Bryonia homeopathy: indications for use, instructions. How to use for children and adults

Bryonia, also called white steppe, devil's grape or white mother, is a perennial plant belonging to the pumpkin family. To prepare the tincture, you need to take fresh root before the plant blooms. For grinding you will also need the root, only dry and ground to a powder.

Bryonia was introduced into homeopathy by her father, Doctor of Sciences Hahnemann. The pathogenesis of the drug can be found in the work entitled “Pure Medicine”.

Release form

Bryonia (indications for use are described in the annotation) is a medicinal product that is available in three forms:

  1. Bryonia oil. The homeopathic remedy is an opaque oily liquid of a yellowish or greenish color and has a subtle specific odor. After shaking, before use, it does not separate for another 1 hour. The oil is packaged in colored glass bottles and packed in boxes made of thick paper.
  2. Granules. The medicine is in the form of granules, round in shape, milky or light gray in color, without any odor. The drug is packaged in a plastic container of 9 g or 10 g of the drug and packed in a box made of a thick layer of paper.
  3. Homeopathic ointment for topical use. A homogeneous, ointment-like substance of milky yellow or light brown color, with a not very pronounced specific aroma. The drug is packaged in a plastic container with a lid and tamper evident. The product is packaged in a box made of thick paper.

Features of the composition

Each dosage form of the non-traditional drug Bryonia has a similar composition. But this is a homeopathic remedy, so it has dilution features.

Bryonia ointment consists of:

  • extract from the medicinal plant peresupen white in homeopathic dilution D1 or 1X - has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body and a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of the bronchopulmonary system;
  • odorless and tasteless odorless liquid, Vaseline is an additional component.

Bryonia in granules, contains:

  • extract from the Adam's root plant in dilution D3 or 3X (also D6 or 6X) - has an analgesic effect, and also relieves spasm of the trachea, bronchi and lungs;
  • carbohydrate obtained by dextrinization of starch. It is obtained from a mixture of sucrose, fructose and starch - in a ratio of 3:1. The substance is the basis for homeopathic dilution.

Bryonia in the form of an oil solution consists of:

  • extract from the medicinal plant peresupen white in homeopathic dilution D1 or 1X. The main substance has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect on the body in relation to joints. Antispasmodic and anti-expectorant effect regarding the bronchopulmonary system;
  • additional substance softening ointment bases – a mixture of saturated hydrocarbons with C10 – C15.

pharmachologic effect

Bryonia (indications for use and action are described in the instructions) is a homeopathic remedy, the medicinal effect of which on the body is associated with the main substance of all forms of the drug - the Adam's root plant.

Beneficial properties of the main component of the drug Bryonia.

The chemical composition of the medicinal plant white foot (bryonia) includes volatile oily substances, fats, triglycerides, sulfonic acids, organic substances of the carboxyl group, nitrogen-containing natural compounds, and highly active biological substances.

Many useful acids - octadecanoic acid, carboxylic acid, plant polyphenols. The roots of the plant contain tanning agents, salts, mealy carbohydrates, urea, and hydrocarbon derivatives.

With such a large amount of useful substances, bryonia has medicinal properties:

  • relieves pain;
  • suppresses cough;
  • relieves spasm of smooth muscles of the respiratory tract;
  • exhibits anti-inflammatory effect.

Bryonia, which includes white steppe (with all medicinal properties), is effective in treating pathologies of the respiratory system. When used externally, the homeopathic remedy relieves joint and muscle pain and fights local inflammation.

The effect of the drug is manifested by the action of the active substances of the white foot on the cells of the body. As a result of active interaction, there is a gradual normalization of metabolic processes in pathological tissues, with a general improvement in the condition of the body. By relieving spasm of the smooth muscles of the respiratory tract, the drug promotes the removal of mucus and softens the cough reflex.

Indications for use

The homeopathic remedy Bryonia in all forms has the same indications for use:

  • inflammatory process in the roots of the spinal nerves;
  • gouty arthritis;
  • tendon inflammation;
  • long-term musculoskeletal inflammation;
  • sciatic nerve disease;
  • inflammation of the joint capsule;
  • damage to the respiratory tract by Koch's bacillus;
  • pneumonia;
  • pleurisy;
  • diseases of the lower respiratory tract;
  • autoimmune joint pathologies;
  • inflammatory process of the tracheal mucosa;
  • degenerative-dystrophic joint lesions;
  • inflammation of large joints.

