Grippferon, nasal drops 10000 IU/ml, 10 ml

Composition and release form

The drug is available in the form of a spray and drops for topical use.

The spray is a liquid, transparent solution with a faint yellow tint. Sold in a 10 ml bottle and secondary paper packaging. The set includes a dispenser.

The drops are a yellow medicinal solution. Packaged in plastic bottles of 5 and 10 ml with a dropper for convenient use. Sold in 1 bottle in a cardboard box and attached instructions for use.

Active substance, regardless of form: recombinant alpha-2b interferon of the human body. Additional components: sodium chloride, pure water, macrogol, povidone, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, edetate dihydrate, sodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate.

What is Grippferon

This is a drug for the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections based on recombinant human interferon - a complex of protective immunoglobulins. The product blocks the activity of viruses at an early stage, greatly enhances the body’s natural immune response when infectious pathogens penetrate it: influenza, parainfluenza and other acute respiratory viral infections. Its action promotes the production of one’s own protective antibodies, prevents the severe course of the disease and significantly shortens its period.

Grippferon is a liquid transparent solution, yellowish, odorless. The interferon content in 1 ml of the drug is 10,000 IU, which corresponds to 15–20 doses of use. In addition to the main component, the drug contains purified water, sodium chloride, potassium salts and stabilizers.

pharmachologic effect

Nasal spray and drops have a wide range of therapeutic effects. They have a clear anti-inflammatory, antiviral and immunomodulatory effect.

The drug is intended for the treatment and prevention of influenza conditions and various viral infections.

Due to local administration, it ensures prolonged interaction of the active substance with the nasal mucosa. Against this background, specific immunity is developed and the body’s susceptibility to pathologies increases.

Grippferon does not provoke drug addiction and does not require the prescription of additional symptomatic drugs.

The unique composition of the drug perfectly dries the mucous membrane, has an adsorbing effect, increasing the healing properties of the main substance.


Urgent prevention in case of possible contact with a pathogen reduces the risk of getting sick by more than 90%. After administration, the drug acts on respiratory viral particles, preventing them from multiplying and penetrating deep into the body through the mucous membranes.

Grippferon is effective against a wide range of pathogens: adenoviruses, rotaviruses, rhinoviruses, coronaviruses and others. During the course of treatment, the solution moderately reduces the inflammatory reaction, slightly dries the epithelium, and helps eliminate cold symptoms.

From the first hours of using the drug, the secretion of mucus from the nose decreases, body temperature stabilizes, headaches and general malaise decrease. At an early stage of the disease, complete relief of its symptoms is possible. Later treatment helps prevent the complicated course of ARVI: the development of otitis, sinusitis, pneumonia.

The medicine does not have a negative effect on the functioning of internal organs and systems. Its properties are not affected by the simultaneous use of symptomatic remedies: against cough, throat and nose congestion. There is no addiction or withdrawal syndrome after using Grippferon.

How to take Grippferon correctly

When using Grippferon, it is imperative to take into account the patient’s age, his well-being and the purpose - whether the medicine is used for treatment or prevention. It is advisable to carry out therapy after the appointment of a specialist.

The drug in the form of drops is used according to the following scheme:

  1. Up to 1 year - 1 drop in each nasal passage up to 5 times a day.
  2. 1-3 years - 2 drops 3-4 times a day.
  3. From 3 to 14 years - it is recommended to use up to 5 times a day, 2 instillations. The maximum dosage is 10,000 IU.
  4. Over 15 years old - prescribe 3 drops 5-6 times a day.

The duration of the course is 5 days.

Grippferon in the form of a spray is used as follows according to age:

  1. Up to 12 months - 500 IU once.
  2. 1-3 years - indicated 3-4 times a day, 1000 IU. The maximum allowed is no more than 8000 IU per day.
  3. 3-14 years - prescribe 1000 IU up to 5 times. A single dosage is 2000 IU.
  4. From 15 years old - use 1500 IU 5-6 times a day. During the day, it is allowed to use no more than 18,000 IU.

The duration of therapy is no more than 5 days. If long-term use is necessary, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Application and dosage

For prevention, drops and spray are used throughout the day, applied to clean nasal mucous membranes 1–2 times a day:

  • after contact with infected people;
  • after hypothermia or prolonged exposure to the street.

The dose is adjusted according to age: from 1 to 3 drops or aerosol presses into each nostril.

To treat an existing disease, the solution is used 4 to 6 times a day. It is allowed to use the medicine at night. Course duration: up to 5–7 days.

How to take Grippferon for prevention

To prevent influenza and viral diseases, the drug is used according to a special scheme depending on the form of release:

  • Drops - as a result of close interaction with an infected person or against the background of hypothermia, the medicine is instilled once in the morning and in the evening. The dose depends on the age of the patient. When an epidemic outbreak develops, drops are used once every other day.
  • Spray - if there is a high risk of infection with influenza and viruses, a one-time use of the product 2 times a day is recommended. In case of a surge in incidence, it is prescribed in the morning once every 1-2 days.

