How to replace Polyoxidonium - cheap analogues of the drug

ARVI is a common infection; according to WHO statistics, about 500 million people fall ill during the year. About a third of Russians apply for sick leave if their symptoms are severe. The statistics among children are extremely high - children of kindergarten and kindergarten age get sick up to 7 times a year, schoolchildren get sick about 3 times a year. The risk group for morbidity includes the elderly, children (in particular newborns and preschoolers), pregnant and lactating women, and allergy sufferers.

The domestic drug Polyoxidonium is aimed at strengthening the immune system and reducing symptoms of ARVI. It is available in the form of suppositories, tablets and ampoules, and is the drug of choice according to the results of the Russian Pharma Awards 2021 competition. A significant drawback of the medicine is its high cost. If necessary, check out Polyoxidonium analogues.

pharmachologic effect

Manufacturer: Petrovax Pharm NPO, Russia
Release form: injections, tablets, suppositories

Active ingredient: azoximer bromide

The medicine is advertised as a remedy that fights viruses and removes toxins. Thus, intoxication is reduced - headaches, joint and muscle pain, weakness are relieved, and appetite is restored.

According to the instructions for use, the medication activates the natural mechanisms of the immune system, the body itself fights viruses.

An additional property is antioxidant. These substances neutralize free radicals and restore cells damaged by them.

Thus, Polyoxidonium has 4 effects at once:

  • immunomodulatory, antiviral;
  • antioxidant;
  • detoxification;
  • moderately anti-inflammatory.

The advantage of the medication is that when used it does not cause cancer, does not affect the fetus, and does not provoke allergic reactions.

"POLYOXIDONIUM": composition

Rectal and vaginal suppositories include:

  1. 6 or 12 milligrams of the active ingredient - azoximer bromide. This is a chemical modification of aniline, which is obtained after several successive reactions. Azoximer works as an immunostimulant and immunomodulator.
  2. Additional Ingredients:
  • cocoa butter from which the suppository is made. It melts easily at body temperature and is safe for the body:
  • mannitol, which has a mild diuretic effect.
  • povidone, which works as a detoxifier.

The authorship of the drug recipe belongs to Russia. The candles are cylindrical in shape with a pointed end, light yellow in color, and smell a little like cocoa. Suppositories are packed in special plastic cells, packaged in cardboard boxes (10 pieces per pack).

Polyoxidonium - instructions for use

The medication is available in several forms:

  • suppositories 12 mg and 6 mg;
  • tablets 12 mg;
  • ampoules 3 and 6 mg/ml.

Polyoxidonium is approved for use in pediatrics from 3 years in the form of tablets, from 6 months in the form of ampoules and from 6 years in the form of suppositories and for the treatment of adults. The form is selected individually.

Restrictions on use: pregnancy, lactation, acute renal failure.

How to take Polyoxidonium - dissolve or drink with water - is discussed with your doctor. For colds and flu, the tablets are placed under the tongue and taken sublingually. Another method of treatment is to drink and swallow a tablet for respiratory diseases.

Dosages for ARVI and influenza:

  • children from 3 to 10 years old – half a tablet 2 times a day for 7 days;
  • children over 10 years old and adults – one tablet.

The preventive course is 7–10 days. To do this, half or a whole tablet must be taken sublingually (under the tongue) once a day.

Suppositories are used rectally or vaginally once a day. The course and repeated use are determined by the doctor.

Ampoules are injected intravenously, intramuscularly, or dissolved in saline or distilled water and dripped into the nose.

How to take Polyoxidonium - before or after meals

The medicine is used 20–30 minutes before meals.

Inexpensive substitutes for Polyoxidonium in the form of candles

In gynecology, urology and surgery, it is more convenient to prescribe Polyoxidonium in the form of suppositories. This allows you to create the highest possible concentration of the active substance in the pathological focus - in the pelvis or abdominal cavity. Polyoxidonium suppositories do not have complete structural analogues, but they can be replaced with cheaper drugs with similar clinical effects.

