"Pentaxim": certified French vaccine for patients of the Inpromed center

“Pentaxim” is a vaccine that is given to children in the form of injections (shots) to prevent a number of dangerous infectious diseases:

  • polio;
  • diphtheria;
  • whooping cough;
  • meningitis;
  • tetanus;
  • septicemia.

Vaccinations are given to children at least 3 months of age, often during the first year of life, up to a maximum of 48 months (4 years) inclusive. The last suitable date for vaccination is 47 months and 29 days. If there has been no vaccination before 12 months, Pentaxim is administered only in the form of a suspension.

Description of the drug

The Pentaxim vaccine is one of the most modern combined vaccines, which allows you to simultaneously protect a child from five dangerous infections. Pentaxim belongs to a new generation of acellular (cell-free) vaccines that replaced cellular (cellular) vaccines. Acellular vaccines are less reactogenic because are devoid of bacterial membrane lipopolysaccharides that cause reactions after vaccination. Pentaxim is a highly immunogenic vaccine, i.e. giving a high immune response of the body after vaccination.

Pentaxim is a combination vaccine containing adsorbed acellular pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus vaccine, inactivated polio vaccine and a vaccine for the prevention of Haemophilus influenzae type b. This allows one injection to immunize a child against whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, polio and diseases caused by Haemophilus influenzae (meningitis, sepsis, pneumonia, epiglottitis, etc.).

The presence of five components in one vaccine allows you to minimize the number of injections, thereby significantly reducing pain in the child.

Benefits of Pentaxim

Pentaxim immediately replaces three old, monocomponent vaccines that were made previously - DPT, Imovax-Polio and Anti-HIB. Therefore, instead of three vaccinations, each of which causes its own side effects and complications, the child will only need to undergo one.

Another important advantage of Pentaxim is that it contains only dead components that cannot provoke the onset of an infectious disease and provide a much lower antigenic load on the child’s body.

While DPT, for example, contains weakened but still living bacteria with pertussis antigen. The live polio vaccine, which is dropped into children's mouths, also contains weakened viruses. They can cause a violent response of the immune system to the invasion, which is familiar to many parents: a sharp increase in body temperature, various rashes and allergic reactions. A serious complication, occurring in 1-4% of children, is the development of diseases for which the vaccine was given. The dead components of Pentaxim completely eliminate the risk of such complications.

The Pentaxim vaccine is administered on a monthly schedule, starting at 3 months. age 4 times. Revaccination is carried out at the age of 18 months, it uses 4 components without the fifth - anti-Hib lympholisate. Vaccination with Pentaxim can be used until children reach 6 years of age.

Like any drug, Pentaxim has its own contraindications: encephalopathy, bleeding disorders, allergic reactions to any other vaccines with a similar effect, acute infectious and other diseases that are accompanied by high body temperature, chronic diseases during exacerbation.

Directions for use and doses

Primary vaccination is carried out according to the Russian Federation preventive vaccination calendar at 3, 4.5 and 6 months, revaccination at 18 months. On the recommendation of a doctor, vaccination and booster immunization (re-vaccination) can be carried out according to an individual schedule. A single dose of the vaccine is 0.5 ml.

If the child is not currently scheduled to be vaccinated against hemophilus influenzae, it is possible to use only the vaccine in a syringe for the prevention of diphtheria and tetanus; whooping cough and poliomyelitis, without diluting it in a bottle with a lyophilisate containing 1 dose of Haemophilus influenzae B polysaccharide conjugated with tetanus toxoid.

How to prepare your child for vaccination

Before vaccination, it is advisable not to feed the child, but to offer plenty of fluids. At the clinic, you need to make sure that the child is not sweating. If this does happen, you need to wait until the child cools down and only then go for vaccination. After vaccination, it is advisable not to give food to the child for 1-2 hours, limiting yourself to drinking. If the child is hungry, then offer him dietary food, excluding fatty and sweet foods, as this may worsen the tolerability of the vaccine.

