Phytolacca homeopathy. Instructions for use, indications for children, adults

Release forms and composition of the drug

This drug is produced by a Russian company in the form of granules or drops for oral use, as well as in the form of a tincture for external use.

The active component of the product is American Laconia extract.

Additional composition:

  • phytolacca D12;
  • phytolacca D30;
  • graphite D12;
  • graphite D6;
  • graphite D30;
  • sugar granules.

The drug is contained in a dark glass bottle and packaged in a cardboard container.

Indications for use

Phytolyakka is a homeopathy (indications for the use of the product indicate a wide range of its use), which should be used only in consultation with a homeopathy specialist.

According to observations, eating the berries of the plant by wild pigeons led to many birds losing weight. Such findings made it possible to use the plant extract to create a drug that can quickly and effectively combat excess body weight and other pathological phenomena.

Indications for use:

  • weight problems - overweight;
  • adipose-genital disease;
  • excess body weight, accompanied by disturbances in the development of the gonads;
  • lipomatosis;
  • rheumatoid diseases;
  • syphilis;
  • angina;
  • pharyngitis;
  • various forms of mastitis;
  • symptoms caused by menopausal syndrome;
  • toothache;
  • migraine;
  • dizziness;

  • rhinitis, including the presence of discharge;
  • digestive disorders - diarrhea, colic, gastritis;
  • dental diseases – glossitis, stomatitis;
  • various forms of cystitis;
  • inflammatory reactions in the testicular area in men (orchitis);
  • ophthalmological disorders - pain in the eyeballs, blepharitis, diplopia;
  • skin pathologies – itching, psoriasis;
  • neoplasms on the skin - warts, condylomas, calluses.

Granules are also used for various psycho-emotional disorders - stress, irritation.

Phytolacca decandra

Source : John Henry Clarke. "Dictionary

Practical Materia Medica in 6 volumes" (Publishing house

"Homeopathic Medicine". Moscow. 2001).

Phytolacca decandra - Lakonos - refers to

Laciferous family.

CHARACTERISTICS Phytolacca decandra is a branching

a herbaceous plant with a thick perennial root that is sometimes

thicker than a man's leg. Young shoots have an extremely pungent taste, so

they have to be boiled. In the United States they are eaten like asparagus. Berries

are a known remedy for cancer and rheumatism. According to Raffinesque,

quoted by Hale (it was he who introduced this remedy into homeopathy), ashes

plant (which is used to form a scab for cancer, ulcers, etc.)

contains 45% caustic potash; and the plant itself, in addition, contains

(laconic) acid, which is very similar to malic acid. The plant is wide

distributed in North America, the Azores, North

Africa and China. It grows in moist soils. There are known cases when

it caused quite severe poisoning. Wild pigeons and other birds that eat its berries for their

attractive bright red color, lose fat. This is the last observation

led to the use of Phytolacca berry tincture as a remedy for

obesity and has produced many successful results. It is key for one

one of the most important areas of its application is tissue resorption, especially in

neoplasms. Not many products have a wider spectrum

actions in the treatment of tumors and lumps, especially breast tumors. Phytolacca cures breast lumps and abscesses in nursing women;

its healing effect is manifested even in cancer (as an internal,

and sometimes external agents). A characteristic property of Phytolacca is stiffness, which

was noted with tetanus in other cases, but to a lesser extent.

PSYCHE Delirium. Reluctance to make mental effort; aversion to doing things early

in the morning when waking up.

Melancholy, despondency. Indifferent attitude towards life. Terrible fear and confidence, as if the patient was dying. Loss of politeness and delicacy; complete shamelessness, indifferent

shows herself naked. Irritability, anxiety. It is impossible to convince her to eat. Excessive sensitivity; unbearable pain.

TYPE Strong desire to swim in cold water.

TROUBLE The right side is more severely affected.

CLINIC Albuminuria. Anal fissures. Asthma. Beli. Warts. Lupus.

Gastroenteritis. Haemorrhoids. Herpes. Hypersalivation. Cardiac hypertrophy. Glossitis.

Headache. Head lice. Gonorrhea. Flu. Farsightedness. Delirium.

Dermatomycosis. Dysentery. Diplopia. Diphtheria paralysis. Diphtheria.

Fatty degeneration of the heart. Fatty degeneration of the myocardium. Constipation. Dental

pain. Itching. Ulceration in mouth. Impotence. Sciatica. Cough. Laryngospasm.

Lipoma. Lichen. Lumbago. Mastitis. Calluses. Milk scab. Violations

lactation. Menstrual irregularities. Hearing impairment. Neuralgia.

Fainting. Dyspnea. Obesity. Shingles. Tumors. Bone tumors.

Orchitis. Felon. Panophthalmitis. Mumps. Pitiriasis. Gout. Diarrhea. Psoriasis.

Spinal cord irritation. Cancer. Rectal cancer. Rheumatism. Scarring.

Syphilis. Lacrimal fistula. Steatomas. Angina pectoris. Tetanus. Trachoma. Difficult

teething. Enlarged lymph nodes. Threat of abortion.

Erythema nodosum. Chronic urethritis. Chronic gonorrheal urethritis.

Hairdressers' scabies. Phagodenic ulcer. Follicular pharyngitis.

Boils. Cholera. Chronic offensive runny nose. Ciliary neuralgia.

Enterocolitis. Parotitis. Epithelioma of the eyelids. Erosion of the uterus. Ulcers.

