Emoxipin eye drops: in what cases do they help?

pharmachologic effect

Antioxidant . The mechanism of action is based on preventing lipid peroxidation in cell membranes. The drug additionally has the following effects:

  • antiplatelet;
  • angioprotective;
  • antihypoxic.

The medication is able to reduce capillary permeability and also strengthen the vascular wall, which is responsible for the angioprotective effect of Emoxy-optik.

The antiplatelet effect is achieved by reducing platelet and reducing blood viscosity.

The antioxidant effect is achieved by inhibiting the formation of free radicals . The drug is characterized by a membrane-stabilizing effect . The active substance can increase the resistance of cells and tissues to hypoxia - lack of oxygen, which causes the antihypoxic effect.

Emoxypine , the active component of eye drops, is characterized by a retinoprotective effect , which manifests itself in the form of protection of eye and retinal tissues from the aggressive, damaging effects of high-intensity light. In the postoperative period, the active substance stimulates reparative processes in the cornea, accelerating the healing process. The drug improves microcirculation of the eye, reduces blood clotting and stimulates the resorption of intraocular hemorrhages .

Emoxy-Optic 1% 5 ml eye drops.

Release form, composition and pack Eye drops 1% colorless or slightly colored, slightly opalescent. 1 ml methylethylpyridinol hydrochloride (emoxypine) 10 mg. Excipients: sodium sulfite anhydrous, sodium benzoate, potassium dihydrogen phosphate (potassium phosphate monosubstituted), sodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate (sodium phosphate disubstituted 12-water), methylcellulose, water supplement. Clinical and pharmacological group A drug that stimulates regeneration processes for local use in ophthalmology. Pharmacological action Antioxidant product that prevents lipid peroxidation of cell membranes. It has angioprotective, antiplatelet and antihypoxic activity. Reduces capillary permeability and strengthens the vascular wall (angioprotective effect). Reduces blood viscosity and platelet aggregation (antiplatelet effect). Inhibits the formation of free radicals (antioxidant effect). Has a membrane-stabilizing effect. Increases tissue resistance to lack of oxygen (antihypoxic effect). It has retinoprotective properties, protects the retina and other eye tissues from the damaging effects of high-intensity light. Promotes the resorption of intraocular hemorrhages, reduces blood clotting, and improves microcirculation of the eye. Stimulates reparative processes in the cornea (including in the early and subsequent surgical period and in the subsequent wound period). Pharmacokinetics Distribution Quickly penetrates into organs and tissues, where it is deposited and metabolized. The concentration in the tissues of the eye is higher than in the blood. Metabolism Five metabolites were detected, represented by dealkylated and conjugated transformation products. Metabolites are excreted by the kidneys. 2-ethyl-6-methyl-3-hydroxypyridine phosphate is found in significant quantities in the liver tissue. Indications for use of the product for hemorrhage into the anterior chamber of the eye (treatment); hemorrhages in the sclera in the elderly (treatment and prevention); inflammations and burns of the cornea (treatment and prevention); complications of myopia (treatment); corneal protection (when wearing contact lenses) Dosage regimen The drug Emoxy-Optic is prescribed for adults. Instill 1-2 drops into the conjunctival sac 2-3 The course of treatment is 3-30 days. If necessary and well tolerated, the course of treatment can be continued for up to 6 months and can be repeated 2-3 times a year. Side effects Local reactions: burning sensation, itching, short-term hyperemia of the conjunctiva; not often - local allergic reactions. Contraindications to the use of the product: pregnancy; lactation period (breastfeeding); children and adolescents up to 18 years of age; hypersensitivity to product components. Pregnancy and lactation The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding). Special instructions If it is necessary to simultaneously use other eye drops, the product is instilled subsequently, after complete absorption of the previous drops (no less than 10-15 minutes). Overdose An overdose of the Emoxy-Optic product has not been established. Drug interactions The drug Emoxy-Optic should not be mixed with other medications. Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies The drug is dispensed with a prescription. Storage conditions and periods List B. The drug should be stored out of reach of children, protected from light at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Shelf life: 2 years. After opening the bottle, the product must be used within 1 month.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Emoxipine is able to quickly penetrate tissues and organs, where it is easily deposited and metabolized . The concentration of the active substance in the eyes is higher than in the bloodstream.

A laboratory method revealed 5 active metabolites, which are conjugated and dealkylated products of the transformation of the active substance. Excretion of metabolites occurs through the renal system. In the hepatic system, 2-ethyl-6-methyl-3-hydroxypyridine phosphate in significant concentrations.