If the temperature has increased, be sure to give an antipyretic containing paracetamol, nimesulide or ibuprofen. If any atypical symptoms appear, you should promptly consult a doctor.

Publication date: 12/13/2018 17:05:16

Compatibility with other vaccines

The Pentaxim vaccine can be administered simultaneously with all drugs from the national calendar of preventive vaccinations on the same day, in different parts of the body, with the exception of the BCG vaccine. The use of the Pentaxim vaccine together with other vaccinations does not affect their immunogenicity (ability to develop immunity). Tolerability of vaccines does not deteriorate, and the number of adverse reactions does not increase. Pentaxim can be used to continue and complete a course of vaccination started with other vaccines against whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, polio and Haemophilus influenzae.

Administering several vaccines on the same day does not place an excessive burden on the immune system. All vaccines in the Russian national vaccination calendar are interchangeable.

Side effects

Side effects of drugs may be associated with local and systemic manifestations. The most commonly observed local reactions are:

  • short-term crying;
  • compaction on the skin in the injection area;
  • redness;
  • temperature rise to 38°C in 10% of cases, less often to 39°C, even less often to 40°C (no more than 0.1% of identified cases).

Side effects such as rash, anaphylactic shock, convulsions, urticaria, low blood pressure, swelling, and redness of the skin are extremely rare. As a rule, they go away within the first 24-48 hours. Such reactions do not require special treatment, except in cases of prolonged manifestation. No cases of overdose have been registered.


During the first days after vaccination, it is necessary to carefully monitor the child’s condition and report all side effects, including those not listed in the instructions.

Vaccination scheme

The course of primary vaccination consists of 3 doses of vaccine and revaccination. Immunization schedule: first administration, then the second after 45 days from the first, then the third after 45 days from the second and revaccination a year after the third is completed. The use of the vaccine is not clearly related to age. It is important to comply with vaccination dates. If the deadlines are extended, vaccination will not be resumed.

Violation of the vaccination schedule can lead to a decrease in the intensity of immunity to the components of the vaccine. The hemophilic component of the Pentaxim vaccine for children over one year of age is administered once. Therefore, as soon as a child over one year old is injected with the Pentaxim vaccine with a hemophilus influenzae component, it is the last one for immunization against hemophilus influenzae infection. Further prevention of diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus and polio with the Pentaxim vaccine in a child older than one year is carried out without the use of the hemophilic component.

Everything you wanted to know about the Pentaxim vaccine

The article was prepared by the head of the children's clinic, pediatrician Yulia Aleksandrovna Ermolaeva

What are the differences between Pentaxim and other similar vaccines?

Pentaxim is a multicomponent vaccine. The Pentaxim vaccine is intended for immunization against whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, polio, and Haemophilus influenzae. In one injection, a vaccine is administered simultaneously against 5 infections. The packaging of this drug contains a syringe with a ready-made DTP vaccine and a bottle with lyophilisate against Haemophilus influenzae type b. Thus, if desired, you can install DTP separately without Haemophilus influenzae.

Pentaxim, like Infanrix, causes fewer side effects and adverse events in comparison with the domestic DTP vaccine. The explanation for this is the content of an acellular pertussis component and the absence of a preservative, merthiolate, in imported vaccines. The DTP vaccine contains whole pertussis microbial cells that cause a strong immune reaction, manifested in the form of fever, local and general allergic manifestations, etc.

But the presence of less reactogenicity of acellular vaccines is accompanied by less effective and short-lived immunity compared to cellular vaccines (results of large-scale studies).

The Pentaxim vaccine contains inactivated polio virus, which is a prerequisite for the first vaccinations against polio infection. Starting vaccination with live polio vaccine in the form of drops carries a risk of developing vaccine-associated polio in 1-4% of cases.

