Medicines for women during menopause

The best products for women during menopause.

October 11, 2021



  • Symptoms of menopause
  • Prevention of menopause
  • What will help with menopause
  • Non-hormonal herbal medicine: how does it work?
  • The best non-hormonal drugs for menopause
  • Qi-Klim
  • Klimaksan
  • Estrovel
  • Feminal
  • Femicaps Easy Life
  • Folk remedies for menopause

Menopause is one of the periods that a woman goes through during her life. During menopause, a physiological restructuring occurs in the body - the function of the ovaries decreases: they cease to be active and eggs no longer mature in them (a woman can no longer get pregnant). Usually menopause occurs at the age of 50-55 years, but there can be an earlier or later onset - everything is purely individual.

Menopause is a natural change in a woman’s hormonal levels, which is accompanied by various unpleasant symptoms. Let's figure out what the signs of menopause are, what to do to prevent negative feelings, and what non-hormonal medications you can take.

Read also: 10 safest sedatives The best natural sedatives.

Symptoms of menopause

For each woman, the symptoms of menopause manifest themselves differently, everything is individual, but much depends on both heredity and lifestyle. But we can highlight the main signs of menopause:

  • hot flashes;
  • chills;
  • dizziness, headaches, nausea;
  • anxiety and neurosis (even depression);
  • sleep problems;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • pressure surges;
  • decreased sex drive;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • urethral syndrome (inflammation of the urethra), etc.

The degree to which the above symptoms manifest depends on the amount of hormones the female body secretes. Depending on this, there are 4 periods of menopause:

  • Premenopause. The period from the first cycle disturbances to the last menstruation (premenopause lasts from 2 to 10 years).
  • Menopause. The period from the last menstruation, which lasts about a year.
  • Postmenopause. Lasts 6-8 years. The symptoms of menopause persist, but become less pronounced than at the beginning.

All these periods together are called menopause, and all the symptoms are called menopausal syndrome.

Symptoms of menopause

Photos from open sources

Read also 5 most popular pregnancy tests Top 5 popular pregnancy tests (taking into account accuracy and price).

Prevention of menopause

Today, every woman can significantly alleviate the symptoms of menopause by preventing hormonal fluctuations. Among the main ways to prevent menopause:

  1. Once every six months - a general blood test (with determination of glucose and cholesterol levels). This will help control the development of cardiovascular and metabolic disorders.
  2. Blood pressure control.
  3. Preventive examination by a gynecologist (every six months or as indicated).
  4. Once every six months – consultation with a mammologist (after 30 years).
  5. Self-monitoring of the condition of the mammary glands.
  6. Weight control.
  7. Rejection of bad habits.
  8. Regular physical activity.

What will help with menopause

As we wrote above, each woman experiences menopause individually. Some people show almost no symptoms at all, while others suffer from a whole bunch of unpleasant sensations. If the symptoms of menopause are not too pronounced, doctors usually recommend that the woman lead an active lifestyle, eat right, and non-hormonal medications will help cope with the discomfort. If menopause is severe, a thorough examination and prescription of hormone replacement therapy is necessary. Menopause cannot be treated independently with hormonal drugs, since such drugs have many contraindications and side effects.

Hot flashes during menopause: treatment without hormones

Expert opinion

Many women cannot take hormonal medications due to certain health conditions. For example, if there is a risk of breast cancer, a tendency to form venous blood clots, cerebrovascular accident (stroke) and heart attack, hormone replacement therapy is not recommended, since the potential risks from it may be higher than the benefits.

Obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category Oksana Anatolyevna Gartleb

To mitigate the intensity of menopause symptoms, not only hormone replacement therapy, but also other drugs are used. Instead of hormones, you can use the following:

Drugs that normalize blood pressure

During menopause, changes in the water-salt balance occur, resulting in fluid retention in the body and an increase in blood volume. This leads to increased blood pressure during hot flashes. Taking medications that lower blood pressure helps reduce sweating and the feeling of heat during such conditions.

