Ignatia Homaccord - homeopathy, indications for use, reviews

Ignatia amara, or ignatia for short, is a plant of the Loganiaceae family: a massive climbing shrub native mainly to the Philippines. The fruits of the bush can be spherical or ovoid. Their diameter reaches 4 inches. Under the smooth, brittle shell of the fruit there are about 20-30 seeds. The name of the plant, according to legend, comes from the Jesuits, who called the fruits the beans of St. Ignatius, in honor of the numerous merits of this man. Although Ignacea is chemically as well as botanically similar to Nux vomica, these plants differ markedly in homeopathic use.

The drug is prepared from the seeds of the Ignatia fruit.

Ignacy was first introduced into homeopathy by Hahnemann in 1805.

How does ignation affect the patient’s body?

In terms of its effect on the body, ignatia is a substance that changes the reflex functioning of the spinal cord, which occurs due to the alkaloids strychnine and brucine contained in the seeds. During the process of poisoning, high sensitivity to minor irritants (light touch, gentle breeze) appears, turning into tonic spasms. Spinal reflexes change, convulsive muscle contractions occur. Death occurs as a result of paralysis of the diaphragm, as well as the absolute inability to perform natural breathing movements.

Excerpts from the book by I.V. Dolinina “Find out your type and get cured.” Ignacy is a herbal remedy. The raw materials for the preparation of this medicine are the seeds of a tropical vine growing in the Philippines. Ignacia is divorced in China and some other countries. The liana is large, evergreen with leathery shiny leaves and white flowers. Its fruits are the size of an average grapefruit, with juicy yellow flesh. The plant contains alkaloids – strychnine and brucine. Ignacy was used for medicinal purposes back in the 17th century.

Its seeds have a romantic name - “St. Ignace’s beans.” However, if we remember that Ignatius of Loyola was the founder of the Catholic Jesuit order, then there is no trace of romance left. After all, this powerful organization has made many victims “for the glory of the Lord.”

Ignacy has been used in homeopathy for about two hundred years. The family homeopath prescribes it almost daily. This is not surprising - after all, the main indication for prescription is the patient’s stressful state and the problems arising from it.

It was found that the drug is better suited for emotional people who tend to hide their sadness and only occasionally throw out their feelings in the form of sobs or even seizures. Treatment with homeopathic ignition allows the patient not only to cure his physical ailments, but also to change his attitude towards reality, strengthening his emotional self.


Ignacia is usually thin, thin-boned, and has darkish skin. The face is often triangular in shape. The hair is dark, long, straight, growing low above the forehead (maybe an M-shaped hairline). The eyes are shiny, large, dark, moist. The eyelashes are thick, the eyebrows are expressive and arched. The nose is straight, thin, the nostrils are well defined. The mouth is wide, with drooping corners, uneven edges of the lips. The chin is small, the neck is long. Hands with thin, mobile, aristocratic fingers.

Ignacia's handwriting is characterized by sweeping and lengthy style.

More details in the books of Dolinina I.V.

Most homeopathic manuals call this type “female.” Indeed, the romanticism, emotionality, and unpredictability inherent in Ignacy are more characteristic of the weaker sex, but the Ignacy type is also found among men. These are, as a rule, creative people: musicians, artists, romantic poets, actors. A separate section will be devoted to them.

Ignacy cannot imagine her life without love. All her feelings are expressed in abundance; she shows a lively emotional attitude to everything around her. These qualities are usually attractive to others, especially since Ignacy often presents her emotions in an intelligent, slightly restrained form.

She knows how to listen, enthusiastically looking into the eyes of her interlocutor, and fantasize, creating wonderful castles in the air. Her dreamy smile is often combined with mysteriously sad eyes. Mood serves as a tool to influence others. It can change several times during the day.

In communication, Ignatia can choose a fairly close psychological distance; she knows how to catch the emotional wave of her interlocutor and feel him. This doesn't mean she's being honest. Ignacy prefers to receive information quickly, giving emotions in return. In a good mood, she embellishes the positive qualities of others, in a bad mood she exaggerates the negative ones, can create ugly scenes and even demonstrate hysterical fits. But it often “swallows” resentment or grief. The payback for this will be a feeling of a lump in the throat, a constant desire to take a deep breath, a feeling of lack of air.