See also:

TOP 6 most inexpensive drugs analogues of Amiksin®


Galavit suppositories have a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antifibrinolytic and immunomodulatory effect. The drug contains sodium aminodihydrophthalazindione, which regulates the phagocytic activity of macrophages. Effective elimination of signs of inflammation is achieved by reducing the synthesis of mediators such as interleukins, prostaglandins and tumor necrosis factor. The drug helps destroy pathogens, and by increasing the production of interferon, it helps eliminate viruses.


Produced in Russia, at the plant of the Center for Modern Medicine "Medicor". Available in suppositories and powder for the preparation of injection solution. It is used as an immunomodulator for frequently recurrent infectious and inflammatory diseases of various locations, as well as for the prevention of adhesions after surgical interventions on the abdominal and pelvic organs. Not prescribed for children, pregnant and lactating women.


An original drug that has a wide variety of therapeutic effects - antioxidant, immunostimulating, cytoprotective. It has a regulatory effect on the body's nonspecific defense system, as well as on all parts of the immune system, including cellular and humoral. The suppositories contain 90 mcg of imunofan, an oligopeptide that has the ability to inactivate free radicals and superoxides. Prescribed for the treatment of toxicosis, secondary immunodeficiencies, and frequent inflammatory diseases. Allowed for use after 2 years.

An injection solution and a nasal spray with the same trade name and the same active ingredient are also commercially available. (Russia).


According to the ATC classification, the drug belongs to group L03 A “Antitumor and immunomodulatory drugs.” According to its pharmacological properties, it is an immune stimulant with antiviral activity. The antibacterial effect is indirect, associated with an increase in the phagocytic activity of lymphocytes.

One suppository contains 150,000, 250,000, 500,000 or 1,000,000 IU of human recombinant interferon alpha. Prescribed for the treatment of inflammatory diseases caused by chlamydia, ureaplasma, trichomonas, mycoplasma, CMV, HPV, herpes virus. May be prescribed to women with recurrent vaginal candidiasis (thrush) or bacterial vaginosis.

Rectal and vaginal use is possible. Prescribe 1 suppository 2 times a day. The dosage is selected based on test results.


An antiproliferative and immunostimulating drug containing interferon, a special protein that can influence the replication of viruses and the proliferation of bacteria. Suppositories with dosages of 150,000, 500,000, 1,000,000, 3,000,000 IU of recombinant interferon-alpha are available for sale. Additional forms of release are ointment and gel for external use.

Viferon suppositories are indicated for influenza, parainfluenza, acute respiratory viral infections, viral hepatitis, herpetic infections of various localizations. Used from birth. In newborns, indications for the use of Viferon are:

  • intrauterine infection (chlamydia, mycoplasmosis and others);
  • bacterial and viral meningitis;
  • sepsis.


The drug can be used during pregnancy (after 14 weeks) and breastfeeding. The dosage is selected individually, taking into account weight, age, indications and changes in tests. The standard treatment regimen is 1 suppository 2 times a day (every 12 hours) for 5-7 days.

See also:

List of inexpensive substitutes for Imudon®: TOP 6 analogues

Analogues of Polyoxidonium

The medicine is included in the list of vital drugs, so the price is regulated by the state. The cost of candles is from 800 rubles, tablets – from 650 rubles, ampoules – from 650 rubles.

The main disadvantage of the drug is that an adult needs 2 packs of tablets for a treatment course, which makes therapy inaccessible to all segments of the population.

The article lists analogues that have a similar effect at a lower cost. Before use, consult a pediatrician or therapist.

Interesting! Analogues are produced in 13 countries, with Russia being the leader. Other countries - Switzerland, Slovenia, Belgium, the Netherlands, Israel, Hungary, etc.

List of analogues of the drug Polyoxidonium

AnaloguePrice, in rublesManufacturer country
Tamiflu1150-1350Switzerland or Russia
Isoprinosine550-1890Portugal or Hungary

You can replace Polyoxidonium suppositories with the following medications in consultation with your doctor.