Sedatives and antidepressants

These medications, given in small doses, help reduce the stress caused by hot flashes. In addition, taking antidepressants and sedatives in some cases reduces the frequency and intensity of hot flashes by normalizing the condition of blood vessels.

Expert opinion

Remember that antidepressants can be quite harsh on your health and may cause some side effects. Therefore, their prescription and selection of the appropriate dosage should be handled exclusively by a specialized specialist.

Obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category Oksana Anatolyevna Gartleb

Vitamin and mineral complexes, dietary supplements

During menopause, it is recommended to take complexes rich in retinol, tocopherol, ascorbic acid, B vitamins, vitamin D, calcium, magnesium, boron.

Dietary supplements based on phytoestrogens. Phytohormones include coconut oil, chamomile, calendula, ginseng root, grapes, dates, pomegranates, red clover, alfalfa, flax, licorice, etc.

Non-hormonal herbal medicine: how does it work?

If the manifestations of menopause in a woman do not require serious correction with hormonal agents, doctors prescribe analogues of plant origin. It turns out that some plants contain isoflavones - extracts with estrogenic activity (phytoestrogens). In their structure, they are close to female hormones, but they have much lower activity than synthetic and natural ones.

Many women prefer non-hormonal medications during menopause, since they act gently and significantly reduce the severity of hot flashes and other unpleasant symptoms of menopause.

Medicines for menopause usually contain hops and licorice root. Such remedies are often enriched with plants with a sedative effect (valerian, lemon balm, motherwort, St. John's wort). Plants such as sage or clover improve vascular tone and blood circulation.

There are almost no contraindications to non-hormonal drugs during menopause, but they should still be prescribed by a doctor, because only he can calculate the correct dosage of the drug. To feel the positive effect, the herbal medicine must be taken for at least a month.

How to reduce hot flashes and how to deal with excessive sweating?

To reduce the negative consequences of hormonal disorders during menopause, you need to take appropriate medications, adjust your diet, and adjust your work and rest schedule. However, that's not all. There are some simple rules to reduce the unpleasant symptoms of attacks:

  • Avoid going to the bathhouse and sauna. Hot air in steam rooms causes excessive sweating.
  • Spend less time outside on hot days, and also stay as far as possible from heat sources - fireplaces, stoves, heaters, bonfires.
  • Stop smoking, eating hot, fatty and spicy foods, coffee, alcohol and sweets.
  • A woman's diet during menopause should include more fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products, cereals, wheat bran, chicken eggs, and nuts.
    These products have a beneficial effect on female hormonal levels, which helps reduce the symptoms of menopause. It is also worth including foods rich in so-called phytohormones in your diet. In their composition they are close to human hormones, but are not as effective. Eat: coconut, soybean and olive oil, lentils, flax seeds, garlic, chickpeas, beans, barley, rye.
  • Drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. Due to increased sweating during menopause, the body quickly loses fluid, so it must be replenished in a timely manner.
  • Do not wear synthetic clothing. It is better to give preference to cotton, silk and linen items. The exception is fleece clothing: this artificial material dries quickly and provides the necessary moisture removal.
  • Avoid outfits with high collars. Choose clothes with a neckline and cutouts near the neck.
  • Change synthetic bedding to natural ones. This will help you sweat less while you sleep.
  • If you experience intense hot flashes, you can carry a spare set of clothes with you. If you get very sweaty, you will have the opportunity to change clothes.
  • Observe personal hygiene rules. To avoid the unpleasant odor of sweat, it is recommended to use a high-quality antiperspirant that prevents the appearance of unpleasant odor.
  • Make time for rest, try to be less nervous and engage in static sports - Pilates, yoga, stretching, callanetics. During this difficult period, regular seaside holidays are highly desirable for the female body, but it is important to avoid hot months (July, August) and choose more comfortable and cooler ones - May, June and September.

