Phlebodia 600 60 film-coated tablets 600 mg + Phlebodia 600 15 film-coated tablets 600 mg

Varicose veins of the lower extremities are a common pathology that occurs in both men and women. Without treatment, the disease can lead to severe complications that bring not only cosmetic discomfort, but can also cause disability and death.

One of the components of complex therapy is the use of phlebotonics, among which the most effective is Phlebodia 600. In this article we will look at what analogues of Phlebodia exist that are cheaper, but no less effective.

pharmachologic effect

Manufacturer: Innotera Laboratories, France
Release form: film-coated tablets

Active ingredient: Diosmin

Synonyms: Phlebopha, Venolek, Vasoket

Phlebodia contains the semi-synthetic flavonoid Diosmin, which reduces the distensibility of veins and lymphatic capillaries, increases their tone and reduces venous stagnation. In addition, the drug reduces the migration and adhesion of leukocytes, enhances oxygen diffusion, and relieves inflammation.

Unlike some analogues, such as Curantil, Pentoxifylline, Phlebodia does not thin the blood.

Phlebodia - instructions for use

The drug is usually used 1 tablet per day for two months.

If Phlebodia is used to relieve an acute attack of hemorrhoids, then the medicine is taken 2-3 tablets per day for a week. A special package of 18 Phlebodia tablets is available, which is enough to treat acute hemorrhoids.

If you miss a pill, you do not need to increase the next dose.

Before using the drug, you should carefully read the instructions for use of Phlebodia in order to know about contraindications and possible side effects of the drug.

Phlebodia should not be taken during pregnancy, breastfeeding or under the age of 18, as there are no clinical trials in this patient population.

How to take Phlebodia: before or after meals

The drug should be taken on an empty stomach, before meals. In case of exacerbation of hemorrhoids - during meals. It is more convenient to drink Phlebodiu in the morning.

Complete substitutes for Phlebodia

The active substance of Phlebodia is diosmin, which is obtained semi-synthetically from a plant of the Dubrovnik genus. Based on this active element, a number of drugs are produced that have an effect identical to Phlebodia in venous insufficiency.


Detralex is one of the few phlebotonics that has a scientifically proven dose-dependent effect in the treatment of venous-lymphatic insufficiency.

The drug is produced by the French manufacturer Servier and has positive reviews from experts.

The average price per package, depending on the number of tablets, is 569-1601 rubles.

Detralex is approved for use in pregnant women. Side effects when following the dose prescribed by the doctor are extremely rare.


The Russian analogue of Phlebodia, the cost of which on average is 678-1543 rubles.

Phlebofa is produced in tablets that contain 600 mg of active substance. The drug is not inferior in quality to foreign analogues.

Phlebopha is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, as well as for children under 18 years of age. The medicine rarely causes side effects such as nausea and headache.


Venarus is produced by the Russian pharmaceutical company Obolenskoye.

The drug is produced in tablets containing 500 and 1000 mg of diosmin in combination with hesperidin (a plant precursor of diosmin). The price of Venarus is more affordable and ranges from 355-914 rubles per pack.

The medicine is approved for use in pregnant women, but only as prescribed by the attending physician and in the absence of individual intolerance to the components included in the tablets.

Despite the fact that the drug passes all the necessary quality checks of raw materials and its production technology is not inferior to foreign phlebotonics, side effects are quite common when taking tablets. Adverse effects include dyspepsia, diarrhea, dizziness and allergic reactions.

Phlebodia's analogs

Analogs of the drug Phlebodia include drugs containing flavonoids that have the ability to strengthen blood vessels and increase venous tone and microcirculation, which can be divided into groups:

  • Synonyms for Phlebodia are Diosmin, Phlebopha, Vasoket.
  • Semi-synthetic flavonoids in their pure form - Detralex, Venarus, Angiorus.
  • Plant extracts – AngioNorm, Aescusan, Antistax.
  • Other angioprotectors are Curantil, Nicergoline, Nicotinic acid, Pentoxifylline.
  • Analogs of Phlebodia in the form of ointment or gel - Troxevasin, Lyoton, Venolife.

The list of Phlebodia 600 analogues with prices is located in the table.

A drugActive substanceMinimum packaging price, rub.Country of origin
VenarusHesperidin + Diosmin550Russia
AngionormPlant extract500Russia
ChimeDipyridamole600Germany/ Russia
AescusanHorse chestnut extract220Russia

How can you replace systemic venotonics?

