Epigen intimate, 1 piece, 15 ml, 0.1%, spray for local and external use

Epigen (gel and spray) is a series of antiviral agents for external and local use.

The active ingredient of the gel is ammonium glycyrrhizinate, the spray is activated glycyrrhizinic acid.

Spray Epigen

Activated glycyrrhizic acid, which is obtained from licorice root, interrupts the replication of viruses at the earliest stages, which prevents them from entering cells.

Epigen Intim has a complex effect:

  • antiviral.
  • antipruritic.
  • regenerating.
  • anti-inflammatory.
  • immunostimulating.

Glycyrrhizic acid increases the number and activity of T-lymphocytes when applied topically, induces the formation of interferon, increases the concentration of immunoglobulins A and M, but reduces the concentration of IgG.

The anti-inflammatory activity of the drug is combined with a stimulating effect on humoral and cellular immunity factors. Significantly inhibits the release of kinins by connective tissue cells in the area of ​​inflammation.

Gel Epigen

It has antiviral properties, which are realized through stimulating effects on the cellular and humoral factors of the immune system.

Ammonium glycyrrhizinate significantly inhibits the release of kinins and the formation of prostaglandins by connective tissue cells in the pathological focus of inflammation. This is the basis for the regenerating effects of the pharmaceutical drug, manifested in improved repair of the skin and mucous membranes.

Epigen gel for intimate hygiene perfectly relieves itching and eliminates all the causes of its occurrence, helping to strengthen local immunity and increase the number of beneficial lactobacilli.

Indications for use

What does Epigen help with? According to the instructions, the drug is prescribed in the following cases:

  • comprehensive prevention of gynecological diseases of viral etiology, sexually transmitted diseases;
  • infectious diseases caused by the human papillomavirus;
  • erosions and other pathologies of the cervix;
  • treatment and prevention of genital warts;
  • as part of complex therapy in the treatment of herpes simplex virus infections types 1 and 2;
  • itching, burning, dryness and other unpleasant sensations in the genital area;
  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • herpes zoster and infection with the Varicella Zoster virus;
  • nonspecific vulvovaginitis;
  • nosological units in which the etiological factor is cytomegalovirus;
  • insufficiency of ovarian function.

Epigen spray: reviews

Most often, the drug is prescribed to female patients. It has a complex effect, curing many diseases, which is confirmed by hundreds of positive reviews from girls.

Most patients notice a persistent regenerative effect, which is accompanied by the extinction of the disease. The drug is used not only for severe diseases, it helps with itching, burning, dryness and is an excellent prophylactic against sexually transmitted viruses. It increases local immunity, which protects a person from new diseases.

Girls note good protection against the human papillomavirus, preventing its spread and development.

Although the price of the drug is relatively high, it lasts for a long time. With regular use, patients use up one bottle within several months, although many use it daily for preventive purposes. But during treatment it is recommended to use it together with the gel.

Epigen spray is often used against thrush. This application does not require additional funds, because the drug quickly eliminates the disease. For many, symptoms disappear within a week, and the discharge stops almost immediately.

The spray is often prescribed by gynecologists, as it is safe and has no contraindications. Treatment can also be carried out during pregnancy. Many girls note a high rate of disappearance of colds on the lips when using the drug for these purposes.

Reviews about Epigen spray are positive. This is an excellent remedy for the treatment of viral diseases of the genital organs, but it is also used as a preventive measure for daily use. It is safe and its effect is visible after a few days of use.

Instructions for use of Epigen gel and spray, dosage


It is used for intimate hygiene, and not for therapeutic purposes. It is necessary to apply a certain amount externally to the genitals, lather and rinse thoroughly with warm running water. The natural ingredients in the Epigen gel allow you to repeat hygiene procedures several times a day.

The gel can also be used for prevention against thrush, since glycyrrhizic acid normalizes the acidity of the intimate areas, cleanses the skin and maintains the natural microflora of the mucous membranes of the genital organs.