  1. The analog Kipferon contains immunoglobulins and interferon, has immunomodulatory, antichlamydial and antiviral effects. Stored exclusively in the refrigerator to preserve medicinal properties. It is used in adult and pediatric practice, with the exception of breastfeeding and the first trimester of pregnancy.
  2. Longidaza suppositories are produced by the same company as Polyoxidonium - Petrovax Pharm. The analogue belongs to enzyme agents and has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and immunomodulatory effects. Used in urology and gynecology. Wobenzym tablets have similar properties.
  3. Imunofan is a cheaper analogue of Polyoxidonium in suppositories, also available in ampoules and nasal spray. It has an immunoregulatory effect, reduces intoxication, and protects liver cells.

You can drip analogues into your nose:

  • Imunofan;
  • Derinat.

They have an immunomodulatory effect, activate the body's defenses, and fight viruses.


Manufacturer: Lek D.D., Slovenia
Release form: tablets, solution

Active ingredient: Echinacea purple herb juice

Synonyms: Dr. Theiss echinacea tincture, Immunorm, Echinacea extract, Estifan, etc.

Substitute for Polyoxidonium - herbal immunostimulating drug Immunal. Sold from pharmacies without a prescription, used for uncomplicated acute respiratory viral infections, to prevent influenza and colds, and to strengthen the immune system. Rarely prescribed to children due to the age limit up to 12 years.

The analogue of Polyoxidonium Immunal has a cumulative effect.


Manufacturer: F. Hoffman-La Roche (Switzerland) or Pharmstandard (Russia)
Release form: capsules

Active ingredient: oseltamivir

Synonyms: Oseltamivir, Nomides, Influcein

The active substance has an antiviral effect. The drug acts on influenza A and B viruses and reduces their release from the body. Thus, the patient is less dangerous to others.

It is used for the treatment of influenza from the age of one, for prevention – from the age of 12. The Tamiflu analogue can be used by older people.

For best effect, the first dose of the medication should be taken within 40 hours. Early use reduces the duration of clinical manifestations, their severity, and reduces the frequency of complications.


Manufacturer: Pharmstandard, Russia
Release form: tablets, capsules, syrup

Active ingredient: umifenovir

Synonyms: Afludol, Arpeflu

The domestic drug Arbidol is produced according to European standards in several forms:

  • suspension from 2 years;
  • tablets from 3 years;
  • capsules from 6 years;
  • enhanced formula with prefix for a maximum of 12 years.

The Arbidol analogue in tablets, capsules and syrup is used for the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, and is effective for delayed treatment. Features of administration depend on the purpose (therapeutic or prophylactic) and the severity of the condition, age. The advantage of the medicine is the price (cheaper than Polyoxidonium) is fixed by the state, since Arbidol is included in the list of vital and essential drugs.

Unlike other Polyoxidonium substitutes, Arbidol acts on pathogenic microorganisms and stimulates the body's own defenses. Can be used for rotavirus infection.


Manufacturer: Teva Prai or, Hungary or Portugal
Release form: tablets

Active ingredient: inosine pranobex

Synonyms: Normomed, Groprinosin

An analogue of Polyoxidonium in tablets is the imported drug Isoprinosine, which is classified as an immunostimulating agent. Used in children from 3 years of age and in adult practice for the following pathogens:

  • herpes;
  • Epstein-Barr virus;
  • cytomegalovirus;
  • papillomavirus, etc.

The medicine is available by prescription.


Manufacturer: Peptek, Russia
Release form: tablets

Active ingredient: glucosaminyl muramyl dipeptide

A cheaper analogue in tablets for children and adults is the drug Likopid. Refers to the latest generation immunomodulators. Regulates and stimulates the body's natural defense mechanisms.


Manufacturer: Usolye – Siberian Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant, Russia
Release form: tablets

Active ingredient: hydroxyethylammonium methylphenoxyacetate

The analogue of Polyoxidonium Trecresan is unique - it belongs to the adaptogens. The drug increases defenses, resistance to increased physical and mental stress, improves resistance to temperatures, toxins and other factors. In children's practice it is used from the age of 12.


Manufacturer: Pharmstandard, Russia
Release form: lozenges

Active ingredient: mixture of bacterial lysates

The domestic drug Imudon is based on the action of bacterial lysates. Used for infections of the mouth and throat. This analogue of Polyoxidonium is approved for children from 3 years of age.

