Mifegin - safe medical abortion up to 6 weeks

Mifegin is a French antigestagenic drug that is used in obstetric and gynecological practice to increase uterine tone and stimulate the contractile activity of the myometrium. Mifegin is well tolerated by patients and highly effective.

Pharmacological action of Mifegin

The content of the article

The drug is produced on the basis of micronized mifepristone, a sex hormone antagonist that acts at the receptor level on the main hormone of pregnancy, progesterone. Micronized mifepristone molecules are quickly distributed in the body and lead to an increase in uterine tone. The substance also improves the contractile function of the inner layer of the uterus, due to which the fertilized egg is rejected and released physiologically - the woman begins menstruation, but it is more abundant and there are clots in the discharge.

At the same time, the woman’s fertility is preserved, so in the next menstrual cycle there is a possibility of pregnancy in the absence of contraception.

History of Mifegin

Mifegin (France, tablets, 200 mg) is a synthetic steroid drug for oral use.
Currently, Mifegin, a progesterone receptor antagonist widely used for medical abortions, is registered in more than 40 countries and is included by the World Health Organization in the “Model List of Essential Medicines”. Having a high affinity for progesterone receptors, mifepristone acts as its antagonist. The mechanism of action is based on the antiprogesterone effect - blocking the action of progesterone at the level of receptors in the endometrium and myometrium, which in turn leads to suppression of the development of the fertilized egg, damage and rejection of the decidua, the appearance of uterine contractions, the development of menstrual-like bleeding, which is clinically manifested by medical termination of pregnancy. Photos of Mifegin tablets

Mifegin in the world

1980 A molecule with a strong anti-progesterone effect was created, which was named RU-486 (the international non-proprietary name for mifepristone).

1982 Doctors-researchers at Roussel-Uclaf and INSERM have published the results of the first clinical trials of the use of the mifegin tablet for medical abortion (prototype name “RU-486” or mifepristone).

Mifegyne logo 1988 The Ministry of Health of the French Republic has approved the use of Mifegyne® (mifepristone) in combination with prostaglandin in hospitals and medical clinics where abortion is permitted.

1991 Mifegyne® is approved for use in the UK and Sweden.

1997 in France was created to ensure continuous production, research and development of Mifegin tablets throughout the world (excluding the USA).

Distribution of mifegin around the world 1999 Mifegin ® has become available in several European countries and far beyond its borders (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Greece, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Norway, Spain, Switzerland, Russia, Ukraine, Tunisia, Israel, South Africa, New Zealand) .

2005 The World Health Organization (WHO) included Mifegin in the list of essential medicines.

2012 Approval of regimens and dosages recommended for medical termination of pregnancy up to 49 days of amenorrhea in most countries.

Mifegin tablets were officially registered in 1999 and approved for use for abortion in the Russian Federation according to the instructions. The price of Mifegin in Moscow and the regions is determined by the official distributor.

Manufacturer information: Exelgyn company, France, Exelgyn laboratories, 254 Boulevard Saint Germain, F-75007, Paris - France.

₽ 12,000/abortion with mifegin


Make an appointment for an abortion urgently

Directions for use and doses

Mifegin is used only in medical institutions under the strict supervision of a physician.

Use for medical termination of pregnancy for a period not exceeding 42 days of amenorrhea:

  • The patient should take 3 tablets of the drug once, which corresponds to a dose of 600 mg. The woman remains under further supervision of a specialist for at least 2 hours. After 36-48 hours, the patient should come to the second stage of the procedure - the woman undergoes ultrasound control and, if necessary, is prescribed a drug based on misoprostol.
  • After 14 days, an examination is carried out, which confirms the success of the abortion procedure. The woman undergoes an ultrasound of the uterus and the level of beta-chorionic hormone is determined.
  • If the diagnosis did not lead to the complete release of the fertilized egg from the uterus, the pregnancy must be terminated through any other type of abortive intervention. Usually, this is done by vacuum aspiration and the extracted aspirate is subsequently sent for histology.

Application for stimulation of the birth process:

Pregnant women, under the supervision of a doctor, need to take 200 mg of the drug - drink 1 tablet. After 24 hours, an identical dose of Mifegin is prescribed. If over the next 3 days the uterus has not become toned and signs of the onset of labor have not appeared, additional administration of oxytocin or prostaglandins is required.

