Antimicrobial agents Macmiror - reviews


Macmiror (nifuratel) is an antibacterial and antiprotozoal (directed against protozoa) drug. It also has an antimycotic effect. Low toxicity, has a favorable safety profile. The spectrum of therapeutic activity extends to enterococci, staphylococci, Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Shigella, Salmonella, Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Serratium, Citrobacter, Morganella, Rettergella, Acinetobacter, Candida, Trichomonas, and to a lesser extent to Proteus and Pseudomonas. Inhibits the activity of lactic acid bacteria. It is one of the most preferred drugs for the treatment of intestinal infections of bacterial origin, incl. salmonellosis, shigellosis. It is especially in demand in the treatment of helicobacteriosis, incl. in case of infection with strains resistant to metronidazole. Nifuratel is quickly absorbed from the digestive tract. Subjects to metabolic transformations in the liver and muscles. Elimination is carried out by the kidneys. Prescribed for infections caused by microorganisms sensitive to nifuratel, incl. for infections of the urogenital tract, upper digestive tract, giardiasis, vulvovaginitis, intestinal amebiasis, helicobacteriosis. The range of possible side effects is quite narrow: dyspeptic reactions (nausea, diarrhea, heartburn, epigastric pain), dermatological reactions (itching, skin rashes). A direct contraindication to the use of Macmiror is individual intolerance to nifuratel.

The use of the drug during pregnancy is possible only after a doctor has assessed the benefit/risk ratio for the fetus. When treating vaginal infections, taking Macmiror should be accompanied by local therapy. During the medication course, it is recommended to abstain from sexual activity. Macmiror potentiates the antimycotic effect of nystatin.

Macmiror occupies a special place in the treatment of acute intestinal infections in children. The outcome of the disease depends on the timely start of treatment and the correct selection of drugs. The greatest difficulty is caused by the adequate choice of antibacterial drug. The development of tolerance to the most commonly used antibiotics makes the problem of choosing a drug in the treatment of acute intestinal infections in children especially acute. It should be taken into account that the use of many antibacterial drugs leads to increased dyspeptic symptoms. Therefore, gastroenterologists are constantly searching for drugs that would be the most effective and at the same time safe, so that they can be used in pediatric practice. In this regard, Macmiror seems to be one of the most promising drugs. It is successfully used in children in the treatment of helicobacteriosis, giardiasis, dysbacteriosis, and does not suppress saprophytic microflora, including bifidobacteria.

Antimicrobial agents Macmiror - reviews


After unprotected sexual intercourse, itching and whitish discharge appeared. This worried me very much, and I turned to a gynecologist. After analyzing the microflora, a mobiluncus was identified, which caused inflammation. The doctor prescribed Macmiror Complex, and after two days the itching and discharge went away. She was treated for 8 days, and a control smear showed that the microflora was fine.


Pros: Helped in 6 days.

Disadvantages: None.

Illness always comes suddenly, when you least expect it. So it is here. My mother somewhere made a mistake for some reason. Cystitis of the kidneys has begun, which is when urination is painful. I had to take her to the doctor, undergo a bunch of tests and start treatment. There is a competent doctor at our site, she prescribed my mother the antimicrobial agent "MacMirror - Detailed treatment regimen." The drug is in tablet form, you had to take 1 tablet 3 times a day, with plenty of water, for a week.


During a routine examination with a Gynecologist, the doctor took smears and, based on their results, prescribed me Macmiror. I used this drug in the form of vaginal suppositories. I put candles in before bed. I had to use panty liners. I carried out a course of treatment for 10 days, and when I took a second smear, everything was clear. I am grateful to my treating gynecologist and this effective drug.


...breastfeedingBactrin, biseptol, septrin Not compatible with breastfeedingFluoroquinolones (norbactin, zanocin, ciprolet) Not compatible with breastfeedingNitrofurans (furacilin, furadonin, makmiror, furazalidone) Compatible with breastfeedingAntiprotozoal agents: metronidazole, delagil Compatible with feeding breasttiberal Not compatible with breastfeeding breastfeeding Antifungal agents: clotrimazole, pimafucin, nystatin Compatible with breastfeeding Nizoral, Lamisil, Diflucan, miconazole Not compatible with breastfeeding Herbal medicine This method is especially popular among Rostovites. And, of course, for good reason. Treatment with herbs and berries is safer and gentler,


Macmiror is used in the treatment of ulcers caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. My first attempt to get rid of the disease failed - I was treated with Clorithromecin, Metronizadol and Omez. After two weeks of treatment, the analysis showed that the treatment was not completed anyway. Therefore, the doctor suggested a second attempt, but using Macmiror. It turned out that it has fewer side effects and is more effective, because “my” bacteria have apparently already managed to develop resistance to old-generation antibiotics, but McMirror is new, the bacteria are not yet familiar with it, therefore, there is no addiction yet.