Polyoxidonium suppositories 12 mg - official instructions

Instructions for use of the drug Polyoxidonium® Suppositories 12 mg1

Please read this leaflet carefully before you start using this medicine because it contains important information for you. Save the instructions, you may need them again. If you have any questions, consult your doctor. This medicine is available without a prescription. To achieve optimal results, it should be used strictly following all recommendations outlined in the instructions. The medicine you are using is intended for you personally and should not be given to others as it may cause harm to them even if they have the same symptoms as you.

Registration number : P N002935/03 Trade name: Polyoxidonium®. International nonproprietary name: azoximer bromide. Chemical name: copolymer of 1,4-ethylenepiperazine N-oxide and (N-carboxymethyl)-1,4-ethylenepiperazinium bromide. Dosage form: vaginal and rectal suppositories. Composition per suppository: Active ingredient: Azoximer bromide – 6 and 12 mg; Excipients: mannitol - 1.8 mg, povidone K 17 - 1.2 mg, cocoa butter - 1291.0 mg (for a dosage of 6 mg); mannitol – 3.6 mg, povidone K 17 – 2.4 mg, cocoa butter – 1282.0 mg (for a dosage of 12 mg). Description: suppositories are torpedo-shaped, light yellow in color with a faint specific odor of cocoa butter. Suppositories must be homogeneous. An air rod or funnel-shaped depression is allowed on the cut. Pharmacotherapeutic group: immunomodulatory agent. ATX code: [L0З].

pharmachologic effect

Azoximer bromide has a complex effect: immunomodulatory, detoxifying, antioxidant, moderate anti-inflammatory. The basis of the mechanism of immunomodulatory action of Azoximer bromide is a direct effect on phagocytic cells and natural killer cells, as well as stimulation of antibody formation and the synthesis of interferon-alpha and interferon-gamma. The detoxification and antioxidant properties of Azoximer bromide are largely determined by the structure and high-molecular nature of the drug. Azoximer bromide increases the body's resistance to local and generalized infections of bacterial, fungal and viral etiology. Restores immunity in secondary immunodeficiency conditions caused by various infections, injuries, complications after surgery, burns, autoimmune diseases, malignant neoplasms, the use of chemotherapeutic agents, cytostatics, steroid hormones. Azoximer bromide blocks soluble toxic substances and microparticles, has the ability to remove toxins and heavy metal salts from the body, and inhibits lipid peroxidation both by intercepting free radicals and by eliminating catalytically active Fe2+ ions. Azoximer bromide reduces the inflammatory response by normalizing the synthesis of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines. Azoximer bromide is well tolerated, does not have mitogenic, polyclonal activity, antigenic properties, does not have allergenic, mutagenic, embryotoxic, teratogenic and carcinogenic effects.


Azoximer bromide in suppositories when administered rectally has high bioavailability (at least 70%), reaching a maximum concentration in the blood 1 hour after administration. The half-life of distribution is about 0.5 hours, the half-life of elimination is 36.2 hours. In the body it is hydrolyzed to oligomers, which are excreted primarily by the kidneys. There is no cumulative effect.

Indications for use

It is used in adults and children over 6 years of age for the treatment and prevention of infectious and inflammatory diseases (viral, bacterial and fungal etiology), in the acute and remission stages.

For treatment (in complex therapy):

  • acute and exacerbation of chronic recurrent infectious and inflammatory diseases of various localization, bacterial, viral and fungal etiology;
  • inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract (urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, prostatitis, salpingo-oophoritis, endomyometritis, colpitis, cervicitis, cervicosis, bacterial vaginosis);
  • various forms of tuberculosis;
  • allergic diseases (including hay fever, bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis), complicated by recurrent bacterial, fungal and viral infections;
  • rheumatoid arthritis, complicated by recurrent bacterial, fungal and viral infections, against the background of long-term use of immunosuppressants;
  • to activate regenerative processes (fractures, burns, trophic ulcers);
  • in complex therapy of oncological diseases during chemotherapy and radiation therapy, to reduce the nephro- and hepatotoxic effects of drugs.