Subconsciously, Ignacy needs a strong-willed, logical partner who would become her patron and protector. She respects strength, confidence, and the desire not to stop there. If such a partner is not found, he tries to develop these qualities in himself. He begins to show masculine traits in his behavior, to deny the existence of problems, and to place high demands on himself. This, as a rule, breaks her - after all, in fact, Ignatia is extremely sensitive, fragile and vulnerable.

She often falls under the influence of people who know how to bluff and create the illusion of power and prestige. Ignacy gives herself to her beloved to the end. Therefore, if love is lost, her life loses meaning. The main diseases of such a person arise precisely in connection with stress in his personal life.

In this case, only her favorite profession can save Ignatia from collapse. As A. Akhmatova wrote: “I stopped smiling, the frosty wind chills my lips. There is one less hope - there will be one more song” (Psychotype Platinum - A. Akhmatova). Taking the homeopathic medicine Ignacy allows a person of the appropriate type to direct the negative energy of stress into a creative direction.

It is interesting that sometimes Ignace’s feelings can live as if independently of the object of love. Sometimes she becomes so immersed in the illusory world of exaggerated experiences that she loses adequate contact with reality. This applies to women who have lost their husbands, who communicate with his photographs for many years, asking for advice, sharing emotions and receiving an answer from him in a dream or even in reality.

Most of the experiences of such an Ignacia are savored alone; she is both an actress and a spectator in one person. Those around her see only the tip of her emotional iceberg. But when passions reach their peak, there is a sudden release of emotions, which can be expressed in a stream of tears, incoherent words, and screams. After such catharsis, relief comes. Tearfulness has been characteristic of Ignacy since childhood. But unlike other types, she often hides her tears and does not ask for comfort. She can be touched by music, a poem, a movie, or a meeting with a friend.

Ignacy's main desire is to avoid loneliness. The fear of being abandoned and unwanted gives rise to a feeling of inner anxiety and restlessness. Hence the desire to be constantly busy, the unbearability of waiting. Ignatia is afraid of not being appreciated enough and, as compensation, may choose to be active in order to prove to herself and others her importance.

She regularly attends exhibitions, concerts, premieres. He is charged with vivid impressions, which he then puts into practice either in his profession or in the organization of his life.

It should be noted that the woman Ignatia cannot be called a good housewife in the generally accepted sense. Having gone to buy bread, she is able to spend money on a painting she likes or a beautiful flower in a vase. Does not know how to buy inexpensive and high-quality products. Even with significant restrictions on funds, he can buy a jar of olives or caviar, after which there is no money left for anything else.

Likes to look at glossy magazines and attend high fashion shows. Her clothes are elegant and refined. May prefer bohemian style - bright scarves, bows, narrow long skirts with slits, wide-brimmed hats, elbow-length gloves, exotic jewelry and perfume. This is a woman with a twist; it’s impossible not to notice her in the crowd.

Let's talk about a rare type - the Ignacy man.

His appearance is a little effeminate. Not broad shoulders, small hands and feet, flexible joints, an aristocratic face. Often has a dreamy smile and wears a small mustache. He dresses stylishly and can wear a white suit with style.

Emotions play a big role in his life. This is the “last romantic” who writes poetry, sings serenades and is ready to court his beloved for a long time. He's not very sexy, but he's erotic.

If you decide to marry such a man, be prepared that from now on, earning money, as well as all housework, is your lot for life. The Ignace man can dedicate a sonnet to you, but he is not even able to heat up his own dinner, let alone cook a simple scrambled egg.

You come home after a hard day with bags full of groceries, hoping that your husband (who, despite his talents, is still unemployed) has at least taken out the trash can. And your husband Ignacy greets you with a smile from the sofa, where he has been lying all day. This is the person who can spend days thinking “about the fate of the Russian intelligentsia.” But as soon as he wants to get down to specific work, he immediately wants to have a snack, then drink water, or go to the toilet. The only thing I don’t want to do is smoke (Ignacia can’t stand tobacco smoke).