As mentioned above, effective treatment of varicose veins is possible only with an integrated approach. At the same time, ointments and gels that have a phlebotonic effect have a positive effect not only on the vascular wall, but also on the condition of the skin.

The most effective topical agents are::

  1. Troxerutin (36-51 rubles).
  2. Venoruton (279-366 rubles).
  3. Troxevasin (128-174 rubles).
  4. Herbion Exulus (97-122 rubles).
  5. Venitan (145-255 rubles).

Ointments, gels and creams are applied in a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin in the morning and evening. It is effective to use these products simultaneously with elastic stockings or a bandage, which are put on after the soft dosage form is completely absorbed.

The cheapest substitutes

NameManufacturer countryPackage price 30 capsPackage price 60 caps
TroxerutinCzech Republic219377

Phlebodia or Venarus - which is better and more effective for varicose veins and hemorrhoids

Manufacturer: FP Obolenskoye, Russia
Release form: film-coated tablets

Active ingredient: Hesperidin + Diosmin

Synonyms: Angiorus, Dioridinvel, Diovenges, VENOSMIN, Venatabs

Venarus is an analogue of Phlebodia 600 tablets, it contains, in addition to Diosmin, another flavonoid Hesperidin, together they improve each other’s effects.

The drug has angioprotective and venotonic properties and is used for symptoms of vascular insufficiency of the lower extremities - heaviness and cramps in the legs, swelling, pain.

Reviews from doctors confirm good results when using Venarus to relieve acute hemorrhoids.

Features of the use of phlebotonics

Treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities should be carried out continuously. Conservative therapy uses local and oral medications. In addition, exercise and wearing compression stockings are an integral part of the fight against vein disease.

An important component of complex treatment are various drugs that have phlebotonic and venoprotective effects. Most often, these products contain substances of plant origin that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the blood vessels in the legs.

Among the pharmacological effects of venotonics for the treatment of varicose veins, the following are especially important:

  • decreased extensibility of the venous wall;
  • increased tone of veins and lymphatic vessels;
  • improvement of lymphatic drainage;
  • beneficial effect on microcirculation in the affected limb;
  • decrease in capillary permeability;
  • reducing the manifestation of the inflammatory response;
  • improving the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the skin;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • antioxidant effect by blocking the formation of free radicals;
  • improving the rheological properties of blood by reducing the production of thromboxane.

An effective drug produced on the basis of the bioflavonoid - diosmin, which has all the listed effects is Phlebodia 600. It has a proven beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels.

The use of the drug is justified at any stage of the disease. The instructions for use contain information that Phlebodia can be used to eliminate such unpleasant manifestations of varicose veins as:

  • pain and cramps in the calf muscles;
  • heaviness in the legs;
  • the appearance of a venous network on the skin;
  • swelling;
  • stagnant and trophic disorders in the tissues of damaged areas.

The drug is well tolerated and convenient for oral use. Phlebodia is allowed to be taken during pregnancy in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters as prescribed by a doctor. The main disadvantage of the medicine is its high cost: 347-824 rubles per package, depending on the number of tablets (15 or 30 pieces).

The course of treatment is very expensive, so patients are forced to look for analogues at an affordable price and not inferior in effectiveness to the original drug.

Phlebodia 600 or Detralex 1000 – which is better for varicose veins and hemorrhoids

Manufacturer: Servier Laboratories, France
Release form: film-coated tablets

Active ingredient: Diosmin + Hesperidin

Synonyms: Detravenol, Stimulven, Venatabs, Phlebaven

The Detralex analogue also contains two active components that have venotonic and vascular-strengthening effects. This allows you to successfully use the medicine for lymphostasis, varicose veins, swelling, cramps and heaviness in the legs. Great for hemorrhoids.

An important advantage of Detralex is that it can be used in pregnant women, who often suffer from varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

Practice has shown that 1000 mg tablets should be taken for treatment; a dose of 500 mg is prophylactic.

Belarusian analogues

A cheap substitute for Phlebodia can also be found among the drugs produced by the pharmaceutical industry in Belarus.

Effective and affordable products with trade names such as:

  1. Venolex (470-590 rubles).
  2. Detraven (642-728 rubles).
  3. Phlebotense (120-348 rubles).

The venotonic and protective effect of these drugs is also based on the strengthening effect that the metabolites have in the body after absorption. The effectiveness of drugs in this group can be assessed through the combined use of local agents and compression stockings. The use of these phlebotonics in the treatment of hemorrhoids does not exclude the use of other symptomatic agents.