How does bryonia affect the patient’s body?

The first area of ​​action of bryonia is the serous membranes and synovial membranes. The plant most severely affects the pleura, peritoneum and lung. The next sphere of influence is the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Bryonia also causes inflammation of the digestive tract, jaundice and increases blood flow to the liver.

Let us note another important property of bryonia. It is one of the few homeopathic medicines that can produce inflammation of muscle tissue. Due to this, the plant is used for muscular rheumatism.

Instructions for use

An abstract to the homeopathic medicine Bryonia describes how the medicine should be used in different forms and for various pathological processes in the body.

Ointment for external use:

  • for inflammatory pathologies in the joints, nerve endings and muscles, the product must be spread on the area of ​​pain or inflammation in a small amount, using gentle massaging movements until completely absorbed. The procedure should be done several times a day;
  • diseases of the respiratory system should be treated as follows - you need to spread a small amount of ointment on the chest and upper back. The product must be rubbed into the skin with gentle, massaging movements until the skin is visibly warmed. Then you should carefully wrap the area treated with the drug with a warm blanket or wear a warm vest. The procedure must be done a couple of times a day until there is visible relief of the general condition.

Bryonia granules have several types of dilution - 3X and 6X:

  • pathological inflammatory processes in nerve endings, joints, and muscles should be treated with granules with a 3X dilution. In case of acute conditions, it is necessary to take 5 pcs. during the first week of treatment. every 4 hours. Then, continue therapy - 5 pcs. morning, afternoon and evening. The duration of treatment is determined by the therapist based on the general condition of the patient;
  • diseases of the respiratory system must be treated with a 6X dilution. During acute processes, you should drink 5-6 granules of the drug every 4-5 hours. After the condition improves, you need to switch to a reduced dosage - 5-6 granules 2-3 times a day. Duration of therapy: until the symptoms of the disease disappear or as recommended by the general practitioner.

An oil-like liquid should be used in complex therapy:

  • pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, neuralgia and neuritis - it is necessary to shake the product well before use, then rub a small amount of oily liquid into areas of inflammation or pain, using light massage movements. The procedure should be done several times a day until the symptoms of the pathological process disappear or as prescribed by the attending physician;

  • inflammatory processes in the respiratory organs. You need to rub the oil into the chest and back area. You can do a massage using a homeopathic remedy for bronchitis, without fever. The medicine should be applied several times a day with gentle, pressing movements until the surface of the skin warms up. Then you need to wrap your back and chest, wearing a warm vest. The duration of therapy is until the symptoms of the pathological process disappear or as recommended by the general practitioner.


If we firmly remember that Bryonia

has a true selective affinity for the serous membranes and internal organs that they cover, that it produces dry inflammation of the mucous membranes, then one cannot help but think about it in the following diseases: STICKING IN THE SIDE, DRY PLEURITIS, especially right-sided; the pain is severe from the slightest movement, pressure with a finger on the affected area is painful, but the patient lies down on the painful side to immobilize it, since strong and wide pressure always improves.


indicated for severe stitching pain in the side, with pleurisy, sometimes after the failure of

In PNEUMONIA, it is especially indicated by the nature of the pain in the side above the inflammatory focus. You can alternate it with Phosphorus

, with
, if bronchial phenomena predominate;
with Arsenicum album
if there is threatening weakness.


indicated at the beginning of the disease, as it causes a rush of blood and redness in the trachea and the first branches of the bronchi. Tickling at the site of the trachea is exclusively characteristic of its purpose.

According to Jousset, the most effective remedies are Ipecacuanha

6 and
6, given alternately.

ASTHMA, accompanied by vomiting and stitching in the side (Jousset).

RHEUMATISM. After Aconite

undoubtedly the best remedy for acute rheumatism. It appears to be equally effective for both articular and muscular rheumatism; it is less effective for lesions of fibrous tissue itself.

The joints may be red, shiny, or pale. Movements are always difficult, since the slightest movement causes sharp stabbing and tearing pains, but if you firmly squeeze the painful joint with both hands, the patient can move it, since then the pain is significantly reduced.

This is the main remedy for rheumatic lesions of individual muscles.

DISEASES OF THE DIGESTIVE TRACT. Cramping pain in the stomach.