Vaccination dates

Pentaxim vaccination is carried out at the following times: 3 months, 4.5 months, 6 months. The first revaccination is carried out 12 months after the third dose. In case of violation of the vaccination schedule, the intervals between administrations are maintained: for vaccination 45 days, revaccination is also carried out after 12 months.

At what age should one be vaccinated against Haemophilus influenzae?

Vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae is recommended up to 5 years of age. At an older age, vaccination against this infection is not advisable, even in the absence of laboratory-confirmed diseases of this etiology. By the age of 6, a child’s natural immunity to hemophilus influenzae is formed during constant encounters with this microbe in the environment.

Is it possible to carry out a course of vaccination against whooping cough, diphtheria, and tetanus with different vaccines?

Yes. All vaccines are interchangeable.

Which vaccine is better to choose for administration?

To form sufficient immunity and reduce the number of local vaccination reactions, the vaccination regimen should include both whole-cell and acellular vaccines. For better tolerability and the formation of stable immunity, our pediatricians recommend using the Russian-made DPT vaccine, which is whole-cell, as the first vaccination, and further vaccinations should be carried out with less reactogenic vaccines - acellular (Infanrix, Pentaxim).

Contraindications for using Pentaxim

  • Progressive encephalopathy, accompanied by or without seizures.
  • Encephalopathy of unknown etiology that developed within 7 days after administration of any vaccine (whole cell or acellular) containing Bordetella pertussis antigens.
  • A severe reaction that developed within 48 hours after previous immunization with a vaccine containing a pertussis component: body temperature equal to or exceeding 40 ° C, prolonged unusual crying syndrome (longer than 3 hours), febrile and afebrile convulsions, hypotonic-hyporeactive syndrome.
  • Hypersensitivity to previous administration of diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio vaccines or Haemophilus influenzae type b.
  • Established hypersensitivity to any component of the vaccine, as well as glutaraldehyde, neomycin, streptomycin and polymyxin B.
  • A disease accompanied by an increase in body temperature, an acute infectious or chronic disease in the acute stage. Vaccination is carried out 2-4 weeks after recovery or during the period of convalescence or remission.
  • For mild ARVI, acute intestinal diseases, etc. Vaccinations are carried out immediately after the temperature normalizes.

What are the side effects after administering Pentaxim?

Side effects from the administration of Pentaxim occur in the form of local and systemic reactions.

Local reactions manifest themselves as redness, swelling, pain at the site of the vaccine. The systemic reaction is characterized by fever, irritability, sleep disturbance, anxiety, crying, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, and mild symptoms of acute respiratory infections.

Complications after Pentaxim vaccination

  • Anaphylactic shock is an extremely rare complication. Occurs more often after repeated administration of the vaccine during the first few minutes, less often – after 3-4 hours.
  • Afebrile convulsions are convulsions against a background of normal body temperature with loss of consciousness. Very often, afebrile seizures are the first manifestation of epilepsy. It is not possible to determine whether seizures are related to epilepsy or a post-vaccination complication, therefore, with previous vaccination, seizures are regarded as a complication.

How is vaccination carried out?

Vaccination is carried out in a vaccination room, in compliance with all sanitary requirements. All drugs are certified. A certificate for the drug is provided upon request.

Without reminders, before vaccination, the medical worker must show the drug and the expiration date of the vaccine.

Only sterile and disposable instruments are used. The vaccination must be carried out using disposable medical gloves.

On the day of vaccination, the child is examined by a pediatrician and the temperature is measured. In the absence of contraindications, vaccination is carried out. Information about the vaccination performed is entered into the card, vaccination certificate, and detailed recommendations for caring for the child in the post-vaccination period are given.

Before vaccination, the doctor will answer all your questions. Be sure to bring information about previous vaccinations to your appointment!

Please note that vaccination of a child, Mantoux test, Diaskintest can only be carried out in the presence of parents or legal representatives of the child (guardians), or if the accompanying person has a NOTARIZED power of attorney to carry out the manipulation (indicating the drug planned for administration) . Otherwise, vaccination will be denied. We comply with the laws of the Russian Federation.