Mechanism of action of Emoxipin

According to the instructions, Emoxipin has a retinoprotective effect. This means that the composition is:

  • protects eye tissue from the negative effects of bright light;
  • reduces the ability of blood vessels, including small capillaries, to pass various substances through their walls;
  • reduces blood thickness;
  • expands the lumen of the coronary vessels;
  • helps in resolving hemorrhages inside the eye.

Analogues of Emoxy-optics

Level 4 ATX code matches:
System Ultra

Systane Gel

Systain Balance




Visine Pure Tear




Mirtilene Forte



Natural tear

Artificial tear






  • Emoxipin;
  • Emoxybel;
  • Emoxipin-AKOS.

Contraindications, adverse reactions

The medication does not have an extensive list of prohibitions for use. Among them, only individual high susceptibility to the components of the solution. During the period of bearing a child, use with great caution is allowed. Prohibited during breastfeeding.

Side effects may include allergic manifestations, burning after instillation, itching, temporary hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the eyes, thickening of the eye tissue, lacrimation. Discomfort usually occurs on its own. If complications persist for a long time, the eyes should be rinsed with water. You need to see a doctor. In general, the drug is considered safe.

Reviews about Emoxy-optics

The medication can be used both in elderly patients after surgical interventions, and in young patients after injuries, or while wearing contact lenses, after prolonged work at the computer.

Patients note that the drug allows you to get rid of redness in the eyes, burning sensation and discomfort in the shortest possible time. An important advantage of Emoxy-optics is its low price in comparison with drugs of similar action.

In the first days of therapy, some patients felt discomfort in the eyes after instillation. The negative effect was temporary and resolved on its own after a few days.

For what conditions is Emoxipin prescribed?

The manufacturer recommends these eye drops for:

  • inflammation and burns of the outer protective membrane of the eyes;
  • accumulations of blood in the anterior chamber of the eye, including hemorrhages due to injuries;
  • disorders of the blood supply to the retina and deterioration of visual function (including diabetes mellitus);
  • cataracts and for its prevention;
  • operations on the organs of vision;
  • complications of myopia.

The medicine is also used to protect the retina from laser and sunburn, as well as the cornea when using contact lenses.

Emoxy-optic price, where to buy

The average cost of 1 bottle in Russia is 50 rubles. The price may vary depending on the volume of the bottle, the region where the drug is sold, and the pharmacy chain that sells the drug.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • Emoxy-Optic eye drops 1% 5ml JSC Sintez
    RUB 232 order

Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Emoxy-optik (flask 1% 5ml No. 1 (cap.)) Sintez (Kurgan) OJSC

    RUB 193 order

show more

What's better

If the patient has a tendency to exhibit allergic reactions, it will be necessary to determine which drops are better only by using both. This indicator directly depends on the concentration of additional substances in the composition of the eye drops.

Only by using these drops can you determine which drug will be the best, since if you are allergic to one of them, hypersensitivity may occur. It is impossible to say for sure whether Emoxipin or Emoxy-optik drops are better, since these drugs are the same substance from different manufacturers.

The cost of both products is considered affordable. At the same time, Emoxipin is sold more expensively, its price varies from 190 to 250 rubles per bottle. Emoxy-optic is a cheaper analogue, its maximum cost is 40 rubles.

How to instill Emoxipin

Drops are instilled into the conjunctival sac, one or two drops in each eye. Frequency: two to three times a day. The duration of treatment ranges from three days to one month.

If no complications arise during treatment and there is a need to use drops, therapy can be continued for six months. Or you can conduct courses two or three times a year.

To instill the drug yourself, you must:

  • tilt your head back and look upward;
  • turn the bottle upside down with the dropper;
  • gently pull the lower eyelid down a little so that the conjunctiva is visible;
  • It is necessary to keep the tip of the dropper at a distance of no closer than two to three centimeters from the surface of the eye;
  • press the dropper so that one drop falls on the conjunctiva.

To allow the solution to be absorbed, you can press lightly on the inner corner of the eye with a clean finger. The procedure is then repeated for the second eye.

It is advisable to avoid activities that require visual strain; it is better to keep your eyes closed and lie down.


On the Internet you can find various reviews of Emoxipin eye drops from both doctors and patients.

Ophthalmologists note a negative property of the drug - the ability to greatly irritate the eyes during installation. I also don't like the lack of proven effectiveness. Proponents of the drug point to its good ability to resolve subconjunctival hemorrhages and improve blood microcirculation.

Patients also do not always notice positive dynamics after instillation; they do not like the strong burning sensation.

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