Daily use of Epigen gel for intimate hygiene helps prevent damage to fungal cultures and avoid the very unpleasant discomfort associated with the problem of thrush.

Instructions for Epigen Intim

Shake the container before use and keep it in an upright position when using it.

For external use, the drug is applied to the entire affected surface from a distance of 4-5 cm by repeatedly pressing the spray valve.

For intravaginal use of Epigen Intim, a special nozzle is included. Before use, wash the nozzle with running water and soap, remove the valve from the spray bottle and put on the valve of the nozzle.

Then the nozzle is inserted into the vagina with the patient in a “lying down” position. The drug is injected by pressing the nozzle valve 3-4 times. After use, you must remain in the “lying” position for 5-10 minutes. The nozzle is washed with running water and soap and stored in the supplied plastic packaging.

In addition to external application of the spray, men need to inject the medication into the external opening of the urethra.

Standard dosages and time of use according to instructions:

  • For herpesvirus infection type 1, herpes zoster, the drug is recommended to be used 6 times a day, on the affected area, for 5 days or until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear.
  • For type 2 herpesvirus infection (genital herpes), CMV infection is recommended to be used externally and intravaginally 5 times a day for 14 days, after stopping the relapse - externally and intravaginally 3 times a day for 10 days.
  • When treating severe forms and often recurrent forms of genital herpes, in addition to treating the external genitalia, the drug is administered vaginally 2-3 times a day for 6-10 days.
  • In order to prevent relapses, the drug is used externally and intravaginally from the 18th-20th day of the menstrual cycle 2 times a day (morning and evening).
  • For papillomavirus infection when papillomas are localized on the genitals, around the genitals and in the perianal area, Epigen Intim is applied 6 times a day for 5-7 days.
  • When papillomas are localized in the vagina, apply intravaginally 3 times a day for 5 days. The remaining pointed and papillary formations are removed using physical or chemical destruction, after which a second course of treatment of the epithelial areas with glycyrrhizic acid is carried out.
  • To prevent the progression of human papillomavirus infection, it is recommended to use it before and after sexual intercourse, as well as in the event of provoking factors, 3 times a day intravaginally and externally during the entire period of exposure to provoking factors.
  • For bacterial vaginosis, nonspecific vulvovaginitis and vulvovaginal candidiasis, the drug is recommended to be used intravaginally 3-4 times a day for 7-10 days. If necessary, repeat the course of treatment after 10 days. If provoking factors occur, 3 times a day intravaginally and externally during the entire period of exposure to provoking factors.
  • For symptoms of discomfort in the genital area, accompanied by itching, burning and dryness of the mucous membranes - 2 times a day (morning and evening) for 2-3 weeks. To prevent discomfort, use regularly after sexual intercourse.

To prevent sexually transmitted infections, Epigen Intim spray is used before and after sexual intercourse. According to the instructions, for men, in addition to external application, the drug is injected into the external opening of the urethra with 1-2 presses of the spray valve.

Side effects

The instructions warn about the possibility of developing the following side effects when prescribing Epigen:

  • Rarely - local allergic reactions (including contact dermatitis).

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Epigen is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • hypersensitivity to the components included in the drug.

Approved for use during the entire period of pregnancy and lactation.


Currently, no cases of overdose with Epigen products have been reported.

Drug interactions

With the simultaneous use of glycyrrhizic acid with other antiviral drugs (acyclovir, iodouridine, interferon), a synergistic antiviral effect is observed.

No clinically significant drug interactions between Epigen Intim and the main groups of drugs used in combination therapy for viral diseases (analgesics, NSAIDs, antibiotics) have been identified.

Epigen intimate, 1 piece, 15 ml, 0.1%, spray for local and external use

Externally, intravaginally, intraurethrally.

Shake the container before use. When using, keep the container in an upright position. For external use, the drug is applied to the entire affected surface of the skin from a distance of 4–5 cm with 1–2 valve presses, which is the optimal therapeutic dose.

