful when treating with the elixir, as it contains the carbohydrate sorbitol. Those suffering from bronchial asthma, chronic liver and kidney diseases also need to monitor their well-being while using the drug.

Codelac Neo

CODELAC® NEO is a powerful remedy for dry cough in adults and children, a centrally acting antitussive .

Advantages of the drug/molecule

  • helps suppress dry cough, selectively affecting the cough center;
  • helps reduce the frequency, strength and intensity of cough impulses during dry cough;
  • has an antitussive, moderate bronchodilator and anti-inflammatory effect, improves the respiratory function of the lungs;
  • begins to act within 30 minutes after the first dose*1,2;
  • has a long-lasting antitussive effect after a single dose: up to 6 hours – for liquid forms3
  • up to 12 hours – for tablet forms4
  • retains antitussive effect with long-term use5;
  • has a favorable safety profile: does not depress breathing;
  • does not contain addictive components;
  • approved for use by children from 2 months of age**;
  • Possibility of use in pregnant women from the 2nd trimester***;
  • Can be used by people with diabetes - does not contain sucrose or glucose as a sweetener

Advantages of release forms

  • 3 forms of release provide the possibility of using the drug in people of different age groups: drops - for babies from 2 months of age;
  • syrup – for children from 3 years of age and adults;
  • tablets - for persons over 18 years of age.
  • Each of the release forms ensures maximum ease of use of the drug:
  • drops:
      The bottle is equipped with a lid with first opening control
  • precise dosing for babies thanks to a convenient dropper bottle
  • the bottle is designed for 440 dose-drops (1 ml = 22 drops)
  • syrup:
      Each bottle is equipped with a two-component polyethylene cap with first opening control, which provides protection against independent use of the drug by children;
  • the convenience of a liquid dosage form, providing parents with comfortable use of the drug and ease of swallowing for children;
  • Convenience and ease of administration - the sweetish taste and pleasant vanilla aroma greatly facilitate the process of taking the drug for children;
  • convenience and accuracy of dosing - the drug packaging is equipped with a convenient double-sided measuring spoon, for 2.5 and 5 ml, respectively;
  • two packaging options - 100 and 200 ml in a bottle: 100 ml - the optimal volume for the treatment of dry cough in a child 3-6 years old;
  • 200 ml is a rational volume for the treatment of dry cough in an older child (6-12 or 12-18 years old), as well as in adults who prefer liquid dosage forms of drugs for the treatment of cough; Ideally suited for families with a frequently ill child or several children.
  • pills:
      small tablet size, facilitating the process of swallowing the drug;
  • tablets coated with a film coating, which prevents the appearance of unpleasant taste sensations while taking the drug;
  • Modified-release tablets provide stable, even maintenance of concentrations of the active substance and the ability to reduce the frequency of dosing to 2 times a day.
  • Indications for use

    • dry cough of any origin, with: “colds”;
    • flu;
    • whooping cough;
    • other conditions.
  • to suppress cough in the preoperative and postoperative periods;
  • during surgical interventions and bronchoscopy.
  • The line of over-the-counter cough medications KODELAK® is specially designed taking into account the stages of cough in acute respiratory diseases:

    • at the beginning of the disease, at the stage of dry cough, CODELAC® NEO can be used.
    • subsequently, for a wet cough, including a cough with difficult sputum discharge, you can use KODELAK® BRONCHO (for children - KODELAK® BRONCHO with thyme).
    • during the recovery period, when there is a residual dry or unproductive cough, KODELAK® NEO can be used to alleviate the condition of patients.
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