Only here!

Features of the Pentaxim composition

The Pentaxim vaccine helps protect the human body from five infectious diseases at once - Haemophilus influenzae infection, which causes a number of serious diseases (meningitis, pneumonia, purulent otitis media and others), tetanus, diphtheria, polio and whooping cough. It contains components such as pertussis, tetanus and diphtheria, inactivated polio virus, as well as filamentous hemagglutinin.


  • Features of the Pentaxim composition
  • When to do and how to prepare for vaccination
  • Contraindications and side effects

A separate component of Pentaxim is the hemophilic component combined with tetanus toxoid. The vaccine contains formaldehyde and aluminum hydroxide as accompanying substances. The drug is free of mercury and phenol red.

The vaccine is produced in double packaging, where all components against four diseases are poured into special syringes, and the fifth hemophilic component in the form of a powder (lyophilized mass) must be dissolved by the first suspension. The vaccine is administered intramuscularly with one syringe.

The most well-known analogues of Pentaxim in global and domestic pharmaceuticals are vaccines such as three-component DPT, Hiberix, Infanrix, Infanrix Hexa, Infanrix Penta, Imovax Polio.

The main advantage of Pentaxim, compared to other similar drugs, is its complexity, the analogues of which have not been developed for a long time. Today, Infanrix vaccines on the market are also capable of simultaneously protecting the body from five infections at once, but this type of injection was developed relatively recently.

When using the classic DTP vaccine, it was necessary to vaccinate the child 12 times, since it did not contain a hemophilic component or a polio component. These vaccines needed to be administered additionally, all 4 times.

The Pentaxim component against whooping cough is cell-free, which greatly reduces the occurrence of negative reactions to vaccination and eliminates the possibility of developing vaccine whooping cough in a weakened body, in contrast to the whole-cell component in DPT.

The anti-poliomyelitis component is inactivated (dead), which completely eliminates the development of vaccine-associated polio, which often occurs when vaccinated with live vaccines administered orally to patients.

The vaccine is highly tolerable. Because of this property, the vaccine is recommended for use even by people with reduced immunity. Including HIV-infected people, patients with perinatal encephalopathy, those prone to various allergies, patients with dysbacteriosis, etc.

Each potential user who decides to be vaccinated with Pentaxim receives reliable protection and lasting immunity from all 5 of the most dangerous infectious diseases against which its action is directed.

Quality control

How does the quality control department work at ? The laboratories are equipped with a computer system to which all the equipment used to test products is connected. The results of all tests immediately go there and this “primary data” can no longer be deleted. If suddenly during the release control process it turns out that something is wrong with a batch of vaccine, it will be impossible to hide it. In addition, samples from each series are archived. They will be needed for investigation if the vaccine is suddenly suspected of causing harm. And they are stored for the entire shelf life of the vaccine!

Recommendations during the post-vaccination period

In addition to the preparatory process, the post-vaccination period is no less important.

To help a child’s body withstand such a difficult test, it is necessary to adhere to the following simple rules:

  1. moderate child nutrition . The less the baby eats in the first couple of days after vaccination, the better. Try not to feed your baby until he urgently demands it. During this period, it is necessary to give preference to liquid and pasty dishes, which will relieve the gastrointestinal tract. You should not introduce new or allergen-containing foods into your baby’s diet. When it comes to breastfeeding and on-demand feeding, it is necessary to allow the baby to suck out slightly less milk than during normal feeding;
  2. refusal of vitamin D for 5 days . Since this vitamin helps to delay the absorption of calcium, an accelerated development of allergic reactions is possible;
  3. exclusion of taking Tavegil and Suprastin. If your child has been prescribed antihistamines, it is better to choose Fenistil or Zyrtec. But it is better to avoid Tavegil and Suprastin, because they contribute to the drying out of the mucous membranes, which can cause the development of colds;
  4. restriction of water treatments on the first day after the injection . If necessary, simply wipe the baby’s body with a damp cloth, and then with a dry towel;
  5. limiting contact with sick relatives . In the first few days after vaccination, the child’s body will be weakened, so it is necessary to exclude any communication with people who suffer from acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections and other infections. Otherwise, the risk of infection of the baby will increase.