For intravaginal use of the drug, a special nozzle with a sprayer is included. Remove the valve from the spray bottle and put on the nozzle valve. Then insert the nozzle into the vagina and inject using 1-2 presses of the nozzle, which is the optimal therapeutic dose.

When used by men, in addition to external application, the drug is injected into the external opening of the urethra with 1-2 presses of the spray valve.

For herpes virus infection type 1, herpes zoster

The drug is recommended to be used 6 times a day, on the affected area, for 5 days. If the infectious process persists, the treatment period is extended until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear.

For herpes virus infection type 2 (genital herpes), CMV infection

It is recommended to use 5 times a day for 14 days externally and intravaginally, after stopping the relapse - externally and intravaginally 3 times a day for 10 days.

To prevent relapses of genital herpes and CMV infection

The drug is recommended for use externally and intravaginally from the 18th - 20th day of the menstrual cycle until the end of menstruation, 2 times a day, morning and evening.

For human papillomavirus infection, the drug is recommended to be used:

- before removal of condylomas - 3 times a day during the entire period of etiotropic therapy;

- against the background of destruction - 5 times a day for 10 days or more until complete healing;

- for the prevention of immediate relapses 3 times a day for 1 month.

To prevent the progression of human papillomavirus infection

It is recommended to use before and after sexual intercourse, as well as in the event of provoking factors (stress, fatigue, respiratory viral infections, microflora disturbances, taking antibiotics, cytostatics) - 3 times a day intravaginally and externally during the entire period of exposure to provoking factors.

For bacterial vaginosis, nonspecific vulvovaginitis and vulvovaginal candidiasis

The drug is recommended to be used intravaginally 3–4 times a day for 7–10 days. If necessary, repeat the course of treatment after 10 days. If provoking factors occur (respiratory viral infections, taking antibiotics, cytostatics) - 3 times a day intravaginally and externally during the entire period of exposure to provoking factors.

For symptoms of discomfort in the genital area, accompanied by itching, burning and dryness of the mucous membranes,

- 2 times a day (morning and evening) for 2-3 weeks. To prevent discomfort, use regularly after sexual intercourse.

As a prophylactic antiviral agent

The drug is recommended for use before and after sexual intercourse.

Epigen analogues, price in pharmacies

If necessary, you can replace Epigen spray with an analogue of the active substance - these are the following drugs:

  1. glycyram,
  2. Glycyrrhizic acid,
  3. Epigen labial.

When choosing analogues, it is important to understand that the instructions for use of Epigen, the price and reviews of drugs with similar effects do not apply. It is important to consult a doctor and not change the drug yourself.

Price in Russian pharmacies: Epigen intimate spray 0.1% 15 ml - from 972 to 1184 rubles, intimate spray 0.1% 60 ml - from 1760 rubles, intimate gel 250 ml - from 810 to 983 rubles, according to 683 pharmacies.

The spray has a shelf life of 36 months under standard storage conditions and temperatures up to 30°C. Sale in pharmacies without a prescription.

Epigen spray - description and analogues

"Epigen spray" refers to antiviral drugs. Use – local, external. The main component of the drug is glycyrrhizic acid, which acts against RNA and DNA containing viruses, including various types of virus and cytomegaloviruses.

At the same time, during the anti-inflammatory effect, interferon is formed, which leads to the interruption of further reproduction and replication of viruses, especially in the early stages. The virion exits the capsid, as a result of which it no longer penetrates the cells. The drug also inhibits viruses in the maximum required quantities. The drug is not toxic and does not interfere with the normal functioning of cells.

In addition, it has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and regeneration-improving effects. This effectiveness of the drug is observed both in the early stages of diseases and in chronic or ulcerative manifestations.

The simultaneous use of Epigen spray leads to potentiation of the antiviral effect.

During pregnancy and lactation, treatment with drugs containing glycyrrhizic acid is prescribed only for medical reasons and is carried out under medical supervision. The potential risk of the drug has not been fully established.