Treatment of hot flashes during menopause


The active ingredient of this drug is black cohosh (a plant of the ranunculaceae family). “Qi-Clim” is prescribed during menopause to eliminate frequent pressure changes and increases, neurosis, and migraines. The drug is completely safe, so for some indications it is prescribed even during pregnancy. “Qi-Clim” during menopause also acts as a mild sedative, reducing anxiety and mood swings. The main advantages of the herbal medicine are its affordable price, large packaging, helps with insomnia, and has a safe herbal composition. Among the disadvantages is that it cannot be used as a method of contraception; an allergy to the components of the drug is possible.

Evalar, Russia

QI-CLIM reduces the levels of FSH and LH, increases the level of estradiol, which leads to the elimination of early menopausal disorders (psycho-emotional and vegetative-vascular disorders) and delayed menopausal disorders associated with low estrogen levels.
The therapeutic effect of the drug QI-CLIM develops gradually and appears after approximately 2-4 weeks of treatment. from 163

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“Climaxan” is a homeopathic remedy for menopause (also contains black cohosh). It is usually prescribed to reduce vegetative-vascular and mental symptoms during menopause. "Climaxan" helps with rapid heartbeat, excessive sweating, irritability and emotional swings. During menopause, these tablets should not be washed down with water, but dissolved in the morning and evening (if the symptoms of menopause are severe, doctors recommend taking 3-4 tablets per day). "Climaxan" helps calm the nervous system and stabilizes sleep. Among the disadvantages of the drug is that individual intolerance is possible, and it is not available in every pharmacy.


Klimaxan is a homeopathic complex drug that is used in gynecology to relieve symptoms associated with the premenopausal and postmenopausal period.
Eliminates vegetative-vascular disorders that are associated with hormonal imbalance. Has a moderate sedative effect. from 92


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The drug for menopause “Estrovel” contains cohosh extract, as well as soybean seeds, griffonia, dioscorea root, chasteberry fruits, magnesium, folic acid, vitamins B6, E, K1, etc. “Estrovel” is an excellent source of essential minerals and vitamins. This supplement is prescribed for sleep disorders, hot flashes, excessive sweating, and emotional instability. The drug is taken 1-2 capsules per day (it all depends on the severity of negative symptoms). Estrovel has practically no side effects, although individual intolerance to any component of the drug is sometimes possible. "Estrovel" strengthens the immune system, reduces the symptoms of menopause, improves sleep, has a cumulative effect, and is inexpensive. Among the disadvantages is that sometimes weight gain is possible while taking this herbal medicine, and in order to improve the condition as much as possible, long-term treatment is needed.


The dietary supplement Estrovel is recommended during menopause and premenstrual syndrome.
The product alleviates symptoms associated with hormonal imbalance during menopause and menopause, helps reduce muscle, joint and headaches. Estrovel improves bone metabolism, reduces calcium loss, which helps prevent osteoporosis during menopause, and has sedative and calming properties. from 380

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The article is devoted to assessing the effectiveness of the dietary supplement “Estrovel” in the treatment of menopausal syndrome, concomitant somatic pathology and dyshormonal diseases of the reproductive system in perimenopausal women. It has been established that “Estrovel” effectively relieves the manifestations of menopausal syndrome, eliminating neurovegetative and psycho-emotional disorders. When using the drug, there is no negative effect on the parameters of hemostasis, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. A positive effect on the course of concomitant somatic pathology and dishormonal diseases of the female reproductive system was noted.

Late reproductive age and perimenopause in women aged 45-50 years are characterized by a gradual cessation of the menstrual cycle against the background of a decrease in ovarian secretion of estrogen and progesterone. A large percentage of women experience significant discomfort: hot flashes, irritability, depression, anxiety, sleep disturbances. As a rule, in the transition period the course of somatic diseases related to estrogen-dependent organs and systems worsens [1, 3, 6]. Benign and malignant tumors of the body and cervix, ovaries, and breast are of particular relevance.

