What methods - nutrition, traditional medicine, medications - should be used to cleanse the liver after alcohol?

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  • The effect of alcohol on the liver
  • Is it possible to restore the liver?
  • Methods of cleansing
  • Liver tablets
  • Healthy regime
  • Proper nutrition
  • Healthy foods

Alcohol abuse is the scourge of modern society. Addiction to alcohol-containing drinks a detrimental effect on health. Coming out of a binge, a drunkard needs not only the support of loved ones, but also psychological help. At this time, it is necessary to ensure the recovery of the liver after alcohol. After all, this important organ of the digestive system is the body’s filter, which is responsible for cleansing the body of harmful substances that come from intoxicating drinks. In order for the liver to “screw up its strength”, it is necessary to take care of taking special medications and folk remedies, ensure proper nutrition, and adherence to the regime. Read about all effective methods in our material.

Negative effects of alcohol on the liver

Regular consumption of alcoholic beverages can lead to serious health consequences. The body does not find the resources to cope with the harmful substances contained in alcohol. The liver is especially affected. In this organ, cells responsible for the synthesis of proteins, the transformation of carbohydrates, and the removal of endogenous components are destroyed. As a result, the liver enlarges and chronic inflammation occurs. In addition, ethanol alcohol causes:

  • fatty liver cells;
  • oncological diseases;
  • cirrhosis;
  • liver failure .


First of all, alcohol negatively affects the liver, since this organ produces enzymes that neutralize alcohol. However, it is designed in such a way that even under the influence of ethanol it is capable of self-healing. To speed up the liver “healing” process, you need to use medications, change your regimen, and switch to a healthy diet.

Bile acids for the liver

Another important group of pharmaceutical products for the liver are bile acid preparations (ursodeoxycholic acid, UDCA), which have a wide spectrum of action (available by prescription). Several beneficial effects are described for them:

  • protection of liver cells from death;
  • suppression of fibrosis;
  • choleretic effect;
  • prevention of the formation of gallstones.

UDCA reduces the concentration of toxic bile acids in the hepatic ducts, stimulates their excretion, and also reduces the saturation of bile with cholesterol and reduces the lithogenic index of bile. It is stated that UDCA molecules are embedded in cell membranes and protect them from the action of toxic bile acid salts, which, in fact, causes a hepatoprotective effect. In general, hepatoprotectors based on ursodeoxycholic acid are well tolerated, but unwanted drug interactions are possible - for example, possible increased absorption of the immunosuppressant cyclosporine or decreased absorption of the antibiotic ciprofloxacin. In addition, additional studies are required to confirm the effects of UDCA from the perspective of evidence-based medicine (1, 2, 3, 5, 8).

Is it possible to renew the liver after a break with alcoholic beverages?

As noted above, the liver is a unique organ in the body that has the ability to heal itself. Moreover, this process is possible even if a person has been drinking alcohol for a long time. It is clear that it takes time to replace parenchyma cells; for example, in the most advanced cases this period can be several years. To speed it up, you should cleanse your liver of ethanol.

Only a competent doctor, based on a thorough and comprehensive examination, will be able to determine the level of damage to the organ and prescribe medications that will help put it in order. You should not self-medicate without contacting a qualified specialist. In this case, you can only worsen your condition, aggravate an already difficult situation. Treatment, even on its own, will not help alcoholics who continue to systematically use alcohol-containing products. Such people, who do not think about their health, will most likely face cirrhosis and cancer.

"Detox" for the liver

Drugs with a detoxifying effect, strictly speaking, are not hepatoprotectors, but are also used for liver diseases to reduce the formation of toxic substances or speed up their disposal. There are drugs with direct and indirect action. The direct detoxifying effect is to increase ammonia metabolism in the liver and brain and, as a result, reduce hepatic encephalopathy. Drugs with indirect action reduce the formation of endogenous toxins, accelerate their metabolism or stimulate the production of substances associated with the elimination of toxicants.

Interestingly, some members of this class have been described to have additional therapeutic effects, making them very effective drugs for the liver—for example, the high antidepressant activity of ademetionine and methodoxin (available by prescription). However, more research into these effects is required (1, 2, 3, 6).