Indeed, the drug turned out to be the key to success - with its help (they also added De-Nol to the regimen, and only because I think it was a matter of Macmiror) in 10 days I was still able to finally recover. I passed the tests, everything is clear! It is now the fifth month after completion of treatment, and I feel great - the ulcer remains in the anamnesis and has healed, so in terms of effectiveness, Macmiror deserves the highest rating.

Regarding the side effects, I will say that since I took 4 medications, of course there were some, but the first time there were more of them - then my stomach hurt and the diarrhea was terrible. And this time there was no diarrhea at all, and even thrush did not break through - it turned out that this is because Mikmiror does not kill beneficial microorganisms, it only destroys bacteria, isn’t it wonderful? I think there really is almost no harm from it itself, so apart from the hellishly high price, I don’t see anything bad.


Before use, you must undergo a course of cleansing procedures. Drink lactofiltrum or other sorbent. Necessarily !!! The doctor must prescribe the course. After treatment, enterosorbents are also needed. I treated giardiasis for a child. Very helpful)))

Evgenia Rodina

I persistently treated myself for Giardia for a long time, tried many regimens, then gave up because they still didn’t bother me at all. But recently they discovered Giardia in my daughter, and for a long time they could not find the cause. The child had a fever, had stomach pain in the navel area for a whole month, and upset bowel movements. It turns out that, unlike adults, giardiasis in children occurs with severe symptoms.

The difficulty of treating giardiasis lies in the fact that giardia is often in the state of a cyst with a characteristic protective shell. To destroy this dense shell, the medicine must be highly effective and often toxic. Today, as our gastroenterologist said, Macmiror is one of the most effective drugs against giardiasis, and it has low toxicity, which is why it is also used in children.

Treatment regimen (for a 3 year old child):

Stage 1 – Preparation – 14 days:

1) Chofitol – 1.5 ml 3 times a day before meals +

2) Creon 10000 – ? capsules 3 times a day with meals +

3) Essentuki mineral water No. 4 – 50 ml 2 times a day before meals.

Stage 2 – Antiparasitic therapy

1) McMiror – ? tablets 2 times a day after meals - 10 days. The tablet is very slippery and convex, it is extremely inconvenient to divide, you need to carefully saw it with a knife. While taking Macmiror, the child did not experience any side effects. My tummy stopped hurting after taking the third pill. Then:

2) Enterol 1 capsule 2 times a day before meals – 7 days.

Stage 3 – Restorative

1) Smecta – 1 sachet 2 times a day – 7 days. Then:

2) Creon 10000 – ? capsules 3 times a day with meals – 14 days +

3) Normobact – 1 sachet per day – 1 month.

Diet: exclude sweets and starchy foods during treatment.

About the result: After 3 weeks, we tested stool three times + stool using the enrichment method - no Giardia was detected. The abdominal pain stopped, the stool returned to normal. So, Macmiror is indeed a very effective drug. Now we are paying active attention to prevention.





expensive drug, side effects

The doctor prescribed the drug to get rid of Helicobacter. I took it in combination with other medications. I didn’t do a repeat test for bacteria after treatment, but it felt like it helped. The stomach pain disappeared and my appetite appeared. The side reaction was a bitterness in my mouth, not constant, but still noticeable.



-price quality



A month ago I became very, very seriously ill. At first I was sure that it was a simple cold and that I would certainly feel better soon. But, unfortunately, the long-awaited improvement in well-being did not come. My relatives recommended this product to me and praised it very much. I also decided to buy it as soon as possible, because it was necessary to get back on my feet as soon as possible. Macmiror tablets have fully justified themselves. After the first day of using this medicine, I began to feel much better. What was most pleasing was the lack of side effects. Dysbacteriosis did not torment me with its terrible symptoms. This is an absolutely ideal remedy in the fight against acute respiratory diseases. Now these tablets will definitely be in my medicine cabinet always. What pleased me most was the affordable price, which didn’t hurt my pocket. Getting sick is no longer scary at all. I recommend to all.



My acquaintance with the drug Macmiror did not take place at the best period of my life. Immediately after giving birth, everything possible fell on my weakened body. After treating the consequences of the episiotomy, my body responded with a decrease in immunity and the old ulcer with gastritis did not forget to remind itself. The symptoms were quite noticeable, tests did not reveal Helicobacter, but there was something and I was treated with the drug Macmiror. Most likely, after treatment with new generation antibiotics, problems began.

Macmiror tablets are not an antibiotic, but an antimicrobial drug.