Indications for use

  • A prophylactic against infectious diseases that can be sexually transmitted;
  • Nonspecific vaginitis;
  • In the treatment of infectious diseases caused by groups of Herpes simplex viruses of the second type;
  • Colpitis;
  • Infectious skin diseases, in particular those caused by the Varicella zoster virus;
  • Diseases caused by the human papillomavirus.

Possible side effects

If you are intolerant or sensitive to glycyrrhizic acid, allergic reactions are possible.


In case of intolerance to the main components of the drug or their derivatives.

The drug is often prescribed for the treatment of viral diseases as part of complex therapeutic treatment.

When used, it is recommended to take interferon synthesis inducers simultaneously with the drug.

Epigen spray: instructions

This drug is a special antiviral agent used externally. It provides comprehensive assistance in the fight against the disease, eliminating its causative agent, reducing symptoms and relieving inflammation. Epigen spray is often used in the treatment of genital organs, used by both women and men.

The antiviral agent has a destructive effect on viral replication, destroying the embryos at an early stage. This immediately prevents its spread and weakens existing foci of the disease. The drug is extremely toxic to all viruses, but is safe for healthy cells in the body.

The drug has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and therapeutic effect on the site of the disease, improving the regeneration of damaged tissues. It can be used to treat the early stage of the virus and ulcerative forms, when mild remedies are no longer useful.

The main component of Epigen spray is glycyrrhizic acid, which acts on all strains of viruses.

However, it is acceptable during pregnancy and lactation, and is used in advanced cases of the disease. The only contraindication of the drug is sensitivity to this acid; in other cases, use is always allowed.

The dosage of the drug is individual, because it is used in the form of a spray. It depends on the stage of development of the disease, the purpose of use, and the type of virus. Used as a prophylactic agent, Epigen spray can be used inside the uterus or urethra.

The drug is used for the prevention and treatment of skin viral diseases. It has a complex effect, preventing the spread of the disease, reducing symptoms and restoring tissue. Epigen spray has no contraindications; it can be used as a prophylactic, protecting the skin from various viruses.

Analogues of "Epigen spray"

"Epigen intimate"

Completely similar to Epigen spray, the main active ingredient is glycyrrhizic acid, has similar medicinal effects, has the same side effects and contraindications.


Contains similar active ingredients - licorice root extract (glycyrrhizic acid) and ammonium glycyrrhizinate.

It is an anti-inflammatory agent for viral diseases of the genital organs, skin, and mucous membranes.

Release form: tablets. It also has laxative properties that relieve spasms, while simultaneously activating the adrenal cortex. In addition to the above diseases, it is prescribed for the treatment of respiratory diseases with increased secretion, eczema, and allergic dermatitis. It is also a preventative against the occurrence of withdrawal syndrome during hormonal therapy.


In case of individual intolerance or manifestations of allergic reactions to glycyrrhizic acid. In such cases, treatment with the drug is canceled.

Prescribed with caution during pregnancy and lactation period.

The course of treatment with the drug depends on the severity of the disease, and can last from two to three weeks to six months.

"Epigen labial"

  • A medicine that also contains an active substance - glycyrrhizic acid (licorice extract).
  • It has antiviral, regenerating, analgesic properties. Additionally, it contains an epigene component, which has a suppressive effect on viruses.
  • Release form: capsules. Also prescribed in the treatment of psoriasis, neurodermatitis, eczema.
  • Contraindicated in case of intolerance to glycyrrhizic acid.

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Tatyana, 32 years old: “Dear women! I hasten to share with you my feminine joy. I had chronic thrush, which I suffered from for more than three years. I constantly changed gynecologists, tried a lot of medications and folk remedies. I won’t say that nothing helped, but for a short time. After some period of time, the thrush stubbornly returned. I already thought that I would have to constantly exist with her like this. But, a miracle happened! I was prescribed the drug Epigen Intim. I bought it with doubt, read it, was surprised, it turns out that it treats a large number of viral diseases. In addition, it has a very convenient special attachment for use. I was pleased with the composition of the drug, everything is natural, nothing superfluous, it can even be used for preventive purposes. Moreover, it does not have an unpleasant, specific smell. I started using it and after two days I noticed clear improvements. I completed a course of treatment and forgot about thrush. 10 months have passed since then and everything is great! So, I recommend it!”