GENERAL SYMPTOMS General increase in sensitivity. Acute pain and stiffness. The pain is sharp, pressing and shooting. Pain and numbness followed by itching and burning. The pain appears suddenly, instantly reaches its full strength, without weakening,

lasts for some time and just as suddenly disappears; With

subsequent drowsiness, stupor or sleep. Feeling of bruises all over the body, as if he had been beaten. Phytolacca pains appear and disappear suddenly, move,

propagate in waves from the center or change localization. The discharge is viscous, fibrous, difficult to separate from the walls and may

look like casts. They are often pungent and foul-smelling. Phytolacca prostration can be so deep and develop so quickly that

which makes it possible to use it for diphtheria paralysis. Anxiety, but the patient is afraid to move because movement increases

pain. Dense, painful and very hot rheumatic edema. Phytolacca is suitable for patients with rheumatism or syphilis, sensitive

to wet weather. Great exhaustion and prostration. Stiffness in the limbs, hands clenched, legs extended, toes

tucked in, teeth clenched, lips turned out, tightly compressed, chin tucked

to the sternum, opisthotonus.

SKIN Cool, wrinkled, dry, lead-gray. Syphilitic rash and ulcerations - secondary and tertiary syphilis. Scaly rashes, head lice; lupus. Shingles. Itching. Pitiriasis. Psoriasis. Warts. Lipomas. Erythematous plaques, slightly raised above the surface of the skin, pinkish, slowly peeling, eventually becoming bright red. As old plaques disappear, new ones appear. Suppuration of painless tumors. Drawing pain in scars. Itching begins in the hands and feet and spreads throughout the body; four

hours later a rash appeared; itching intensifies when scratching, in warmth

bed. Itching and rash resembling lichen; Itching on left leg, worse

in the first half of the night, which did not allow me to fall asleep until midnight. Boils, especially near ulcers, on the back and behind the ears. Ulcers: look like they've been knocked out; with greasy bottom; watery pus

fetid, ichorous; sharp, shooting, twitching pain; syphilitic

and cancerous ulcers.

External application of Phytolacca has given good results in cases of ulcers.

Warts. Calluses. Syphilitic rashes.

SLEEP Frequent yawning and drowsiness. The patient is restless at night, unable to lie in bed. When waking up he feels unhappy.

FEVER Intense feeling of cold; limbs look shriveled. Coldness, fainting, shortness of breath; extremities are cold, head and face are hot. Internal trembling accompanying pain. Chill: every morning; sudden; followed by fever after childbirth, at night,

without much fever. Fever with joint pain; with high fever;

in the face area after lunch; with redness of the face; on the left side of the face. Sweat: cold in forehead; under the toes; night sweats; caustic.

HEAD Phytolacca headache is localized mainly in the forehead, sometimes

pressing, spreading to the eyes, worse on the right. It is typical for her

headache associated with increased hearing acuity. Pain in the head extends from front to back. Headache: with nausea; with dullness; heaviness; neuralgic;

rheumatic; syphilitic; with back pain and straining; weekly;

worse in wet weather. Acute pain in the head, more intense on the right. Pain in the top of the head; painful bruised sensation deep in the brain; When

slipped and fell from a high step to the ground. Unilateral pain directly above the eyebrows with a feeling of nausea in

stomach; stronger in the forehead and above the eyebrows (strongest above the bridge of the nose);

recurs every week. Mild nausea, dull, pressing pain and

cold sweat in the forehead with a feeling of weakness. Shooting pain extending from left eye to vertex. Severe pain in the back of the left eyeball and above the eyebrow,

which spreads down the left side of the head. Severe dull pain in the forehead after lunch. Mild pain in the front of the head with increased hearing acuity. Heaviness in the head with a burning sensation at the back of the tongue. The headache begins in the front and spreads backward. Nausea and headache are relieved after eating, but soon return

along with vomiting, which worsens the headache and relieves nausea. Pressing pain in forehead and upper part of both eyes; at the top of the head

accompanied by dryness. Pain in the back of the head and neck. The head is thrown back. Pain in the back of the head and stomach. Rheumatic pain in the front of the head on the right with nausea, worsening

in the morning; in the scalp - in rainy weather, with depression. Fainting and dizziness when standing. Sensation as if brain were bruised. Feeling of strong pressure on the right side of the head. Vomiting worsens the headache. Semi-fainting when getting out of bed. After breakfast, the headache symptoms subside.

VERTIGO Vertigo: which causes the patient to become very unsteady and may fall; With

blurred vision; with a semi-fainting state when getting out of bed. Dizziness when sitting down. Semi-fainting and dizziness when standing.

HEAD OUTSIDE Syphilitic nodules in the scalp. Dermatomycosis of the head. Milky scab, weeping, with terrible itching, with small sores

bumps on the scalp, face and hands.

FACE Pale, haggard, blue, suffering, distorted, “mask”

Hippocrates." Stupid. Cool sweat on the forehead. Heat in the face (left) after lunch with redness and rashes on

upper lip (left), cold feet. The face is either intensely red, almost purple, or very pale. Pain in the bones of the face and head at night, preventing the patient from sleeping

for many nights, which originated from "nodules" on the frontal bone and

was very reminiscent of the pain of periostitis. Spots on the face get worse in the evening, after washing and eating. Swelling of the skin around the left ear and on the left side of the face, as if

erysipelas, from there spreading to the scalp; Very

painful. Ulcers and scaly rashes on the face. The chin is pressed tightly to the sternum with convulsive contraction of the facial muscles and

neck; the lips are turned out and tightly compressed (tetanus).