Macmiror (nifuratel) is a drug from the nitrofuran group. Macmiror is a highly effective antibacterial and antifungal drug. The drug has no toxic effect.

Since I was breastfeeding at the time, it was prescribed to me because of its low toxic effect. Although you cannot breastfeed while taking Macmiror. I didn't feed. There were supplies of milk + formula. Then the choice of McMiror was the best option. It is supposedly eliminated from the body faster and does not kill the gastrointestinal microflora.

Macmiror is also prescribed for children; unfortunately, Helicobacter also occurs in young children.

When treating Helicobacter, therapy is carried out comprehensively, such as antibiotics, all sorts of drugs to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, etc., but since it was not detected in me, they decided that Macmiron would be enough for me. They said something there, but for me the main thing was that the effect of the treatment was in the end and everything was ok.


There are many indications for use of the drug. From gynecological diseases to treatment of giardiasis. True, in relation to the latter living creatures, they say that the drug is rather weak. I don't know personally.

Macmiror is indicated for infectious and inflammatory pathologies caused by bacteria, fungi and protists that are not resistant to nifuratel: vulvovaginitis and leucorrhoea (including infections of trichomonas, candida and chlamydia); infectious and inflammatory pathologies of the urinary tract (pyelonephritis, inflammation of the urethra, bladder, etc.); intestinal amebiasis, giardiasis; chronic pathologies of the stomach and duodenum caused by Helicobacter pylori (gastritis, gastroduodenitis, ulcers)

The price is exorbitant. A year ago, the drug cost 1,040 rubles. You need to buy two packages for the course. I know that you can find it cheaper, but we had to order this drug from us and at what price they delivered it.

The drug has many analogues, but not all of them act like Macmiror, and many of them were not suitable for me at that time.

There are 20 tablets in a package. I didn't take pictures of them. I didn’t think then that I was going to write a review. But they are round and small in size.

Directions for use and doses

Gastrointestinal tract infections caused by Helicobacter pylori: adults – 0.4 g 2-3 times a day for 1 week

The doctor prescribed it to me, as in the instructions. There were no problems with reception. The tablets are easy to swallow.


I had experience with nystatin during pregnancy. There were no side effects from this drug, and therefore no problems arose while taking the microcosm.

Macmiror complex is contraindicated in case of intolerance to nifuratel or nystatin. In case of oral use of the drug Macmiror during pregnancy and breastfeeding, constant medical supervision is required.

Macmiror instructions for use

Effect of use

McMiror took the entire course, did not reduce or reduce anything.

I felt some therapeutic effect on the third day. The pain in the stomach went away, the constant heaviness and discomfort went away. The swelling and seething went away. Heartburn stopped tormenting me, although it was the least felt. There were no side effects.

Afterwards I was offered a choice of drinks:


bifiform or generally whatever is affordable.

Macmiror is a working drug, however, its price makes your eyes widen and your wallet empty. But it's good that it works. For the effect, it seems like you don’t mind spending money. Usually cheaper drugs like Trichopolum are prescribed.

I am not a doctor, but I had positive impressions from taking the microcosm. The absence of stomach pain is literally worth a lot.

Do not be ill!!!


This was the first time this drug was prescribed to me. The gastroenterologist advised not to replace it with cheaper analogues. The price scared me off, to put it mildly, but I decided to buy everything she prescribed.

There are only 20 tablets in the package; unfortunately, there is no other packaging. It turns out that one package is not enough for a course.

Pharmacological action : Antibacterial, antiprotozoal, antifungal.

I took 2 tablets for 7 days, I noticed an improvement already on the second day, nothing helped me so quickly, I was always tormented by duty, following a diet. and so tough that it’s impossible to express.

Here I limited myself only to eating smoked and fried foods. I even ate coarse food, cabbage, carrots, apples.

I forgot about the illness for a while, and remembered about this drug only after being examined by a gynecologist; there were deviations in the tests and they prescribed them to me. Then I wondered why.

Later, after reading the instructions, I realized that their effect is so great that they can be prescribed to every third, or even second


Chlamydial infections of the lower genitourinary tract

Trichomoniasis, candidiasis of the vulva and vagina

Esophagitis and gastric ulcers, diseases of the duodenum, unspecified

Tubulointerstitial nephritis, cystitis, urethritis and urethral syndrome

Urinary tract infection without established localization

Other inflammatory diseases of the vagina and vulva

It was the treatment of women's problems that prompted me to write this review. Because this time, too, the pills helped very quickly, without the use of suppositories and any other rigmarole, which was good news; all the symptoms went away by the evening.

More than 1.5 months have already passed, the symptoms have not returned, although the doctor warned that it is possible to consolidate the result after some time. She said that no addiction to this drug has been noticed.