For prevention (monotherapy):

  • recurrent herpetic infection of the urogenital tract;
  • exacerbations of chronic foci of infections;
  • influenza and other acute respiratory infections in the pre-epidemic and epidemic periods in immunocompromised individuals;
  • secondary immunodeficiencies resulting from aging or exposure to adverse factors.


  • increased individual sensitivity;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding period;
  • children under 6 years of age;
  • acute renal failure.


If you have the diseases listed in this section, consult your doctor before starting to take the drug:

  • chronic renal failure (prescribed no more than 2 times a week).

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding is contraindicated (there is no clinical experience of use). Experimental use of the drug Polyoxidonium® in animals did not reveal embryotoxic or teratogenic effects or effects on fetal development. Before using Polyoxidonium®, if you are pregnant, or think you might be pregnant, or are planning a pregnancy, you should consult your doctor. During breastfeeding, you should consult your doctor before using Polyoxidonium®.

Directions for use and doses

Use the drug only according to the indications, method of administration and in the doses indicated in the instructions. If there is no improvement after treatment, or symptoms worsen, or new symptoms appear, you should consult your doctor. Rectally and vaginally 1 time per day, daily, every other day or 2 times a week. If necessary, repeated courses of therapy are possible after 3–4 months. When the drug is re-prescribed, its effectiveness does not decrease.

Recommended regimens for use of the drug

For treatment in adults:

– 1 suppository rectally 1 time per day after cleansing the intestines; – vaginally for gynecological diseases, 1 suppository 1 time per day (at night) is inserted into the vagina in a lying position.

  • for chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases in the acute stage - suppositories 12 mg 1 time per day daily for 3 days, then every other day. Course of treatment – ​​10 suppositories;
  • for acute infectious processes and to activate regenerative processes (fractures, burns, trophic ulcers) - suppositories 12 mg 1 time per day, daily. Course of treatment – ​​10 suppositories;
  • for gynecological diseases - suppositories 12 mg 1 time per day every day for 3 days, then every other day. Course of treatment – ​​10 suppositories;
  • for exacerbation of urological diseases (urethritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, prostatitis) - suppositories 12 mg 1 time per day daily. Course of treatment – ​​10 suppositories;
  • for pulmonary tuberculosis - suppositories 12 mg once a day every day for 3 days, then every other day. The course of treatment is 20 suppositories. Further, it is possible to use maintenance therapy with suppositories 6 mg 2 times a week, for a course of up to 2-3 months;
  • in complex therapy of oncological diseases during chemotherapy and radiation therapy - suppositories 12 mg daily 2-3 days before the start of the course of chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Then 12 mg 2 times a week, for a course of up to 20 suppositories;
  • for allergic diseases complicated by infectious syndrome - suppositories 12 mg 1 time per day daily. Course of treatment – ​​10 suppositories;
  • for rheumatoid arthritis - suppositories 12 mg every other day. The course of treatment is 10 suppositories.

For prevention (monotherapy):

  • exacerbations of chronic foci of infections, recurrent herpetic infections of the urogenital tract - suppositories 12 mg every other day. Course – 10 suppositories;
  • influenza and ARVI - suppositories 12 mg once a day. Course – 10 suppositories;
  • for secondary immunodeficiencies resulting from aging, suppositories 12 mg 2 times a week. Course – 10 suppositories, 2-3 times a year.

For treatment of children and adolescents from 6 to 18 years of age:

For children and adolescents from 6 to 18 years old, suppositories are administered only rectally, 1 suppository 6 mg 1 time per day after cleansing the intestines.