Based on the indications, the prophylactic course of taking Grippferon can be repeated.

Side effects and contraindications

The drug is well tolerated in most cases. Occasionally, manifestations of hypersensitivity are possible:

  • itching;
  • severe dryness of the mucous membrane;
  • burning.

Grippferon is contraindicated only if the body has an allergic reaction to any of the components.

The drug does not affect concentration and psychomotor skills. They do not require restrictions when driving vehicles or operating equipment during treatment.

Grippferon, nasal drops 10000 IU/ml, 10 ml


Firn M, Russia


1 ml of solution contains recombinant alpha-2 human interferon of at least 10,000 IU.

pharmachologic effect

Pharmaceutical group: MIBP - cytokine.
Pharmaceutical action:

The drug has immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects.


When administered intranasally, the concentration of the active substance achieved in the blood is significantly lower than the detection limit (the limit of detection of interferon alpha-2b is 1-2 IU/ml) and has no clinical significance.


Prevention and treatment of influenza and ARVI in children from birth and adults, including pregnant women.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Approved for use during the entire period of pregnancy.


— Individual intolerance to interferon preparations and the components that make up the drug Grippferon. — Severe forms of allergic diseases.

Side effects

Allergic reactions.

How to take, course of administration and dosage

At the first signs of the disease, drop into the nose for 5 days:

  • children under 1 year - 1 drop in each nasal passage 5 times a day (single dose 1,000 IU, daily dose 5,000 IU);
  • children from 1 to 3 years old - 2 drops in each nasal passage 3-4 times a day (single dose 2000 IU, daily dose - 6000 - 8000 IU);
  • children from 3 to 14 years old - 2 drops in each nasal passage 4-5 times a day (single dose 2000 IU, daily dose 8000-10000 IU);
  • adults - 3 drops in each nasal passage 5-6 times a day (single dose 3,000 IU, daily dose 15,000 - 18,000 IU).

For the purpose of prevention (ARVI and influenza): in case of contact with a patient and/or hypothermia, the drug is instilled in an age-specific dosage 2 times a day for 5-7 days. If necessary, preventive courses are repeated; with a seasonal increase in incidence, the drug is instilled in an age-specific dosage in the morning after 1-2 days.

After each instillation, it is recommended to massage the wings of the nose with your fingers for several minutes to evenly distribute the drug in the nasal cavity.

Special instructions

The simultaneous use of intranasal vasoconstrictor drugs is not recommended due to the increased drying effect on the nasal mucosa.

Release form

Drops for intranasal use.

Storage conditions

At 2–8 °C

Best before date

2 years

Active substance

Interferon alpha-2b

Dosage form

nasal drops


For nursing mothers, For pregnant women, For adults, For children from birth


Flu, Prevention of flu and colds, Runny nose, Colds

Barcode and weight

Barcode: 4606207000025 Weight: 0.023 kg


Grippferon (interferon alpha-2b) is a medical immunobiological drug that has antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects and is used for the prevention and treatment of influenza and ARVI. Over the past two decades, there has been a clear trend towards a decrease in the share of influenza in the overall structure of acute respiratory viral infections, with a simultaneous increase in the incidence of other viruses: adenoviruses, respiratory syncytial virus, coronaviruses, rhinoviruses, parainfluenza viruses. In this regard, drugs that are active against as many viruses as possible are of greatest value. The main antiviral drugs today are interferon preparations, which have received the eloquent name “antiviral antibiotics.” They form a protective barrier for viruses long before the onset of specific immune reactions. Interferons have an antiviral effect against DNA and RNA viruses, chlamydia and other microorganisms. At the same time, interferon alpha has been particularly successful in the fight against viruses: even after its removal, the body’s cells remain resistant to viral infection for a long time. Interacting with specific cellular receptors, interferon alpha stimulates the synthesis of the protein kinase enzyme, which suppresses transcription (RNA synthesis) and translation (protein synthesis on an RNA template) of viruses, thereby stopping their replication (reproduction) and exit outside the cell. In this regard, interferon-resistant forms of viruses are not produced. Considering that the place of introduction and reproduction of respiratory viruses is the nasal mucosa, it seems obvious that it is necessary to protect, first of all, these cells. For this purpose, domestic scientists created the original drug influferon, both forms of release of which - spray and drops - are intended for intranasal administration. The recombinant interferon alpha-2b included in the drug is obtained using genetic engineering. The excipients of influpferon - polyethylene oxide, Trilon B and polyvinylpyrrolidone - act as stabilizers of the active substance and lengthen the period of its fixation on the surface of the mucous membrane.