EYES Fixed gaze. Bruises under the eyes. The sclera is dark yellow. The eyes are deeply sunken, with blue circles around them. The eyelids are swollen and stick together, as if poisoned. The eyelids are bluish, with a reddish tint, swollen (more on the left), more severe

in the morning; cannot close his eyes without pain during the entire first half of the day,

better in the afternoon. Sensation as if granulations had appeared on the eyelids. Stinging pain along the edges of the cartilages of the eyelids. Sensation as if eyelids were burning. Lupus, epithelioma and other diseases of the eyelids. Acute pain in the eyeball when reading and writing. Dull pain in the eyes; worse when moving, from light or physical exertion.

Pressure around the eyes in the afternoon, as if the eyes were too

big. Pain around the eyes with syphilitic lesions. Panophthalmitis. Dull pain along the lower edge of the right eye socket. Inflammation of retrobulbar tissue. The surface of the eyelids seems uneven;

sensation as if the edges of the cartilage were burned, hot, and raw. Burning pain and burning (sandy sensation) in the eyes and eyelids, with copious

lacrimation and runny nose; better in the fresh air. Burning in the inner corners (worst in the left); aggravated by gas

light in the evenings. Lacrimal fistula. Pupils: constricted (tetanus); significantly expanded. Photophobia. The eyes move independently of one another. Double vision with dizziness and headache. The number of items increases fivefold. Farsightedness. Feeling of sand in the eyes. Feeling as if eyes have become too large. My eyes feel like I'm getting a cold. Gaslight impairs vision. Open air improves the eyes.

EARS Diseases of the ears. Diseases of the Eustachian tube. Shooting pain in right ear. Pain in both ears, worse in the right; worse when swallowing. Blockage of the left eustachian tube, rush of blood to the left ear; feeling,

as if the hearing were impaired, although the patient could hear the slightest sound. Irritation of one of the eustachian tubes. Increased hearing acuity (more on the right) with pain in the forehead. Very characteristic pressure and tension in the parotid glands.


RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Respiratory disorders. Pain in the lungs with a feeling of suffocation. Pain in the lungs at 7 o'clock in the morning.

CHEST Chest pain extends from front to back. Sharp pain in the upper part

chest, which does not allow you to take a deep breath. Stitching pain

radiating from the right half of the chest to the back. Soreness and aching in the pectoral muscles, as if they were bruised. Sensation as if the chest was large and empty, like a barrel. Rheumatic pain in the lower intercostal muscles that occurs in the cold

humid air. Small spots the size of lentils on the skin of the chest. Sensation of tickling in the bronchi. Constriction and difficulty breathing, loud mucous wheezing. Fainting, sighing, slow breathing. Heavy rapid breathing.

COUGH Cough: dry or with sputum; occurs due to a tickling sensation in the larynx

or dry throat; worse in the evenings, lying down; dry,

bronchial cough. The cough is accompanied by: a scratching sensation and

tickling in the throat; burning pain in the trachea and larynx, a feeling of contraction

glottis, difficulty breathing; sensation of ulceration in the trachea

directly above the sternum; the patient may have coughed up (coughed up pus)

only when pressing on this area; pain passing through the center

sternum. Hoarse, croupy, barking cough that worsened at night and

in the fresh air. Sputum: thick, viscous; thick mucous membrane resembling

starch; abundant and debilitating with pharyngitis.

THROAT Sensation of dryness in the throat and back of the throat (provoking cough, with

desire to cough or clear throat); enlarged tonsils. The uvula is enlarged, almost translucent. The pharynx is dark red, hyperemic. Sore throat (soreness and soreness), swelling of the soft palate in the morning with a thick

white and yellow mucus in the throat area. Feeling of a lump in the throat (when swallowing), causing a constant desire

swallow; also when turning your head to the left. The throat is so dry and sore that the patient cannot swallow. Sensation as if the throat had expanded to the size of a cavity. Worse, hot drinks. Swallowing is difficult, each attempt is accompanied by painful shooting

pain in both ears. The mucus is separated with difficulty, the patient constantly does

trying to get rid of it.

Sensation of rawness and scratching in the throat and tonsils. Burning heat in the throat

as if from burning coals, as if a red-hot substance was stuck in the throat

iron ball; burning heat in esophagus; pharyngitis; diphtheria. Rashes on the mucous membrane of the pharynx and esophagus. Herpetic eruptions on the pharyngeal mucosa. Pain in the back of the pharynx, extending to the Eustachian tube. "Grainy" throat. The pronounced effect of the drug on the throat led to the fact that it became

routine remedy for diphtheria, although it does not have a specific

action. There are very characteristic symptoms, the presence of which

indicates Phytolacca. Among them: severe pain at the root of the tongue when swallowing;

shooting pain from throat to ears when swallowing; feeling of heat, as if

there is a red-hot ball in the throat; increased burning sensation from hot

drinks; dark red pharynx. Eclectics prescribe freshly squeezed juice from

Phytolacca berries for "spasmodic or membranous croup or diphtheria."