The misfortune for the entire company is Ignacy the accountant (“Accountant, my dear accountant!”). He may miss some numbers, lose documents, or fail to mark a payment. Ignacy - an official does not like to take on unnecessary responsibility, does not tolerate paper fuss and takes his soul away from hateful work in a hobby (for example: drawing, playing the guitar or often visiting theaters).

It is interesting that such a man is sometimes able to play the role of the “Kazan orphan” with tears in his eyes. And, having come to a restaurant for company, he can sweetly declare at the time of paying the bill that he now has no money (this is what Balzac (Psychotype Lycopodium - O. Balzac) and Chaliapin, who, by the way, belonged to other personality types, often did). He considers himself a broad person.

When the mood strikes, he can get into a fight, standing up for the offended. Resentment does not forgive and is remembered for life. He is not strong-willed and is not capable of physical work. For him, a dacha is a place where you can lie in a hammock and admire the sunset. And not a testing ground for digging potatoes, fighting weeds and the Colorado potato beetle. When his wife, exhausted by housework and hopelessness, tries to leave for someone else, he panics and even begins to blame (as Vasisualiy Lokhankin, the famous character of Ilf and Petrov, did).

What profession does a creative romantic choose? First of all, free - that is, not requiring you to sit at your workplace from bell to bell. It requires imagination, a sense of style, and the ability to express emotions. These are music, painting, design, poetry, applied arts, acting, literary translations, psychology, work as an assistant for a strong boss.

You can't expect punctuality from Ignace. Time for her is a dynamic concept that can be compressed or stretched at will. He uses it spontaneously, depending on his mood. Does not like rigid planning (neither near nor long-range). He foresees the development of the situation in the future very well. Knows how to delay a decisive explanation and extinguish a conflict.

Ignatia the secretary provides invaluable support to her strong-willed, logical boss (for example, Nux vomika) in that she can skillfully manage his time. When necessary, he will create conditions for relaxation, will not allow unwanted visitors into the office, will unobtrusively tell you “which way the wind is blowing” in the team, and will help resolve conflicts. She is always aware of all the news, believes that troubles are temporary, and with her elegance and emotional sensitivity has a beneficial effect on the boss’s mood.

Ignacy is not a businesslike or energetic type. In order to work, she needs the appropriate mental attitude. Prefers responsibilities over responsibility. Prone to doubts and hesitations when making decisions.

Due to absent-mindedness, he can sometimes forget about his promises. In the process of work, she tends to be distracted by trifles, which is why she does not have time to complete important things on time. Her workplace can be a bit of an “artistic mess.”

She is completely incapable of leading a team and clearly distributing responsibilities - she lacks either willpower or logic for this. She finds it difficult to be consistent. She can contradict herself as much as she wants, and at the same time be proud of her “harmonious reasoning.”

It is especially difficult for Ignacy if, under the influence of her parents or environment, she enters a technical university. It is almost impossible for her to memorize educational material and understand diagrams, graphs and equations. In order not to break down, she begins to participate in amateur performances. The best thing you can do in this case is to leave on time and do what you are capable of.

Musician Ignacy prefers instruments such as piano, flute, and less often cello. Almost never drums and trumpets. He actively uses the slightest nuances, and piano in his performance will differ significantly from pianissimo.

More details in the books of Dolinina I.V.

The artist Ignacy will be more often a landscape painter than a portrait painter. You won’t see many people or historical subjects in his paintings (for this reason alone, I. Repin cannot be classified as an Ignatius type).

Designer Ignacia will always have the latest catalogs, but will never repeat what she sees there. He always brings something of his own. His work is intended for an elite audience.

The poet Ignacy makes extensive use of metaphor, i.e. comparison. It is always aimed at increasing the scale, exalting what it writes about. At the same time, Ignacy may strive for brevity. The pinnacle of this is Japanese poetry, which creates a mood with a few lines.