To relieve the symptoms of menopause, one has to resort to medications. Traditionally, for such cases, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is used, which has a rapid positive effect on most symptoms of menopause [1, 5, 6, 8]. At the same time, there are proven risks with long-term use of HRT: increased blood clotting and the risk of thromboembolic complications, impact on proliferative activity in the tissues of the mammary glands, etc. Absolute contraindications for HRT are uterine bleeding of unknown etiology, cancer of various locations, history of thromboembolic complications , the presence of severe forms of hereditary and acquired thrombophilias, acute liver diseases [3, 7, 8]. It should also be noted that most women have a very wary attitude towards taking hormonal drugs, no matter how effective they are. For women who have contraindications to HRT, as well as for those who are opposed to the use of hormones, the solution to the problem of menopausal disorders can be the use of methods of traditional folk medicine, which has a large arsenal of herbal ingredients tested over the years [4, 6].

Purpose of the study: to evaluate the effectiveness of the dietary supplement “Estrovel” in the treatment of menopausal syndrome, concomitant somatic pathology and dishormonal diseases of the reproductive system in perimenopausal women.

Materials and methods of research. A total of 70 patients were included in the study - 40 women in the main group and 30 in the control group. The first (main) group included 40 women aged 44 to 58 years who had early menopausal disorders of moderate severity. In order to correct the symptoms of menopause, all women were prescribed "Estrovel" () in a dosage of 1-2 tablets 2 times a day for 2 months continuously.

"Estrovel" contains phytoestrogens: cohosh, soy, wild yam, nettle, as well as vitamins B6, E, folic acid; microelement boron, amino acids - phenylalanine, hydroxytryptophan; regulator of proliferative processes indole-3-carbinol. The plant components of Estrovel act as selective modulators of estrogen receptors, stopping early manifestations of deficiency of these hormones: hot flashes, emotional lability, instability of blood pressure. The vitamin-mineral components of the drug and amino acids enhance the effect of phytoestrogens, softening hot flashes and mood swings, reduce dizziness, fatigue, fear, anxiety, and also help strengthen the immune system and musculoskeletal system. Indole-3-carbinol has a unique antitumor and antiproliferative effect on estrogen-dependent tissues [2].

To characterize the severity of menopausal disorders, the modified menopausal index (MMI) according to E.V. was used. Uvarova (1983), which was assessed before starting the drug and then 1, 2, 3 and 6 months after the start of the study [6].

Neurovegetative factors were taken into account (unstable blood pressure, headaches, vestibulopathies, palpitations, sweating, swelling, increased excitability, drowsiness, sleep disturbances, hot flashes, asthma attacks); metabolic-endocrine and psycho-emotional (fatigue, memory loss, increased tearfulness, changes in appetite, depression) symptoms. The severity of a particular symptom was determined on a 4-point scale: 0 points - normal; 1 point - not very pronounced mild degree; 2 points – symptoms of moderate severity; 3 points - pronounced degree of menopause.

Scoring for 3 groups of disorders was carried out separately to assess the effect of “Estrovel” on a particular group of symptoms. The total score was also assessed.

Side effects of taking medications (Estrovel, HRT, sedatives) were assessed using a 3-point rating system: 1 point - mild discomfort and signs of intolerance; 2 points - severe discomfort; 3 points—severe impairment of life activity based on a complex of symptoms.

The second (control) group included 30 women, 15 of them received hormone replacement therapy, 15 received sedative medications and herbal medicine.

In both the main and control groups, FSH and estradiol parameters were studied (by radioimmunoassay) before the start of the study and at the end of the 2-month course of treatment, hemostasiogram parameters (RFMC, fibrinogen, PTT, APTT), biochemical studies were carried out (cholesterol, glucose , bilirubin, AST, ALT). Data from ultrasonography of the pelvic organs and mammary gland, mammography and other instrumental methods were taken into account. Patients were consulted by a therapist, mammologist, and, if indicated, a cardiologist, orthopedic traumatologist and other specialists in order to assess the dynamics of the current somatic diseases.