  • for chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases in the acute stage - suppositories 6 mg 1 time per day daily for 3 days, then every other day. Course of treatment – ​​10 suppositories;
  • for acute infectious processes and to activate regenerative processes (fractures, burns, trophic ulcers) - suppositories 6 mg 1 time per day, daily. Course of treatment – ​​10 suppositories;
  • for exacerbation of urological diseases (urethritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, prostatitis) - suppositories 6 mg 1 time per day daily. Course of treatment – ​​10 suppositories;
  • for pulmonary tuberculosis - suppositories 6 mg once a day every day for 3 days, then every other day. The course of treatment is 20 suppositories. Further, it is possible to use maintenance therapy with suppositories 6 mg 2 times a week, for a course of up to 2–3 months;
  • in complex therapy of oncological diseases during chemotherapy and radiation therapy - suppositories 6 mg daily 2-3 days before the start of the course of chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Then 6 mg 2 times a week, for a course of up to 20 suppositories;
  • for allergic diseases complicated by infectious syndrome, suppositories 6 mg once a day daily. Course of treatment – ​​10 suppositories;
  • for rheumatoid arthritis - suppositories 6 mg every other day. The course of treatment is 10 suppositories.

For prevention (monotherapy):

  • exacerbations of chronic foci of infections, recurrent herpetic infections of the urogenital tract - suppositories 6 mg every other day. Course – 10 suppositories;
  • influenza and ARVI - suppositories 6 mg 1 time per day. Course – 10 suppositories.

For patients receiving long-term immunosuppressive therapy, cancer patients, those exposed to radiation, and those with an acquired defect of the immune system - HIV, long-term maintenance therapy with Polyoxidonium® is indicated for 2-3 months to 1 year (adults - 12 mg, children over 6 years old - 6 mg each). mg 1-2 times a week).

Side effect

Very rare: local reactions in the form of redness, swelling, itching of the perianal area, vaginal itching due to individual sensitivity to the components of the drug. If you notice any side effects not listed in the instructions, tell your doctor.


No cases of overdose have been reported.

Interaction with other drugs

Azoximer bromide does not inhibit the isoenzymes CYP1A2, CYP2C9, CYP2C19, CYP2D6, cytochrome P-450, therefore the drug is compatible with many drugs, including antibiotics, antiviral, antifungal and antihistamines, glucocorticosteroids and cytostatics. If you are taking the above or other medications (including over-the-counter medications), consult your doctor before starting to take Polyoxidonium ®.

special instructions

If an allergic reaction develops, you should stop using the drug Polyoxidonium® and consult a doctor. If it is necessary to discontinue drug therapy, discontinuation can be carried out immediately. If you miss a single dose of the drug, you should take it as soon as possible, but if it is time to take the next dose, do not increase the dose. Do not use the drug if there are visual signs of its unsuitability (defective packaging, change in color of the suppository).

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and machinery

The use of the drug Polyoxidonium® does not affect the ability to drive vehicles, maintain machinery and other types of work that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Release form

Vaginal and rectal suppositories, 6, 12 mg. 5 suppositories per blister pack made of polyvinyl chloride film. Two contour packages along with instructions for use are placed in a cardboard pack.

Best before date

2 years. The drug should not be used after the expiration date.

Storage conditions

In a dry place, at a temperature of 2 to 15° C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Vacation conditions

Over the counter.

Manufacturer / Legal entity in whose name the registration certificate was issued

The owner of the registration certificate and.

Legal address / Address for submitting consumer claims:

Russian Federation, 142143, Moscow region, Podolsk, p. Pokrov, st. Sosnovaya, 1, tel./fax, e-mail: [email protected] ; to make claims: tel., 8 (800) 234-44-80, e-mail Production / Packaging (primary packaging): Russian Federation, 115598, Moscow, st. Zagoryevskaya, 10, bldg. 4, tel./fax: 8 (495) 329-17-18. Secondary (consumer) packaging / Issue quality control: Russian Federation, 142143, Moscow region, Podolsk, p. Pokrov, st. Sosnovaya, 1, tel./fax.

Polyoxidonium or Ingavirin – which is better?

Manufacturer: Valenta Pharmaceuticals, Russia
Release form: capsules

Active ingredient: imidazolylethanamide pentanedioic acid

Ingavirin, a domestic analogue in capsules, has the following effects:

  • increases the sensitivity of virus-infected cells to interferon;
  • stimulates the production of its own interferon;
  • fights inflammation.

The analogue belongs to the group of antiviral and anti-inflammatory drugs. The difference is that it is taken once a day.