Ignacy, who is engaged in applied arts, creates designer products in one copy. They will always be exclusive, designed for true connoisseurs.

Journalist Ignacia is good at interviews. She knows how to understand the soul of her interlocutor and call him to openness. She is especially interested in the topic of love. Even if Ignacy is a man, his works bear the imprint of a “female gaze” with elements of sadness.

Ignacia the actor has good facial expressions, expressive eyes, and bright gestures. His role is a lyrical hero (for example, Romeo).

Ignacia is also good in the role of the first lady of the state. She is stylish, pleasant to talk to, and does not seek to lead her husband or play an independent big political game. Willingly participates in cultural affairs and does charity work. Psychotype Ignacy - introverted intuition


Decompensated Ignacia comes to see a homeopath. Due to physical fatigue or stress, her mind becomes confused, and there may be a fear of going crazy and losing control of her emotions. Phobias (fears) - treatment with homeopathy

Medicine Ignacy is required when a person is in a hopeless situation - forced to endure a difficult family situation for a long time (caring for a terminally ill person, living with an alcoholic) or in the face of acute stress (death of loved ones, loss of love). If the patient is unable to come to terms with the circumstances or adapt to them, he falls into despair. Neurasthenia – treatment with homeopathy

The Ignace type gives the impression of a person with “naked nerves.” Deep despondency and tears may alternate with haste and impatience. Minor reasons cause anger followed by sobbing. Hysteria – treatment with homeopathy

Ignatia's main problems concern the nervous system, reproductive system, endocrine glands, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system and skin. She experiences fears of death and the incurability of the disease. Suffers from sleep disturbances (insomnia, nightmares), headaches, palpitations, menstrual irregularities, enlarged thyroid gland, gastritis, nervous cough, urticaria, hair loss. Bulimia, anorexia - treatment with homeopathy

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(Hans Christian Andersen)

Ignacy is traditionally considered a women's medicine. Among the famous historical characters, Ignatius men are artists (poets, artists, musicians). They live a life full of romantic fantasies, and their feelings always have a certain tinge of sadness. Ignacy acutely feels that she is not created for the rough manifestations of this world. Therefore, she tries to create her own sophisticated reality. Many Ignatian traits can be seen in the character of the famous 19th century storyteller Hans Christian Andersen.

He was born in a provincial Danish town, in the family of a shoemaker and a washerwoman. The area around was picturesque: green hills, the seashore and the town itself, as if carved from bog oak. Wood carvers lived here. Their houses seemed like toys because of the ancient carved monograms and wooden sculptures. Carvers made altars, statues of saints and figureheads of ships. Wooden mermaids, dolphins, and seahorses surrounded little Hans from childhood.

Andersen heard his first fairy tales from his father and old women from a nearby almshouse. The boy remade their stories in his own way. The almshouses just gasped and said that little Hans was too smart for his age. And Andersen remembered one old woman for the rest of his life. She was considered a witch and children were strictly forbidden to come close to the old rickety house on the outskirts. But it turned out that Hans went to see the hermit.

The old woman turned out to be not scary at all. Then the boy became bolder: “Tell me, do you really know everything about everyone? Tell me about me! The sorceress thought: “I’ll tell you, but it won’t bring you joy. Well, listen if you want. Go home and remember: what you see on the way is what will happen.” Hans ran back. The road was picturesque - bushes of wild berries, wild flowers, birdsong. And suddenly the boy stopped in fear - on the other side of the stream in the morning fog he saw the figure of his father in light clothes. He looked sadly at his son and disappeared into a white haze. Hans rushed home. Seeing his father alive and unharmed, he threw himself on his neck.

And the next day, the mother, with tears, saw her husband off to war. It was the time of the Napoleonic campaign, and Andersen Sr. went to serve in the army. He did not die, but completely lost his health. A couple of years later, Hans woke up at night from the same vision - his father in white robes walking into the distance. The boy jumped up and ran to the kitchen. There on the floor lay my father, motionless. He died of a broken heart.