Analogs on iHerb

It is worth noting that in addition to the retail pharmacy chain, phlebotonics can also be found on the Internet. The famous iHerb website offers the widest selection of environmentally friendly dietary supplements based on herbal ingredients.

Products containing diosmin, which can be ordered on iherb, are presented in the following list:

  • Life Time, Diosmin and Hesperidin complex (60 capsules) – 693.77 rubles;
  • Life Extension, European foot product based on the certified Diosmin complex (30 capsules) – 831.63 rubles;
  • Doctor's Best, Best Vein Support (60 caps) – RUB 899.68;
  • Jarrow Formulas, Venous Optimizer (90 tablets) – 1020.56 rubles;
  • Natural Factors, WomenSense, VeinSense, vein support (60 capsules) – 1099.20 rub.

When choosing dietary supplements to replace official medications, you should consult your doctor. It is worth remembering that this group of drugs does not go through all stages of pharmacological control and is not a medicine.

Phlebodia or Phlebopha – which is better for varicose veins, what is the difference

Manufacturer: Ozone, Russia
Release form: tablets

Active ingredient: Diosmin

Synonyms: Phlebodia, Venolek, Vasoket

Phlebof's analogue is synonymous with Phlebodia, that is, it contains the same Diosmin, but the substance is produced in Russia, China or India, while for Phlebodia the raw materials are manufactured in Spain.

However, patient reviews indicate the identity of the two analogues. Phlebopha, like Phlebodia, is used for the prevention and treatment of varicose veins, lymphostasis, and thrombophlebitis.

The content of Diosmin in the Phlebof analogue is the same - 600 mg.

Russian analogues

Among the venotonics produced by Russian manufacturers, the following drugs are the most effective and affordable:

  1. Angiorus (430-578 rubles).
  2. Diosmin (419-654 rubles).
  3. Troxerutin (113-341 rubles).
  4. Phlebaven (516-918 rubles).
  5. Venozol (330-560 rubles).

In addition to diosmin, venotonic agents may include substances such as rutin and troxerutin. Their pharmacological effect is similar to drugs containing other flavonoids.

Phlebodia or Diosmin – which is better?

Manufacturer: Vertex, Izvarino Pharma, Russia
Release form: tablets

Active ingredient: Diosmin

Synonyms: Phlebodia, Phlebopha, Venolek, Vasoket

Diosmin is a Russian inexpensive analogue of Phlebodia, contains the same active ingredient, and is the generic name for Phlebodia and other generics.

The Diosmin analogue can also, like Phlebodia, be used for vascular problems in the lower extremities and for hemorrhoids.

The therapeutic dose of Diosmin is unchanged - 600 mg per day for the treatment of vascular insufficiency, lymphostasis, and chronic hemorrhoids. In case of exacerbation, the following regimen is used: in the first 4 days - 3 tablets per day, then for three days - 2 tablets, a total of 18 tablets should be taken over the course of a week.

Ukrainian analogues

Analogues of Phlebodia produced at Ukrainian pharmaceutical enterprises are not inferior in quality to other foreign products. The tablet dosage forms contain micronized diosmin and hesperedin, which, due to their structure, are well absorbed by the gastrointestinal mucosa.

Cheap analogues are listed in ascending order of their cost:

  1. Venosmin (160-409 rubles).
  2. Avenue (212-307 rubles).
  3. Dioflan (212-348 rubles).
  4. Normoven (320-570 rubles).
  5. Nostalex (402-574 rubles).

All drugs comply with international quality standards. A course of use of these drugs improves the condition of the veins of the lower extremities, and is also used to treat manifestations of acute and chronic hemorrhoids.

Phlebodia or Troxevasin - which is better?

Manufacturer: Balkanfarma, Bulgaria
Release form: capsules, gel for external use

Active ingredient: Troxerutin

Synonyms: Troxerutin Vramed, Troxerutin Zentiva, Troxerutin VetProm, Phlebopress

The analogue Troxevasin also has an angioprotective and venotonic effect: it reduces the permeability of the vascular wall, relieves exudation, swelling and inflammation.

Contains an analogue of Troxevasin and another component with a similar effect - a semi-synthetic derivative of Rutin (vitamin P). The dosage of Troxevasin capsules differs from Phlebodia 600 and is 300 mg. In this dose, the drug is used for varicose veins, heaviness in the legs, hemorrhoids, thrombophlebitis.