There is one type of sore throat in which it turned out to be practically

irreplaceable is the so-called “diphtheria sore throat.” Throat dark

red, swollen mucous membranes and tonsils, pain when swallowing, appearance

herpetic, whitish or gray spots in the pharynx, enlargement and soreness

lymph nodes located outward from the angle of the jaw. These symptoms

usually accompanied by headache, back pain, vagus

rheumatic pain and fever. Nash treated Phytolacca for chronic follicular pharyngitis in speakers in those

cases when it was accompanied by a burning sensation, as if something hot had gotten into the throat. Irritation of the throat mucosa extends to the nose, ears and eyes,

causing characteristic symptoms in each of these organs. Sensation as if there was a red-hot iron ball in the throat. Feeling of a lump in the throat, as if an apple core was stuck in the throat. Sensation of suffocation due to fullness in the throat. Sensation as if the throat had expanded to the size of a cavity, and the chest

increased to the size of a barrel and all organs disappeared from it. Pressing on the trachea facilitated coughing up sputum. Swallowing makes the sore throat worse. After breakfast, the throat symptoms subside. Rinsing with a few drops of Phytolacca in a glass of water had

beneficial effect in many cases of throat diseases. Pain in throat and pharynx with sensation of suffocation. Pain in the lungs at 7 o'clock in the morning. Dryness of the larynx and trachea, worse in the evening. Hoarseness and aphonia. Tickling sensation in the left half of the larynx with a dry cough, dull pain in

right side of the chest, severe dryness in the throat. Spasm of the larynx, thumbs and toes are bent, face is distorted,

discoordination of the eye muscles.

NOSE Discharge from one nostril while the other is blocked. Drawing sensation in the root of the nose. Sensation in nose and eyes as if a cold were about to break out. Acrid discharge with abrasions. Wakes up at 3 o'clock in the morning with a stuffy nose, by the morning there is dry discharge from

nostrils Sensation as if the nostrils were being tickled by a hard feather. The nose was completely blocked; when riding on horseback, I was forced to breathe through my mouth;

congestion did not decrease after blowing the nose; mucus is released with difficulty. Syphilitic runny nose with bloody-purulent discharge and lesions

bones. Phagodenic ulcers.

HEART AND CIRCULATION Heart disease, hypertrophy, fatty degeneration. The pain leaves the heart and appears in the right hand (this is unexpected

irradiation and therefore an important symptom). Constrictive sensation in precordial region, with pressure in temples. Severe pain in the precordial area; worse when walking. From time to time, attacks of severe pain in the heart area; as soon as they

pass, a similar pain appears in the right hand. The patient clearly feels the heartbeat. Fatty degeneration of the myocardium; The patient is lethargic and unwilling

move. Pulse: small, uneven, with strong excitement in the chest,

especially in the cardiac region; full, but soft, intermittent; weak.

MOUTH Full of saliva; saliva is viscous, yellowish, viscous, with a metallic taste.

Cold, sticky, viscous saliva. Lack of saliva. Burning sensation in the back

parts of the tongue (with heaviness in the head). Tongue: covered with a white coating; overlaid;

thickened at the root; dry, just like the lips; feeling as if he were burned;

thickened; does not fit in the mouth. It feels like your tongue is scalded. Feeling like

the tongue is rough, with blisters on both sides and a very red tip;

severe pain at the root of the tongue when swallowing. The palate is painful. Dry mouth.

Rash on the upper lip. Cancerous ulcers on the lips. Pain in the upper jaw.

Constant, incessant dull pain in his jaws, he could not open,

nor close your mouth. • taste. Unpleasant, metallic, burning, nutty taste, at first

bitter, leaving a cold and burning sensation on the tip of the tongue.

TEETH Dull pain in all teeth; feeling as if they had lengthened and become very

painful. Shooting pain in right, upper and lower molars. An irresistible urge to clench your teeth. Phytolacca's nervous irritability allows it to be used for

teething disorders, the key symptom is formulated as:

an irresistible urge to squeeze your gums or teeth tightly. Difficulties in teething: crying, moaning, the child is restless at night;

diarrhea in hot weather; better when biting anything hard.

STOMACH Belching: with air, sour liquid, food in the evening. Hiccups with strong retching, but without nausea. Nausea followed by severe vomiting of mucus, bile, undigested

food, helminths; blood clots with mucus, with constant vomiting

movements, severe pain and the desire to die in order to finally get rid of

from torment. Nausea when sitting down. Vomiting relieves nausea. Vomiting of undigested food. Frequent vomiting; prostration,

fainting, even convulsions, followed by cramping pain,

spasms and vomiting of dark bile. The patient is in a very serious condition, the stomach feels as if it is stuck together. Pain as if bruised, and sharp pain in the pit of the stomach. Heat in the stomach. Cutting pain in the epigastric region, pain when

palpation. Pain in the cardiac part of the stomach, intensifies with deep

breathing and walking. Pain in the pyloric region of the stomach. After breakfast, stomach symptoms worsen. It's easier in the stomach when you lie on your stomach.

APPETITE Intense thirst. Wolfish hunger soon after eating. It resembles the feeling

weakness and depression, so often found in cancer diathesis.

Loss of appetite.

STOMACH Severe vomiting and diarrhea with cramping pain and cramps in the abdomen. Many liver symptoms, as well as several severe

symptoms from the spleen. The pain in the liver intensified when lying on the right (sick) side. Lying on the left (sick) side, the pain in the spleen decreased. When the pain in the intestines disappears, pain appears in the limbs. Discharge characteristic of Phytolacca with fragments of mucous membranes

allow its use for enterocolitis. Soreness and pain in the right hypochondrium (during pregnancy). A painful area in the right hypochondrium the size of a dollar, extremely

sensitive to palpation. Boring pain in the upper and lower parts of the liver. Lying on the right side causes piercing pain in the right hypochondrium. Very strong dull pressing pain in the left hypochondrium, the patient cannot

sit, lie on the painful side throughout the night, by morning the pain goes away. Severe dull pain in the hypochondrium, which disappeared as soon as leucorrhoea appeared. Chronic hepatitis with enlargement and hardening of the liver. Burning and cramping pain in the umbilical area. Strong rumbling, pain in the navel, bloody and mucous stools,

gastroenteritis. Pain that resembles pushing. Extremely severe abdominal pain during menstruation in an infertile woman

women. Rheumatism extending to the abdominal muscles.