Results of examination of patients. 17.1% of patients in both groups were practically healthy. Table 1 shows concomitant somatic diseases identified in the examined women.

Table 1.

Frequency of concomitant extragenital diseases in patients of the main and control groups.

Diagnosis Main group, n=40 Control group, n=30
Iron deficiency anemia I degree
II degree

III degree






Chronic gastritis, colitis 11 7
Chronic cholecystitis
Gallstone disease




Chronic pancreatitis 17 10
Hypertension stage I
Stage II

Stage III







Chronic pyelonephritis 7 5
Chronical bronchitis 9 6
Cardiac ischemia 7 4
Cardiopsychoneurosis 12 10
Diabetes 2
Varicose veins 7 6
Obesity I degree
II degree

III degree







Practically healthy women 6 5

In half of the patients in the control group, hormone replacement therapy was contraindicated due to the presence of concomitant somatic pathology, so women received herbal medicine and sedatives as an alternative.

43 patients of the main and control groups had concomitant gynecological diseases. Of these, uterine fibroids occurred in 22 women, recurrent hyperplasia and endometrial polyps - in 18, pseudo-erosion and leukoplakia of the cervix - in 11, follicular ovarian cysts - in 4.

In addition to the characteristic complaints of hot flashes, palpitations, irritability, sleep disturbances, 58 patients of the main and control groups complained of various menstrual cycle disorders: 7 women had heavy regular menstruation, a combination of menopause and metrorrhagia - in 18, scanty rare menstruation - in 12, menopause (more than 1 year) - in 21 patients.

Dyshormonal diseases of the mammary glands (nodular and diffuse mastopathy) were observed in 4 and 12 patients, respectively, benign breast tumors - in 3 patients.

Table 2 shows the dynamics of the modified menopausal index during treatment with Estrovel, as well as when using hormone replacement therapy and during treatment with sedatives.

Table 2.

Dynamics of the modified menopausal index during treatment of patients in the main and control groups.

Group of patientsGroup of symptoms MMI before treatment (points) MMI after 2 months. after treatment (points)
Main group
(dietary supplement "Estrovel")
Neurovegetative24,3 +2,414,3 +1,4*
Metabolic12,5 +2,111,5 +1,9
Psycho-emotional11,6+ 1,94,6 + 0,4*
Total MMI48,4+ 3,430,4+ 2,6*
Control group (HRT)Neurovegetative21,1 +2,59,3 +0,7*
Metabolic11,9 +2,28,5 +1,1*
Psycho-emotional13,6+ 1,86,6+ 0,4*
Total MMI46,6+ 3,724,4+ 3,4*
Control group (sedation therapy)Neurovegetative22,3 +2,218,3 +2,1*
Metabolic14,1 +1,913,5 +2,1
Psycho-emotional10,6+ 1,77,6 + 0,9
Total MMI47,0+ 3,439,4 + 3,4*

Note: * - there are significant differences in indicators before treatment and 2 months after treatment (p <0.05)

As can be seen from Table 2, the most effective means for relieving climacteric disorders, as expected, was hormone replacement therapy, which made it possible to reduce MMI in patients by almost 2 times, thereby significantly improving their well-being.

In 2nd place in terms of effectiveness was the dietary supplement "Estrovel", which reduced MMI by 40.1% - mainly due to improved indicators in the neuro-vegetative and psycho-emotional groups of symptoms, with virtually no effect on metabolic-endocrine dysfunction after two months of use. Sedative therapy turned out to be the least effective, as a result of which the majority of patients still had menopausal disorders of moderate severity.

