Oksolin Nasal ointment 0.25% 10 g aluminum tube

  • What is oxolinic ointment?
  • Features of the appearance and storage of oxolinic ointment
  • Indications for use of oxolinic ointment
  • Contraindications to the use of oxolinic ointment
  • Disadvantages of oxolinic ointment
  • Analogues of oxolinic ointment

There are drugs whose use has been praised from generation to generation.

Their use is not subject to deep analysis for effectiveness; they are simply used by both young and old. Such drugs include oxolinic ointment , which is remembered on the eve of the period of colds and flu epidemics. It's supposed to be a useful virus repellant, is it true?

What is Oxolinic ointment?

This is a pasty viscous substance based on oxoline. The ointment has a yellow tint, a homogeneous, slightly oily structure. Plastic, easily distributed over surfaces. After long-term storage, the product sometimes becomes pinkish or bluish. This feature does not affect its properties.

The medicine is released in different concentrations:

  • with oxoline content 0.25%: in tubes of 10 g, used for the treatment of mucous membranes;
  • with an active ingredient content of 3%: packaged in tubes of 10–30 g, suitable for treating skin or eliminating intense pathological processes.

Auxiliary compounds of the drug: wax, paraffin, vaseline oil.



The frequency of illnesses in a child in kindergarten depends on two factors: the activity of the infection and the resistance of the child’s body to it. Unfortunately, we have no influence on the infection. Well, perhaps, try not to allow the child into areas where there are obvious concentrations of possibly sick people. Therefore, all that remains is to strengthen your child’s immunity. Here you can move in two directions: strengthen resistance to diseases in general and develop specific immunity to specific infections.

Prevention measures

1. It is necessary that the baby has the opportunity to strengthen the body over the summer: breathe in plenty of fresh air, swim in the sea or river, run barefoot on sand, grass, pebbles and enjoy the summer sun. Whether it will be a vacation spent with your child, whether you will send him to his grandmother, or simply go out into nature with the whole family a couple of times a week - it’s up to you. In any case, it will be a worthy investment in your baby's health!

Don’t forget about seasonal fruits, vegetables and berries, which are so rich in invaluable vitamins and microelements!

2. The “greenhouse” child turns out to be unprepared for the viral attack that is inevitable in the garden. Therefore, it is worth accustoming your child to contact with other children in advance (including indoors), before the time when you plan to send him to kindergarten. In addition to the communication experience, it will also be a workout for his immune system!

3. From an early age, teach your child a proper, balanced diet. The daily menu should consist of different food groups rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements. It's no secret that the most easily absorbed vitamins are found in vegetables, fruits and berries grown in the same area where you live. In addition to juices, compotes, tea, the baby must drink water every day!

4. Systematic hardening is a very effective remedy.

Hardening rules:

• hardening is only possible for a healthy child; • the baby should like the procedure, so we present everything in the form of a game and with the involvement of favorite “dolls”; • gradually reduce the temperature (every 3-4 days by 1-2°C); • if there is a break of 5-10 days, then return the temperature 2-3°C back; • if the break in hardening was more than 10 days, then we start all over again.

These types of hardening are suitable for children from 1 to 3 years old


• washing the face (and for children from 2 years old, I also wash the upper chest and arms to the elbow). We start at 20°C and reduce to 16-18°C; • then you can move on to general dousing with an initial water temperature of 34-35°C and reducing it to 24°C.

For preschool children, wash their face, neck, chest and arms above the elbow, and raise the water temperature to 14°C; during general dousing, the temperature is gradually reduced to 24°C. It is also recommended to pour over the feet with a gradual decrease in temperature from 36-37°C to 20°C.

A healthy body is less susceptible to diseases. Therefore, first of all, we sanitize all chronic foci of infection. Be sure to regularly see the dentist and treat problem teeth, if any. And we don’t hope that the situation will resolve itself, since “the dairy products will fall out anyway.” Unfortunately, caries, with all its rapid complications, also affects baby teeth. Naturally, we don’t forget about prevention, so we brush our teeth twice a day, choosing tasty and high-quality toothpaste!

Also important and necessary for increasing the body’s resistance to various infections are vitamin C, iodine, and vitamin D. It is not necessary to buy expensive vitamins for your child; it is enough to give him a rosehip decoction daily for a certain time (2-3 weeks), or buy the most ordinary "Ascorbic acid". A child needs vitamin D not only for full growth and development, increasing the body’s resistance to infections, but also in order to cope with mental and physical stress in the garden, actively play with peers and be in a great mood! That is why it is important that your child’s diet is rich in this vitamin, or you can give it additionally by purchasing, for example, an oil solution of vitamin D at the pharmacy!

The baby’s immune system can also be strengthened with the help of preparations from medicinal plants called adaptogens (Echinacea, Eleutherococcus). 2 – 4 weeks at the end of summer is enough for the course.

When the child comes home from the kindergarten or clinic, rinse the child with a ready-made preparation based on sea salts, sold in a pharmacy, for example, Aquamaris. Afterwards, you can lubricate your nose with oxolinic ointment.

Of all the above, the baby’s mental state also has a significant impact on the immune system. A child who goes to kindergarten with joy, and not with tears, is not so vulnerable to infections and viruses. Therefore, it is important for parents to do everything possible to ensure that kindergarten becomes a source of positive emotions for the child.

I wish parents and their children that this transition period will be easy and joyful!