ANUS AND RECTUM Constipation, hard stool. Stool with mucus, released when straining. Habitual constipation; the patient complains that the intestines do not work without

laxatives; feeling of fullness in the abdomen before defecation, which is not

passes after it; feeling as if the rectum had not been emptied

fully. Constipation due to sluggishness of the rectum. Constipation: in the elderly; in people with weak hearts. Diarrhea with a painful sensation in the intestines, with the discharge of only mucus and

blood, discharge resembles scraping of the mucous membrane. Tenesmus. Constant urge to defecate, but only foul-smelling gas is passed. Diarrhea early in the morning after drinking lemonade. Dysentery. Intense vomiting or diarrhea with weakness and cramps, as if cholera. Stool: loose, dark brown; discharge of blood and mucus; gall; has begun

at 1 or 2 a.m. and ended after breakfast; mushy, yellow,

then greenish, then dark, bloody; dark, lumpy. Neuralgic pain in the anus and lower rectum, with shooting pains

along the perineum to the middle of the penis; in the middle of the night (with constipation). Bloody discharge with heat in the rectum. Heat in rectum with burning in stomach. Ulcers, cracks. Phytolacca is used for bleeding and hemorrhoids, providing a strong

effect on the rectum and anus, cures tenesmus, bloody

discharge and fever. Incessant persistent hemorrhoids; bleeding and mucus discharge. One of the characteristic pain sensations (noted in case of constipation):

shooting pain from the anus to the lower part of the rectum, along

perineum into the middle of the penis.

URINARY SYSTEM Weakness, dull pain and tenderness in the kidney area, worse on the right

(associated with fever); unpleasant sensation in the urethra; sediment resembling

chalk, in urine. Albuminuria: after scarlet fever and diphtheria; after the night

chills without any particular increase in temperature, but accompanied by psychosis. Pain in the bladder before and during menstruation. Mild depression of urination with pain in the lower back. Strong, painful urge to urinate. Copious urine output at night. Dense sediment resembling chalk. Dark red urine that leaves brownish-red spots on the walls

vessel. Urine: acidic and contains protein; abundant or scanty; leaves on

linen yellow stains.

WOMEN'S Uterine diseases. Leucorrhoea: uterine, thick, viscous, irritating. Copious, thick and viscous discharge from the edematous glands of the cervix. Constant feeling as if menstruation is about to begin. Cervical erosions and ulcers accompanied by dysmenorrhea; menses

too frequent, too abundant, with parallel increase

the amount of tear fluid and other secretions. Metrorrhagia. Suppression of lochia.

MENSTRUATION Menstruation too frequent and heavy; accompanied by: pain

mammary glands; increased secretion of tear fluid, saliva, bile,

urine; rheumatic symptoms. Pain in the bladder before and during menstruation. Menstruation: amenorrhea complicated by irritation or disease

ovaries; extremely painful menstruation in infertile women in those

cases when it is associated with rheumatism; separation of membrane fragments from

menstrual blood. Discharge with fragments characteristic of Phytolacca

mucous membranes allow its use for dysmenorrhea. Dysmenorrhea; menstruation too frequent, too heavy, with

parallel increase in the amount of tear fluid and other secretions.

MAMMARY GLANDS Diseases of the mammary glands. Inflammation, swelling and suppuration of the mammary glands. Neuralgic pain in the mammary glands. Mastitis, in which compaction occurs from the very beginning, with severe

burning; with increased sensitivity of the nipples and glands in general and more

or less severe pain; these feelings don't even go away

after suppuration. Feeling of fullness in both mammary glands, swelling in

the upper half of the left gland. Abscesses, fistulas, tumors, cancer, hypertrophy. Irritating swelling, very sensitive and painful; deterioration during

time of menstruation. Nipples are cracked and covered with abrasions; painful

pain when putting the baby to the breast; pain spreads from the nipple to

the whole body. When the baby is put to the breast, sharp pain from the nipples

spreads throughout the body. After childbirth, the mammary glands are dense, like stone. Many dense, painful nodules in the mammary glands. Ulceration and pain in the nipples. Hand pressure relieved the pain in the mammary glands. Nash has cured many breast tumors with one dose of Phytolacca CM

on the waning moon.

PREGNANCY. CHILDREN. Threat of miscarriage, straining, involuntary straining and bleeding from

vagina in a woman in the seventh month of pregnancy. Pain in the sacrum that extends down to the knees and ankles

joint, and then returns to the sacrum, convulsive twitching here and there

there after childbirth. Soreness and pain in the right hypochondrium during pregnancy.

MEN Diseases of the prostate gland. Acute (as well as strong, monotonous,

excruciating) pain spreading upward along both spermatic cords,

which later gave way to pain. A gurgling sensation in the prostate gland. Complete loss of desire, lack of erections and relaxation of the genitals

during the test. Impotence. Gonorrhea, chronic gonorrheal urethritis, orchitis with suppuration and perforation

ulcer. Syphilis: chancre; ulcerations in the throat, ulcers localized in the area

genitals; bubo; rheumatism.