The drug ornithine aspartate, according to the manufacturer's commentary, is included in the ornithine urea cycle, which reduces the level of toxic ammonia in the body (direct detoxifying effect). In addition, its positive effect on protein metabolism is described. However, the drug cannot be used in cases of severe renal failure and during lactation. Use with caution - in pregnant women (1, 2, 3, 5, 7).

A similar mechanism of action is described for the drug arginine glutamate - acceleration of ammonia utilization in the urea cycle, binding of ammonia into non-toxic derivatives, acceleration of its excretion, as well as antioxidant, antihypoxic and membrane-stabilizing effects, activation of ethanol metabolism. At the same time, the drug can enhance the effect of antiplatelet agents and weaken the effect of the antitumor drug vinblastine. There have been no studies on the safety of its use during pregnancy and lactation (1).

Methods for cleansing the liver after drinking alcoholic beverages

Weakening of the body due to alcohol consumption occurs due to the toxic effects of ethanol. To recover and get rid of the negative effects of this substance, you need to become addicted to a sober lifestyle and be patient.

Not only the time during which a person gives up alcohol can cleanse the liver. It is important to take medications and use traditional medicine methods. Together, they will allow you to completely get rid of the remaining ethyl alcohol. An equally important factor that will help you regain strength and health is the organization of proper nutrition. Food should contain the required amount of vitamins E and C, as well as antioxidants.

Liver and placenta

The group of hepatoprotectors of animal origin includes drugs obtained from animal liver and human placenta. According to the manufacturers' instructions, hepatoprotectors of this group stimulate the regeneration of hepatocytes and have an antioxidant effect. However, they may also be unsafe for some patients, like other drugs of biological origin. Thus, patients with active forms of hepatitis have a risk of worsening their condition, in addition, there is a risk of developing allergic reactions. The use of cattle liver can be dangerous in terms of the spread of prion neurodegenerative diseases (5).

Effective tablets for the liver after alcohol

To start or speed up the process of liver cell regeneration, it is necessary to resort to special medications. Tablets that stimulate hepatocyte renewal should be prescribed by a doctor. In addition, the patient should take vitamins and use general detoxification products. All these methods, characterized by a high positive effect, are aimed at strengthening the body. Depending on the condition of the digestive system organ, choose one of the following medications for the liver after alcohol:

  • hepatoprotector "Dipana". The drug, which contains components of plant origin, will help rid the liver of toxins. If you follow the dosage specified in the instructions, the product is safe and does not have a negative effect on other organs. The drug, which is prescribed two tablets every day, is effective in detecting cirrhosis and hepatitis. The course of treatment ranges from one to two months.
  • hepatoprotector "Essentiale". This drug, which has a healing effect on the liver, is available in capsules or injections. The standard course of treatment lasts two weeks. The medicine strengthens the membranes of hepatocytes. It can have a beneficial effect on such terrible diseases as hepatitis and cirrhosis.
  • Allohol tablets. The liver cleansing product is based on natural ingredients, as well as activated carbon and condensed bile. Such components are not capable of harming other organs. The course of admission is one month. The drug will have the required effect for diseases such as hepatitis, the initial stage of cirrhosis, problems with the liver ducts.

Medications help normalize enzyme activity and restore liver function. Modern medicines of herbal and synthetic origin will ensure effective cleansing of toxins, free radicals, and other harmful substances.

Fats for the liver

One of the most frequently prescribed groups of hepoprotective agents for liver treatment is essential phospholipids. They are similar in structure to endogenous phospholipids of cell membranes, but contain a larger amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are believed to restore damaged membranes in hepatocytes and have antioxidant and antifibrotic effects (1, 2, 3). This class of drugs is generally well tolerated, but may cause diarrhea. In addition, some parenteral forms appear to have a negative effect in pre-existing cholestasis (1). There are combined forms containing phospholipids and glycyrrhizic acid, as well as phospholipids in combination with vitamins and methionine (an essential amino acid associated with the synthesis of endogenous phospholipids and the neutralization of xenobiotics).

Following a healthy routine

Compliance with the regime is one of the conditions that will help a person, after prolonged consumption of alcohol-containing drinks, to put himself in order. Adhering to a special daily routine is recommended not only for avid alcoholics, but also for adults suffering from stress and nervous tension. Every person interested in maintaining health can follow simple conditions:

  • sports, moderate physical activity;
  • adequate sleep, adherence to a rest regime;
  • visiting a bathhouse, sauna, water procedures.