Elena Krivonosova, pediatrician at the healthy child’s office of the Nyagan City Children’s Clinic

How does Oxolinic ointment work?

The drug disrupts the integrity of the cell membranes of pathogens, causing their death. When applied to the surface of the skin and mucous membranes, the ointment mechanically prevents their infection, softens, and reduces the symptoms of inflammation. Oxolin affects pathogens of influenza, molluscum contagiosum, herpes simplex, adenoviruses, and rhinoviruses.

The use of ointment does not lead to a systemic effect on the body. The amount of oxoline that penetrates through the capillaries into the blood is insignificant. The product does not accumulate in tissues and has no cumulative effect. Particles that get inside are completely metabolized.

Features of the appearance and storage of oxolinic ointment

Oxolinic ointment is available in tubes:

  • 0.25% ointment - 10 grams in a package,
  • 3% ointment - in a package of 30 grams.

Normally, the contents of the tube should be whitish-milky or yellow; during long-term storage, it acquires a pink tint. The refractive characteristics of the color provide a slightly bluish tint to the ointment when applied to the skin. As a result of applying the ointment to the skin, a transparent greasy trace remains, and complete absorption is difficult to achieve.

to store oxolinic ointment in a place protected from light, preferably at a temperature below 20°C, which means that the refrigerator is an ideal place for this. If the ointment has been lying on the shelf for a long time, especially in the summer months, then it is better to buy a new one for the new season. The effectiveness of high-quality oxolinic ointment is not highly rated, and the use of one that has deteriorated and lost its activity cannot be rated at all.

oxolinic ointment should not be confused with oxolinic acid, which belongs to the group of quinolones and is a broad-spectrum antibacterial agent. Oxolinic acid is included in medications for urinary tract infections and is used to prevent infections during instrumental research methods (catheterization, cystoscopy), but not a single drug has been registered with the corresponding name - “Oxolinic acid”

When to use Oxolinic ointment

Traditionally, the medicine is used during respiratory epidemics and when communicating with possible carriers of influenza viruses. The list of indications for use of the drug includes:

  • influenza and other respiratory viral pathologies;
  • blepharitis;
  • inflammation of the conjunctiva;
  • lichen lesions;
  • molluscum contagiosum;
  • dermatitis;
  • herpes stomatitis;
  • skin warts of viral origin.

The use of medicine for preventive purposes and at an early stage of pathologies is more effective than for advanced infections. To achieve a pronounced therapeutic effect, this drug must be combined with other drugs.

Side effects of the ointment

When first applied, a slight burning sensation, increased runny nose, and irritation of the integument are likely to occur. With prolonged daily use, the nasal mucosa may feel dry. The risk of drying out is especially high during simultaneous treatment with vasoconstrictor drops. With proper use of the product, the discomfort gradually goes away on its own. If symptoms increase over time, the ointment should be discarded, as an allergic reaction is possible.

Oxolinic ointment does not affect the speed of psychomotor reactions and the activity of the central nervous system; it is allowed when driving vehicles and operating complex equipment.

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The positive effect of using oxolinic ointment to protect against coronavirus and ARVI in crowded places is a myth, said Tatyana Romanenko, a physician of the highest category, chief physician of one of the Moscow multidisciplinary clinics.

Romanenko stated that oxolinic acid is “a substance that actually has antibacterial activity and promotes the destruction of DNA of bacterial cells,” however, the product “contains a completely different substance with a similar name - oxolin,” and “convincing data and any There is no evidence in the world that this substance has any effect on viruses,” reports Reedus.

In addition, “oxolinka” “is not registered anywhere as a therapeutic agent.” In this case, the ointment can cause severe allergic reactions.

Romanenko emphasized that when oxolinic ointment was tested on animals, the negative side effects were so strong that in the United States this ointment was banned for use even in veterinary medicine.

“This ointment is quite greasy, and there is a definite opinion among otolaryngologists that when we apply it to the nasal mucosa, we complicate the work of the epithelium, complicate the work of those protective mechanisms that exist in the nose,” the therapist explained.

Therefore, if a person wants to protect himself from the penetration of viruses through the respiratory tract in public places (in particular, in the subway), then other means should be used for this: “When we use some kind of barrier agents that we apply to the mucous membrane, perhaps by doing so we We prevent the penetration of any viral particles further into the body. Lately we have been giving preference to neutral barrier products. Most often based on hyaluronic acid or other neutral components. They create some film, but it doesn't cause any negative effects."

The doctor warned that this does not mean that cosmetic creams with hyaluronic acid, when applied to the nasal mucosa, will help protect against diseases during the COVID-19 pandemic. We are talking about special medications that can only be prescribed by the attending physician.

Romanenko also reacted with humor to the idea of ​​eating more garlic during a pandemic and hanging “protective amulets with garlic” on the necks of schoolchildren during classes: “You can hang anything on your neck, and it will ward off all the evil spirits that fly around . And, probably, if you eat a whole clove of garlic, no one will come closer than a meter to you. But to say that (one must) hang garlic around one’s neck – there is no rationality or anything here. It’s better to wash your hands more often, ventilate rooms and minimize visiting public places.”

She also recommended consuming foods containing phytoncides (onions and garlic) in the evening.

Earlier it was reported that 9.4 thousand new cases of coronavirus were identified in Russia. The latest data on the situation with COVID-19 in Russia and the world is presented on the stopcoronavirus.rf portal.

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