Polyoxidonium is a more serious drug that has an immunostimulating and antitoxic effect.

Polyoxidonium or Cycloferon – which is better?

Manufacturer: Polisan NTFF, Russia
Release form: tablets, ampoules, liniment

Active ingredient: meglumine acridone acetate

Cycloferon is an antiviral and immunostimulating agent. Helps with herpes, flu and acute respiratory infections. In children's practice it is used from 4 years.

Cycloferon is used once a day. The inconvenience of the analogue lies in the single dose - an adult needs to drink 3-4 tablets according to the scheme.

Polyoxidonium also has an immunostimulating effect, the cost of the drug is higher. Advantage - the medicine is used twice a day, half or a whole tablet. The tablet form is allowed from 3 years of age.

Polyoxidonium or Amiksin

Manufacturer: Pharmstandard, Russia
Release form: tablets

Active ingredient: tilorone

Synonyms: Lavomax, Tiloram, Tiloron, Tilaxin

Amiksin is an analogue of Polyoxidonium, used for influenza and ARVI, herpes. In pediatrics it is used from 7 years of age. The drug disrupts the reproduction of the virus and stimulates the production of its own interferon.

Advantages of Polyoxidonium:

  • safe and studied, prescribed from 3 years of age;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • used in urology, gynecology, and other areas of medicine;
  • a variety of release forms - injections, tablets, suppositories.

The disadvantage of the drug is its high cost.

Polyoxidonium or Kagocel

Manufacturer: Nearmedic Pharma, Russia
Release form: tablets

Active ingredient: kagocel

The drug is positioned by the manufacturer as an effective remedy for the delayed treatment of influenza and ARVI. Used from 3 years old according to the scheme 2 or 3 times a day.

The Polyoxidonium analogue Kagocel does not have serious side effects; contraindications include pregnancy, lactation, lactose intolerance, and age under 3 years. According to studies, it does not affect spermatogenesis and does not cause infertility.

Thus, Polyoxidonium and Kagocel have a similar effect and are used in the treatment of ARVI and influenza. What is better is individual.

Side effects and contraindications

The experiments carried out showed the rarity of adverse reactions. However, its complete absence cannot be denied. Therefore, itching and swelling may occur.

Any drug has special restrictions; in this situation the drug is contraindicated:

  • pregnant women;
  • persons suffering from renal failure;
  • with individual intolerance;
  • lactation period;
  • children under 6 years old.

People with kidney problems should use the tablets with caution.

A large number of advantages is a good reason to make the right choice in favor of the drug. But its high price becomes a serious reason to think about what to replace Polyoxidonium with?

Polyoxidonium or Broncho-munal

Manufacturer: OM Pharma SA, Switzerland
Release form: capsules

Active ingredient: bacterial lysates

Synonyms: Ismigen

The medicine Broncho-Munal is used for recurrent and acute bronchitis and other diseases of the respiratory tract. The drug is suitable for children.

Polyoxidonium has a wider spectrum of action and indications for use.

What is best for an adult is individual. Both drugs were well tolerated. The disadvantage of Polyoxidonium compared to its analogue is its high price.


Previously, when our child began to suffer from ARVI, we gave him medicine, plenty of fluids and tried to make him spend more time in bed. The pediatrician recommended rubbing the chest for a runny nose. At the same time, antipyretics and cough syrup were used in treatment. The approach seemed to be not bad, but sometimes there were complications. Then they began to use "Polyoxidonium", which is produced in the form of candles. Now everything is done without bronchitis and otitis. Moreover, they began to catch infections less often and recover faster. Compared to before, it's about twice as fast. The difference is pleasantly noticeable. It’s a pity that I found out about this remedy too late, but now we are treated with it.

During this winter period, our son became very ill. Based on the initial symptoms, they decided that he had ARVI, but in fact it turned out to be the flu. There was a very high temperature. Such that my son began to have a severe headache and, on top of everything, he was vomiting. Because of this, our treatment came to naught. He takes a pill, and she vomits back out. Our pediatrician recommended a very good medicine, polyoxidonium, available in suppositories. I am very grateful to her. This completely helped solve our problem. I note that in our case, the candles turned out to be both more effective and faster.