The effectiveness and safety of influpferon has been confirmed in a number of preclinical and clinical studies.

Testing of the drug on animals showed that it has no toxic effect. Culture studies have demonstrated the antiviral effect of the drug against all types of influenza virus (including avian influenza), adenoviruses, coronaviruses, respiratory syncytial virus, parainfluenza and rubella viruses. Grippferon inhibited the reproduction of all these viruses when used in both prophylactic and therapeutic doses. The results of testing the drug in humans were no less convincing. Thus, intranasal administration of influpferon to adult patients led to a decrease in body temperature, shortened the duration and reduced the severity of symptoms of intoxication and catarrhal symptoms. After confirming the therapeutic effectiveness of the drug in adults, the possibility of using the drug in pediatric patients was studied. The study covered six leading domestic clinics and about 800 children suffering from influenza and ARVI. It was found that when taking influenzaron, complications and chronicity of the pathological process developed less frequently, periods of increased temperature and intoxication with a characteristic “cold” clinical picture (cough, runny nose, etc.) were reduced, and the overall duration of the disease was reduced. The effectiveness of the drug did not depend on the age of the patients (and the study included children under 1 year of age) and the initial state of the immune system. Grippferon can be used in pregnant women without the risk of developing any negative side effects. The same is true for patients with allergies, since the drug does not cause allergization. Grippferon is compatible with the vast majority of drugs traditionally used in the treatment and prevention of ARVI. The only exception here is vasoconstrictor intranasal drops, because. influferon itself has dehydrating properties, relieving swelling and facilitating breathing through the nose. The drug can be used after influenza vaccination. The addictive effect is not typical for influenzaferon, which allows you to take it for an unlimited amount of time.


Active substance: human recombinant interferon alpha-2b not less than 10000 IU/ml
Excipients: disodium edetate dihydrate - 0.5 mg; sodium chloride - 4.1 mg; sodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate - 11.94 mg; potassium dihydrogen phosphate - 4.54 mg; povidone 8000 - 10 mg; macrogol 4000 - 100 mg; purified water - up to 1 ml

Description of the dosage form

Drops, spray: the solution is clear, colorless or light yellow.

pharmachologic effect

Pharmacological action - immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, antiviral.


The drug has immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects.


When administered intranasally, the concentration of the active substance achieved in the blood is significantly lower than the detection limit (the detection limit of interferon alfa-2b is 1–2 IU/ml) and has no clinical significance.

Indications of the drug Grippferon®

Prevention and treatment of influenza and ARVI in children and adults.


individual intolerance to interferon preparations and components included in the preparation;

severe forms of allergic diseases.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Grippferon® is approved for use during the entire period of pregnancy. There are no restrictions for use during lactation.

Side effects

Allergic reactions.


The use of intranasal vasoconstrictor drugs together with the drug Grippferon® is not recommended, because this contributes to additional drying of the nasal mucosa.

Directions for use and doses


At the first signs of the disease, Grippferon® is used for 5 days:

- under the age of 1 year - 1 drop/dose (500 IU) in each nasal passage 5 times a day (single dose - 1000 IU, daily dose - 5000 IU);

- at the age of 1 to 3 years - 2 drops/dose in each nasal passage 3-4 times a day (single dose - 2000 IU, daily dose - 6000-8000 IU);

- aged 3 to 14 years - 2 drops/dose in each nasal passage 4-5 times a day (single dose - 2000 IU, daily dose - 8000-10000 IU);

- from 15 years of age and adults - 3 drops/dose in each nasal passage 5-6 times a day (single dose - 3000 IU, daily dose - 15000-18000 IU).

To prevent ARVI and influenza:

— in case of contact with a patient and/or in case of hypothermia, the drug is instilled/injected in a single age dosage 2 times a day;

— with a seasonal increase in incidence, the drug is instilled/injected in an age-specific dosage once in the morning with an interval of 24–48 hours;

— if necessary, preventive courses are repeated.


There is no data on drug overdose.

special instructions

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles or perform work that requires increased speed of physical and mental reactions. The drug does not affect the ability to drive vehicles and machinery.

Release form

Nasal drops, 10000IU/ml. In plastic bottles with dropper dispensers of 5 or 10 ml. In a cardboard pack 1 fl.

Dosed nasal spray, 500 IU/dose. In plastic bottles with dosing devices, 10 ml (200 doses). In a cardboard pack 1 fl.

. 143390, Moscow, d.p. Kokoshkino, st. Dzerzhinsky, 4.

Address for sending claims: CJSC "Firn M". 127055, Moscow, pl. Borby, 15/1, entrance “B”.


Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

  • Over the counter.

Storage conditions for the drug Grippferon®

  • At a temperature of 2–8 °C.
  • Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life of the drug Grippferon®

  • 2 years. Store an opened bottle for no more than 30 days.
  • Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.
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