Mifegin for abortion

Russia has experience in using the drug Mifegin and misoprostol in medical practice since the late 90s. Its advantages in early pregnancy termination can be discussed based on the results of clinical trials conducted in Moscow at the Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology under the leadership of Academician V.I. Kulakov, the Moscow Regional Research Center for Obstetrics and Gynecology under the leadership of V. .I.Krasnopolsky in the second half of the 90s and many other medical centers in Moscow, in particular in the Department of Physiology and Pathology of Women’s Reproductive Function of the All-Russian Research Center for MCH of the USSR in 1988 (drug RU-486) ​​and in MONNIAG. As a result, the drug Mifegin was officially registered in the Russian Federation in 1999. At the same time, methodological recommendations and dosage regimens were developed, which are set out in the corresponding instructions.

Mifegin has been used in our clinic since 2000. We use only original abortion pills “Mifegin” and “Topogin” (made in France), supplied by the official distributor in our country.


IZVARINO PHARMA LLC Bld.1, VNTsMDL, Izvarino Leninsky District, 142781 Moscow Oblast RUSSIA Tel: +7(495)232-56-55

Application of Mifegin

  • Termination of pregnancy with pills up to 6-7 weeks;
  • Preparation of the cervix for surgical abortion up to 3 months;
  • Prenatal preparation in a maternity hospital or hospital.

In most other European countries, this method is approved for voluntary abortion up to the 9th week (counted from the first day of the last menstrual bleeding), as well as for late abortion in hospital due to medical indications and for opening the cervix before surgery (curettage). uterus) until 12 weeks.

The effectiveness of 95-98% in abortion with Mifegin tablets, declared by the manufacturer, is possible only with careful adherence to the original medication regimens. Of no small importance is the correct regimen for taking the support drug (Topogin), which is used in the regimen.

The instructions for use recommend drinking Mifegin only in the presence of a doctor, in a medical facility and only after a preliminary examination (ultrasound, examination). After this, you should refrain from eating any food for the next two to three hours and do not drink much liquid, so as not to provoke vomiting. In the latter case, the drug may be lost and the expected effect may not be achieved.

Based on the nature of bleeding after an abortion, one cannot draw a conclusion about the effectiveness of the procedure. In the vast majority of cases, they resemble menstruation, but can be more scanty or, on the contrary, more abundant. To determine how the abortion with the help of pills went, a control ultrasound examination must be carried out twice.

36-48 hours after taking the drug Mifegin® in order to terminate the pregnancy, the patient must come to the medical facility for the first ultrasound control. If the results of the first ultrasound are satisfactory, the doctor gives recommendations and sets a date for the next visit. After about 10-12 days, a second ultrasound is performed, and the level of hCG is also determined in a blood test to confirm that the miscarriage has occurred completely. In case of incomplete abortion or ongoing pregnancy, vacuum aspiration is performed, followed by histological examination of the material.

Buy Mifegin

Is it possible to buy Mifegin and drink it at home? Is it possible to purchase the drug Mifegin with a prescription or its equivalent in Moscow at a pharmacy, buy it in an online store, with home delivery, etc.? No, absolutely not! And not only because the sale of this product, regardless of whether you have a prescription (although what sane medical professional would prescribe it?) or whether you have a great desire to experiment with your own health, is prohibited.

But also because this method has certain contraindications. Restrictions for use according to the instructions for Mifegin and Misoprostol include a list of conditions in which these tablets cannot be taken. For example, ectopic pregnancy; in this case, everything can end very tragically. Therefore, do not risk your own health and at the slightest suspicion of a possible pregnancy, contact specialized gynecological clinics in Moscow! Mifegin can be taken only after an examination and under the supervision of a gynecologist.

Therefore, the drug can only be supplied to medical obstetric and gynecological institutions that have a license for medical activities. You can read about contraindications for use and the procedure at this link.

If the patient has limitations or risk factors, the decision on the possibility of a pharmacological abortion with Mifegin in each such case is made individually.

Contraindications to taking Mifegin

Before planning drug therapy with Mifegin, you need to take into account the general contraindications to the use of drugs based on mifepristone:

  • smoking patients over 35 years of age; anemia;
  • high levels of porphyrins in the blood;
  • insufficient adrenal function;
  • pathologies of the kidneys and liver, occurring in chronic or acute form;
  • insufficient level of blood clotting;
  • individual intolerance;
  • severe systemic diseases (in this case, you need to consult a therapist).

When planning a medical abortion procedure using Mifegin, you should make sure that there are no following contraindications:

  • pregnancy that occurred in a patient with an intrauterine device installed or during the menstrual cycle following the month of discontinuation of oral contraceptives;
  • unspecified pregnancy;
  • established or suspected ectopic pregnancy;
  • absence of menstruation in a pregnant woman for more than 42 days;
  • inflammatory process in the female genital organs.