Experts recommend avoiding visiting places where many people can be present at the same time. They declare that a person must change his thinking, give up old habits, and fill his life with positive emotions. By following simple rules you can significantly improve your mental state.

Basics of treatment with hepatoprotector drugs

The pronounced pharmacological effect of hepatoprotectors develops after 20-30 days from the start of administration, reaching a maximum after 2-3 months of treatment. Therefore, hepatoprotectors should be used in courses of 3-4 months (in some severe cases - up to six months). The course of treatment can be repeated 2-3 times a year.

All hepatoprotector drugs are quite safe in terms of side effects. The only limitation to their use is individual intolerance to the drug. Some drugs (for example, based on artichoke fruits) are even recommended for use in the complex treatment of pregnancy pathologies.

Proper nutrition after alcohol

There is no clear answer to the question of how long it takes for the liver to recover after alcohol. It all depends on how long a person could not live without alcohol-containing drinks. Cleansing the digestive system organ should begin with choosing the right diet. Experts advise adhering to the following scheme:

  • at least two liters of clean water per day;
  • elimination of fried, highly salted, smoked foods;
  • introduction of fresh vegetables and fruits into the diet;
  • consumption of fermented milk products.

For people who give up alcohol, doctors recommend eating foods that have a choleretic effect. Products such as zucchini, carrots, onions, pumpkin, and butter will come to the rescue. It is worth paying attention to medicinal plants. Treatment with herbs that are not addictive will restore the digestive system. For example, you can use a decoction of St. John's wort and corn harvest. You should drink a glass of chilled drink a day for a month. It will have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole on an empty stomach, and most importantly it will help the liver recover.

A remedy for the liver after alcohol is vegetable juices. In this case, the former alcoholic switches to a raw food diet for a while. Vegetable juices are sources of useful substances such as calcium, zinc, magnesium. Particular attention is paid to the carrot drink, which should be taken for a month.

Etiotropic drugs

Etiotropic therapy drugs are medications whose action is aimed at suppressing vital activity and destroying infectious agents. This group includes:

  • antiviral agents
    – natural and recombinant interferons. Recommended for the treatment of viral hepatitis;
  • antibiotics
    – macrolides, fluoroquinolones, cephalosporins, tetracyclines. Used in the treatment of diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract;
  • antifungals
    – medications for the treatment of deep mycoses (fungi). Prescribed for disseminated candidiasis, aspergillosis, cryptococcosis, candidomycosis;
  • antiprotozoal
    - antigiardiasis drugs metronidazole and furazolidone.

Other Natural Foods Helpful for Liver Recovery

The liver is an organ that withstands the main load by processing ethyl alcohol. He needs additional help to restore normal functioning. There are several products you should pay attention to that can cope with this task:

  • oats The natural product contains many components that are essential for the body. Therefore, a decoction from it should be drunk before meals. It is very easy to prepare. One and a half liters of boiling water will require a handful of whole oatmeal flakes;
  • berries. Currants, blueberries, blueberries are foods that should be included in the diet. Watermelon is an irreplaceable berry that washes toxins out of the blood;
  • garlic, lettuce. One clove of garlic per week, which contains selenium, will help cleanse the liver. Greens help activate the flow of bile.

Beets, avocados, grapefruits, limes, walnuts, and turmeric will also benefit. Eating foods that help remove toxins from the body more quickly will help improve your health. An integrated approach, that is, the use of medications, adherence to a daily routine, and consumption of healthy foods is a guarantee of restoration of one of the most important organs of the digestive system.

Now it’s clear how to cleanse the liver after drinking alcohol. Take care of your health! Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages does not lead to anything good! It is necessary to take care of your well-being! This is the only way to live and enjoy the pleasant moments that every day gives.

Means of symptomatic therapy

Medicines for symptomatic therapy, unlike pathogenetic drugs, reduce the manifestations of the disease, but do not affect the cause of its occurrence.