Before replacing Epigen Spray with similar drugs, it is important to get additional advice from a pharmacist or your doctor!

Epigen spray: analogues

Although the cost of the spray is relatively low, there are several alternatives that can be found at the pharmacy. Their quality is not so high, but if the body is incompatible or there are financial problems, they can have a similar effect.

List of analogues:

  • Lactacid. A gentle product that provides basic care in intimate hygiene. It is suitable as an analogue of the preventive action of Epigen spray, used for irritation, dryness and itching. Lactacid eliminates unpleasant odors by preventing the development of bacteria. Reception is allowed for sensitive skin without causing any irritating effect. Lactacid is recommended for daily use.
  • Glitsam or Glitsir. Although the drug has the same active element (licorice root extract), it is used for different purposes. Glitsam has a complex antiviral effect on the body, activating the protection of all organs (including the genitals).

But Epigen spray has many analogues from its manufacturer. It is available in the form of gel, wet wipes, various health and preventive complexes. There are subtypes of the drug such as Epigen intimate and Epigen labial, used for certain tasks such as intimate prophylaxis and the like.

Analogues of the drug Epigen spray are almost identical in terms of possible side effects, but have much less effectiveness (not taking into account the products of this manufacturer). Therefore, this particular remedy is optimal for the treatment and prevention of viral diseases of the skin and intimate organs.

Epigen intimate analogues

This page provides a list of all Epigen Intim analogues by composition and indication for use. A list of cheap analogues, and you can also compare prices in pharmacies.

  • The cheapest analogue of Epigen intimate: Vartek
  • The most popular analogue of Epigen intimate: Keravort
  • ATC classification: Antiviral drugs
  • Active ingredients/composition: glycyrrhizic acid
#NamePrice in RussiaPrice in Ukraine
1Vartek podophyllotoxin
Analogue in composition and indication
9 RUR272 UAH
2Fenistil pencivir penciclovir
Analogue in composition and indication
19 rub.47 UAH
3Riboxin Avexima inosine
Analogue in composition and indication
66 RUR
4Lysozyme lysozyme hydrochloride
Analogue in composition and indication
120 rub.
5Keravort imiquimod
Analogue in composition and indication
130 rub.1800 UAH

When calculating the cost of cheap analogues of Epigen Intim, the minimum price was taken into account, which was found in the price lists provided by pharmacies

#NamePrice in RussiaPrice in Ukraine
1Keravort imiquimod
Analogue in composition and indication
130 rub.1800 UAH
2Ulkaril acyclovir
Analogue in composition and indications
3Erazaban docosanol
Analogue in composition and indication
366 RUR511 UAH
4Aldara Analogue in composition and indications3100 rub.1000 UAH
5Herpferon acyclovir, interferon alpha-2b, lidocaine
Analogue in composition and indication
203 RUR291 UAH

This list of drug analogues is based on statistics of the most requested drugs

Epigen Intim spray for external and local use 0.1% 15 ml bottle 1 pc. in Moscow

Externally, intravaginally, intraurethrally.

Shake the container before use. When using, keep the container in an upright position. For external use, the drug is applied to the entire affected surface of the skin from a distance of 4–5 cm with 1–2 valve presses, which is the optimal therapeutic dose.

For intravaginal use of the drug, a special nozzle with a sprayer is included. Remove the valve from the spray bottle and put on the nozzle valve. Then insert the nozzle into the vagina and inject using 1-2 presses of the nozzle, which is the optimal therapeutic dose.

When used by men, in addition to external application, the drug is injected into the external opening of the urethra with 1-2 presses of the spray valve.

