Pepidol PEG solution for internal use 3% 250ml for children


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PEPIDOL is an antibacterial enterosorbent. Its basis is pectin, a natural plant compound. It is part of all green plants on the planet and is a valuable and necessary component of human food.

Many years of research have made it possible to reveal the versatility of the effects of PEPIDOL on the human body and establish the following:

-PEPIDOL has a bactericidal effect on pathogenic bacteria, while normal microflora is not sensitive to it. This promotes the development and colonization of its own beneficial microorganisms in the intestines;

PEPIDOL enters the gastrointestinal tract, it forms gels that, moving through the intestines, capture toxic substances and protect the mucous membranes from irritation;

— in the process of digestion of food, PEPIDOL combines with toxins, salts of heavy metals and radionuclides, resulting in the formation of insoluble complexes, which, without being absorbed into the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, are excreted from the body. Those. unlike other sorbents, PEPIDOL irreversibly binds toxins, etc., completely eliminating their absorption through the intestinal mucosa;

— the protective effect of PEPIDOL is also explained by its ability to restore the functioning (motility) of the intestines, eliminating constipation, and thereby promoting the rapid elimination of toxins and wastes. At the same time, during diarrhea, PEPIDOL slows down peristalsis and promotes the complete absorption of all substances necessary for the body.”;

PEPIDOL , by binding bile acids, provides a hypocholesterolemic effect;

— in the domestic and world literature there is no data on allergic and other pathological conditions associated with pectin. PEPIDOL , therefore, is a completely harmless drug with no side effects.

Recommended for use by the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights and Human Welfare of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and included in the State Register on August 18, 2009.


Certificates of state registration RU dated 05/06/2011,

TU 9169-001-61361031-2011, Declaration of Conformity No. ROSS RU.FM10.D00218-220

PEPIDOL is a natural preparation of plant origin. Meets all requirements for purity, efficiency and safety. PEPIDOL has a selective bactericidal effect on opportunistic intestinal microflora. Regulates the level of intestinal colonization with normal microflora. By improving the condition of the intestinal wall, the production of nonspecific immunoglobulins is normalized, the level of allergens and toxins in the intestines is reduced, which generally strengthens the immune status of the body.

Ingredients: stabilized pectin solution 3% (for children) and 5% (for adults).

Release forms:

PEPIDOL PEG 3% - 250 ml/bottle; PEPIDOL PEG 5% - 250 ml/bottle; PEPIDOL PEG – 5 g powder – for preparing a solution of the required concentration.


1. Antibacterial effect: has a selective bactericidal effect on pathogens of intestinal infections (dysentery, salmonellosis, rotavirus infection, cholera, etc.) and opportunistic microflora of the gastrointestinal tract (clepsielosis, escherichiosis, Proteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, etc. ). Does not inhibit beneficial intestinal microflora (lacto- and bifidobacteria, etc.) Helps normalize intestinal microflora.

2. Sorption-detoxification effect: in the intestinal lumen, the drug binds and removes from the body toxic substances of various natures, food allergens, salts of heavy (toxic) metals, radionuclides, alcohol. PEPIDOL also absorbs some metabolic products of the body, including excess bile acids, creatinine, cholesterol and lipid complexes. Normalizes metabolic processes, increases nonspecific resistance of the body . Effectively restores the intestinal mucosa. Non-toxic, not absorbed from the intestines.

3. Antidiarrheal and antiemetic effect: effectively eliminates diarrheal conditions of any nature, including rotavirus and bacterial, nausea, vomiting, flatulence, etc. Relieves diarrheal conditions during chemotherapy and radiation therapy of oncological diseases.

Directions for use and dosage:

Gradually add boiling water to the powder (150 ml of water for children, 100 ml for adults), grind until a homogeneous jelly-like consistency. It's better to use a mixer.

Orally (by mouth):

adults – 25 ml (2 tablespoons) of 5% solution,

children: 3 years old – 5 ml (1 teaspoon) of 3% solution,

4-10 years - 10 ml (1 dessert spoon) of 3% solution,

11 – 14 years – 15 ml (1 tablespoon) of 3% solution per dose, 30 minutes before meals.

Indications for use:

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:

-Intestinal infections: adults and children in an age-appropriate dose every 3 hours with a break for sleep (in a hospital - around the clock) until complete recovery.

In case of severe colitic syndrome and hemocolitis, oral administration is combined with therapeutic enemas of the drug:

Children: 3 years – 15 ml 3 times a day,

4-10 years – 30 ml 2 times a day,

11-14 years – 40 ml 2 times a day,

adults – 50 ml 2 times a day.

-Food poisoning (toxicoinfection) - at the first signs (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea) - adults and children take an age-appropriate dose every 3 hours until the manifestations of the disease disappear and 2 more doses after the condition normalizes.

Compensate for water loss (take water-salt solutions).

In oncological practice:

Radiation enteritis: if signs of radiation enteritis (diarrhea, etc.) appear, PEPIDOL PEG is prescribed 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for the entire period of radiation therapy.

-Detoxification during chemotherapy and reducing the risk of developing enteropathy : adults and children in an age-appropriate dosage 3 times a day for the entire period of chemotherapy.

In complex therapy of a number of diseases , including:

tuberculosis: at an age-specific dose 4 times a day (to be separated from oral chemotherapy) for 3 weeks. Repeated use after a 10-day break,

- allergic, stressful conditions, eating disorders and errors in diet, alcohol abuse : agree on the dosage regimen with your doctor.

Preventive appointment:

if there is a threat of intestinal or respiratory (including influenza) infections - in an age-specific dosage 2 times a week (2 days interval) 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Contraindications: individual intolerance.

Side effects: when used according to indications, no side effects were identified.

Interaction with other drugs:

When used according to indications, no side effects were identified.

It is recommended: due to the sorption ability of the drug, maintain an interval of at least 1 hour between oral doses of PEPIDOL PEG and antibiotics, as well as other medications.

Storage conditions: store in a dry place at a temperature not exceeding 250 C. Not afraid of freezing. A small amount of amorphous sediment may be present.

Shelf life: 3% and 5% solutions – 18 months, powder – 24 months.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies: available without a prescription .

The drug PEPIDOL was invented more than 20 years ago, in Omsk at the Omsk Medical Academy. Manufacturer LLC NPC "Elyusan".

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