Antispasmodic drugs are prescribed for spastic pain accompanying hepatic colic. In this situation the following can be used:

  • neurotropic drugs that disrupt the innervation of myocytes of the gallbladder and biliary tract;
  • myotropic, changing biochemical processes in smooth muscle cells of the liver;
  • combined (neuromyotropic) complexes.


For short-term relief of pain in the liver area, narcotic and non-narcotic analgesics are used.

  • Opioid (narcotic) drugs
    . They affect the central nervous system and are prescribed in strictly defined doses to relieve severe pain.
  • Non-narcotic drugs (derivatives of salicylic acid, aniline, pyrazolone)
    . Used for less severe pain symptoms. They have an analgesic effect, reduce the permeability of the walls of liver capillaries, suppress the synthesis of prostaglandins and interleukin-1, and prevent the release of bile enzymes into tissues and blood.


To relieve nausea and vomiting, which are frequent accompaniments of liver diseases, antiemetic drugs (gastrokinetics) are used.


The most essential micronutrients for the liver are ascorbic and lipoic acid, vitamin E, which maintains the stability and integrity of hepatocytes. B vitamins and retinol are also necessary to restore and maintain the normal functioning of the organ.

Detoxifying agents

Detoxifying medications used to stop exposure to toxic substances include:

  • laxatives and emetics;
  • osmotic diuretics;
  • water-electrolyte balance regulators;
  • sorbents;
  • blood and plasma substitutes.

In case of toxic liver damage, antidotes (chemical or biological antagonists) are used to neutralize the poison, prevent or eliminate the effect it causes.


Can be recommended for use as a means of pathogenetic treatment for severe liver diseases. These drugs regulate immunological activity, suppress the production of antibodies, inhibit the formation of connective tissue, reduce the manifestations of the inflammatory reaction, have a tonic effect, and inhibit the development of intrahepatic bilestasis.


Probiotic preparations are complexes of viable beneficial bacteria. They normalize the composition of the intestinal microflora and are used to restore the normal functioning of the hepatobiliary system and the entire digestive tract after etiotropic therapy. These drugs are also used in the treatment of patients with liver cirrhosis. Colonization of the intestines with beneficial bacteria significantly reduces the level of serum ammonia concentration, preventing the development of hepatic encephalopathy.

The pathogenetic mechanisms of liver damage are very diverse, but they are all characterized by cellular damage, accompanied by an inflammatory reaction, cytolysis and the development of fibrosis. A similar scenario for the development of a pathological process, albeit with a different initiating mechanism at the start, can develop with viral hepatitis, toxic liver damage, autoimmune hepatitis, metabolic syndrome and other forms of acute and chronic liver damage. It is obvious that in all the mentioned cases, the center of organopathology remains the hepatocyte - the main cell of the liver parenchyma. And if for a number of diseases, primarily viral hepatitis, etiotropic therapy has now been developed that can also have a pathogenetic effect (proven reduction in inflammation, cytolysis and fibrosis under the influence of, for example, interferons a or nucleoside analogues), then in most other cases of damage to the liver parenchyma, the evidence base regarding the effectiveness of the use of various groups of drugs that claim to be a savior of hepatocytes has not yet been established [6, 8, 10].

Nevertheless, there is a fairly wide range of drugs called “hepatoprotectors”. Based on the name, these drugs must somehow universally protect the liver cell under a variety of damage mechanisms [1]. Hepatoprotectors are very heterogeneous in their chemical composition and, as follows from the instructions of the drugs, have multidirectional effects on metabolic processes. Despite many years of clinical experience and numerous scientific studies (in most cases not meeting the principles of clinical studies with a high level of evidence), the boundaries of the use of hepatoprotectors have not yet been delineated. In this publication, the authors tried to give pharmacological characteristics of the main hepatoprotectors and evaluate the results of their practical use in patients with chronic liver damage [1, 6, 10].