For herpes virus infection type 1, herpes zoster

The drug is recommended to be used 6 times a day, on the affected area, for 5 days. If the infectious process persists, the treatment period is extended until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear.

For herpes virus infection type 2 (genital herpes), CMV infection

It is recommended to use 5 times a day for 14 days externally and intravaginally, after stopping the relapse - externally and intravaginally 3 times a day for 10 days.

To prevent relapses of genital herpes and CMV infection

The drug is recommended for use externally and intravaginally from the 18th - 20th day of the menstrual cycle until the end of menstruation, 2 times a day, morning and evening.

For human papillomavirus infection, the drug is recommended to be used:

- before removal of condylomas - 3 times a day during the entire period of etiotropic therapy;

- against the background of destruction - 5 times a day for 10 days or more until complete healing;

- for the prevention of immediate relapses 3 times a day for 1 month.

To prevent the progression of human papillomavirus infection

It is recommended to use before and after sexual intercourse, as well as in the event of provoking factors (stress, fatigue, respiratory viral infections, microflora disturbances, taking antibiotics, cytostatics) - 3 times a day intravaginally and externally during the entire period of exposure to provoking factors.

For bacterial vaginosis, nonspecific vulvovaginitis and vulvovaginal candidiasis

The drug is recommended to be used intravaginally 3–4 times a day for 7–10 days. If necessary, repeat the course of treatment after 10 days. If provoking factors occur (respiratory viral infections, taking antibiotics, cytostatics) - 3 times a day intravaginally and externally during the entire period of exposure to provoking factors.

For symptoms of discomfort in the genital area, accompanied by itching, burning and dryness of the mucous membranes,

- 2 times a day (morning and evening) for 2-3 weeks. To prevent discomfort, use regularly after sexual intercourse.

As a prophylactic antiviral agent

The drug is recommended for use before and after sexual intercourse.

All analogues of Epigen intimate

Analogues in composition and indications for use

NamePrice in RussiaPrice in Ukraine
Herpferon acyclovir, interferon alfa-2b, lidocaine203 RUR291 UAH
Vratizoline denotivir41 UAH
Aherp28 UAH
Acyclostad32 UAH
Gerpevir ointment23 UAH
Lipster acyclovir19 UAH
Ulkaril acyclovir
Acyclovir-Vishfa acyclovir20 UAH
Vartek podophyllotoxin9 RUR272 UAH
Riboxin Avexima inosine66 RUR
Fenistil pencivir penciclovir19 rub.47 UAH
Fenistil pencivir tinting penciclovir124 UAH
Lysozyme lysozyme hydrochloride120 rub.
Keravort imiquimod130 rub.1800 UAH
Aldara3100 rub.1000 UAH
Priora docosanol48 UAH
Erazaban docosanol366 RUR511 UAH

The above list of drug analogues, which indicate substitutes for Epigen Intim , is the most suitable, since they have the same composition of active ingredients and coincide in indications for use

Different composition, may have the same indication and method of use

NamePrice in RussiaPrice in Ukraine
Arghedine44 UAH
Dermazin silver sulfadiazine114 rub.61 UAH
Sulfargin silver sulfadiazine7 rub82 UAH
Arguedine Bosnalec64 UAH
Argesine silver sulfadiazine
Streptocide6 rub1 UAH
Streptocide ointment29 RUR4 UAH
Argosulfan58 RUR66 UAH
TDA cream ftibamzon
Oflocain-Darnitsa lidocaine, ofloxacin34 UAH
Streptonitol-Darnitsa nitazol, sulfonamide16 UAH
Abisil771 RUR
Tomicide product of metabolism of non-pathogenic Streptococcus sp TOM-1606345 RUR
Fuzimet fusidic acid, methyluracil
Rosamet metronidazole178 RUR43 UAH
Rosex metronidazole45 rub.630 UAH
Oflo ofloxacin28 UAH
Oflokain34 UAH
Sangviritrin sangviritrin83 RUR74 UAH

Epigen Intim gel for intimate hygiene 250ml

A country

Spain, France
The country of production may vary depending on the batch of goods. Please check with the operator for detailed information when confirming your order.