The tablets are round, white, small in size, and swallowed whole. Although not frosted, they are easy to wash down with a little water.

Their price is really steep, about 700 rubles. 20 pcs.

For which I lowered the rating. This is only because they treated my daughter for Giardia, we did not get such a positive result as when treating my illnesses. I had to repeat the course of treatment again.


Guys, what are you talking about? What kind of comfort are we talking about? You are drinking chemicals to at least poison parasites, some of the most difficult to remove, and a number of other infections.

I took a course against parasites. Before this, there was a 2-week diet and sorbents. Then McMiror, then Essentiale. The whole family took this drug. The parents have nothing at all. Like vitamins. I felt nauseous for about an hour after taking it. That is, in general, I experienced discomfort for an hour or two. Well, yes, sometimes I felt nauseous. A hangover, it seems to me, is even worse. However, if you sit at work, you DON’T REMEMBER THIS AT ALL. It passed so unnoticed when you sit and don’t listen to your body and are distracted from everything.

If you have been prescribed a drug, take it. Naturally, excluding those moments when there is complete vomiting and failure to take the drug. You cannot cure Giardia in any other way. The stump is clear, it will not be pleasant when you poison yourself.

The only thing I can’t boast about is that I never took a repeat test for giardiasis. But I completed the full course of treatment, which I already described above. You can, of course, take Metronidazole instead of Macmiror. But, they say, people generally go crazy because of it, it is much more toxic.

In general, I was satisfied with everything. Now I take Macmiror-COMPLEX for a different purpose. And I feel quite normal.

So don’t get sick and don’t be scared by the heaps of drug reviews.


I want to write about Macmiror tablets. At one time he helped us a lot.

The child had been suffering from stomach pain since birth. Until 2 months they could not sleep at all. Diet, bobotik (sub-simplex, espumisan), dill water and plantex, warm diaper, heating pad - everything is gone. We tried a lactose-free mixture, it gave lactazar. There was no relief. The child was screaming, constantly whimsical, and pushing endlessly. In response to my complaints, the pediatrician advised me to put on a diaper, espumizan and be patient. So they endured it. At 3 months they did DPT. At that time I didn’t know a lot of things; then I should have postponed the vaccination. It was after her that everything resumed for us, sleepless nights, the child screaming, pushing. On the third day we ran to the clinic. Having already seen how he was suffering, the pediatrician became nervous and sent him urgently to a gastroenterologist. That day we just had a consultation, she advised us to switch to a mixture from the comfort series, and get tested for dysbacteriosis and scatology (that’s what it’s called, I think). We have been looking forward to these 2 weeks more than ever. The day has come, we find out the results: Klebsiella. sooooo much, the doctor is shocked. They prescribed us Macmiror tablets + Biogaia, followed by Creon for 10 days. We found a good gastroenterologist. She doesn’t just prescribe anything, so I trusted her. And after the treatment, we finally calmed down. I don’t advocate resorting to pills, but in our case it was necessary. Unfortunately I don’t remember the price, about 800 rubles I think. Pack of 20 pcs. Tiny tablets, bitter, yellow inside.


Recently, the whole family had to undergo eradication of Helicobacter pylori. The children were prescribed the antibiotic Macmiror , although in combination with other drugs.

There are two children, the difference in weight is 5 kilograms, the doctor selected the dosage for each based on weight. After the calculations, everyone was prescribed half a tablet of Macmiror twice a day for seven days.

There are 20 tablets in a package, I had to buy a package for two children

Macmiror is used for:

— chronic inflammatory diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract associated with Helicobacter pylori;

- intestinal amebiasis;

- giardiasis;

- vulvovaginal infections caused by pathogens sensitive to the drug (Trichomonas, chlamydia, fungi of the genus Candida,)

- urinary tract infections caused by microorganisms sensitive to the drug (pyelonephritis, urethritis, cystitis, pyelitis)

I gave the children half a tablet of Macmirora as prescribed.

Like all antibiotics, this one has a number of side effects. Among them is diarrhea, which we managed to avoid thanks to excellent

a preparation of beneficial bacteria.

Macmiror turned out to be an effective antibiotic, although it was taken in combination.

The price is just a little expensive - for 20 tablets we paid almost 450 hryvnia (1050 rubles).

I can’t say that I’m happy; after all, the children had to take antibiotics! But everyone is glad that McMiror helped and there were no side effects.

Lips like sugar

These tablets were prescribed in combination with suppositories from the same company. I was treating thrush. It helped. The tablets are small and easy to swallow. The active ingredient is nifuratel. That is, it is not an antibiotic, it does not kill beneficial microflora, but only gets rid of harmful pathogens of various gynecological diseases. Has a very wide spectrum of action. There were no side effects. But always consult your doctor before use!

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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