Maraslavin, solution for topical use, 100 ml, 1 pc.


Solution for topical use100 ml
active substances
wormwood herb (Artemisiaa pontica L.)4.196 g
savory herb (Satureja hortensis L.)0.728 g
clove, buds (Syzygium aromaticum (L.) LMPerry)3.646 g
black pepper fruits (Piper nigrum L.)1.199 g
ginger rhizomes (Zingiber officinale Roscoe)4.196 g
excipients: ammonium chloride - 2.399 g; wine vinegar 2% (corresponds to 2 g/100 ml acetic acid) - 59.59 g; purified water - 59.59 g
the drug is produced using the technology of obtaining a decoction from a mixture of plant materials with water and wine vinegar

How does Maraslavin work?

Maraslavin prevents the development of inflammation and allergic reactions. The wound healing process is accompanied by the effect of local anesthesia, which facilitates the treatment of oral diseases. Rinsing with a healing liquid helps cleanse the oral mucosa of toxic substances, purulent plaques and bacteria.

After contact of the drug with tissues, their ability to regenerate sharply increases due to an increase in the density of collagen fibers. The activation of growth and compaction of the epithelial layer of the gums begins, which leads to the natural restoration of the tissue structures of the oral cavity.

The instructions for the herbal medicine Maraslavin contain special instructions regarding the features of treatment with the drug:

  • the beginning of treatment procedures can cause an increase in the inflammatory process, accompanied by swelling and irritation;
  • relief of the condition along with rapid healing of the mucous membrane occurs after cleansing the periodontal pockets of toxic deposits;
  • continuation of therapy leads to a decrease in gum bleeding and the return of a tight fit of their papillae to the surface of the teeth.

The use of rinses with Maraslavin eliminates the serious threat of subsequent loss of teeth by eliminating infection in the gum pockets. Reducing the cavities with their further disappearance aligns the edge of the gum, pressing it against the teeth, which can significantly reduce tooth mobility during periodontal disease.

Directions for use and doses


Treatment is carried out by a dentist and begins with the removal of supragingival tartar. At the same time, measures are taken to ventilate the gum pockets with a spray or a stream of warm water.

Then the drug Maraslavin® is instilled using loose cotton swabs into the alveolar and bone pockets using a probe. To do this, pour 20–25 ml of the drug into a glass vessel, with which cotton swabs are generously moistened (their size depends on the width of the alveolar or bone pocket). The tampons are left in the pockets for 5–6 minutes, and during this time the tampons are placed on the other side of the teeth or in the pockets of adjacent teeth. This procedure is repeated 5-6 times in one session (sequentially in each pocket). With each tampon change, it penetrates easier and deeper into the alveolar pocket.

The last tampons are left loosely in the pockets, the patient is released until the next day with the recommendation to remove the tampons himself in case of fever (due to purulent exudation) or other health problems and to consult a dentist.

At the second treatment session, the tampons remaining after the first visit are removed and subgingival tartar is removed. Sequentially insert several tampons into each pocket as in the first session. The last tampons are also left in place for 24 hours if possible.

Treatment is carried out at intervals for 3 months. 17–20 treatment sessions should be carried out using the method described above, depending on the degree of the disease and the patient’s condition. It is necessary that the first 5-6 sessions be carried out at intervals of 24 hours.

The following courses of treatment are prescribed by the dentist.

After 5–6 months after the end of treatment, a follow-up examination of the patient is carried out. Regardless of the condition of the gums, 1-2 procedures (if necessary more) are performed to treat the same places on the alveoli with Maraslavin® in order to eliminate possible microbial pathogens of the process. The final examination is carried out 12 months after the start of treatment.

Recommendations and warnings

Like any drug, Maraslavin requires strict adherence to the instructions. It cannot be used if the patient has specific contraindications. Let's take a closer look at the recommendations and warnings for using this product.

What are the contraindications

It is not recommended to use Maraslavin if you are hypersensitive to the components and under the age of 18 years. The composition does not affect the enamel and dentin in any way, does not cause harm to the body and does not cause intoxication. It is also worth noting that there is no reliable data yet on the harm from using the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The admissibility of its use during these periods is determined by the attending physician.

The drug is not recommended for use in children

Interaction with other drugs

The instructions say that the product can be combined with other medications. However, reliable data on possible interactions do not yet exist. If you are undergoing drug therapy at the same time, consult your doctor about this. But it is better to avoid spicy and irritating foods during the course in order to avoid unnecessary injury to the mucous membrane.

Side effects

Adverse reactions are possible if the outflow of purulent masses from the alveolar cavity is impaired. In such a situation, there is a risk of low-grade fever due to too close contact of the lotions with the mucous membrane. In this case, the symptom goes away almost immediately after removing the tampons. In other cases, an allergic reaction may develop due to individual intolerance to one or several components at once.