250 ml bottle
Ammonium glycyrrhizinate – 100 mg per 100 ml. Excipients: malic acid, fumaric acid, ascorbic acid, Polavax GP 200 (cetearyl alcohol-Peg-20 stearate), phenonip, butylated hydroxytoluene, flavor 195 AG, distilled water.

pharmachologic effect

Line of products for women's intimate health Epigen Intim based on activated glycyrrhizic acid (licorice root extract) A feature of the line of products for women's intimate health Epigen Intim is the combination of the power of nature with the latest technological achievements in the field of science.
The line is based on licorice root extract. The value of licorice has been known for a long time; for more than 5 thousand years, licorice has been used as a healing agent. Today, among the plants used in oriental medicine, licorice occupies a dominant position, while the famous ginseng root is only in third place. Being a natural immunostimulant, licorice increases the body's resistance, stimulates the production of protective properties, and has a healing effect. The most active component of licorice root is glycyrrhizic acid. It has been proven that glycyrrhizic acid has a pronounced antiviral effect and blocks the activity of genital herpes, papillomavirus, cytomegalovirus, and herpes zoster. The manufacturing company of the Epigen Intim line, together with the leading Research Institute of Spain, have developed a unique method of molecular activation of glycyrrhizic acid, thereby increasing its effectiveness and enhancing the effect of Epigen Intim products. — To care for the genitals, you should use only special intimate hygiene products: soap and regular shower gels are not suitable. - Do not use sponges or washcloths: they can cause microscopic scratches on the very sensitive mucous membrane of the genital organs. — When washing, the water jet and hand movements should be directed from front to back so as not to introduce infection into the vagina from the anus. The water must be warm, not hot or cold. — A towel for intimate hygiene should be clean, soft, and should only be used by its owner. It is advisable that you use a special towel for intimate hygiene, and not a bath or face towel. — After completing hygiene procedures, the moisture should not be wiped off, but blotted. — It is worth remembering that gynecologists do not recommend taking a bath, swimming in pools or ponds on menstruation days.

Indications for use

— comprehensive prevention of gynecological diseases of viral etiology, sexually transmitted diseases; — infectious diseases caused by the human papillomavirus; — erosions and other pathologies of the cervix; — treatment and prevention of genital warts; — as part of complex therapy in the treatment of herpes simplex virus infections types 1 and 2; - itching, burning, dryness and other unpleasant sensations in the genital area; - bacterial vaginosis; — herpes zoster and infection with the Varicella Zoster virus; - nonspecific vulvovaginitis; — nosological units in which the etiological factor is cytomegalovirus; - insufficiency of ovarian function.

Mode of application

For daily hygiene procedures (especially on critical days), Epigen Intim Gel is recommended to be used 2 times a day (morning and evening), externally.
During menstruation, it is recommended to increase the amount to 4 times a day. Apply a small amount of Epigen Intim Gel to the external genital areas. Lather. Rinse thoroughly. The soft formula allows you to use the gel several times a day.

Side effect

In isolated cases, an allergic reaction to the drug may develop, which manifests itself as urticaria or contact dermatitis.


Individual intolerance to components.

special instructions

The gel is recommended for daily use, especially during pregnancy, as well as during sports, active sex life and climate change, for example, during vacation or travel. The soft natural formula allows you to use the gel several times a day.

How to find a cheap analogue of an expensive medicine?

To find an inexpensive analogue of a medicine, a generic or a synonym, first of all we recommend paying attention to the composition, namely the same active ingredients and indications for use. The same active ingredients of a drug will indicate that the drug is a synonym for the drug, pharmaceutically equivalent or a pharmaceutical alternative. However, we should not forget about the inactive components of similar drugs, which may affect safety and effectiveness. Do not forget about the instructions of doctors; self-medication can harm your health, so always consult a doctor before using any medication.

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