After vaccination, you should not stay in the clinic for a long time. Here the risk of catching a cold from others is much higher than in any other place.

Do I need to get tested before immunization?

To finally make sure that the child is completely healthy and can undergo immunization, you should take a general urine test and a clinical blood test.

The pediatrician gets acquainted with the results of the laboratory test and gives or does not give the child permission to be vaccinated. If tests show that there is an inflammatory process in the body, vaccination will be postponed.

In addition, the listed tests also help to determine pathological changes in the composition of the blood, immunity and urinary system.

Indications for use: Pentaxim vaccination - what is it for?

Pentaxim is used for the prevention in children from 3 months to 47 months 29 days of tetanus (Tetanus), diphtheria (Diphtheria), poliomyelitis (Poliomyelitis), whooping cough (Pertussis) and invasive infections caused by HIB (including meningitis and septicemia ).

The drug can be used for primary vaccination of children over one year of age for the prevention of tetanus (Tetanus), diphtheria (Diphtheria), polio (Poliomyelitis), whooping cough (Pertussis) and invasive infections caused by HIB. If a child older than 12 months has not previously been vaccinated against these diseases, it is recommended to administer Pentaxim suspension exclusively.

Also, using Pentaxim, it is possible to vaccinate and revaccinate children who have previously been immunized with several doses of whole-cell or acellular vaccine against tetanus (Tetanus), diphtheria (Diphtheria) and whooping cough (Pertussis), subject to ongoing vaccination/booster vaccination against polio .

Compatibility and revaccination

  • Is it possible to do Pentaxim after DTP? Is it possible to do regular DTP after Pentaxim?

The answer to both questions is yes, you can. If you only have DTP at your disposal, it is better not to wait for an imported vaccine to appear, but to get vaccinated on time. Discuss your polio and hemophilus influenzae vaccination schedule with your pediatrician, as these components are not included in the DPT vaccine.

  • Is it possible to do Infanrix Hexa after Pentaxim?

The Infanrix Hexa vaccine can replace Pentaxim for the first, second and third vaccinations, and vice versa. But with one caveat: the Pentaxim vaccine does not have a component that protects against hepatitis B, but Infanrix Hexa does. Therefore, if you are switching from one vaccine to another, ask your pediatrician to create an individual hepatitis B vaccination schedule for you. It is also worth remembering that the timing of administration of the Infanrix Hexa vaccine is up to 36 months, that is, up to 3 years.

  • How do Pentaxim and the polio vaccine work together? Is it possible to take Pentaxim after polio?

Pentaxim contains an acellular polio vaccine. You can replace some of the polio vaccinations with the Pentaxim vaccine, and also continue the polio vaccination with Pentaxim.

However, if you have previously been vaccinated with a live polio vaccine, you need to wait at least a month with Pentaxim, as after any vaccine.

  • Is it possible to do Pentaxim after Mantoux?

Yes, you can. You can get vaccinated with Pentaxim on the day of the Mantoux test.

  • Is it possible to take Prevenar and Pentaxim at the same time? Is it possible to use Pentaxim and hepatitis at the same time?

Yes, you can. If the time has come for vaccination, any number of vaccines can be administered simultaneously, provided they are compatible. It has been proven that the frequency and severity of reactions to vaccination (and even more so, rare complications) do not depend on the number of vaccines administered at one time. Generally, vaccines work well together. There are rare exceptions, such as BCG.

  • Is it possible to take Pentaxim if you have a runny nose? Is it possible to do Pentaxim if teething?