Assessment of compliance with therapy showed that the acceptability of using the Estrovel dietary supplement for patients was characterized by maximum characteristics. None of the patients stopped taking the drug, noting good tolerability, ease of dosing (2 times a day) and the absence of side effects. According to women who have taken Estrovel, they are ready to undergo repeated courses of treatment with the drug.

Patients in the control group who received HRT noted the convenience of taking the drugs once a day, while at the same time, 8 out of 15 patients noted a fear of the development of numerous side effects and complications, primarily in relation to the growth of hormone-dependent tumors. Side effects in the form of worsening the course of somatic diseases prompted 2 patients to stop taking HRT medications, and another 6 patients seriously thought about repeat courses, despite the high effectiveness of the drugs and expressed the opinion that they would like to try alternative therapy options first.

Women receiving sedative therapy expressed dissatisfaction with the dosage regimen of the drugs (up to 3 times a day), drowsiness throughout the day, as well as the lack of sufficient effect in relieving the neuro-vegetative manifestations of menopausal syndrome.

Interesting, from our point of view, are the facts indicating an improvement in the course of somatic and dyshormonal diseases in patients taking Estrovel. First of all, significant relief was noted by patients suffering from neurocirculatory dystonia, stage I-II hypertension, sleep, memory, attention and mood disorders. Starting to take the drug led to a reduction in the doses of drug therapy used and an improvement in well-being.

A decrease in menstrual blood loss was noted by 18 women with hyperpolymenorrhea; during the observation period in dynamics, we did not note an increase in endometrial thickness above the standards and an increase in the size of myomatous nodes according to ultrasonography. Significant relief of pain in the mammary gland after the first month of use was noted by patients suffering from mastodynia and mastopathy, and after the second month of treatment, according to the results of ultrasound examination of the mammary glands, 45% showed positive dynamics. At the same time, we did not find significant changes in the dynamics of hormonal levels (FSH, estradiol). Hormone levels during treatment remained within the range of 26.3+3.4 mIU/ml for FSH, 34.3+2.5 pg/ml for estradiol. Thus, the improvement in the course of dishormonal diseases is due primarily to the peripheral action of the components of “Estrovel” (at the level of the receptor apparatus of target cells), which is especially valuable.

The study of coagulogram parameters (fibrinogen, RFMC, APTT, PTT) showed the absence of a negative effect of the Estrovel dietary supplement on the hemostasis system. There was also no effect of the drug on carbohydrate and lipid metabolism when used for 2 months. At the same time, obese patients noted a weight loss of an average of 3-4 kg during the treatment period.

The discussion of the results. The practice of using the dietary supplement "Estrovel" has shown that the natural components of the drug effectively stop the manifestations of mild and moderate climacteric syndrome, eliminating, first of all, neurovegetative and psycho-emotional disorders. When using "Estrovel" there is no negative effect on the parameters of hemostasis, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. "Estrovel" is safe, has no contraindications, is easy to use and can be used as an alternative to hormone replacement therapy in patients with menopausal syndrome.

U.R.Khamadyanov , T.V. _ _ _ Saubanova , S.U. _ Hamadyanova,

Bashkir State Medical University"


1. Vikhlyaeva E.M. Guide to endocrine gynecology - M: MIA 2002 - 596 pp.

2. Kiselev V.I., Lyashenko A.A. Molecular mechanisms of regulation of hyperplastic processes. M.: Publishing house Dimitreyd Graphic Group, 2005. 348 p., ill. 32

3. Makatsaria A.D., Pshenichnikova E.B., Pshenichnikova T.B., Bitsadze V.O. Metabolic syndrome and thrombophilia in obstetrics and gynecology. M.: MIA, 2006. - 480 p.

4. Pasman N.M. The use of "Estrovel" for the treatment of estrogen deficiency syndrome in peri- and postmenopausal women. // Effective pharmacotherapy in obstetrics and gynecology, 2007, No. 4, pp. 32-34.