LYMPHATIC GLANDS The glands are inflamed and swollen. Enlarged axillary lymph nodes. Induration of the lymph nodes on the right side of the neck. Enlargement of the submandibular glands.

BONES Bones are inflamed and swollen. Bone diseases and tumors.

MUSCLES Soreness of all muscles from head to feet.

JOINTS The pressure increased the pain in the joints. Rubbing relieved pain in the hip joints. Feeling as if joints were cut with an axe. Rheumatic pain in all joints at 3 p.m.

NECK Stiffness in the neck, especially on the right side. Stiffness in the neck increases: in

bed, after midnight, upon awakening; stronger in the right half. Pain from the back of the neck down the spine; from the sacrum - down, along

outer thighs to toes. Induration of the lymph nodes on the right side of the neck.

BACK Pain from the back of the neck down the spine; from the sacrum - down, along

outer thighs to toes. Severe stiffness in back every morning. Feeling as if a cold iron is being pressed against the sore shoulder blade. Continuous dull pain in both shoulder blades. Towards evening, while riding, aching pain appeared in the left

half of the back below the shoulder blade; at 21.30 the pain reached the spine and became

piercing character.

Severe pain along the inner surface of the shoulder blades when walking. Intense cramping pain in the lower back. Pain from the back of the neck spreads down the spine. Lower back pain is accompanied by urinary retention. Continuous dull and severe pain in the lumbar and sacral regions. Shooting pain from sacrum along both thighs to feet.

EXTREMITIES The outer surface of the extremities is mainly affected. Intensive

spasms, muscles gather in large dense knots that

rise above the surface of the skin; suddenly appear and disappear.

Rheumatic pain in all joints at 3 p.m. Sudden movement

abdominal pain in the extremities. Pain in limbs always

spreads over the outer surface. Rheumatic pain occurs

when the weather changes, especially in the area of ​​the hip joints and thighs,

rheumatic muscle pain and chronic rheumatism. • Hands. The pain leaves the heart and appears in the right hand (this is

unexpected irradiation and therefore an important symptom). Shooting

pain in right shoulder joint with stiffness and paralysis. Rheumatic

pain in the left shoulder (especially in patients with syphilis); pain reminiscent

electric shock, moves from one place to another; worse at night and in damp weather

weather. Rheumatic pain in arms and hands. Pain at the insertion site

deltoid muscle. Weakness and dull pain in the right shoulder, worsens with

movement and stretching. Dull pain and soreness, as if from a bruise, in

superficial muscles of the right hand. The brushes are shaking. Rheumatic pain in

hands, sudden tingling. The joints of all fingers are painful, tight,

swollen, shiny. Bone exostoses on the palmar surface of one of the

fingers. Felon. The tips of all fingers hurt and pulsate, as if about

will fester. Shooting and stabbing pain (like needles) in the joints of the fingers;

at the top of the left thumb. Cold brushes. • Legs. Pain from the back of the neck down the spine; from

sacrum - down along the outer surface of the thighs into the toes. Neuralgic

pain spreads along the outer surface of both thighs (shooting

pain from the sacrum); sciatica. Acute, cutting pain in the thighs, pulling, the patient does not

can reach the floor with his hands; the pain goes down the outside

surface of the thighs, worsens at night and especially after sleep. Rheumatic

pain in the lower extremities; better in wet weather. Sensation of shortening

tendons in the area of ​​the popliteal fossa when walking. Legs are pulled towards the stomach.

My legs are shaking. Pain on the dorsum of the right foot at 4 a.m.

Syphilitic and mercurial rheumatism; night pain in the periosteum

tibia with nodules, irritation and ulcers in the lower part

legs. Stitching pain of various localizations, always spreading

from inside to outside, usually superficial. Ankles are swollen. Swollen feet

the soles are burning. Ulcers along the inner edge of the soles. Dull pain in heels and

fatigue, which is significantly reduced when the patient raises his legs

up. Pain in the big toe that wakes the patient at night.

Painful calluses. Cold feet.

INFECTIONS Dysentery. Cholera. Diphtheria. Flu. Gonorrhea. Syphilis. Parotitis.

MODALITIES • Worse. Upon palpation (liver, etc.). During menstruation,

forcing you to lie down. Lying on the right side. In a standing position. At

movement. When walking. When raising your hands. At night. In the morning (at 3, 4 and 5 o'clock

morning). Upon awakening. In wet weather. When washing. From hot drinks.

From being in the air. In the fresh air. • Better. On the left side. When lying on the stomach (stomach).

ETIOLOGY Exposure to cold and humid air. Consequences of mercury treatment.

RELATIONSHIPS Antidotes for Phytolacca are : milk, salt, coffee (vomiting), Nitricum

spiritus dulcis, Belladonna, Ignatia, Mercurius, Mezereum, Sulfur (eyes), Opium. Should be compared to: botanical relatives. Diphtheria - Lachesis (Lachesis is not characterized by severe pain at the root of the tongue

when swallowing, as in Phytolacca. During one epidemic SM Pease

discovered that bleeding of the buccal mucosa is the key

Phytolacca symptom). Hypertrophy of the heart - Rhus (Phytolacca has numbness in the right arm, Rhus

left, as well as Asonitum, Actaea racemosa, Pulsatilla). Abscesses of the mammary glands - Bryonia (Phytolacca follows Bryonia when

suppuration seems imminent; pain from the nipples spreads throughout the body). Worse when moving - Bruonia. Tetanic convulsions - Nux vomica (Phytolacca acts more slowly than