Troxevasin is also distinguished by the fact that it can be used externally in the form of a gel.


Reviews about Phlebodia and analogues are different.
Both specialists and patients have mixed opinions about the effectiveness of these drugs. We invite you to familiarize yourself with some of them: Mikhail, phlebologist : Treatment of varicose veins in the legs in the initial stages must necessarily contain drugs such as Phlebodia 600 and analogs in the regimen.
The effectiveness of this group of remedies increases many times over with the use of dosed physical activity and weight loss Natalya : I have been suffering from varicose veins of the legs for a long time. I took courses of Detralex and Phlebodia 600. No significant external result was noticeable, but the doctor says that the disease does not progress thanks to these drugs and the local use of Troxevasin and Lyoton.

Sergey, phlebologist : For people with a predisposition to varicose veins of the lower extremities, we can safely recommend a preventive course of drugs containing bioflavonoids. Practical experience in phlebology indicates the positive effect of prescribing venotonics as a measure to prevent overstretching of the vascular wall under constant static loads.

Can varicose veins appear due to heels? (video)

Phlebodia or Angiorus - which is better?

Manufacturer: Sintez, Russia
Release form: film-coated tablets

Active ingredient: Hesperidin + Diosmin

Synonyms: Detravenol, Stimulven, Venatabs

Analogue Angiorus is a domestic generic of Detralex, differs from Phlebodia in the presence of a second flavonoid, Hesperidin.

It is used for the same diseases as a venotonic and venoprotective agent in tablets of 500 or 1000 mg.

The optimal dose for treatment is 1000 mg of Angiorus per day.

Phlebodia or Vasoket – which is better?

Manufacturer: Stragen Pharma, Switzerland/Fiteo Laboratoir, France
Release form: tablets

Active ingredient: Diosmin

Synonyms: Phlebodia, Phlebopha, Venolek

The substitute for Phlebodia 600, the drug Vasoket, is its synonym and has the same composition. The drug is manufactured in France from raw materials produced in Spain or Morocco, and the registration certificate belongs to a Swiss company.

The Vasoket analogue also improves the elasticity of blood vessels, relieves venous congestion, enhances microcirculation, that is, it has venoprotective and venotonic effects.

It is used to relieve the symptoms of acute hemorrhoids and to treat chronic vascular insufficiency.

Phlebodia or Troxerutin – which is better for varicose veins

Manufacturer: Sopharma, Bulgaria/Biokhimik, Atoll, Russia
Release form: capsules, gel for external use

Active ingredient: Troxerutin

Synonyms: Troxevasin, Phlebopress

Phlebodia substitute Troxerutin is the active component of Troxevasin, the non-proprietary name of its generics.

The analogue Troxerutin has P-vitamin activity: it strengthens blood vessels, relieves inflammation, swelling, and heaviness in the legs.

An analogue of Phlebodia in the form of a gel, Troxerutin, can additionally be used externally by rubbing into problem areas, excluding areas of damaged skin.


Manufacturer: Pharm VILAR, OTCPharm, Russia
Release form: film-coated tablets

Active ingredient: dry plant extract

An analogue of AngioNorm is a herbal preparation containing extracts from hawthorn and rose hips, licorice roots and horse chestnut seeds.

In combination, the drug has ventonizing, antiplatelet and vascular strengthening properties. It is usually used in combination with other medications.

The Angionorm analogue should be taken one tablet three times a day, half an hour after meals. If the drug is well tolerated, you can increase the single dose to two tablets. The course of treatment is about three weeks, the doctor can increase it if necessary.


Manufacturer: Berlin Hemi, Germany/Russia
Release form: film-coated tablets

Active ingredient: Dipyridamole

Synonyms: Sanomil sanovel, Dipyridamole FPO

The analogue Curantil has, in addition to angioprotective, also antiplatelet and immunomodulating effects.

The drug reduces the resistance of the cardiac arteries at the level of small vessels, increases the number of collaterals, improves myocardial contractility, reduces platelet aggregation, and increases antiviral resistance.

Curantil is used only as prescribed by a doctor for microcirculation disorders, including cerebrovascular accidents, thrombosis and thromboembolism in dragees and tablets of 25 and 75 mg.

In addition, the drug is used to prevent influenza and other viral respiratory diseases.

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