5. Serov V.N., Smetnik V.P. Clinical effectiveness of hormone replacement therapy M., 2001; 36.

6. Smetnik V.P. Menopause Guide. M: MIA 2001 568 pp.

7. Heikkinen JE, Vaheri RT, Ahomaki SM, et al. Optimizing continuous-combined hormone replacement therapy for postmenopausal women: a comparison of six different treatment regimens. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2000; 182(3)560-567.

8. Thorp JM, Gavin NL, Ohsfeldt RL Hormone replacement therapy in postmenopausal women: utilization of health care resources by new users. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2001; 185(2)318-326.


The drug effectively eliminates the symptoms of menopause thanks to the active ingredient – ​​red clover extract. “Feminal” reduces hot flashes, bouts of excessive sweating, irritability, improves sleep, and fights mood swings. You need to take one capsule of the drug per day. This herbal remedy does not have a sedative effect and does not cause drowsiness, but is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding. “Feminal” does not provoke weight gain and has a cumulative effect, but to achieve maximum effect, you need to take the medicine for several months.


Feminal is a biologically active food supplement made on the basis of isoflavones obtained from red clover.
Each capsule contains approximately 40 mg of pure isoflavones. Red clover dry extract contains 4 isoflavones: Biochanin A, Formononetin, Daidzein, Genistein. Red clover isoflavones are structurally closest to estrogens in the human body in comparison with other phytoestrogens. Due to these similarities, red clover isoflavones may be effective in reducing menopausal symptoms. from 538


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What to take for hot flashes during menopause?

Most often, doctors prescribe menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) to patients. Normalizing hormonal levels by taking such drugs not only reduces sweating, but also improves psycho-emotional state, helps cope with mood swings, increases performance and optimizes concentration.

However, it must be taken into account that drugs that compensate for the lack of estrogen can activate the launch of developing oncological diseases - in particular, breast, endometrial or ovarian cancer and aggravate chronic diseases and the risk of thrombosis. Therefore, treatment with hormonal drugs should occur exclusively according to the regimen drawn up by the doctor.

In recent years, it has become possible to replace the use of traditional tablet medications with the use of hormonal patches, gel forms, and intrauterine complexes.

They are considered less dangerous in terms of the possibility of venous thrombosis.

Femicaps Easy Life

The active ingredient of Femicapsa Or Life is an extract of the fruits of the sacred vitex. In addition, the composition contains evening primrose oil, passionflower flowers, vitamins E and B6. In addition to treating menopause, the drug is also prescribed for gynecological problems caused by hormonal imbalance, mammological diseases and menstrual irregularities. "Femicaps Easy Life" improves overall well-being, strengthens the immune system and nervous system. The drug has virtually no contraindications or side effects; for a full course of three months, one package of the herbal remedy is enough. Among the disadvantages of Femicapsa Easy Life are possible allergic reactions to the components of the drug, as well as its high cost.

Femicaps Easy Life
Hankintatukku Oy, Finland

Femicaps Easy Life is recommended for the correction of a number of gynecological diseases in women caused by hormonal imbalance, as a general tonic, an additional source of magnesium, vitamins B6 and E.
from 1636


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Photos from open sources

Nutrition during menopause

Menopause without hot flashes: reality or dream?

Unfortunately, most women experience the unpleasant symptoms of menopause firsthand. However, each of them has a choice: to come to terms with the manifestations of this condition or to alleviate it by taking the right medications.

One of the best remedies for hot flashes during menopause is Klimafemin.
This drug was developed by specialists from the pharmaceutical company VERTEX and has the necessary documents and certificates. The product is distinguished by a balanced composition, which includes natural components: phytoestrogen genistein, coenzyme Q10, grape seed extract and vitamin E. As a result of the use of “Climafemin”, the frequency and intensity of hot flashes decreases, sweating decreases, and the emotional background improves. Sources:

  1. Menopausal syndrome. Smetnik V.P., Tkachenko N.M., Glezer G.A. and others // M. - 1988. - P. 286.
  2. Depressive disorders in peri- and postmenopausal women. Yureneva S.V., Kamenetskaya T.Ya. // Journal of gynecology. - 2007. - 9(2). pp. 5-12.
  3. Mental disorders in women during menopause. Tyuvina N.A. // M.: Kronpress. - 1996. - P. 237.