Nux vomica; twisted lips, alternating spasms and relaxations). Pain in the mammary glands during breastfeeding – Croton tiglium,

Phellandrium, Lac caninum, Borax (Borax, like Phytolacca, improves from

pressing; but only Borax has a feeling of emptiness, like the chest

completely sucked out). Sensation as if apple core stuck in throat - Hepar sulfur, Nitricum acidum. Fibrous discharge resembling casts, sensation of impact

electric shock, migrating pain – Kali bichromicum. Desire for cold water (Phytolacca vice versa). Symptoms extend from the center to the periphery (Abrotanum vice versa). Pain in mammary glands during menstruation - Conium. Diarrhea with fragments of membranes - Causticum, Arsenucym album. Worse in damp weather - Rhus, Dulcamara. Pain in the tibia - Carbo vegetabilis, Lachesis. Worse after sleep - Lachesis. Loss of politeness and delicacy - Nuoscyamus. Hale considers Kali iodatum to be the closest analogue of Phytolacca (for rheumatism,

syphilis, weight loss); Mercurius and its antidotes are also close


RECOMMENDATIONS An ointment prepared with a strong tincture of the leaves, as well as the juice of the leaves.

have been used to treat malignant growths in humans.


The drug has some restrictions on use related to the patient’s condition or the effect of the active substances.


  • allergy to the composition of the product due to hypersensitivity to the components;
  • low body weight (dystrophy);
  • intolerance to one of the components.

Before taking granules, it is recommended to undergo additional examinations to confirm or exclude the presence of restrictions.

To avoid the development of allergic reactions, it is recommended to use the granules once and observe the reaction. If any negative symptoms occur, it is recommended to stop taking the drug further.

Instructions for use, dosage

Fitolyakka is a homeopathy (indications for use of the drug are identical for all dosage forms), which is intended for oral administration.

The dosage and other features of the use of granules are determined according to the age of the patient, as well as the dilution concentration taken.

For children

Children in the form of granules are prescribed 8 granules 3 to 4 times a day. In this case, all granules must be kept in the mouth under the tongue until they are completely dissolved. Take the drug half an hour to an hour before or after meals. The duration of therapy is 1 month. Repeated use of the drug is possible after a break of 1 month.

The product in the form of a tincture for external or oral use is used according to the established disease and only with the permission of the treating specialist.

For adults

The dosage for adults is 8 pcs. granules no more than 4 times a day. The capsules are taken orally, placed under the tongue. The duration of treatment is no more than 1 month. Repeated courses are allowed only after preliminary consultation with the treating homeopath.

The break between courses should be at least 1 month.

The dosage of the drug in the form of an infusion should be taken as prescribed by a specialist and only after the established form of the disease. In this case, the treatment regimen is developed only by a homeopathy doctor.

Side effects and contraindications of Fitolyakka

There are no side effects of Fitolyakka, which means that the patient can safely use this medicine without fear of a threat to the health of the body.

There are no special contraindications for this product. Each body is unique in its own way, so medicine can give completely unpredictable results. For pregnant and breastfeeding women, the use of this drug is completely safe. After using it, there are no side effects, which is why the baby and mother are completely safe.

There are no restrictions when using this drug in children. Mothers can safely give Fitolyakka to children from two years old. It is necessary to place several tablets under the tongue and dissolve them until completely dissolved.

To avoid any abnormalities in the body, when purchasing the drug, you must read the instructions. If you do not understand some of the conditions, you should contact a specialist in the field. You should not take a large dose of the medicine, as this can lead to problems. It is worth noting that only regular and standardized use of the medicine will help cope with this or that disease.

special instructions

The homeopathic drug Fitolyakka has several dosage forms. This or that type of product is selected by the treating specialist according to the indications and ease of use.

When taking the drug, a temporary exacerbation of symptoms that were observed before the prescription of the granules/tincture is possible. If such signs occur, you need to take a break for 5-7 days.

If negative manifestations persist for a long time, as well as in the absence of therapeutic effectiveness, it is necessary to discontinue use of the product and contact your homeopath for advice.

Granules can be used while bearing or feeding a child. However, treatment during this period of time should only be carried out with the permission of a specialist. The components of the product are not able to pass into breast milk, so there is no need to stop breastfeeding during therapy.

The drug does not have a depressing effect on the psyche and visual functions of a person, and therefore it is allowed to drive a vehicle or carry out other work that requires high psychomotor functions.


Fitolyakka is a homeopathy (indications for use indicate extensive use of the drug), which in some cases can lead to the development of negative effects. If such symptoms occur, it is recommended to replace the granules with another product similar in action.

The drug has no complete analogues.


  • Angin-Khel. This product is produced in Germany in the form of lozenges. The drug contains various herbal components. The tablets belong to the category of homeopathic remedies and are used in the treatment of otolaryngological diseases. The drug has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and antiseptic properties. List of indications: acute and chronic forms of tonsillitis, the presence of abscesses and plugs in the larynx area, hypertrophic changes in the tonsils, chronic inflammatory processes in the mucous membranes of the throat. 1 capsule 3 times per day is prescribed. Take the tablets an hour before or after eating. The duration of treatment is determined individually. When the therapeutic effect occurs, it is recommended to use the drug for 3-5 days. Contraindications: high sensitivity to the composition of the drug. Tablets should be prescribed with extreme caution in children under 12 years of age. Terms of sale - without a prescription. The cost of a homeopathic remedy in pharmacies in Moscow and the Moscow region ranges from 341 to 432 rubles. per package.