Polyoxidonium or Galavit – which is better?

Manufacturer: Selvim LLC, Russia
Release form: tablets, suppositories, ampoules

Active ingredient: sodium aminodihydrophthalazindione

Galavit is an immunomodulatory agent with a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

Restrictions on the use of the Galavit analogue are pregnancy and lactation.

The drug is used for infectious and inflammatory diseases in gastroenterology, pediatrics, and gynecology. Polyoxidonium is more often prescribed for ARVI and influenza. What to choose is individual.

Description of the drug

This medication is considered a high-quality immunostimulant that can reduce the risk of developing infectious and inflammatory diseases.
Even if it was not possible to avoid them, Polyoxidonium can reduce the risk of complications and, most importantly, reduce the duration of the disease.

The drug is able to reduce inflammation, neutralize toxic substances and have an antioxidant effect.

However, in addition to a number of advantages, the medication has its disadvantages. The main one is the high cost; 10 tablets will cost the buyer approximately 750 rubles. And if you take into account the use of the course, then preventive therapy will be expensive. Therefore, the inflated price of Polyoxidonium forces us to look for cheaper analogues.

There are various tablets, injections and suppositories analogues. All that remains is to make the right choice so as not to regret your decision. But for this it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the drug itself in more detail.

Polyoxidonium is an effective remedy, the main component of which is Azoximer bromide.
It is almost impossible to find a product with a similar composition.

However, there is no need to despair; an experienced specialist will help you choose a similar medication based on its mechanism of action.

Therefore, the effect of treatment may be exactly the same.

Often, experts prescribe Polyoxidonium simultaneously with antibiotics and antihistamines. When using the medicine, you can notice the following positive effects:

  • reduction of pain;
  • reduction in the occurrence of complications;
  • high-quality anti-inflammatory effect;
  • minimum of adverse reactions;
  • general improvement in well-being;
  • increased performance.

Many analogues in tablets can have similar effects.

Polyoxidonium or Viferon

Manufacturer: Feron, Russia
Release form: suppositories, gel, ointment

Active ingredient: interferon alpha-2

Polyoxidonium analogue Viferon belongs to the group of cytokines. Boosts immunity and fights viruses.

Viferon suppositories are used in urology, gynecology, otolaryngology, pediatrics, to strengthen the immune system during relapses.

Polyoxidonium and Viferon have similar properties. The advantage of the first is that it removes toxins from the body.

Viferon differences:

  • allowed during pregnancy (from 14 weeks);
  • low price;
  • There are no restrictions or serious side effects.

There is an analogue of Viferon, the drug Genferon, which also contains interferon alpha-2 in the form of suppositories and sprays. It differs in price and additional components.

Analogues of Polyoxidonium are mainly Russian drugs. They differ in effectiveness, composition, release form, indications and contraindications, and price. Before purchasing, the choice should be agreed with your doctor.

How does it affect the body? (Pharmacodynamics)

The medicine helps restore and normalize the functioning of the immune system against the background of chronic diseases or aggressive influences. Suppositories simultaneously affect the body in several ways:

  • normalizes and stimulates an adequate immune response;
  • detoxifies the body;
  • binds free radicals, acting as an antioxidant;
  • reduces the intensity and severity of the inflammatory process.

The drug causes the human immune system to produce more cells responsible for its protection: phagocytes, T-lymphocytes. It increases their performance, causing them to produce more antibodies and interferons. The large azoximer molecule attracts water, and with it binds and removes from the body: microbial particles, heavy metal salts, and toxins. It binds free radicals, preventing their harmful effects. Azoximer strengthens the membranes of the body's cells, making them more resistant to adverse effects, including the toxic effect of drug therapy.

As a component of complex therapy, polyoxidonium increases the effectiveness of:

  • antibacterial and antiviral drugs;
  • bronchodilators;
  • hormonal drugs.

With the help of polyoxidonium, doctors can reduce the doses of the listed groups of drugs and reduce the duration of treatment by a third.

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