After the loss of a breadwinner, life became unbearable. The washerwoman's work brought mere pennies, so at dusk Hans and his mother went to the field to pick up the ears of corn left after harvesting the grain. One day they were caught by the baron, who was touring his lands. He was going to whip these hillbillies who were brazenly stealing his bread. But Hans rushed across the horse shouting: “How can you! God see everything!" And the baron lowered his whip. Rumors of this skirmish spread throughout the town. The residents respected little Andersen.

I must say that in childhood they often laughed at him. The students came up with offensive nicknames for Hans, so he didn’t like going to school. But I became attached to the theater with all my soul. Hans was given posters from each performance, and the boy, having read the names of the characters at home, immediately invented his own play with the same name. And one day the director of the theater gave Andersen an unheard-of honor - he allowed him to go on stage as a page in place of a sick artist. From that day on, Hans became an ardent theatergoer. He watched all the performances from the gallery a hundred times and learned all the roles.

When Andersen turned fourteen, he went to Copenhagen to seek his fortune with only a few coins in his pocket. No one was waiting for him in the capital. The boy spent the night on the street, doing odd jobs. But one day a lucky chance brought him together with the director of the Royal Theater, Mr. Collin.

He took part in Hans’s fate, sending him to finish his studies at school, and advised him to forget about acting. Young Andersen imagined himself to be a tragedian, but on stage he looked extremely comical. This was a blow to Hans, but he soon consoled himself by remembering his ability to compose. Andersen decided to become a writer.

Hans wrote poetry, travelogues, plays and novels. At the age of seventeen he managed to publish the collection “Youthful Experiences”. In 1828, Andersen became a student at the University, but still eked out a miserable existence. His first success came precisely thanks to his travel notes. They began to talk about the young talented author, Hans was invited to rich houses, but for a long time he could not believe the recognition.

In 1830, Andersen visited his hometown for the first time in many years. He found his mother a degenerate drunk who was regularly beaten by her stepfather. Hans returned with a heavy heart. Along the way, he decided to visit the family of a university friend. In his house, Andersen met a girl whom he fell in love with.

She read travelogues and admired Hans' talent. There was an explanation between the young people. The lovers agreed to meet in Copenhagen. Andersen returned and plunged back into work. For the first time, he wondered whether he could support his family. Writing is a thankless job - it takes up all your time and brings in little money. His girlfriend deserves a better fate than being a poor man's wife...

When his beloved came to Andersen, he did not open the door for her, standing quietly outside the door while the girl called in bewilderment. Hans held out and did not rush to meet her, although his whole being was begging for it. If he had opened the door, he would no longer be able to say: “Goodbye”... Later, Andersen wrote a letter to his beloved, in which he said that she could consider herself free from obligations to such a loser like him.

But after three years no one would dare call Hans unlucky. His tales were an extraordinary success. Crowds of fans gathered in the street when he left the house. In 1829, Andersen's play was staged at the Royal Theater, and the daughter of the director himself, Colleen, would have considered it an honor to become the wife of the fashionable author. Only she was not offered this honor - Andersen continued to consider himself not created for marriage. He felt tired and sick. Liver colic has become more frequent. Doctors at one time even suspected liver cancer, but everything turned out okay.

Biographers write about Hans Christian's innate nervousness, which brought him a lot of suffering throughout his life. At the core of his anxiety was a feeling that he did not measure up to the demands of the real world. Hans was spontaneous, naive and touchy. He had a painful sensitivity: his friends had to console him more than once when Andersen left the table in tears, offended by someone’s innocent joke. Throughout his life, the writer was haunted by a feeling of his own physical and mental powerlessness. It happened that he could cry for several days from grief.

Hans never experienced peace of mind for long periods of time. He lost patience over little things and acted like a spoiled child at times. An unbridled temperament lived in his large but frail body, internal contradictions were seething. Hans lacked masculine strength. His indecisiveness was most evident in his treatment of women. Andersen experienced an instinctive fear of intimacy, a puritan horror of sexual desire.

At thirty-eight years old, Hans Christian fell in love like a boy. The chosen one was the diva of the stage - the Swedish singer Jenny Lindt. She came on tour to Copenhagen, where she was a huge success. Andersen was fascinated by the divine voice of the opera diva. But her character turned out to be far from angelic. Hans could not resist her feminine charm and paid dearly for his weakness.