  • Angio-Iniel. This drug is an indirect analogue of Fitolyakka and is produced in the form of drops and lozenges. The drug belongs to the class of homeopathic remedies used in the treatment of various disorders in the cardiovascular system. Indications: angina pectoris, ischemic heart disorders, high blood pressure, heart failure, vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD), dystrophic myocardial diseases. Tablets/tincture are contraindicated in the presence of alcohol dependence, as well as intolerance to the active ingredients. The duration of treatment depends on the established disease and is determined by the treating homeopath. The standard dosage for tincture is 10 drops no more than 3 times a day. In this case, the duration of treatment can vary from 1 to 3 months. The dosage for capsules is 1 piece. 3 times a day. The duration of the course is individual, but no more than 3 months. Terms of sale of the product - without a prescription. Prices for tablets/granules in regional and regional pharmacies vary between 211-446 rubles.
  • Bronchalis-Hel. This remedy belongs to the class of homeopathic drugs and is prepared in the form of sublingual tablets (for resorption). The drug contains various herbal components. List of indications: infectious diseases of the respiratory tract (including acute respiratory infections), tracheitis, laryngotracheitis, chronic bronchitis, obstructive pulmonary diseases. Take the tablets half an hour before or after meals. The dosage is 1 capsule 3 times a day. In acute conditions, 1 tablet is prescribed every 15 minutes. Take this way for 2 hours. The duration of therapy is from 2 to 3 weeks. If necessary, re-treatment can be carried out after a break. Contraindications: presence of intolerance to components, children under 3 years of age, galactosemia, lactose deficiency. The drug can be prescribed with extreme caution during the period of bearing and feeding a child. Terms of sale - without a prescription. The cost of packaging in pharmacies in Moscow and the Moscow region is from 332 rubles.
  • Viburcol. This medicine is manufactured in Germany in the form of rectal suppositories. It belongs to the category of homeopathic medicines used in the treatment of acute respiratory and infectious diseases, as well as for teething in children. The effect of candles is determined by the components they contain. The drug consists of numerous plant components and exhibits antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties. The main and only limitation to the use of suppositories is increased sensitivity to their composition. Children under six months are prescribed 1 suppository 2 times a day. For severe symptoms, as well as in older adults, the daily dosage is 1 suppository 4-6 times a day. The duration of treatment is determined individually by the treating homeopath. The product is not intended for the treatment of adult patients. Terms of sale of the product - without a prescription. The cost of suppositories in public and private pharmacies ranges from 380 to 500 rubles. per package.

  • Winzel. This drug is made on the basis of various plant components and belongs to the class of homeopathic remedies. The dosage form is an aerosol for local irrigation. It exhibits anti-inflammatory, regenerating protective properties of a local nature. List of indications: various forms of stomatitis (ulcerative, aphthous, catarrhal), hypertrophic changes in the tonsil area, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis. The aerosol is also used for fungal infections of the mucous membranes of the mouth caused by taking antibiotics. It can be used in complex therapy of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections. List of contraindications: presence of allergies to the composition, children under 6 years of age, period of bearing and feeding a child. Adult patients are prescribed 1 oral irrigation 3 times a day. In children aged 6 to 12 years, the recommended daily dosage is 1 irrigation no more than 2 times a day. Method of sale: without a prescription. The cost of an aerosol in Moscow pharmacies starts from 450 rubles. per cylinder.

Fitolyakka is a homeopathy (indications for use are determined by the treating specialist according to the results of examinations), which, if intolerance reactions develop, should be replaced with other drugs only after preliminary consultation with a specialist.

It is forbidden to independently select analogues, since the wrong choice of remedy can lead to a worsening of the condition or cause the development of negative manifestations.

Similar drugs are selected taking into account the patient’s condition, the presence of contraindications and tolerability of the active ingredients.

Cost and analogues

In Russia, Fitolyakka is in great demand; purchasing this drug is not at all difficult. On average, one package of medicine costs from 350 to 450 rubles. There are also foreign-made drugs, but their prices are much higher.

Analogs of this product are Angin-Heel (tablets), Angio-Inyel (injections), Bronhalist-Heel (tablets), Viburkol (suppositories), Winzel (spray).

Analogs have similar compositions, characteristics and methods of use.


Prices for the drug may vary slightly depending on the region and region of sale of the drug, as well as based on the dosage form sold. You can find out the exact cost of the product at any pharmacy located near your place of residence.

Region/areaDosage form/concentrationPrice
Moscow, Moscow regionGranules (C6), 10 g191-232 rub.
Saint PetersburgGranules (D6), 10 g125-175 rub.
St. Petersburg (suburbs)Granules (C100), 5 g171-219 rub.
Novgorod regionGranules (D12), 5 g81-109 rub.
Leningrad regionGranules (D6), 5 g54-68 rub.

Before using Fitolyakka, you must consult with a homeopathy specialist and carefully read the indications indicated in the instructions. Additionally, it is recommended to study reviews of patients who took the drug in the treatment of various diseases.

Storage conditions and periods

Fitolyakka is sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. In order to preserve the properties of the medicine, you need to store it in a dark, dry and cool place. Protecting the product from light will help maintain its quality.

A prerequisite is that Fitolyakki is not accessible to children. And although this medicine will not cause any special problems for the baby, it is better to avoid possible problems.

The purchased drug can only be used for five years. After this period has passed, the medicine will pose some danger, from which it is better to protect your body.

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