Essential phospholipids

In Russia, this group of drugs is the main type of hepatoprotectors, although in the European Union it is little known to a wide range of practicing physicians. To understand the mechanism of the protective effect of essential phospholipids, it should be taken into account that all cell membranes have a fairly typical structure and approximately 75% (mitochondrial membrane is 92%) consist of phospholipids, the basis of which is phosphatidylcholine. In addition to their structural function, phospholipids are involved in the processes of molecular transport, cell division and differentiation, and stimulate the activity of various enzyme systems [1]. Direct damage to the cell membrane is caused by ethanol, some poisons and drugs. In general, damage to the hepatocyte membrane always occurs with any liver damage, however, it is realized through more complex and subtle mechanisms through interaction with circulating immune complexes, autoantibodies, etc. In this regard, count on stabilizing liver damage only by strengthening the hepatocyte cell membrane by supplying from outside the “building material” (phospholipids), without eliminating the main pathogenetic cause of hepatocyte lysis, is not necessary. For example, in classic autoimmune hepatitis or viral hepatitis B, which are based on immune mechanisms of liver damage, it is clear that the main etiopathogenetic agents will be corticosteroids and/or cytostatics, and the use of essential phospholipids in these cases seems to be very ephemeral.

The main functions of phospholipids are to maintain normal fluidity and repair of cell membranes, antioxidant action, protect mitochondrial and microsomal enzymes from damage, slow down collagen synthesis and increase collagenase activity. These mechanisms underlie their physiological antifibrotic effect. Taking into account the basic mechanisms of etiopathogenesis of various liver diseases, this group of drugs can be used, for example, for alcoholic liver steatosis and non-alcoholic hepatopathy as part of the metabolic syndrome [1, 10].

As some studies show, this group of drugs improves biochemical parameters and the general well-being of patients, but in some cases phospholipids can induce the development of cholestasis [1, 5].

Silymarin . The complex preparation silymarin contains a mixture of milk thistle alkaloids, the main active ingredient being silibinin. As follows from the instructions, the drug has hepatoprotective and antitoxic properties. The mechanism of its action is associated with the suppression of lipid peroxidation, as a result of which damage to cell membranes is prevented. In hepatocytes, the drug stimulates the synthesis of proteins and phospholipids, which leads to the stabilization of cell membranes and a decrease in their permeability. As a result, silymarin prevents the loss of cell components, including transaminases, which is clinically manifested by a decrease in cytolytic syndrome. In addition, silymarin prevents the penetration of certain hepatotoxic substances into the cell, in particular the poisons of the toadstool - phalloidin and amanitin. However, there is no convincing data demonstrating a significant increase in the survival rate of patients with acute toxic hepatitis caused by toadstool when taking silymarin in the available literature. Recently, studies have begun to appear in which the antifibrotic properties of silymarin have been discovered, however, the main objects of these studies are patients with metabolic disorders and hepatic steatosis [5, 8].

Ademethionine (S-adenosyl-L-methionine) is a natural substance endogenously synthesized from methionine and adenosine. Ademetionine is involved in at least three types of biochemical reactions: transmethylation, transsulfuration and polyamine synthesis. Transmethylation reactions are an important step in the synthesis of phospholipids (primarily phosphatidylcholine), ensuring membrane fluidity and their polarization, which plays a significant role in the synthesis of bile. Impaired transsulfuration leads to a deficiency of glutathione, the most important cellular antioxidant. Lack of glutathione reduces the resistance of hepatocytes to the damaging effects of free radicals. In addition, ademetionine serves as a precursor to other thiol compounds, such as cysteine, taurine, coenzyme A. Finally, the third group of reactions in which ademetionine takes part, the synthesis of polyamines, is directly related to the processes of hepatocyte proliferation and liver regeneration. Experimental and clinical data indicate the antioxidant and detoxifying effects of ademetionine, as well as the acceleration under its influence of liver tissue regeneration and slowdown of the development of fibrosis.

The most convincing clinical results of using ademetionine were obtained in alcoholic liver disease. With the use of ademetionine in patients with alcoholic cirrhosis, an increase in the initially reduced concentrations of glutathione, cysteine ​​and taurine in the blood serum and liver tissue was noted, which indicates the normalization of metabolic processes. It is known that the main toxic product of ethanol metabolism, acetaldehyde, blocks the glutathione reduction system, which causes damage to hepatocytes by lipid peroxidation products. Ademethionine, being a donor of the sulfhydryl group, helps eliminate glutathione deficiency. In addition to a significant decrease in the level of serum bilirubin, transaminases and g-glutamyl transpeptidase, there is preliminary evidence of a statistically significant increase in survival of patients with alcoholic cirrhosis.