PERITONITIS, especially with appendicitis. Bryonia seems to work best


NEURALGIAS AND NEURITIS. For cervicobrachial neuralgia on Bryonia

indicates stiffness of the muscles of the back of the head and neck.

With intercostal neuralgia, it is together with Ranunculus bulbosus

- the main remedy.

For sciatica, it gives excellent results even in chronic cases with muscle atrophy.

MASTITIS, especially in nursing women, cessation of milk secretion and inflammation of the gland. Breasts are pale, hot and hard as stone. The feeling of heaviness is so painful, the slightest movement is so painful that the chest needs to be tied up for complete immobility.

Congestive HEADACHES. The first and slightest movement in the morning, such as moving the eyeballs or walking, causes a migraine, which gets worse in the evening. A feeling of pressure from the inside out, “as if the head were ready to burst,” extremely intensified by the slightest movement, coughing, sneezing, deep sigh, after eating, in warmth.

COUGH frequent, with slight expectoration due to tickling in the throat and causing stitching in the side. The cough is dry, with streaks of blood in the sputum, more severe after eating, sometimes ending in vomiting and causing a stabbing sensation in the side, which the patient relieves with hand pressure while coughing.

FEVER: reminiscent of fever with inflammation and especially with pneumonia - tremendous chills, nausea during chills; burning heat with redness of the face, one cheek being more colored than the other; languid thirst. Sweat profuse, hot, all over the body, with a sour odor, with or without thirst.

For children

Bryonia is a homeopathic medicine that can be used to treat children. Indications for use are described in the annotation for the medicine. If the pediatrician does not prescribe a specific treatment regimen with a drug, then a non-standard drug should be used in accordance with the age of the child.

The granules should be drunk before meals 30 minutes or after 1.5 hours:

  • children up to 24 months of age - you need to dissolve 1-2 tablets in a spoon with water and give it to the child to drink (single dose). In case of acute processes in the body, the medicine should be taken up to 6 times a day. If there are visible improvements, reduce the number of doses to 2-3 times a day;
  • age category from 24 months to 10 years. Dragees should be dissolved in the mouth, 2-5 pieces each. at a time, every 4 hours in the first days of illness. If the process improves, reduce the intake to 2-3 times a day;
  • Children over 10 years old should be given the drug in quantities of up to 6 pieces. at one time, depending on the severity of the process. In case of severe illnesses, as part of complex therapy, you need to drink 4-6 granules every 4 hours. As the child’s condition improves, reduce the number of appointments to 2-3 times.

  1. Homeopathic oil can be used for children in an amount corresponding to the volume of the inflamed surface - in a small amount, it should be rubbed into the skin until warm. In case of inflammatory lesions of the respiratory system, after the procedure it is necessary to wrap the child in a warm blanket or wear a vest. Inflammatory lesions of joints and muscles do not require wrapping.
  2. Bryonia ointment should not be used for children under 18 years of age, due to the insufficiently studied effect of the drug in 3X dilution on this age category.

Bryonia is a serious drug and should be used only as prescribed by a pediatrician, in accordance with the recommended regimen.


Name: Bryonia Pharmacological action: The drug Bryonia includes homeopathic dilutions of white foot. This homeopathic component relaxes the smooth muscle tissue of the bronchi. The drug is effective for bronchopulmonary pathologies with dry or productive cough. External use of an ointment with the described substance relieves joint pain and helps eliminate the inflammatory process.

The effect of the drug is realized through the entry of activated homeopathic substances into resonance with the patient’s body. As a result of this, there is a normalization of metabolic processes in sensitive tissues with a gradual improvement in condition. Bryonia promotes the removal of sputum and calms a barking, hysterical cough.

Indications for use: Bryonia ointment is used for: - bronchitis; - tracheitis; - joint diseases associated with inflammation.

Bryonia granules are used for: - acute bronchitis; - pleurisy; - gout; - pneumonia; - arthritis; - chronic bronchitis; - rheumatism; - osteoarthritis.

Directions for use: For symptomatic relief in diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, the ointment is applied to the chest and back in a thin layer. The procedure is carried out once a day, wrap the lubricated areas with insulating cloth. For the treatment of joint diseases, the ointment is applied to the affected areas 2 times a day.