When preparing a pregnant woman for childbirth and artificially stimulating the labor process, Mifegin should not be prescribed in the presence of the following pathologies:

  • placenta previa;
  • pathological intrauterine position of the fetus;
  • any degree of eclampsia;
  • severe gestosis;
  • premature/post-term pregnancy;
  • differences in the size of the pregnant pelvis and the fetal head;
  • discharge of unknown origin.

Particular caution in prescribing Mifegin and performing procedures for terminating pregnancy or inducing labor should be observed in relation to patients with pathologies of the cardiovascular system and pulmonary diseases.

Contraindications "Mifegin"

  • Gestational age is not determined
  • Suspicion of ectopic pregnancy
  • Pregnancy period is more than 6 weeks
  • Scars, tumors on the uterus, sexually transmitted infections
  • Severe form of bronchial asthma
  • Adrenal failure
  • Allergic reactions to mifepristone
  • Anemia of the second or third degree
  • Use of anticoagulants

"Mifegin" is used with caution during lactation (breastfeeding should be stopped for 14 days). In addition, the use of Mifegin is contraindicated if pregnancy occurs while taking hormonal contraceptives.

Side effects of Mifegin

Taking the drug may cause short-term side effects:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • general malaise;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • inflammation of the uterus or appendages (mainly exacerbation of a chronic process);
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • allergic reaction;
  • temperature increase.

When taking Mifegin in combination with a drug based on misoprostol (to terminate pregnancy), additional side effects may appear:

  • disorders in the digestive system;
  • insomnia;
  • fainting conditions;
  • the appearance of leucorrhoea;
  • anemia;
  • vaginitis

When should you not use Mifegin?

Before taking the drug, an examination by a gynecologist is necessary to determine the duration of pregnancy and how to terminate it.

Mifegin should not be used for:

  • unconfirmed pregnancy;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • Exceeding the pregnancy period (if more than 63 days have passed since the start of the last menstruation);
  • adrenal insufficiency;
  • hypersensitivity to steroid drugs and prostaglandins;
  • previous operations on the uterus;
  • fibroids;
  • acute inflammatory gynecological diseases;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • severe anemia;
  • severe extragenital pathology;
  • breastfeeding.

The use of the drug by women over 35 years of age who consume more than 10 cigarettes per day is not recommended.

Special instructions: attention!

Before taking Mifegin, patients must undergo a full course of examination, which is mandatory before any type of termination of pregnancy.

If, 14 days after taking the drug, an examination reveals an ongoing pregnancy or incomplete release of the embryo from the uterine cavity, additional abortive intervention is mandatory due to the high risk of developing pathology in the fetus.

Patients with a history of infective endocarditis and an artificial valve are preliminarily given antibacterial therapy.

Abortion with Mifegin

If you have decided to terminate your pregnancy with French mifegin, an abortion in our clinic is performed subject to the following conditions:

  1. correct dosage
  2. timely intake of support medication at stage 2,
  3. optimal (short) terms of conception, compliance with recommended restrictions.

Our medical center carries out pregnancy termination with Mifegin (France) using only those methods and schemes that are approved by government authorities regulating activities in the field of healthcare. We use only original, imported tablets, certified and approved for use in the Russian Federation!

Prices for services

Only certified Mifegin tablets from France

Abortion program / timing / cost2-3 weeks3-4 weeks4-6 weeks
Standard12 00015 00018 000
VIP all inclusive25 00030 00035 000

Reviews about mifegin

Mifegin tablets have the following reviews from women and doctors about their effectiveness. Gynecologists note its maximum effectiveness when taken for up to 6-7 weeks. Moreover, such a dependence has been noticed: the shorter the period, the faster everything goes and with minimal side effects. Women who used Mifegin to terminate pregnancy noted in their reviews after the procedure that it was better tolerated compared to analogues. Although, according to the manufacturers of Mifegin itself and its analogues (Mifeprex, Miropriston, etc.), the positive results when used correctly are approximately the same and amount to about 90-95%. To a greater extent, this depends on individual sensitivity to the drug and the presence or absence of aggravating factors in the patient’s obstetric and gynecological history.

In 2005 The World Health Organization (WHO) included Mifegin in the list of essential life-saving medicines.

If you look at the problem of abortion in the world and, in particular, in Russia, the opinions of gynecologists agree on one thing. If an unwanted conception occurs, the woman must be given the right to choose. Fortunately, medical practice can now offer the most gentle, non-surgical methods for solving this problem. At the same time, patients should take a more responsible approach to issues of family planning and contraception. Doctors' reviews of Mifegin are unanimous in this regard. At this link you can read in detail the advice of a gynecologist on how to choose a Moscow clinic where it is better to have a medical abortion.

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