Another area of ​​application of ademetionine is cholestatic liver diseases, in which it is possible to achieve a significant reduction in itching and a decrease in cholestasis enzymes. There is information about the pronounced positive effect of ademetionine in drug-induced cholestasis. In addition to hepatoprotective properties, ademetionine also has an antidepressant effect, the mechanism of which is far from fully understood [1, 5, 8].

Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) is a substance belonging to the group of hydrophilic bile acids. The mechanisms of action of UDCA are complex and have not been fully studied to date. The most likely are cytoprotective and choleretic effects due to competitive inhibition of the absorption of toxic hydrophobic bile acids in the ileum. It has been established that the cytoprotective effect of UDCA on biliary epithelial cells is realized by preventing the release of cytochrome C from mitochondria, which in turn blocks the activation of apoptosis of cholangiocytes and caspases. UDCA also has an immunomodulatory effect, reducing the expression of HLA molecules (Human Leucocyte Antigen) classes I and II on biliary epithelial cells and reducing the production of proinflammatory cytokines (interleukins -1, -2, -6, interferon-gamma). UDCA reduces the saturation of bile with cholesterol by inhibiting its absorption in the intestine, suppressing synthesis in the liver and reducing secretion into bile; increases the solubility of cholesterol in bile through the formation of liquid crystals; reduces the lithogenic index of bile, increasing the content of bile acids in it. Such diverse mechanisms of action are caused by the variety of indications for the use of UDCA.

In primary biliary cirrhosis, UDCA is the drug of choice, not only improving clinical (reduction of weakness, itching, jaundice), biochemical (reduction of cytolysis enzymes and cholestasis) and histological (reduction of liver tissue inflammation) indicators, but also increasing the life expectancy of patients, as demonstrated in numerous clinical studies [1, 5, 8]. The prescription of the drug is pathogenetically justified for diseases accompanied by intrahepatic cholestasis, such as primary sclerosing cholangitis, chronic hepatitis with a cholestatic component (especially alcoholic and drug-induced), cystic fibrosis, atresia of the intrahepatic biliary tract, post-transplantation cholestasis, cholestasis during parenteral nutrition. In addition, UDCA is used to dissolve cholesterol gallstones and for biliary reflux gastritis.

Glycyrrhizic acid . The first mention of the medicinal properties of this compound is found in the papyri of the ancient Egyptian physician Eberus, where he reports on the medicinal properties of licorice, which was used for a number of diseases. In the middle of the last century, the Czech scientist L. Ruzicka deciphered the chemical structure of glycyrrhizic acid, emphasizing its similarity to the steroid structure. Glycyrrhizin is a calcium or potassium salt of tribasic glycyrrhizic acid, the aglycone of which is glycyrrhetic acid, and the carbohydrate part is represented by two molecules of glucuronic acid. To date, the anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antiviral and immunomodulatory properties of this compound have been described. For the first time, the antiviral effect of glycyrrhizin against the herpes simplex virus, varicella zoster virus, and others was reported by Pompei R. et al. The studies were initially carried out in vitro, and subsequently these data were confirmed in laboratory animals by other researchers, in particular with regard to duck hepatitis A (HAV) and B (HBV) viruses [3, 4].

Takahara T. et al. studied the effect of glycyrrhizin on HBV. It has been established that glycyrrhizic acid modifies the glycosylation and sialylation of the surface antigen of the hepatitis B virus (HBsAg), leading to its retention in the Golgi apparatus, which apparently explains its positive effect in the treatment of HBV infection [11]. The mechanisms of the antiviral action of glycyrrhizin during HCV infection remain unknown to date. However, stimulation by glycyrrhizin of the synthesis of interferon-gamma with subsequent activation of macrophages and B-lymphocytes, increased phagocytosis and antibody production, and activation of NK cells undoubtedly contributes to the course of chronic hepatitis C. At the same time, inhibition of protein kinase P by glycyrrhizin entails inhibition of phosphorylation proteins encoded by the virus in infected cells causes CD4+-mediated cytotoxicity

T cells and tumor necrosis factor alpha. Glycyrrhizin in the receptor sites of the membrane inhibits the penetration of the virus into the cell by blocking carbohydrate enzymes, which indicates a possible suppressive effect directly on the viral RNA (HCV RNA) [8, 9]. In addition, Abe Y. et al. report that, unlike interferon-alpha, which inhibits the late stage of the viral replication cycle, glycyrrhizic acid is active at its early stage [3].