Folk remedies for menopause

You can help yourself during menopause with the help of diet and folk remedies. To reduce the severity of hot flashes, facial redness, excessive sweating and heart palpitations, review your diet. Avoid alcohol, spicy and too hot foods. Eat more grains, legumes and nuts - these are natural estrogens. But reduce meat and fats in your diet.

There are many traditional methods to relieve the symptoms of menopause. We have selected the most popular and effective ones.

  1. Herbal teas.
    Phytoestrogens are found in plants such as linden, licorice root, sage, rowan, hawthorn, ginseng root, etc. Train yourself to drink a glass of decoction of the listed components every day, and you will feel how negative symptoms will decrease: sleep will improve, irritability will go away , sweating, hot flashes and emotional swings. Such herbal teas slow down the aging of the female body.
  2. Sage.
    To prepare the drink, you need to take a tablespoon of sage herb and pour two glasses of boiling water over it. Let it brew for half an hour and strain. This decoction can be taken three times a day for two weeks. Then we take the same break and continue treatment. After a three-month course - a pause of two months. Then everything can be repeated.
  3. Vitamin mixture.
    Take two oranges, a lemon, the juice of two small beets and 150 g of honey. Grind citrus fruits in a blender or meat grinder along with the zest. Mix all the products. The course of treatment is two weeks (take 2 tablespoons in the morning and evening).

Popular questions

Constant hot flashes tormented me. I started drinking Gynocomfort Klimafemin. It helped right away. But it turned out that it was not available in any pharmacy! It was difficult to buy only one package. Has this product been discontinued? Hello! Gynocomfort climafemin continues to be produced. You can purchase it in pharmacies that sell other VERTEX products.

Hello, I have up to 10 hot flashes per day, more at night. A year ago I took the drug Femoston 2 for three months, it helped, everything was fine for six months, but it all started again. Is it possible to correct this condition without hormonal drugs?

Hello! The Ginocomfort line of drugs includes the drug Climafemin. It contains antioxidants and phytoestrogens, which will correct the vegetative manifestations of menopause. If there is no effect after 1 month of use, you should consult your doctor again.

Hot flashes, insomnia, what to do? I take Klimanalin, it doesn’t help.

Hello! Vivid vegetative manifestations in the menopause are caused not only by hormonal changes, but also by a possible combination of thyroid pathology - hypothyroidism, vertebrobasilar insufficiency. Therefore, it is advisable: consultation with an endocrinologist or neurologist. OMT ultrasound, flora smear, cytology, which will allow prescribing menopausal hormone therapy in the absence of contraindications. At this stage, pending examination results, you can add Gynocomfort climafemin to treatment. The drug contains phytoestrogens and antioxidants, which has a beneficial effect on well-being and eliminates the symptoms of menopause. The drug is taken 1 t once a day for 3 months.

I am 49 years old and suffered from frequent hot flashes. How to prevent them?

These are manifestations of menopausal syndrome associated with the extinction of ovarian function. At this stage, I recommend using a herbal-based drug that allows you to stop bursts of vegetative reactions - Ginocomfort Klimafemin 1 t once a day for 3 months. During this time, conduct an examination: ultrasound OMT, they say. glands, flora smear, oncocytology, oak, lipid spectrum, FSH, TSH levels. Consult a therapist and other related specialists if you have chronic diseases that would be a contraindication for prescribing menopausal hormone therapy. This will help the obstetrician-gynecologist correctly select further treatment. For an accurate diagnosis, contact a specialist

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