The number of granules per dose is determined by the doctor depending on the homeopathic dilution used to prepare the granules, the patient’s condition, and his age. Standard dosage is 5 granules up to 6 times a day (in acute conditions), then 5 granules 3 times a day. Children's dosage (frequency of administration 1-6 times/day): - up to 24 months - 1-2 granules; – 2-10 years – 2-4 granules; - after 10 years - 4-5 granules. The granules are absorbed on an empty stomach. Children can dilute them in a spoon of water.

Side effects: When using granules or Bryonia ointment, allergic reactions may develop and the condition may worsen when starting therapy, requiring discontinuation of the drug.

Contraindications: The drug Bryonia is not prescribed for: - hypersensitivity to homeopathic preparations of the foot; - problems with carbohydrate metabolism (since the cereal contains sucrose or lactose).

Pregnancy: Use is possible if the doctor considers the prescription appropriate.

Interaction with other drugs: Poor compatibility of the drug Bryonia with caffeine-containing drugs and alkaloids. The effectiveness of the drug can be affected by glucocorticosteroids and cytostatics. Nicotine also reduces effectiveness.

Overdose: Theoretically, it is not possible to overdose a homeopathic medicine.

Release form: The drug is available in the form of granules and ointments. The packaging is as follows: - 15 g ointment/jar/packaging; — 25 g ointment/jar/package; — 15 g ointment/bottle/package; — 25 g ointment/bottle/package; — 5 g granules/bottle/packaging; — 8 g granules/bottle/package.

Storage conditions: Storage temperature of ointment – ​​up to 20 degrees Celsius, granules – up to 25 degrees Celsius. The shelf life of both forms of release is 2 years.

Composition: 1 g of Bryonia ointment contains 0.1 g of Bryonia alba D1. Auxiliary component: Vaseline.

Bryonia granules contain Bryonia alba dilutions C3, C6, C100 or D3. Auxiliary component: sucrose or milk sugar.

Additionally: Before starting therapy, it is better to visit a homeopath. It is not recommended to use spices, alcohol, or marinades during therapy with a homeopathic remedy.

Attention! The description of the drug " Bryonia " on this page is a simplified and expanded version of the official instructions for use. Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the instructions approved by the manufacturer. Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide to prescribe the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The homeopathic remedy Bryonia in the form of ointment, oil or granules can be used during pregnancy, but strictly as prescribed by a doctor. It has not been scientifically proven how the drug affects the development of the fetus during pregnancy.

Therefore, the use of the medicine is permissible in cases where the benefit from using or applying the medicine to the expectant mother is greater than the possible danger to the developing fetus or infant. Use strictly after consultation with a gynecologist or pediatrician.

Bryonia in homeopathy

In homeopathy, Bryonia alba is often used in the treatment of acute conditions. The most sensitive to the action of the drug are the serous membranes - the synovial membrane of the joints, the pleura.

Bryonia is one of the few remedies that successfully cure muscle inflammation. Therefore, the medicine will be effective for muscular rheumatism.

Bryonia cures a wide variety of painful conditions. But it cannot be prescribed routinely. Any homeopathic remedy must be selected based on symptoms. To learn to see these symptoms and understand homeopathic remedies , an online course “Homeopathy for every mother” has been organized on the website Here we look at the various symptoms that you may encounter at any time and talk about homeopathic remedies for high fever, cough, runny nose, colds, flu, diarrhea, vomiting, stress, bruises, burns, etc. AlphaHomeopathy experts are homeopathic doctors who answer your questions in the support chat. Gain knowledge about healthy treatment options without chemicals.

Side effects

The medicinal plant Adam's root (dioecious bryonia), which is the main component of the homeopathic preparation, is a poisonous substance. Therefore, if used or applied incorrectly, it can provoke negative manifestations.

When taken orally:

  • severe stomach pain;
  • intestinal colic;
  • when starting treatment, the course of the disease worsens;
  • nettle rash;
  • itching;
  • lacrimation;
  • redness of the eyes;
  • copious mucus discharge from the nasal cavity;
  • dyspeptic manifestations in the form of loose stools;
  • flatulence;
  • in more serious cases - internal bleeding.

Outdoor use:

  • local redness of the skin;
  • itching;
  • nettle rashes;
  • swelling of body tissues;
  • worsening of the disease.