Yes, you can. Neither colic, nor an umbilical hernia, nor small residual cysts in the baby’s brain, nor a runny nose without fever will in any way affect the child’s condition after vaccination. Such challenges have no medical basis. Unfortunately, most cases of severe childhood infections are detected in children whose parents decided to “just wait a little.”

Meet our team of pediatricians who administer vaccinations

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The Pentaxim vaccination is designed to vaccinate children against tetanus (Tetanus), diphtheria (Diphtheria), polio (Poliomyelitis), whooping cough (Pertussis) and diseases caused by Haemophilus influenzae (including against septicemia , meningitis , epiglotitis , pneumonia , etc.) . If the timing of revaccination is observed, the vaccinated child develops lasting immunity to these diseases.

The manufacturer of Pentaxim did not provide data regarding the pharmacokinetics of the drug.

Pentaxim is well tolerated and is recommended for use in children over three months of age.

It must be taken into account that the drug does not contribute to the formation of immunity against diseases caused by other serotypes of Haemophilus influenzae (A, C, D, E and F) , as well as immunity to meningitis provoked by other pathogenic microflora .

How it works

The plant is a whole complex consisting of several buildings.

At the same time, everything is arranged very conveniently: to move from one building to another, you don’t need to go outside - there is a connecting corridor running along all the buildings.

In the visualization above you can see all the buildings:

No. 1 - warehouse for raw materials and materials; No. 2 - Administrative building, quality control laboratory;
No. 3 - Production of solid dosage forms; No. 4 - Production of vaccines and genetically engineered drugs; No. 5.
Reserve Corps. Antonina's tour began from building No. 2, where the entire floor is occupied by the quality control service. 120 people work here (which is almost half of all plant employees). The service consists of several laboratories:

  • microbiological laboratory
    (here everything that goes into production and everything that is released - the final product - is checked for sterility);
  • biochemical laboratory
    (here the concentration of adjuvant and antigens in the vaccine is checked);
  • chemical analytical laboratory
    (here tests are carried out to control the level of formaldehyde and 2-phenoxyethanol in vaccines).

The plant does not have its own vivarium (room for keeping laboratory animals). Therefore, such tests are carried out outsourced.

Pentaxim price

The price of the Pentaxim vaccine in Ukrainian pharmacies is 550-556 UAH. The price of vaccination in Russian pharmacies is 1260 rubles.

You can buy Pentaxim in Moscow and other large cities in a regular pharmacy, or through online pharmacies. However, in this case, the conditions for transportation and storage of the drug may be violated (failure to comply with the cold chain is detrimental to the vaccine).

For this reason, in treatment rooms, to eliminate the possibility of side effects, doctors refuse to vaccinate children with drugs brought by their parents if they are not available and advise them to go to commercial vaccination centers.

Reviews of Pentaxim

Reviews about the Pentaxim vaccine are overwhelmingly positive. Reviews from doctors indicate that the drug is well tolerated by children, causes adverse reactions DTP

Commenting on the rare negative reviews about Pentaxim, doctors emphasize that each child’s body is individual, and it is impossible to predict its reaction to the vaccine. The guarantee that immunization will be easy for a child is the quality of the vaccine preparation, the child’s health condition and the conditions of vaccination.

Komarovsky E.O. in his blog he writes that vaccination is well tolerated by healthy children who lead a normal lifestyle, that is, children who walk enough, do not overeat, receive complementary foods in a timely manner (not too early), etc. In the case where parents violate the basic principles of care, vaccination can be a blow to a weakened immune system , and the child’s body reacts violently to it.

For parents who vaccinated their children with the Pentaxim vaccine, the main advantages of the drug are its effectiveness, excellent tolerability (in most cases, the post-vaccination period is asymptomatic), the ability not to give unnecessary injections, and in 4 injections to immunize simultaneously against 5 infections (for comparison, Infanrix, which is also well tolerated by children, allows you to develop immunity to only 3 diseases).

The disadvantages of the drug, according to most mothers, are its high price and the frequent lack of vaccine in many pharmacies and vaccination centers.

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