He fulfilled all the whims, turned a blind eye to inconstancy, and forgave huge expenses on jewelry and clothes. The writer was ready to do anything if only Jenny was nearby. But Lindt only lasted for a year. Getting ready for her next tour, she announced to Hans that she was getting married soon, so they needed to separate.

In order not to die of grief, Hans went on a journey. He always calmed down on the road, admiring new places and enjoying meeting interesting people. Andersen traveled all over Europe, met with Hugo, Heine, Dumas, Schumann (Psychotype Pulsatilla - R. Schumann), Wagner (Psychotype Aconite - R. Wagner) and Liszt (Psychotype Tuberculin - F. Liszt). Then he visited Africa, from where he brought back many new impressions. The writer gained worldwide fame.

Previously, in his life there was too much grief and disdain on the part of “recognized geniuses.” For a very long time, Hans Christian felt like a failure. It’s not for nothing that in his story “Childish Talk” one girl says that a person whose last name ends with “sen” will not achieve anything in life, because it is the last name of a commoner.

For too long, Andersen has been made to understand that he is a “poor relation” in literature who should know his place. Hans compared himself to a drowning dog, at which boys throw stones for fun. He suffered, but did not submit. Along with childish warmth lived caustic sarcasm, which was especially fully expressed in the fairy tale about the naked king.

When his childhood friend, the sculptor Thorvaldsen, died, Andersen could not bear the thought that those who once despised the master for his simple origins, and now are in a hurry to show their closeness to the genius, would march ahead of everyone behind the coffin. Andersen wrote a cantata on Thorvaldsen's death. He gathered poor children for the funeral, who followed the coffin and sang: “Make way for the poor - the deceased came out of their midst himself...”.

Andersen himself died in 1875 at the seventy-first year of his life from heart failure. The whole of Copenhagen followed the coffin of the great storyteller: from the shoemaker to the minister, from the washerwoman to the Danish king. More details in the books of Dolinina I.V. “Character and health”, “Find out your type and get cured”, “Greats and homeopathy”.

Indications for the use of ignation

The homeopathic medicine ignatia is recommended for use when various symptoms appear: hysteria, a strange appearance of a lump in the throat, as well as severe headaches that occur as a result of nervous fatigue, experienced grief, strong odors. The pain is throbbing and appears in the eyes, in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose or the crown of the head. The attacks end with strong urination or vomiting. There is also slight dizziness, which is accompanied by a sheaf of sparks before the eyes. Homeopaths also recommend taking Ignacea for convulsive spasms in children and weak women with a pale face. Neuralgia of the facial, occipital and sciatic nerves, pronounced in the morning and during the day, is another symptom for the use of ignation. Bronchial asthma, supplemented by a dry, spasmodic cough leading to vomiting, sweating, shooting pains in the heart area, hypertension, enuresis - all these are reasons that force a homeopathic doctor to prescribe ignation.

Digestive organs

Toothache. Inflammatory swelling of the soft palate and tonsils, sensation of a foreign body in the throat, salivation. Lack of appetite, aversion to warm food, milk, sour foods, tobacco. Belching, nausea, retching. Cramps and pain in the stomach. Bloating, pain, colic, rumbling. Strong straining with protrusion of the rectum, strong winds. Difficult passage of soft glue-like masses, laxity of the intestinal muscles, watery, clay-like, mucous-acute loose stools, involuntary loose stools.

Pain in the rectum (without hemorrhoidal disorders), swelling and bleeding from the intestines.

Who is ignition intended for?

The constitutional type of ignation is women with brown eyes, brunettes, girls with an asthenic physique, prone to hysterics, violent emotions and sudden mood swings. The main painful symptoms develop after severe psycho-emotional stress, experiences that are carefully veiled from others. If a person does not tolerate tobacco smoke, strong odors, prefers spicy food, or feels a lump in the throat, then homeopathy in the form of ignition is a suitable remedy.

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