Worse by motion and better by rest is the chief characteristic of Bryonia


Extreme dryness of the mucous membranes, resulting in dry, wrinkled, cracked lips, hard, as if burnt stool, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, the need to drink large quantities at a time.

Effusion in serous cavities with stitching pains.

Inflammatory swelling of the joints with pale integuments.

Progressive apathy, reaching the point of numbness.

Heat relieves all symptoms except headache.

The area of ​​any irritation or inflammation is extremely sensitive to touch, ameliorated by strong pressure.

The pain is sharp, stabbing, quickly appearing, often intermittent, sometimes shooting along the nerve trunks.

Bryonia headache

They invariably improve by rest, firm pressure (the Bryonia
always lies on the sore side), cold compresses and cold drinks.
It must not be forgotten that cold is a frequent, if not the main cause of pain in the Bryonia
, and especially damp cold (
is dry).

Menses too early and too profuse. They may be absent and replaced by vicarious nosebleeds, or their absence causes headaches.


Bryonia (indications for the use of the drug are described in the instructions) is a pharmacological drug that contains an extract from the white peresupen plant.

The use of this plant has contraindications even with strong homeopathic dilution:

  • history of allergic reactions – for granules and topical use;
  • period of gestation;
  • breast-feeding;
  • diabetes;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • in case of individual intolerance to the plant Adam's root;
  • for use of the drug in the form of an ointment – ​​age up to 18 years.


From a theoretical point of view, a homeopathic medicine cannot cause overdose symptoms. In practice, if the drug is used incorrectly or used, even in a 1X, 3X dilution, the drug can cause severe intoxication in the body.

For local use:

  • rashes on the surface of the skin;
  • severe itching;
  • anaphylactic reactions;
  • Quincke's edema.

For oral use:

  • bloody stools;
  • painful muscle spasms;
  • unsteadiness of gait;
  • inflammatory process in the kidneys;
  • damage to the respiratory system in the form of lack of air;
  • pain behind the chest;
  • barking cough;
  • severe pain in the head;
  • in the area of ​​the hepatobiliary system – burning painful sensations;
  • yellowness of the skin;
  • bitterness in the mouth;
  • tachycardia;
  • feeling of heat in the head;
  • hyperthermia;
  • inability to sleep;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • vomit;
  • general disorder of the body due to intoxication;
  • hypotension;
  • fainting;
  • in severe cases, coma.

If all of the above manifestations occur, you should stop using the drug and consult your doctor. In severe cases: headache, fainting, drop in blood pressure, an ambulance should be called to treat an overdose in a hospital setting.

Painful conditions for which Bryonia helps

Bryonia alba is often used in homeopathy for the following conditions:

  • Meningitis
  • Appendicitis . In 70% of cases Bryonia will be indicated. The patient lies on the sore side, worse from the slightest movement - even inhalation - and better from cold applications.
  • Bronchitis . Dry, painful cough with scanty sputum and headache
  • Pneumonia , especially right-sided, when the patient lies motionless
  • Coughing and any movement causes such severe pain that the patient is forced to hold his chest with his hands. Bryonia alba is useful in the second stage of inflammation
  • Lactostasis . Heavy, very hard mammary glands. Pale and very painful
  • Cessation of postpartum discharge (lochia) with bursting headache
  • Nosebleeds of menstruation
  • Fevers of almost all types, accompanied by concomitant symptoms

As you can see, many of these conditions are quite serious and do not allow for self-treatment. Be sure to consult your doctor.

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Drug interactions

When using the drug Bryonia for treatment, you need to know about the interaction of the drug with other substances and medications:

  • purine alkaloids should not be used simultaneously in therapy with the drug;
  • corticosteroids reduce the effect of taking the medication;

  • antitumor drugs suppress the effect of a homeopathic remedy;
  • nicotinic acid reduces the effect of Bryonia.

Reviews about the use of the drug

The most positive reviews about the homeopathic remedy come from women who have small children. In their opinion, Bryonia oil is the most harmless remedy that helps with acute respiratory infections with cough.

Sweet granules also appealed to many patients who were prescribed an anti-inflammatory drug. The drug in the form of an ointment, from the testimonies of people who used the product for joint problems, helps very well to cope with swelling and pain.

Bryonia is a drug that has many indications for use, as written in the annotation for the homeopathic remedy. A very large number of grateful reviews about the positive effect of the medicine on the body indicates its effectiveness.

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