The results of clinical studies of the effectiveness of glycyrrhizic acid in patients with chronic hepatitis remain controversial. Firstly, there are practically no randomized placebo-controlled studies; secondly, most studies do not take into account the effect of glycyrrhizic acid on viral load and liver histology; thirdly, a stable response to the use of glycyrrhizin has not been obtained and there is no data on the effectiveness of its use in compared to interferon-alpha. According to the literature, Japanese doctors have the greatest experience in the practical use of glycyrrhizin, but it is obvious that glycyrrhizin has a proven positive effect in reducing the risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with chronic viral hepatitis, especially those who do not respond to treatment with interferon alpha [7, 12, 13 ].

Extremely interesting in this sense is the recent publication by German researchers on the results of a phase II blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial of the effectiveness of glycyrrhizin in patients with chronic hepatitis C who had not previously responded to antiviral therapy with interferon-alpha. It demonstrated a very rapid biochemical response (after two weeks of treatment), although without a significant effect on viremia. In some patients, after 6 months of therapy, a histological examination of the liver was performed, but no significant effect of the drug on the degree of fibrosis was detected [9]. At the same time, phase III clinical trials, where the use of glycyrrhizin continued for at least 12 months, demonstrated, along with an unconditional biochemical response to treatment in more than 78% of patients, a reduction in fibrosis in 2/3 of these patients [2].

The domestic dosage form of glycyrrhizin is the drug Phosphogliv, consisting of phospholipids obtained from soybeans or sunflower seeds, and glycyrrhizin itself. To increase the bioavailability of phospholipids, for the first time in the production of drugs of this group, essentially nanotechnologies were used. The drug can be considered as an equivalent to the Japanese drug Neominophagen, but unlike the latter, Phosphogliv is available in two dosage forms - tablets and powder for solution. The most promising injection dosage form of the drug has demonstrated effectiveness in fairly quickly reducing cytolysis and immune inflammation in patients with chronic viral hepatitis. This, according to the author, is explained precisely by the action of glycyrrhizin, the content and bioavailability of which is higher in the injection form. The tablet form of the drug can be classified as a drug containing phospholipids, since the amount of glycyrrhizin declared by the manufacturer in tablet form, as well as the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of glycyrrhizin administered orally, do not imply a pronounced biochemical response.

Our own experience of using Phosphogliv and the experience of colleagues allow us to position it as a drug with an active hepatoprotective effect, primarily in patients with viral liver damage, as an additional agent to standard antiviral treatment or as the main and, alas, only remedy for patients receiving antiviral treatment interferon-alpha is not indicated for any reason (chronic hepatitis C with a transplanted kidney, advanced stage of viral hepatitis, etc.) [2].

In addition, almost all researchers emphasize that prescribing Phosphogliv against the background of traditional antiviral therapy with interferon-alpha significantly minimizes the side effects of the latter. Phosphogliv should be used long-term, the patient should be oriented towards therapy for a period of a year or more. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the level of blood pressure and potassium content in the blood serum, since glycyrrhizin can cause symptoms of hyperaldosteronism in some patients, which, however, are quickly and reliably relieved by minimal doses of spironolactone on the day of injection and the day after it. Long-term administration of Phosphogliv in the form of injections does not cause the development of phlebitis, which is apparently due to the pronounced anti-inflammatory effect of the drug.

Of course, the effectiveness of Phosphogliv in patients with chronic diffuse liver diseases, primarily viral, needs to be studied. Taking into account the steroid-like chemical structure and biological action of glycyrrhizin, in our opinion, it would be extremely interesting to study the effect of the injectable form of the drug Phosphogliv in patients with attacks of acute alcoholic hepatitis or autoimmune hepatitis.

Despite a fairly wide range of drugs with hepatoprotective properties, they must be prescribed carefully and strictly differentiated. It is necessary not only to clearly understand the chemical structure of a particular drug, but also to know the results of its use, both according to literature data and taking into account the experience of colleagues. In this case, hepatoprotective drugs will receive a truly objective assessment of their effectiveness and safety profile.

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