Recommendations for effective treatment

For therapy to bring the desired results, experts recommend following simple rules. Here are the main recommendations in this regard:

  • During the course, it is better to refuse to use disinfectant solutions for rinsing the mouth - after eating, it will be enough to rinse your mouth with plain water,
  • It is recommended to adjust your usual diet, give up acidic and too hard foods, as well as spicy foods. It is better to add more foods high in healthy vitamins and microelements to your diet,
  • Experts advise to refrain from sunbathing and, if possible, avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.

During treatment, you should avoid eating acidic foods.
The drug does not affect psychomotor functions, does not reduce the level of concentration and does not prohibit driving. The bottle, when printed, can be stored for no more than a month.

Who produces the drug

This unique combination product of herbal origin or herbal medicine is brought to the market by a company with rich traditions, Sopharma, whose head office is located in Bulgaria. The corporation has existed since 1933, actively invests in research activities, so it can boast of producing truly high-quality and competitively priced medicines. The same “Maraslavin” can be purchased in various pharmacies for only 110-150 rubles. In addition to Maraslavin, for example, the company supplies to different countries of the world such medicine as Tempalgin, which often becomes a permanent “tenant” in the home medicine cabinet and is perceived as a remedy for all ills, or more precisely, for pain of various origins.

Reviews about the drug

“My grandmother was prescribed Maraslavin by her dentist for the treatment of purulent periodontal disease. The doctor herself put the medicine in, at first only at the appointment, then sent her home with it (placed tampons in the periodontal pockets for 24 hours). But one day my grandmother’s temperature began to rise and everything in her mouth began to hurt. We read in the instructions for use that this can happen if the pus does not drain well due to the tight fit of the tampons and you just need to remove them. This is what the doctor did the next day. Despite this small minus, the grandmother endured the long period of treatment quite easily; during the entire period we bought the solution 3-4 times. In principle, its price is not that high, so there were no special expenses.”

Elya@1986, review from correspondence from the forum

“It didn’t suit me at all, because... Irritation of the gums immediately began, the mucous membranes swollen, and there was terrible itching. Therefore, I don’t believe those who say that there are practically no reactions to this cute and harmless drug!”

Sofia K., from correspondence on the forum


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gum disease

  1. Savchenko L.N., Marinina T.F., Lukashuk S.P. Modern approaches to the treatment and prevention of periodontal diseases. News of the Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2012.

When is rinsing prescribed?

A course of use of Maraslavin, which has an astringent and antiallergic effect, is prescribed by the dentist after surgery for periodontal disease. In addition, rinsing the mouth with a healing herbal liquid is indicated for inflammatory gum diseases.

Hemorrhagic form of periodontal disease

The course of the pathology is accompanied by severe bleeding of the gums, their swelling and pain, which leads to the development of tooth mobility. The disease is characterized by the appearance of shallow gum pockets with scant exudate and subgingival dental deposits.

How do rinses with Maraslavin work:

  • pain in the gums decreases;
  • the amount of swelling is minimized;
  • profuse bleeding stops.

The use of a natural solution of Maraslavin for rinsing the mouth allows you to return the gums to their natural size, ensuring tight contact of the gingival papillae with the plane of the tooth neck. The result is the partial or complete disappearance of gingival cavities, which threaten the development of a purulent process.

Pyorrheic type of periodontal disease

The development of a purulent form (alveolar pyorrhea) is characterized by the appearance of a large number of pockets filled with pus with an abundance of subgingival deposits. Under the influence of the combined composition of the drug Maraslavin, the volumes of purulent discharge initially increase, but continued therapy leads to a decrease in the production of exudate until it completely disappears.


Reducing the volume of pus leads to an improvement in the condition, accompanied by a decrease in pain, tissue regeneration, and the oral mucosa takes on a healthy appearance. However, the instructions for use of Maraslavin warn about the possibility of side effects due to impaired outflow of pus from the alveolar cavity. The situation may be accompanied by the appearance of low-grade fever when the lotions with the medicine fit tightly. The symptom of low-grade fever disappears with the removal of tampons.

Placement of tampons is contraindicated in case of an abundance of purulent masses and a progressive abscess. Children under 14 years of age are not treated with Maraslavin; it would be safer for pregnant and lactating women to refrain from using natural medicine.

The possibility of allergies should not be ruled out. The appearance of its symptoms is a fact of the individual reaction of the patient’s body to the components of the healing agent. There is no information in dental practice about an overdose of a locally used drug.

Rules to follow for the effectiveness of treatment with Maraslavin

When using this drug, doctors advise patients to also follow a set of measures at home so that the treatment goes well.

First, you need to impose restrictions on your diet. To avoid further injury to your gums and to allow them to recover as quickly as possible, eat mostly soft, non-spicy, non-salty, not too hot or cold foods. Conversely, introduce foods rich in vitamins A and C into your diet.

After the procedure you need to take soft, warm food

Secondly, during the period of treatment with the solution (especially in cases where it is placed in periodontal pockets), it is undesirable to use a brush and paste, as well as mouth rinses; it will only be enough to rinse your mouth thoroughly with warm or cool water.

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